Location: Selmer, McNairy, Tennessee, United States
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Tennessee United_States
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Rose Creek School, Selmer, Tennessee One Place Study
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- Rose Creek School ....
- Continent: North America
- Country: United States
- State/Province: Tennessee
- County: McNairy
- GPS Coordinates:
- Elevation:
The land for Rose Creek School was donated by the Joseph Williams family with the understanding that if the school ceased to be, the land would return to the family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moore started the school in 1928. The auditorium and basement were added in 1941 as a WPA project. [1].
Sad Events
- On 11 May 1964. Edna Mae King, age 7, First-grade student, was killed by being run over by a bus while she was preparing to board another bus. [2].
- The individuals associated with Rose Creek School can also be found in the Rose Creek School, Selmer, Tennessee One Place Study category
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moore started the School.
Parker Ellis before cira 1948-1951[3].
Lanie B. Moore, 1952-1953 [4].
Mr. Earnest Holt was Principal in 1955 [5]. In April of 1958, Mr. Holt was elected as President of the McNairy County Education Association. [6].
March 1959- Mr. Earnest Holt was re-elected as Principal of Rose Creek Elementary for the school year 1959-1960 by the McNairy County Board of Education. [7].
Mr. Brown
George Souders
- May 1939. New Teachers elected for next year (1939-1940). The Rose Creek teachers are Lester Moore, Icie Hines, Verneal Robinson, Warren Brint, and Mildred Basham. Additionally, forty-eight contracts for school buses have been approved. [8].
- 1945-1946 Teachers appointed to Rose Creek were Arnold Dillon, Mary Higginbottom, Arlie Higginbottom, Celeste Higginbottom, Winnie Mitchell, and Tommie Jean Lancaster. [9]
- May 1952. Teachers are named for the next term. Rose Creek- Lanie B. Moore, Principal, Arnold Hurst, Jewell Hamilton, Adrain Hunt, Mary Higginbottom, Grace Sharp, and T.V. Young.[10].
- April 1953. Teachers announced for the next school year (1953-1954) at Rose Creek are Celeste Higginbottom, Zilpah Jopling, and Mrs. Adrian Hunt.[11].
- April 1954. Teachers appointed for Next Term (1954-1955) for Rose Creek are Mrs. Adrain Hunt, Mrs. Kate Hooper, Miss Zilpah Jopling, Mrs. Gwynne Robinson, Mrs. Celeste Higginbottom, and Mrs. Dixie Holt.[12].
- April 1955. Teachers appointed for the school year of 1955-1956 from Rose Creek are Earnest Holt, Principal, Mrs. Dixie Holt, Mrs. Kate Hooper, Mrs. Adrain Hunt, Mrs. Gwynne Robinson, Mrs. Celeste Higginbottom, and Miss Zilpah Jopling. [13].
- May 1956. Teachers appointed to Rose Creek for the 1956-1957 school year are Earnest Holt, Principal, Mrs. Earnest Holt,Mrs. Celeste Higginbottom, Mrs. Kate Hooper, Mrs. Gwynne Robinson, Mrs. Zilpah Hooper, and Mrs. Adrain Hunt.[14].
- April 1957. Teachers for the 1957-1958 school year for Rose Creek were Earnest Holt, Principal, Mrs. Dixie Holt, Mrs. Celeste Higginbottom, Mrs. Kate Hooper, Mrs. Gwynne Robinson, Miss Zilpah Jopling, and Mrs. Adrain Hunt.[15]
- March 1958. Donald Wood, Superintendent of McNairy County Schools, has appointed teachers for the 1958-59 school year as follows for Rose Creek, Mr. Earnest Holt, Principal, Mrs. Dixie Holt, Mrs. Celeste Higginbottom, Mrs. Kate Hooper, Miss Zilpah Jopling, and Mrs. Adrain Hunt.[16].
- September 1961. Julius Hurst, Superintendent listed a complete list of McNairy County teachers. Rose Creek teachers were Ernest Holt, Principal, Dixie Holt, Celeste Higginbottom, Zilpah Jopling and Adrain Hunt.[17].
- April 1963- McNairy County School Personnel Named for Ensuring Year (1963-64). Rose Creek-Ernest Holt, Principal, Dixie Holt, Celeste Higginbottom, Marguerite Dunaway, and Adrian Hunt.
- Sep 1963- Rose Creek's enrollment is 170 for grades 1-8.[18].
- March 1969 Teachers for Rose Creek are Principal- no recommendation, Celeste Higginbottom, Marguerite Dunaway, and Adrian Hunt. They also announced teachers for the new Central High School to Open in August.[19].
- April 1969. The Board of Education added Pat Congarido as a teacher at Rose Creek.[20].
- Frank Coleman, Jr / Sue Howell / Malcolm Lambert /L. T. McIntyre/James O. Moore/Jerry New/ Joseph D. Tull / Margaret Tull / Myrtle Tull / Susie Tull / Warren Tull/Mary Ellen Williams
Bus Drivers
- "285 McNairy Boys and Girls in Club". Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee), 27 Feb 1936, page 3, www. Newspapers.com
- "Rose Creek Basketball Teams are M'Nairy Champs." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 16 Mar 1936, Mon - Page 8.www.newspapers.com
- "District Meet Athletic Group." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 28 Jan 1937, Thu - Page 12. www.newspapers.com
- "M'Nairy Four-H Clubs Complete Annual Ballots". Publisher Extra The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 04 Apr 1937, Sun - Page 28.www.newspapers.com
- "Selmer News" The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 20 Mar 1938, Sun - Page 16. www.newspapers.com
- "P. T. A. Council Elects. McNairy County Parent-Teacher Council." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee). 29 Jan 1939, Sun, Page 21. -[21].
