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Richard Isted Will 1541

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The Will of Richard Isted

Dated 15th December 1541 and proved 15th February 1541/42

Transcribed from the digital copy held by the National Archives (accessed 30th May 2023)[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line/page breaks as per the original document
ff changed to f
? indicates unknown or unclear word or name
[ ] used for expansion of abbreviations
People in the will in bold for ease of reading

people in the will
Margaret - his daughter
Anne - his daughter
Eleanor - his daughter
Elizabeth - his daughter
Alice - his daughter
Dorothy - his daughter
His godchildren
Joane - his wife
Richard Isted - his son
Richard Bromfield - overseer of the will
John Slade - overseer of the will
Joane - his married daughter
William Dalyngton - vendor of land
Richard Russel - witness
John Baker - witness
William Cowper - witness
Sir Robert Mott priest - witness
Richard Brynfield - witness
John Smyth - witness
William York - witness

In the name of god Amen The yere of o[ur] lorde god a Thousand five hundred forte and one and
the xv day of Decemb[e]r I Richard Isted of the p[ar]ishe of mayfield in the countie of Sussex and w[ith]in the dioc[ese] of
Canterbery hole of mind and in good memory being thanks being unto Almighty god do make and ordain this
my present Testament and last will in manor and form following First I give and bequeath my soul unto Almightie
god my maker and redeemer to our blessed lady Sent Mary the ?martyrs and to all the holy company of heaven and
my body to be buryed whereas yt shall please Almighty and my ? Item I give and bequeath unto the
mother church of Seynt Mighell of Southwalling xijd Item I give and bequeath unto the high alter of Maysfield
for my tythes ?negligently forgotten or w[ith]olden viijd Item I give and bequeath unto the high aulter of Frans?
viijd Item I give and bequeath unto any of my daughters marriage that ys to say to Margaret Anne Elyn[er] Elizabeth
Alice and Dorothie xxlb a piece Item I give and bequeath unto any of my godchildren xijd apiece Item the residue of
all my goods catall and wood both standing lying and growing the which I have bought cole & myne I give
and bequeath unto Joane my wyfe during her wydowhode and yf she fortune to mary again then I will that all
my ? catall shall shift Indeferently between my childr[e]n ?belong the seyd Joane and ?un lawfully begotten
and then the seyd woodes and farmes the ??messuages I have lying and being w[ith]in the P[ar]isshe of Manth?field asoor?eyd and
? to remayn unto Richard Isted my sone The residue of all my goods and catalls my bequests and my detts
payd I give and bequeath unto the seyd Joane my wyfe whom I make and ordain my sole executrix and Richard

page 2
Bromfield and John Slade to be mine overseers and every of them to have for their labo[our] viijd ??
This is the last wyll of me above named Richard Isted made the day and yere above written
First I will that Joane my wyfe shall have my lands called ?Ayasland lying and being w[ith]in the [par]ishe of
Waldern and a piece of ground ? of /and two other peac[e]s of ground called martens f[i]e[l]d and
? ? set lyng and being w[ith]in the [Par]ishe of ?mayyfield dicrin? her meadows ? And after that the seyd landes to
remayn unto the childe the which my seyd wyfe yt now gro[th] with all yf it be a man childe and to his heirs and
for lack of such heire I will all the seyd landes shall remayn unto Richard Isted my sonne and to his heyres and
for default of such heirs I will all the seyd landes shell remayn unto Annes my daughter and to her heyres and for
default of such heyres I will all the seyd lands shall remayn unto Ely[ner] her sister and to her heirs and for default
of ?heyres to Elizabeth her Syster and to her heirs and for default of heirs I will all the seyd landes shall remayn
unto Alice her sister and to her heires and for default of heirs I will that all the seyd landes shall remayn unto Dorothie
her syster and to her heire and for default of heirs I will all the seyd landes shall remayn unto Joane ?Arrys
my daughter and to her heirs Item I will that Joane my seyd wyfe shall have all my landes and ? ?
I dyd lately bye and purchase of William Dalyngton lying and being w[ith]in the [par]ishe of F? ? her
? and after that I will all the seyd rents and landes shall remayn unto Joanne Arrys? my daughter
and to her heirs Item I will that Richard my sone after the decease of Joane my wyfe shall have my Rent
and landes called the mote to him and to his heirs yf the child the which my seyd wyfe now gocye? ? all be
not a man child Item I will that yf the seyd child the which my seyd wyfe now ?goith w[ith] all be a manchilde
Then I will all the seyd rents and landes called the mote shall remayn unto him and to his heirs And for default
of such heirs all the seyd lands and tenements shall remayn to my said daughters in manner and form as
Agasland and other ? ? ? ? and ? And so Ih? have m?y ? and all ? These being
witness Richard Russel de ?Walding John Baker ?William Cowper Sir Robert Mott preist Richard Brynfield
John Smyth William York and other

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  1. The National Archives, Kew Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/29/50 Will of Richard Isted of Mayfield, Sussex Date: 15 February 1542 Catalogue Entry

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