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Returning home - Pearl Harbor

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Winters, Runnels, Texasmap
Surnames/tags: McKissack/McKissick Pearl Harbor, USS Oklahoma
This page has been accessed 46 times.

Hale McKissack's remains have been identified from Pear Harbor. he will be returning home and laid to rest May 4, 2019 next to his parents. Hale did not have to enlist, he had already served his country, but felt he had a good six years to give. He was told he was to old to re enlist in the navy, however he could enlist in the reserves. Hale was born 21 Apr 1904 and was the first casualty in Runnels County Texas. He was the son of William Wood McKissack Sr and Margaret Susan Clara Gassiot McKissack. We are very proud of our uncle for his service to our country.

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