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Revolutionary War Widows Pension Affidavit of Susan (Prentice) Banks

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 7 Feb 1837 [unknown]
Location: Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Prentice, Banks
Profile manager: Stuart Bloom private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 15 times.

From Pension Application File of Susan (Prentice) Banks, pages 3-5, Transribed by WikiTree contributor Stu Bloom, 18 Aug 2022


In order to obtain the benefit of an Act of Congress of the 4th of July 1836

State of New Hampshire Cheshire Ct.

On this seventh day of February AD 1837 personally appeared in open court, before me Fredrick Vose Esq Judge of Probate in and for said county, now sitting, Susan Banks a resident of Alstead in said County of Cheshire aged seveny six years last July, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed July 4, 1836.

That she is the widow of John Banks deceased. That she was married to the said John Banks in said Alstead July 25, 1776.

That her said husband died Feb. 2, 1824. That she has never been married to any other person.

That her father moved from Grafton Massachusetts the last of 1774 or as early as February 1775 to said Alstead. and that said Banks, afterwards her husband moved up at the same time.

That on the alarm from Lexington in 1775, said Banks went down to Cambridge. He there enlisted for eight months, and remained there through the time. I understand he was in a company commanded by Captain Luke Drury, Lieutenant Sherman, and Ensign Brown—the Capt. and Lieutenant officers from Grafton.

In 1777 he went to Ticonderoga and was absent some months—how long I cannot say—nor can I state the officers he was under—I think Jason Wait of Alstead was the ensign.

We went once afterward to Dartmouth College, on account of Indians—but were absent but a short time.

My husband & myself lived in Alstead during the war—and here until his death except three years at Walpole.

I have always lived at Alstead since his death.

My name before marriage was Susan Prentice.

My said husband was a volunteer in the eight months service—when he went to Ticonderoga he was drafted.

I have understood that when he was at Cambridge in the 8 months service he was a corporal.

I know of no evidemce that I can [illegible] of those who were personally known with him in said service.

I have no documentary evidence.

Susan Banks

Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written, before me. In testimony wherof I have here unto affixed my signature, and the seal of said Court of Probate.

Frederick Vose, Judge of Probate

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