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Henry Richmond (abt.1556-abt.1635)
John Richmond (1594-1664)
There are conflicting reports about the parentage of PGM immigrant John Richmond (1594-1664). The purpose of this page is to identify the sources reporting these conflicts, to include the specific historical records relied upon by the different authors.
Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the colony of New Plymouth … (Boston : Press of W. White, 1855-61), 12 vols. in 10; 8:186; digital images, Hathi Trust.
Joshua Bailey Richmond, The Richmond family, 1594-1896 ... (Boston: W. B. Clarke & Co, 1897), ix-xiii (English Ancestors) at xiii (Henry), xv (Traditions of John Richmond),xvi-xv (The ... Family in America), 1-2 (First Generation), 3-8 (Second Generation); digital images, InternetArchive.
"The Richmond Family," Americana, American Historical Magazine, 9 (1914):957-981; digital images, Hathi Trust.
Henry I. Richmond, Richmond family records, 3 vols. (London: Adlard & Son, 1933-1938). Note: Three volumes available by subscription at Ancestry.com. All three volumes otherwise available at FamilySearch (FHL film 982412 Items 1-3, DGS 8132335); vol. 1 title page as image 6 of 1008; vol. 2 title page as image 156 of 1008; vol. 3 title page as image 351 of 1008, and combined as a single pdf at SeekingMyRoots.com, vol. 1 title page at 1; vol. 2 title page at 251; vol. 3 title page at 555.
Benjamin F. Wilbour, Little Compton Families ... (Little Compton, R.I., Little Compton Historical Society, 1967), 845 pp.; digital images via FamilySearch Catalog; "Corrections and Additions" from rpt. FamilySearch Books, jump to page 194 of 214. As 2 vols., rpt, 2003, by subscription, Ancestry.com (vol. 1; vol. 2, "Manley - Yettman; corrections and additions"). In particular, see vol. 2:511.
John Richmond 1663 will,
- John Richmond 1663 will, 1663/4 inventory and 1664 (1671) probate record, "Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Records, 1633-1967"; images, FamilySearch, 14-15 and FamilySearch, 29, (Plymouth Colony records, wills, 1633-1686, vols. 1-4, Wills, vols. 1-4, 1633-1686, FHL film 567794, DGS 007051111, image 313 and 320 of 616); John Richmond probate indexed as 3 (1): 14, 15, 20 in "Plymouth Colony records, wills, 1633-1686, vols. 1-4"; digital images, FamilySearch (Plymouth Colony records, wills, inventories and estates, 1633-1686, Index to Plymouth Colony wills, inventories and estates, FHL film 982261Item 22, DGS 007705455, image 707 of 747).
- Justin Winsor, "Abstracts of the Earliest Wills in the Probate Office, Plymouth," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 7 (1853):180; digital images, Hathi Trust.
- George Ernest Bowman, "Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories," The Mayflower Descendant 18 (1916):248-9 (Will of John Richmond, Sr.," in "Abstracts of the Records in Volume III"); digital images, Hathi Trust.
- John Richmond will transcript; web content, "barbpretz," Rootsweb, citing Williams, Chase-Wigglesworth ..., see p. 357-58, which cites The Richmond Family p. 2, transcription there without further reference.
Robert S. Wakefield, "Additions and Corrections to Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, The Richmond Family." The American Genealogist 54 (1978):96-99' digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
Alicia Crane Wiliams, Chase-Wigglesworth genealogy … (Baltimore : Gateway Press, 1990), 357-8 (The Richmond Line); digitali images, Hathi Trust.
Harriet A. Webb and Thomas Jay Kemp, eds., The Richmond Family News-Journal; catalog entry, FamilySearch. See especially,
- Harriet A. Webb and Thomas Jay Kemp, eds., The Richmond Family News-Journal, 1 (3 [July 1972]):3 ("Henry Richmond: A Vital Link in the Ancestral Chain"), 4-6 ("The First Family Members in England"); digital images, FamilySearch; including comment, p. 6, "Your editor has seen evidence which indicates latter generations, above, are incorrect and will reports on this if proof of proper lineage can be obtained."
- Harriet A. Webb and Thomas Jay Kemp, eds., The Richmond Family News-Journal, 1 (4 [Oct 1972]):4 ("Richmonds of Virginia: The English Richmonds"); digital images, FamilySearch.
Warren K. Richmond, "The Richmond Family," The Middleborough Antiquarian, undated volume, pp. 10-12; digital version (pdf), Orange County California Genealogical Society.
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