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Richard Braswell & Obedience

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Richard Braswell & Obedience Timeline

Thank you to the dear departed cousins, Carey H Bracewell, Palmyra Lavina Brasel Spencer, Eunice Young, who researched for decades the old fashioned way and generously provided this information.

1759 - RICHARD BRASWELL, son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELLborn (Richard’s personal Bible from Carey Bracewell)

1765 - February 11, VALENTINE BRASWELL, son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL, born in North Carolina. He died November 27, 1848 at age of 83 years, 9 months and 16 days. (Valentine’s estate papers received from JoDaviess County, Illinois and tombstone in Elizabeth City Old Cemetery, Woodbine Twp, JoDaviess County, Illinois).

1766 - WILLIAM BRASWELL, son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL born. Age 84 on 1850 Census. (1850 U.S.Census for Carroll County, Arkansas)

1769 - Anson County, North Carolina Regulator's Petition dated October 9, 1769, signed by RICHD BRASWELL, GEORGE BRASWELL, (George & Richard were brothers) as well as WILLIAM USSERY, THOMAS USSERY, CHRISTOPHER CHRISTIAN, CHRISTOPHER BUTLER, WELCOME USSERY, GOIN C. MORGAN (Saunders. “The Colonial Records of North Carolina”. Volume VIII, 1769-1771. pages 80-86. Copy from Carey Bracewell)

NOTE: GEORGE BRASWELL apparently married a Morgan and remained in Moore Co., NC with the Morgans and moved to Tennessee about the time Richard’s family moved there from SC.

1769 - December 14, RICHARD BRACEWELL entered for 200 acres on the Little River, Anson County. (from Carey Bracewell)

1771 - RICHARD BRASWELL, Anson County, and GEORGE BRASWELL, Anson County, Battle of Alamance (Whig) (The Guilford Genealogist, Vol. 14, No. 2, Winter 1987 copy from Carey Bracewell)

1771 - November 22, RICHARD BRACEWELL 200 acres Anson on little river begin at a spanish Oak on the Etnen Bank of the river WM. STONES lower Corner about 60 yds below the Mouth of Riges Creek & runs thence So. 25 Wt 44 Chs & 63 Lks to a stake among 3 pines a Spanish Oak Turky oak & a White oak pointers then N65W31 Chs & 72 Lks to a stake among a Hickory Black Oak & 2 poplars & a pine on the river Bank in DAVID POORs line then as his line No30Wt18 Chs & 20 Lks then No 25 E 34 Chs then direct to the beginning. Dated 22 Nov. 1771. Jo Martin ( File No. 3187, 361 photo copy of original handwritten record)

1772 - January 25, RICHARD BRASWELL of Anson County,North Carolina, sold CHRISTOPHER CHRISTIAN for 35 pounds the 200 acres on the Little River granted to RICHARD BRASWELL by patent dated November 25, 1771. signed by RICHARD BRASSWELL and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL (her X). Witnesses were GOING MORGAN and GEORGE BRASSWELL (copy of Deed from Carey Bracewell)

1773 - July 27, RICHARD BRAZEIL had surveyed for him 100 acres on Dry Creek in Anson County. JOHN SHEPHERD and RICHARD BRAZEIL, chain bearers. (from Carey Bracewell)

1773 - September 17, ROBERT BRASWELL, son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL born. (Isabelle Brazle Steele’s Bible from Larry Steele)

1774 - July 13, RICHARD BRASWELL’s deed to CHRISTOPHER CHRISTIAN proved in open court by GOING MORGAN. (page 91, McBee “Anson County, North Carolina Abstracts of Early Records” from Carey Bracewell)

1775 - February 29, RICHARD BRAZIEL 100 acres in Anson County on Dry Creek Begining at a White Oak between three pines pointers and runs thence No71E127 poles to a White Oak then So19Et.127 poles to a Stake then So.71Et.127 poles then No.19Wt.127 poles to the begining. Dated 29th February 1775. Jo. Martin (484 File No. 3769. photo copy of original handwritten record)

1777 - October, RICHARD BRASSEL, Jr. (#36), and RICHARD BRASSEL, Sr., (#37) signed a petition to divide Anson County, N.C. ( McBee “Anson County, North Carolina Abstracts if Early Records” from Carey Bracewell)

1779 - #211, November 16, 1779, by JOHN WILSON: 150 acres “begining near the popler branch then runs into Richland creek on the N side against RICHARD BRASSWELLS plantation.” (page 26, Land Entries, Montgomery County, 1779-1795. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh - S.S. 956. from Carey Bracewell)

NOTE: Montgomery County was formed from Anson County in 1779.

