Location: Ruddington, Nottinghamshire, England
Surnames/tags: Blood PGM
Location: Ruddington, Nottinghamshire, England
Surnames/tags: Blood PGM
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This free space page is for additional research information regarding the origins of the English Bloods of Ruddington, Nottinghamshire who emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the late 1630s, primarily concerning Richard Blood and his probable siblings Robert Blood and John Blood.
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edited by Garry Blood
The autosomal analysis indicates that, despite the norm that on average and in general the atDNA can't be useful that far back, that James-Richard is an exception and the atDNA is either showing a valid echo of a close family relationship between the two men or this is a one-in-a-billion anomaly. Because the atDNA, despite the distance, indicates a close relationship between a descendant of James and two different descendants (from different present-day families) of Richard. So let's take that at face value and accept for the moment that, through pure random chance or modern miracle or whatever, the atDNA has preserved the genetic evidence of a relationship that must have been closer than first cousin. Meaning father-son; brothers; or uncle-nephew. As already established, father-son is impossible and uncle-nephew we now know is impossible. Even first cousins appears extraordinarily unlikely.
I did even consider the possibility that James was a much older brother of Richard (and therefore also of John and Robert). That would imply he was the only known surviving child of Richard's marriage to Joan Blood. This would comport perfectly well with the will of Richard's uncle James in 1604, in which Richard had as yet no male heirs. As James wasn't born until 1605 at the earliest, this still works. Joan then died sometime soon after her last court appearance in Jan 1615 in the case of Tatnell v. Blood, and Richard remarried in short order to an unknown sister of William Lakin, who bore Richard, John, and Robert. In addition to not contradicting James Blood's will of 1604, this also means James Blood, Jr.'s reference to John Blood as "my unkle John Blood" should perhaps be taken at face value -- that John really was James' father's brother. This hypothesis would explain why Robert and John lived initially in Lynn with Richard and not with James in Concord -- Richard, John, and Robert were full brothers so Richard took them under his wing. Finally, it would also explain the complete lack of interaction between James Blood and the sons of William Lakin in the MBC -- James was not of Lakin blood; his brothers were.
However, the wording of the contingency clause to "all the children of Richard Blood, Sr." in William Lakin's 1633 will is a serious problem for this hypothesis, and probably fatal to it. Not matter how you parse it, "all the children of" would have included James as well if he was in fact a child of Richard by Joan Blood. Yet William stipulates that Richard's children (remember, he says "all the children") will only inherit once they have reached the age at which his own sons would have inherited, which was 23 years old. This strongly implies that all of Richard's children were below that age in 1633. But in 1633 James was at least 27 years old. Had he been included among Richard's children then William should have either excluded him or should have pointed out that the stipulation did not apply to him and/or only applied to the minor children. Legally speaking, if James was intended as a beneficiary of the will, then William Lakin should have identified him by name, as that was the convention of the day for bequests to adults. In my view that right there is enough to reject this hypothesis.
But now we're right back to the beginning. If they can't be brothers either, and barring the lost Edward Blood being James' father (which is by no means impossible, just not likely), then I'm afraid James and Richard were probably at best very distant relations -- second cousins is probably out at this point, so we'd be well into third cousins territory at the closest. I don't even know any of my second cousins, and I very much doubt I'd view third cousins as family if I met them. Yet James must have taken John and Robert in for probably at least four years when they moved from Lynn to Concord. So we have evidence that they must have been close family, yet countervailing evidence that they could not have been close family.
The more I dig, the more distant James gets. We may have to accept that we will never know where he fits in, if at all.
edited by Garry Blood
edited by Garry Blood