Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Reynolds Runnels
Contents |
Reynolds Name Study
The scope of this study is to research the Reynolds last name worldwide, any immigration to other countries and within different countries.
How to Participate
Please contact one of the members below, or leave a comment at the foot of the page. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks!
- Source any unsourced family member
- Connect any unconnected family member to one of the oldest Reynolds lineages in the United States
- Discover the relationship between the oldest Reynolds individuals within the United States and any immigration to the United States
- Document and connect African-American / Black Reynolds families in the United States
- Document and connect any adoptions in the Reynolds families
- Discover and document any DNA relationships in and between Reynolds families
- And any other goals that may come up from any research
Adding a Profile to this Study
Please avoid adding every Reynolds profile to this Study. See List of Reynolds Profiles below, to get a sorted list of every Reynolds profile on WikiTree.
The criteria for adding a Reynolds profile to the study are:
- Add a Reynolds profile to this study if their Reynolds ancestor is currently unknown.
- Add a Reynolds profile to this study if they are Adopted. See the "Adopted" section below for more information.
- The top level progenitors of the main Reynolds families are being added to the study, but it is not yet complete.
To add your ancestor to this study, simply copy the following template to the Biography section of his or her profile:
Once the profile is connected to one of the main Reynolds family lines, then remove the template from the profile.
Reynolds Genealogy
The first place to start, in learning the history of the Reynolds family, is with the book, The Rennolds-Reynolds Family of England and Virginia, 1530-1948, by Stephen Frederick Tillman.
List of Reynolds Profiles
List of Reynolds Profiles on WikiTree, sorted in birth order, including current last name
Oldest in the United States
These are the oldest known Reynolds progenitors in the United States. See their descendant lists for more on each family. Please note that it is currently unknown at this time if any of these families are related to each other or not. More research is needed.
- Christopher Reynolds (abt. 1600 - abt. 1654) - Descendant List
- William Reynolds (1602 - bef. 1655) - Descendant List
- John Reynolds Sr (abt. 1606 - aft. 1643) - Descendant List
- John Reynolds (1625 - 1691) - Descendant List
- Descendants of this family married into Seventh Day Baptist families. See that project for more information.
- Descendants of this family also married into the Babcock family. See the Babcock Name Study for more information there.
- John Reynolds (bef. 1630 - 1702) - Descendant List
- Hamilton R Reynolds (1745 - 1814) - Descendant List
- John Reynolds (1750 - 1840) - Descendant List
- Joel John Reynolds (1760 - 1847) - Descendant List
- William Reynolds (abt. 1761 - abt. 1808) - Descendant List
- William Reynolds (abt. 1775 - abt. 1845) - Descendant List
More TBD
Black / African-American Families
These are the people who have the last name Reynolds, but have been adopted into the Reynolds families.
WikiTree policy states that actual parents should be genetic. Each of the profiles below (that represents an adopted person) should:
- Add an === Adoption === subsection under their Biography, which states their adoptive parents
- Add the Reynolds Name Study template to their profiles
More TBD
Reynolds DNA
- REYNOLDS DNA Connections autosomal (WikiTree members who have a Reynolds surname in their tree and have taken an autosomal DNA test)
- REYNOLDS DNA Connections Y-DNA (WikiTree members who have a Reynolds surname in their tree and have taken a Y-DNA test)
- Reynolds Family Association website
- Their Facebook group
- GEDMatch Group (membership is through Facebook group.)
- Y-DNA Group on FamilyTreeDNA
- Tillman, Stephen Frederick. The Rennolds-Reynolds Family of England and Virginia, 1530-1948 (Washington, D.C., 1948)
Research Notes
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Tommy Reynolds. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)