1781 - “RICHD. BRASWELL of Wilkes County” was listed among the 534 prisioners released by Charles Lord Cornwallis. It is believed that these militiamen were captured during the events surrounding the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina on 15 March 1781 (“North Carolina Militia Paroled by Lord Cornwallis in 1781”, transcribed by Kathleen B. Wychel and printed in Wilkes County, NC, Quarterly Bulletin from Carey Bracewell and Eunice Young)

1782 - RICHD. BRASIL was a witness for the State in Washington County, Tennessee May Court, 1782, State vs THOMAS CARDER {“In indictment for stealing a small peace of steel”} Other witnesses were EDMOND WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BEMER and AUGUSTUS EASTER. The jury found the defendant not guilty. (Washington County Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions, Vol. I, 1785-1798, page163, from Carey Bracewell)

NOTE: Washington County included all of present day Tennessee and some land in present North Carolina. When both counties were formed in 1777 Washington County and Wilkes County, N.C. were adjoining. The State of Tennessee was not formed until 1796.

1782 - Capt. Keeses Districrt, 1782 Tax List, Wilkes County, North Carolina RICHARD BRASSEL 100 acres 5 horses 13 head of cattle DAVID HALL single MILLA HALL (copy of list published by Genealogical Society of the “Original” Wilkes County and Mike Barr from William Lenoir Family Papers at University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, N.C.)

1784 - January 20 - OBEDIENCE BRASWELL (daughter of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) married DAVID HALL in Wilkes County, North Carolina (copy of David Hall’s Revolutionary War pension file)

NOTE: JAMES BRASWELL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) married NANCY HALL. Both David & Obedience Hall and James & Nancy Braswell have three children by the time the 1790 Census was taken. David Hall and Nancy Brazel were remembered in their Mother, Millien Hall’s, will dated August 27, 1802, Wilkes County, North Carolina.

1785 - 1785 Tax Roll for Wilkes County, North Carolina lists RICHARD BRASSELL 100 acres 1 poll VOLUNTINE BRASSELL 0 acres 1 poll RICHARD BRASSELL (Jr.) 50 acres 1 poll (William Lenoir Family Papers at the University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, N.C., as copied by Mike Barr)

1786 - October 28, Plat for RICHARD BRASSELL 165 acres, Ninety Six District, South Carolina, on both sides of Clear Creek of So. Tyger River bounded by WILLIAM USSERY, DANIEL KELLY and vacant land.. (from copy of original document from South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.)

1787 - May 7, Grant to RICHARD BRASSELL for the 165 acres (above survey). Land was bounded by land of WILLIAM USERY and DANIEL KELLEY. (from copy of original document from South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.)

1788 - October 10, WILLIAM USSERY sold 100A to THOMAS USSERY. From a grant WILLIAM USSERY received 398A on both sides of Clear Creek of South Tygar River on June 5,1786. (Deed Book A, page 338 from Eunice Young)

NOTE: Did RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL have a daughter (Sarah) who married THOMAS USSERY?

1789 - December 1, RICHARD BRAZZLE, Greenville County, South Carolina purchased from WILLIAM LYNCH for fifty pounds sterling 50 acres on both sides of Greens Creek of South Pacolate River “beginning on the agreed corner between RICHARD BRAZZLE and DAVID HALL. DAVID HALL one of the witnesses. Recorded March 25,1790 (copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

1789 - December 1, DAVID HALL, (Son-in-Law of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) Greenville County, South Carolina purchased from WILLIAM LINCH for ninety pounds sterling 80 acres on both sides of Greens Creek of South Pacolate. RICHARD BRAZZEL one of the witnesses. Recorded March 25, 1790 (copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

1790 - U.S. Census for Greenville Co, SC certified April 11,1791

Page 98

DAVID HALL 1 male over 16 3 males under 16 1 female

DAVID LANDSDOWN 1 male over 16

2 males under 16 0 females

Page 99

RICHARD BRASWELL 2 males over 16 1 male under16 5 females

JAMES BRASALL 1 male over 16 1 male under 16 3 females

VALENTINE BRASWELL 1 male over 16 2 females

Page 101 RICHARD BRASWELL 1 male over 16 3 males under 16 3 females

BRIGHT PRUIT 2 males over 16 1 female

JOHN BRASWELL 1 male over 16 1 female


Page 103

WM. USSERY 2 males over 16 2 males under 16 2 females

THOMAS USSERY 1 male over 16 1 male under 16 4 females

Page 104

ROBERT USSERY 1 male over 16 2 females

1791 - July 10, JAMES BRASEL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) of Greenville County, S.C. purchased 64 acres (copy of Deed from Carey Bracewell)

