Location: Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England
Surnames/tags: Will Peasley
Will of Robert Peasley
Robert Peasley made his will 16 May 1617 and it was proved by his widow Jane 22 February 1617/18.
In the name of God: Amen: the Sixteenthth Daye of Maye in the ffifteenthth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde Kinge James of England ffrance and Ireland And of Scotlande the ffiftieth Anno Domini 1617. I Robert Peasley of Chippinge Sodburie in the Countie of Glouc. Sadler being in good and perfect memorie Doe make this my last will and Testament in Manner and forme followinge. Imprimis I Com̄end my soule into the handes of the eternall god god the ffather God the sonne and god the holy Ghoste the holie and blessed Trinitie hopinge to be saved by the Death and passion of Christ Jesus the sonne of God my Redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyarde of Chipping Sodburie aforesaid And as touchinge my worldlie goodes and Landes wherewith Almightie god in his mercie hath blessed me ffirst I give and bequeath unto Jane my wife Duringe her naturall life the messuage or Tenement which I nowe Dwell in with the orchard and garden and ffower meadows thereunto belonginge my said wife to paye unto Joseph Peasley my sonne after he shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares yearelie and that everie yeare duringe her naturall life ffiftie three shillings fower pence of Currant money of England beinge the olde accustomed rente of the said premisses Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Joseph and to his heires for ever (after the Decease of my said wife) the said messuage or Tenement and groundes with their appurtenances and conditionallie that he shall well and trulie paye or causee to be payd unto my fower Daughters namely Jane Elizabeth Gartrud and Sarah Six poundes a peece within five yeares after the Decease of my said wife And if any or either of my said Daughters shall decease before they shall receive their said portions then the survivor or survivors of them to have their parte or partes equallie betweene them Item whereas I am possessed in a lease for the terme of many yeares yet to come Determinable uppon the Decease of Joseph Peasley my sonne of an in one messuage or Tenement lyinge in Chippinge Sodburie aforesaid nowe in the occupation of one Richard Milladyn with a meadowe or pasture grounde belonginge unto the same I give and bequeath the same Tenement and premisses unto Jane my daughter duringe all the tyme and terme of yeares as shalbe to come and unexpired after the decease of my wife Item whereas I am possessed in at least for many yeares yet to come determinable after the desease of Elizabeth Gartrud and Sarah Peasley my Daughters of and in one message or Tenement with thappurtenn̄ces nowe in the terme or occupation of Bartholmewe Merricke and James Cadle or their assignes my will is that my wife shall have the benefitt of the said messuage or Tenement with thappurtenn̄ces untill my Daughters Elizabeth Gartrud and Sarah shall come to the full age of one and twentie yeares And the residue of the said terme which shalbe then to come I give and bequeath unto my said Daughters: Elizabeth Gartreud and Sarah equallie betweene them my said Daughte Elisabeth to have her parte when she shall accomplish the age of one and twentie years And if either of them shall happen to decease before they shall accomplish the said yeares and the survivor to have her parte Item I give to my daughter Gartrud Peasley one Chattell leaves for manye years yet to come determinable uppon the decease of my said Daughters Elizabeth Gartrud and Sarah of and in one plott of grounde Called St: Johns hold, my wife to have the use of the same grounde untill my said Daughter Gartrud shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares and if she shall happen to decease before the said tyme and the said plott of grounde duringe all the terme of yeares as shalbe then to come to remayne and be to my Daughter Sarah Item I give and bequeath unto everie of my said Daughters ffive poundes a peece to be payd unto them by my executrix at the Day of their marriage only if they and everie of them shall marrie by and with the consent of my said wife Item I give and bequeath unto Joseph my sonne all the wares in my shopp and all the Implements of tooles thereunto belonginge Item I give to my three sisters namely: Anne Latteridge Perpetua Throston and Joane West tenne shillings a peece and to Anne Latteridge my kinswoman six shillings wight pence. The rest of all my goodes and chattells my debts legacies and funerall beinge discharged I whollie give and bequeath same to Jane my lovinge wife whome I make and ordayne my whole and sole Executrix of this my will Item I give to the poore people of the borrough of Sodburie Tenne shillings to be bestowed in breade and given at my funerall. And overseers of the same I appoint my loveinge frendes Richard Walshe and John Bircombe to whome for their paynes in this behalfe to be taken I give three shillings fower pence a peece In Wittnes whereof I the said Robert Peasley have sealed and published this my last will and Testament the Day and yeare first above written in the presence of those whose names are under written. Robert Peasley. Richard Walsh and John Bircombe witness to this my last will and testament Anne Welsh and Marie Welshe./ Probatum: ... vicesimo secundo die mensis ffebruary ... millesimo sexcencesimo decimo septimo ...[1]
- ↑ The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Discovery: PROB 11/131/248, Will of Robert Peasley, Sadler of Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, 22 February 1618, available at: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D899580 (accessed 8 October 2021. Transcribed by Patrick Griffith.
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