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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Singleton
This is a transcription of the judgement of a Commission for a Guardian for "Robert Singleton the Bastard" dated 3 February 1559/60. The case was heard in the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster at Westminster.
William Singleton had left lands to his illegitimate son Robert in his will. He did not mention any other children in the will.
William's cousin Robert Singleton was made executor of the will and guardian of "Robert the Bastard"
Robert Singleton the cousin died before 15 October 1559.
The supervisor of William Singleton's will, Sir John Southworth was granted custody of the child.
Edward Singleton challenged Southworth's guardianship, but the court found for Southworth on condition that he provided yearly accounts for income from Robert's lands and expenditure on bringing him up.
The spelling, punctuation and line breaks of the transcription are as per the original.
The abbreviated Latin at the start and finish is a best guess.
The ligatures for per and par have been expanded in [square brackets]
ff has been express as F
A digital image of the original document was supplied by the Lancashire Archives. [1]
Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queen of England, France and Ireland and Defendor of the Faith
Termio Mich[ael]is Annus Dme Ellizabeth Regine &c primo et s[e]c[un]do
For the matter in variance depending
before the Channcellour and Counsaile of the Duchie of lancaster in the Duchie Chamber at westm[inster] Betwene Edward Syngleton p[ar]tie plantiff, And Sr John Southworth knight p[ar]tye defendaunt, of for and concerning
the custodye keping Rule and government, aswell of the bodye as of the goods Catalls, the landes tenements and hereditaments of one Roberte Syngleton, Bastard Sonne of one Will[ia]m Syngleton of Brockehall
within the p[ar]ishe of Preston Esquire, in the Countye of lancaster Whereas the said William Syngleton did consitute ordayne and make his last will and Testament wrytten in his lyfe tyme, And by the same
did give Devise and bequeth to the saide Robert Singleton during his lyfe certeine p[ar]cells his Demeane landes and other lands tenements hereditaments lieing and being in Brockhall aforesaide, and in the
Townes and p[ar]isshes of Golenor and Broughton And by the same his last will dyd also constitute ordeine and make Marie his wyfe and one Robert Syngleton his executors of his said last will
and Testament, And also the saide Sir John Sowthworth his sup[e]rvisor of the same, and by the same did committe the custodye Rule and Order of the said Robert his Bastard sonne, and of the goodes
and Catalls landes and tenements so Devysed unto hym , unto the saide Robert Singleton one of his Executors untill suche tyme as the saide Robert the Bastard came to thage of twentye yeres
as by the same last wyll & Testament bearing date in the yere of our lorde god A Thousand five hundreth fiftie and sixe, more planelie doth and maye appeare, And after the saide William Singleton
dyed, after whose deceasse, the said Robert Singleton one of his saide Executors died, And after the Decease of the saide Robert Singleton, the custodye Rule government and keping aswell of the bodye
as of the saide goodes and Catalls landes and Tenements of the said Robert Singleton the Bastard was comitted to the saide Sir John Southworth by Edwyn Sandes Doctor of Dyvynytye Henrye
Harvye Docter of the lawe, and George Browne Esquier the Quenes Maiesties Commissioners for her generall vysitacion in those p[ar]ties (having auctoritye by the saide Quenes maiesties Comission
so to Do, by their Instrument or writing, bearing Date the xvth Daye of October in the first yere of the reign of the saide Quenes Maiestie, under the Seale of their office, as by the same
their wryting more playnelye doth and maye appeere ; wherefor the premisses well and advisedlye considered and for divers other consideracons the saide Chancellour and Counsaile moving It
is nowe ordered by the saide Chancellour and Counsaile that the saide Sir John Southworth knight his executors and Assignes shall from henceforth have the custodye Rule order and government
aswell of the bodye of the saide Robert Singleton the Bastard, as also of the saide goodes, catalls, landes Tenements and heredytaments Devised and bequethed to the same Roberte Singleton the Bastard
as ys aforesaid, And also shall receyve and take the rents, issues and proffitts of the same lands and Tenements from tyme to tyme untill suche tyme as the same Roberte the Bastard shall
accomplishe and be of thage of xxty yeres, or untill suche tyme as the saide Roberte after theage of xiiijte yeres [2] shall thereto Disagre AND also it is ordered by the saide Chauncellor and counsaile
that the saide Sir John Southworth his executors or assignes, shall yerelye from tyme to tyme in the Terme of Saincte Hillarye [3] so long as he or they shall have the cusodye Rule order or
govenment of the saide Roberte, and of his saide goodes and Catalls landes and Tenements aforesaide yelde and make A true and Just accompe, before suche offycer or officeres or other
p[er]sonne or p[er]sonnes, as then shalbe appoincted for that purpose by the said Chauncellor and Counsaile of the saide Duchie for the tyme being, of all such Rents, issues, revenues and p[ro]ffitts
whiche he or theye, or any for hym or them shall receyve of any the premisses, or of any p[ar]cell thereof, And upon suche Accompte from tyme to tyme so made by the saide Sir John Southworth
his heires executors or assignes The same Sir John Sowthworth his heires executors or assignes shall enter into bondes in the Courte of the Duchie aforesaide for the true and iust payment
and Aunswering of all suche somes of mooneye as upon the Determinacyon of his or their accompte he or they shall stand and be clerelye charged with unto the saide Robert
Singleton the bastard, eny yere yerelye ; & at his age of twentye yeres or to the saide Roberte his executors or assignes at any tyme after his age of xiiij yeres, as the saide Chauncellor & Counsaile
shall appointe and thinke good, So alwayes as the same Sir John Sowthworth his heires executors and assignes shalbe allowed upon suche accompte from tyme to tyme made of all suche
reasonable charges casts and expences, whiche he shall susteine and laye owte in and abowte the educac[i]on and bringing upp of the saide Robert Singleton the Bastard, aswell in meate
drinke clothing and Learning, as otherwyse, and all suche charge as he or they shall Disburse or laye owte abowte the rep[ar]acons of the premisses , or any p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, and all other
charge, which shalbe thought meete and reasonable; to be allowed by the saide Auditors so appointed by the saide Chauncellor & Counsaile for the tyme being for the hearing
taking and Determining of the saide Accompts, untill suche tyme as yt shalbe otherwyse ordered, by the saide Chaucellor and Cousaile of the saide Duchie for the tyme being NOB antem
tenor --- suie Record pred ad instancia Johanis Sowthworth militis DUX--- exemplificant p[er] putes IN C--- rei testimon has breis nostrasfieri fecum--- ---
DAT [um] adup palacum urm Westm[inster] sub Sigillo Durat ---lancast[e]r prod Tercio Die Februarij Anno regni nostri Secundo
- ↑ Robert Singleton, bastard son of William Singleton of Brockholes or Brockhall in: Commission for a guardian 3 February 1560. Lancashire County Archives, Reference number DDW/31 online archives catalogue
- ↑ This written age has been worn away, perhaps by being pointed to
- ↑ Legal: Hilary term runs from the 11th of January to the Wednesday before Easter Sunday. University of Nottingham Accessed 6 December 2021
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