1791 - September 17, “a plantation or tract of land, containing 148 acres” surveyed for JAMES BRASSIL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL). Land in District of Ninety six in Greenville County . Granted February 4,1793 (S.C. Archives, State Grants, Vol. 30, p. 531. Copy from Carey Bracewell)

1791 - December 5, JOHN BRASWELL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) purchased land in Greenville County, S.C. joining BRIGHT PRUITT’s land (copy of Deed D-91 from Carey Bracewell)

1792 - A Petition from Greenville County 1792 (Copy of the original handwritten document from the South Carolina Department of Archives & History) The following signed in this order:-


1793 - April 15, DAVID HALL (son-in-law of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) purchased 40 acres in Greenville County, S.C. RICHARD BRASELL was a witness (copy of Deed from Carey Bracewell)

1793 - June 24, Plat for RICHARD BRASSELL, 666 acres Washington District on a branch of Middle Tygar River Braches South Pacolet and on Greens Creek of said Pacolet River including a part of Billewsfiled in Greenville County. (copy of original record on file at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.)

1793 - July 1, Grant to RICHARD BRASSELL 666 acres (above survey) bounded by DAVID HUDDLESTON, JNO MARTIN, SAML McCLURE, RICH BRASSELL’s land and DAVID HALL’s and JONAS DAWSON. (from copy of original record on file at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.)

1793 - September 7, Plat for RICHARD BRASSELL, 200 acres, in the District of 96 in Greenville County on the Chickeroo fork of Saluda. (from copy of original on file at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, S.C.)

1793 - October 7, Grant to RICHARD BRASSELL, 200 acres (above survey) bounded on all sides by vacant mountains. (from copy of original record on file at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina)

1793 -October 14, GEORGE BRAZEL of Greenville County, SC purchased 65 acres on the Tygar River. (Copy of deed D-7 from Carey Bracewell)

"South Carolina Baptists," Townsend, Leah: "About 1791, the members of the Reedy River Church began fussing among themselves. This led to a split in the church, part going to the Bethel Association and the majority of the former Reedy River Church members under the leadership of Rev. EDMUND BEARDEN constituted a new church with the name of Head of Tyger River Church...Besides the pastor, the officials in 1794 were Rev. ROBERT SMITH, RICHARD BRASWELL, DAVID HALL, and JAMES HOLLINS..." "EDMUND BEARDEN" is listed as the only minister for Reedy River and Concord (Tyger River) Church, 1790-1800. Other messengers to the Association: HENRY MITCHAM, BAYLLIS EARLE, ROBERT SMITH, JAMES BUTLER (1795-1796), RICHARD BRASWELL (1797), DAVID HALL (1798), and WILLIAM BIRD." The Head of Tyger River (Concord) Baptist Church was located in northern Greenville County. It has 26 members in 1794.

1794 – Greenville County, SC Petition asking that the upper part of the state be given more representation in the Legislature in proportion to its increasing population (Copy of original handwritten petition from South Carolina Department of Archives & History – handwriting terrible & copy poor; however, SC Dept. of Archives & History transcribed many of the names on the first page which included William & James Brasel. The other Brasel’s signed on the second page) signed by many of the same people who signed the 1792 petition including:


1794 - February 3, JAMES BRAZELL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) of Greenville County, S.C. sold 64 acres. One of the witnesses was DAVID HALL. (Copy of Deed from Carey Bracewell)

1794 - February 4, JAS. BRAZELL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) of Greenville County, S.C. sold 148 acres. One of the witnesses was DAVID HALL. (Copy of Deed D-58 from Carey Bracewell)

NOTE: 1795, October, JAMES BRASEL, Knox County, Tennessee purchased 50 acres in Knox County (Page 244, Deed Book C, Knox County, Copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

1795, October 20, VALL BRASEL purchased 200 acres in Knox County, Tennessee (pages 248-249, Deed Book C, Knox County, copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

1796, August 7, GEORGE BREAZEALE purchased 100 acres in Knox County, Tennessee on the Clinch River. (pages 76-77, Deed Book B., Knox County, Copy of from deed Carey Bracewell)

