Location: Bristol, England

Surname/tag: Yeamans
This is a transcript of the will of Robert Yeamans, butcher, of Bristol, England. His will was dated 8 June 1615 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 6 October 1615. Source: The National Archives (UK), PROB 11/126/236.
The transcript retains the original spelling, capitalisation and punctuation. Paragraph breaks and headings have been added to improve readability.
In the name of God Amen The viijth Day of June Anno Dm 1615 Annig[?] R Reg Jacobi &c Decimo Tertio I Roberte Yeamans of the Cittie of Bristoll butcher beinge sicke in body but of good and perfect memorie thankes be to God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge (That is to saye)
First I comend my soule into the handes of Allmightie God my Creator hopinge to be saved onelie by the Death and passion of Jesus Christ my Savior, and my body I Comitt to the earth to be laid in xpian buriall at St Peters in Bristoll.
And of such worldlie estate as God hath lent mee I Doe dispose in forme followinge, Vizt. First I give and Devise Jane my wyfe the use and occupacon of my house where In I nowe lie at Clifton in the Countie of Glouc wth all the appurtenncs and the use and occupacon of all orchardes gardens landes meadowes feedings pastures Comons proffitts and appurtenncs thereunto beloninge, To have and to houlde to my said wife for all my estate therein to come wch I have either in myne owne name or in the name of Thomas Michell and Thomas Stringer whitetawers yf my said wife shall soe longe live She yeldinge paying and Doinge all rents Duties and services theretofore Due,
The Remainder of all my interest to come to the said premisses att the Death of my wyfe I give and Devise to my sonne John. And my will further is and my gifte to my wyfe upon Condicon that shee shall wth in one yeere after my Death pay to my said sonne John Fiftie Poundes in Currant English money, wch money my will is shee shall Reteyne in her hands untill my said sonne shall come to his age of Fifteene yeeres yf shee soe longe live wth out paying any interest therefore, but my meaninge is that shee shall finde unto him sufficient meate drinke apparell scholinge and all other things untill that age and shall wthin one yeare after my Deathe give securitie to my Overseers to theire likinge for the payment of the said Fiftie Poundes accordinglie yf my sonne Die in the meane tyme, then the same to be delivered betweene all my Children that shalbe livinge att his Death, and likewyse yf my sonne John Die before my wife havinge noe issue att his Death then I will that all my interest to come in the said premisses shalbe equallie Devided amongest all my Children that shalbe livinge att my wifes Decease.
Item I give unto my wife all my goodes houshouldstuffe plate and other things wch I have in my house at Clifton (except onelie such as I shall give awaye by name) Item my will and meaninge is that my wife shall have enioye all Debts and goods as were hers when I marryed her, and for such Debts as I have taken bonds for in my name I give her the same Bonds and the benefitt thereof. Item I give to my wife my seaventeene kyne and A Bull wch I have at Clifton and such piggs as I have there.
Item I give to my Daughter Margarett my best gilt Tankard and my best fetherbedd furnished wth Coverledd boulsters blancketts sheetes and other things thereto belonginge to be Delivered to her att her marriage or A yeare after my Decease wch shall first happen. Item I give to my said Daughter fowerskore Poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her wthin one yeere next after my Decease or her Daye of marriage which shall first happen.
Item I give to my Daughter Anne my greate Ringge[?] covered and footted with silver gilt, and my second best fetherbedd furnished as foresaid to be Delivered unto her at her age of eighteen yeeres or Daye of marriage wch shall first happen. Item I give to my Daughter Anne Fowerskore Poundes in currant English money to be paid unto her att her Age of Eighteene yeeres or daye of marriage wch shall first happen.
Item I give unto my Daugtter in lawe Frauncis my best gilt salte. Item I give to Elizabeth Carwent and Jane Cornishe my twoe bolls eache of them one. Item to Amye Cornishe A Dozen of postle spoones.
