Location: Wythe, Virginia, United States
Surnames/tags: Watson Davis
204-238, Part I,
Compiled by Judy B. Anderson
(p. 32 of the FamilySearch doct, https://www.familysearch.org/photos/artifacts/108894801?p=29658360&returnLabel=Robert%20Davis%20(G4MS-KQ1)&returnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.familysearch.org%2Ftree%2Fperson%2Fmemories%2FG4MS-KQ1)
Wythe County, Virginia Will Bk. 2, pg. 172.
In the name of God, I Robert Davis, of Wythe County and State of Virginia, have tho't proper to make my last will and Testament as follows: That is to say, that it is my will that my Executors, hereafter named, will collect the Debts due to me, and out of them pay all my just Debts and Funeral expenses.
2nd: I give to my son, Robert Davis, the land I now live on, lying between my son George W. Davis and John Musser Senior's land; and also the Survey Known by the name of the Bonston place, Containing by Survey one hundred and forty Acres, and likewise, all my house hold and Kitchen Furniture of Every Kind, Except my Desk and book case, and all my farming Utensils, my Waggon [sic] and harnessing ? , and I also give to him four head of horse Creatures, one a gray horse, named Jack, one bay horse, named Badger, one bay horse, named Gill, and one Sorrel mare, and all the Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep Belonging to me on the place. I give to him, the said Robert, one Negro man named Jesse, one Negro girl name Phillis, and all her increase, if any, hereafter, and one Negro girt, named Mil, one called Pheeby, one called Luffia, one called Feny, and one other called Finey, and my Negro woman named Sarah. I give to him on condition, that is to say, to his choice to Keep her, and increase, if any, hereafter, shall be and pay to five of the Legetees [sic] next named, ten pounds each. To wit, my sons James Davis, George W. Davis, Benjamin Davis, and my two Daughter Jean Ward and Polly Harmon. Otherwise, let her be sold to the highest bidder amongst the Legetees [sic], the purchaser to hold his equal proportion to himself. And it is to be understood that if my son Robert shall choose to keep the negro woman, Sarah, and her increase, if any, hereafter, it is my will that he shall have the Indulgence of yearly payments Beginning with the Eldest and down to the Youngest of said Legatees [sic] untill [sic] the whole be discharged.
3rd: It is my will that my son, Robert Davis, do and shall be obliged, on account of the above consideration made to him, to pay unto my daughter, Betsy Adams, one Hundred Dollars in horse creatures at their true value within two years after my decease. I also order and direct that my Negro woman, Spross, shall have her maintainance [sic] from my son, Robert Davis, During her life.
5th (there was no 4fh): I give to my son, James Davis, my Desk and Book case.
6th: I give to my two sons, James and George W. Davis, that is, equally between them, my Bond on William Henry of Tennessee, for three hundred acres of land.
7th: It is my will that my son, Robert Davis, do give up my bill of sale of Richard Williams property for twenty dollars.
And lastly, I hereby Constitute my sons, James Davis and Robert Davis, Executors of this my last will and Testament, and do hereby make null & void all and every other former will by me made, and aknowledge this to be my last will and Testament. Signed, Sealed and Published the 29th day of December 1813. Interlined before Signed.
Robert Davis
James Davis
Aquilla Davis
Henry Burkett
John Davi
At a court held for Wythe County on Tuesday the 12th of November 1816. This, the last will and Testament of Robert Davis, Deceased, was produced in Court and proved by the oath of James Davis, Aquilla Davis, Henry Burket and John Davis, witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded; and on the motion of Robert Davis, the Executor named therein, who took the oath required by law and entered into bond with James Ward, his security, in the penalty of $10,000 conditioned as the Law Directs, probate there of is granted to him.
R. Crockett CC
"While both Mr. Reese and I feel that Robert was a son of James Davis of "Davis Fancy," we have not found documentation for proof. So, until further information surfaces our conclusions will have to be considered conjectural. Robert Davis was bom some time between 1743 and 1746, and died between 1813 and 1816. [A William Watson is listed in the tax records of Montgomery County in 1770, 1772 and 1773, but there is no will, nor are there deeds to or from him.] He married Mary Watson, believed to be the daughter of William Watson , and sister of Jean Watson, who married William Ward, about 1770.
Robert and Mary Watson Davis had the following children:
- James, born circa 1771; died circa 1835. Md. Louisa Harman, December 30, 1802.
- Betsy; md. Robert Adams.
- Jane H, bom July 27, 1778, Abbs Valley, Virginia; died September 8, 1850. Md. John Ward, February 23, 1802.
- Benjamin, bom April 17, 1780; died August 1, 1848. Md. Barbara Musser, December 31, 1809.
- Mary, bom circa 1783; died September 23, 1861. Md. Elias Harman, April 9, 1803.
- George Washington, bom March 28, 1786; died September 11, 1837. Md. Anna Atkins, August 3, 1807.
- Robert, born circa 1791; died 1855. Md. Hannah Reeder, March 21, 1811."
(Author, Judy Anderson, 1990)
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