1795 - January, GEORGE BRASEL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) sold 65 acres in Greenville County, S.C. to DAVID HALL Witnesses were JOHN BRASEL, JAS. BUTLER and ROBT. GOODGION (Copy of deed D-530 from Carey Bracewell)

1795 - April 4, RICHARD BRASALL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) purchased 50 acres on the north side of Greens Creek a fork of south Pacolet River, Ninety Six District, Greenville County, S.C. Witnesses were and ROBERT BRASOLL, GEORGE BRASELLRICHARD BRASELL, SENR. Proved by oath of ROBERT BRASALL on March 23, 1798 (Copy of Deed D-499 from Carey Bracewell)

1795 - April 20, RICHARD BRASSIL of Greenville County, S.C. sold 30 acres (part of the165 acres granted May 7,1787). One of the witnesses was GEORGE BRASEL (pages 143-145, Deed Book F, copy from Eunice Young)

1796 - JAMES BUTLAR (son-in-law of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) purchased 150 acres on the Tyger River in Greenville County, S.C. (Copy of deed D-355 from Carey Bracewell)

1797 - RICHARD BRASEL sold 121 acres in Greenville County, S.C. bounded by WILLIAM USORY and DANIEL CELLYS land. Land granted to RICHARD BRASEL on May 7, 1787. One of the witnesses was GEORGE BRASEL. (Copy of deed D-484 from Carey Bracewell)

1798 - April 27, RICHARD BRASELL purchased 100 acres in Greenville County, S.C. from ISHAM BURKES. (sold it on October 15, 1798 with other land) One of the witnesses was DAVID HALL (copy of Deed E-272 from Carey Bracewell)

1798 - October 9, RICHARD BRASIL sold 80 acres in Greenville County, S.C. Land granted to RICHARD BRASIL on July 1, 1793. Witnesses were DAVID HALL, JAS. BUTLER and ELISHA MAXWELL. Proved by ELISHA MAXWELL on March 30, 1802 & recorded October 20, 1802. (pages 520-521, Deed Book F, copy of deed from Eunice Young)

1798 - October 15, RICHARD BRASELL sold 50 acres on Greens Creek of South Pacolate River, Greenville County, S.C. bound by DAVID HALL’s land & purchased from WILLIAM LYNCH (whereon I now live) and 340 acres adjoining the above granted to RICHARD BRASELL on July 1, 1793 and 100 acres purchased from ISHAM BURKES. (Copy of Deed E-178 from Carey Bracewell)

NOTE: 1799 Petition for the division of Knox County, Tennessee signed by WILLIAM BRAZEL, DAVID HALL, RICHARD BRAZEL, VALINTIN BRAZEL, GEORGE BRASSEL (sons and son-in-law of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) and RICHARD BRASWELL’s brother and nephew GEORGE BRAZLE and MORGAN BRAZEL. (copy of Petition)

1799 - April 16, RICHARD BRASWELL (husband of OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) died. Location unknown. (Isabelle Brazle Steele’s Bible from Larry Steele)

1799 - April 8, JOHN BRASELL sold 54 acres in Greenville County, S.C. Proven by ABNER SENTER, a witness, on October 17, 1802 (Copy of Deed F-318 from Carey Bracewell)

1799 - October 9,RICHARD BRASELL of Greenville County, S.C. sold 193 acres in Greenville County granted to RICHARD BRASELL on July 1, 1793. Proved by JOHN PEACE, a witness, on July 22, 1800 (Copy of Deed E-453 from Carey Bracewell)

1800 - U.S. Census for Greenville County, S.C. completed August 4, 1800 (from Carey Bracewell)


1 male under 10 1 male 26-44

3 females under 10 1 female 16-26

1800 - November 22, JOHN BRASELL (son of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) purchased from DAVID HALL (son-in-law of RICHARD and OBEDIENCE BRASWELL) 65 acres in Greenville County, S.C. Land DAVID HALL had purchased from GEORGE BRASELL in January 1795 and where JOHN BRASELL now lives. (Copy of Deed L-32 from Carey Bracewell)

1805 - October 28, OBEDIENCE BRASWELL, wife of RICHARD BRASWELL, died. Location unknown. (Isabelle Brazle Steele’s Bible from Larry Steele)

1809 - February 8, JOHN BRASEL of “the State of Tennessee and White County” sells 65 acres in Greenville County, S.C. (purchased from DAVID HALL on November 22, 1800) (Copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

1829 – June 16, THOMAS USREY of White County, Tennessee wrote his will naming wife SARAH USREY (was this Sarah Braswell Usrey?)

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