Location: Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee

Surname/tag: Titus
Shelby County, Tennessee. Will of Robert E. Titus.
The undersigned being perfectly Sound of both body and Mind and Knowing the uncertainty of Human life and being desirous that his friend should Know his Wishes as to the disposition of his little Estate Makes this his last Will & testament.
First. It is my desie that the business of F. & R. E. titus be closed as soon as practicable & that G. Buntyn Act as My Executor in Settling the Same. After it is Settled & the Debt all paid off I wish My wife Indiana Titus to have the am't be it Much or little for her individual use arising from said business.
Second. I give to my wife Indiana Titus My Household & Kitchen Furnature My Horse & Buggy and all things bcelonging to Me about My premises. Also my Negro Boy Jim in the possission of my Bros. A. J. & Thos. F. Titus in Red River County Texas. Also My entire undivided interests in the Est. of My Father Jas. Titus who demised in Red River County Texas Consisting of Land Negros etc. Also all Monys due Me by Note [in hand] otherwise after My just debts are paid it is My wish that E. Titus & Geraldus Buntyn act as My Executors to the above will without being required to give Security.
I wish Indiana to Marry again if She thinks best but Should She Marry Contrary to the wish of her Father then I wish the amts of Property Coming to Me from Texas to be applyed to the Education of Nieces & Nephew Ebbazer [sic] B. Titus Louisa W. & N. H. Kimbrough & that A. J. Titus take possession of it for that purpose.
[signed] R. E. Titus Memphis, May 30, 1844.
Wits. [signed] A. M. Wood [signed] J. H. Epps
State of Tennessee Shelby County Court
September Session A.D. 1844
A Competent Court Presents A paperwriting purporting to be the last will & testament of R. E. Titus was produced into ooen Court. A. M. Wood & J. H. Epps subscribing witnesses thereto who being first duly sworn depose that the testator acknowledged the same in their presence to be his last Will & Testament and that he was of sound mind and disposing memory at the time of ackowledging the same which is ordered t be recorded.
Recorded Sept. 20th 1844. [signed] John W. Fuller, Clk.
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