Item I give and Devise to my lovinge freinds John Thrupp Vintener and to Willm Yeamans Notarie publique All my howses orchards gardens lands grounds proffitts and Comodities wth theire appurtennces wch I have in Clevedon in the Countie of Somerset for all my right title and terme therein together wth the lease and conveyanncs thereof to the intent and purpose that they shall sell awaye the same, and the moneys thereof raiste shall Dispose in forme followinge. Vizt. to my twoe Daughters Threeskore and Tenn Pounds a peece and the Residue to be equally Devided betweene my twoe sonnes Willm and Robte to be paid unto them att their severall ag[es] of one and Twentie yeeres, and in the meane tyme to be imployed by my said freinds or the survivor of them at the rate of seaven Poundes in the hundred p Annu wch interest shalbe paide to my wife Duringe the tyme that they Dwell wth her and shee give them maynetenance and afterwards to be paid them wth the principall att the age aforesaid, but my meaninge is that my said freinds shall sustaine noe losse yf any happen to badd Debts or otherwise.
Item I give unto my sonne Richard all my houses grounds and proffitts wth the appurtenncs and all rents revercons and services wch I have in the parish of Southbrent in the Countie of Somerset and my house wth the appurtennces in Bristoll and all other my houses lands grounds pastures feedings leases goods Chattles Cattles Debts houshouldstuffe and other things whatsoeover of what nature or qualitie soever the same bee that are not before given or bequeathed and all my right title and interest in the same and everie pte thereof to the intent and purpose that my said sonne shall paye and dischardge all my Debts wch I Doe owe to anie pson or psons whatsoever and shall likewise pay unto my two Daughters the severall somes of fowerskore Poundes A Peece to them given as abovesaid att the tymes above menconed, For the more sure payment of all wch Debts and somes of money, my Will and meaninge is that my said sonne Richard wthin two monethes next after my Decease give unto my twoe Freinds before named John Thrupp and Willm Yeamans or the survivor of them good securitie to theire likinge, and in default thereof I give unto my said freinds all the premisses before menconed to be given to my sonne Richard, to the intent that they shall sell and doe away the same and pay the said Debts and somes of money and give the overplus to my said sonne Richard.
Item I Doe appointe my sonne Richard to be sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, And my said freinds to bee Overseers to see the same in all things pformed, And my Will is that yf anie of my Children Dye before they should receive their porcons that then the porcons of him or her soe dyeinge shall be equally devided amongest them that doe survive, And alsoe that yf it doe or shall appeare to my Overseers that my Cattle and Corne shall not hould out to be worth soe much as I nowe valewe the same att then my Daughters shall have but Threeskore and Tenn Poundes a peece from my sonne Richard And I Doe meane that my Corne here shalbe delivered to my sonne Richard.
Item I give to my sister in lawe Constance vj li xiij s iiij d to be paid her by myne Executor wthin one yere after my Decease. Item I give to the hall and Companie of Butchers in Bristoll Fortie shillings. And my will is that my sonne Richard shall give seavan in the hundred p Annu’ for the interest of the said fowerscore pounds given to Anne as aforesaid untill he shall pay the same fowerskore poundes and the interest thereof to be paid to my wife whiles my Daughter Anne shall live wth her. Item I give to the poore people of Clifton xs and to the poore of St Marie port xs, and to the poore of St Peters xs.
In witnes whereof I haver putte myne hand and seale the Daye and Yeere above written. Robert Yeamans. Signed sealed and acknowledged the daye and yeare abovesaid in the pre’ce of mee Willm Yeamans Nory publ. John Thruppe. Willm [?] George Vanccones[?] Richard Jenkins Willm Yeman Minister.
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro Domino Johanne Benet milite legum Doctore Curie prerogative Cntuai Magro Custode siue Comissario legatime constituto Sexto Die mensis Octobris Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo Decimo quinto Iuramento Richardi Yeamans filij nralis et ltium dicti defuncti et executoris in eadem Testamento nominat Cui comissa fuit Admi nistrco bonorum iurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrand &c ad sancta Dei Evangelia vigore Comissionis in ea parte als Emanat iurat
[Translation: The above-written will was proved at London before the venerable Sir John Benet, knight, doctor of laws, Master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the 6th day of October in the year of the lord 1615 on the oath of Richard Yeamans natural and legitimate son of the said deceased and executor named in the same will, to whom administration was granted of the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, sworn on the holy gospels to well and faithfully administer etc.]
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