- "McNairy County Four-H Clubs Organize with 405 Members." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 27 Mar 1939, Mon - Page 3. www.newspapers.com
- "McNairy County Teachers Named for New Terms." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 04 May 1939, Thu - Page 2.www.newspapers.com
- "WPA Office Here Announces Two New Projects." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 02 Feb 1941, Sun - Page 12.www.newspapers.com
- "McNairy County Teachers Elected for Ensuing Year." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee). 20 Jun 1945, page 4. ; www. Newspapers.com.
- "Teachers are Named for McNairy County; Assignments Made."The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 02 May 1952, Fri - Page 1 and 2. www.newspapers.com
- "McNairy Principals Elected for 1959-60." The Jackson Sun (Jackson, Tennessee) 10 Mar 1959, Tue - Page 12. www.newspapers.com
- Margaret Tull Some of this is personal memory from attending school there from Jul 1964-May 1970.
- Dole, Lynn, "History of Rose Creek School" Undated, Unnamed Newspaper article-attached as image.
- Rose Creek School Burns, McNairy Independent Appeal. 21 Mar 1974. Page 1. (attached as an image).
Activities Related to Rose Creek School
- Feb 1936. 4-H Club at Rose Creek. The County Agent was J. L. McReynolds and he was assisted by M. S. Wise, D. M. Thorpe, and W. B. Stewart. [22].
- March 1936. Rose Creek Girls and Boys Basketball Teams were McNairy County Champions. The girls defeated Gravel Hill and the boys defeated Ramer. The girls on the All-County team were Fulghum, Barnes, and Leonard. The Rose Creek Boys on the All-County Team were Ray and Sweat.[23].
- Jan 1937. Rose Creek Boys are Fifth District Athletic Association Champions from 1936. Dates and locations for 1937 tournament to be determined. The District is composed of McNairy, Henderson, Hardin, Hardeman, and Decatur Counties.[24].
- April 1937. Rose Creek's Four-H Club: Geraldine Leonard, President, Wayne Kiestler, Secretary and Lester Moore, Leader.[25].
- March 1938- McNairy County Annual Field School Meet at Gravel Hill. The meet included contests in literacy, platform, and athletic events. Rose Creek earned third place. The judges were Mrs. S.R. Chambers, Will Terry Abernathy and Will Tom Abernathy of Selmer.[26].
- 1939 McNairy County Parent-Teacher Council with Mrs. R.B. Mitchell as a Vice President and Miss Icie Hines of Rose Creek as Secretary. [27].
- March 1939. Rose Creek has 69 members enrolled in 4-H with Clyde Bricker as President, S. Bell, Vice President, I. Rankin, Secretary-Treasurer and Lester Moore as the Leader. [28].
- March 1953. 124 McNairy County 4-H boys were hosted by three tractor dealerships. In the morning they received instructions on care, maintenance, and safety of tractor operations. In the afternoon one boy from each 4-H club entered the driving contest, which was held on the football field. First place winner was O'Neal Whitten, son of T.A. Whitten of the Rose Creek Community. He scored 198 out of 200 points. His prize is a trip to 4-H Club Roundup in Knoxville in August. [29].
- Feb 1954. McNairy County held the first 4-H Achievement Banquet. Attending from Rose Creek were Harold Hurst, Roy Gene Locke, Lynwood Moore, John Robert Moore, and James Lanie Moore. [30].
- 4 Jan 1956- A Clinic to be held at Rose Creek School for children, ages 1-10 receive their Salk Polio shots.[31].
- Jan 1960-The March of Dimes Drive (MOD) begins with Earnest Holt as the Chairman for Rose Creek. The MOD Drive was sponsored by the Pilot Club of Selmer. "Doc" Whitaker, well-known singer and radio personality, of Stantonville, is again serving as County Chairman. Lester Moore, Attendance Supervisor for McNairy County Schools, will be in charge of the School Card Contribution Program.[32].
- March 1961- Rose Creek School participated in the annual County Spelling Bee, which was held at Selmer. Schools participating were Adamsville, Bethel Springs, Chewalla, Finger, Leapwood, McNairy, Rose Creek, Selmer, and Stantonville. Rev. Bill Small was the pronouncer with Dickinson, Goad, Everett, Carpenter, and Eason as judges. Approximately 696 words were pronounced in the two hour period it took to get two winners, who are not named in this article. [33].
- Feb 28, 1962- A Civil Defense class is held at Rose Creek School. The class was taught by one of three science teachers in the school system and Superintendent Julius Hurst urged all interested citizens to contact the Superintendent's office regarding classes. This is the second round of Civil Defense classes offered.[34].
- Mar 1963- Diane Goodrum and Barbara King represented Rose Creek at the Annual Spelling Bee. The Bee was won by Patricia Scott of Adamsville.[35].
- Sep 1963- Rose Creek's enrollment is 170 for grades 1-8.[36].
- June 1964. School Improvements were made to the Rose Creek cafeteria and partial or complete painting of the school.[37].
- 27 Jul 1964- All McNairy County Schools opens at 0800 for the school term of 1964-65.[38].
- 29 August 1968- McNairy County Schools open for the term 1968-69. Rose Creek is a Grades 1-8.[39].
- March 1969. Deborah Leonard, a 7th-grade student at Rose Creek, placed 3rd in the McNairy County Annual Spelling Bee. [40].
Transcribed Articles regarding Rose Creek
- The Jackson Sun Jackson Tennessee 11 December 1947, Thursday. Page 43
- Sisters-in-Law Each Complete Five Years as 4-H Club Leaders.
- Mrs. Celeste and Mrs. Mary Higginbottom, sisters in law and teachers in the Rose Creek school of McNairy County have each completed five years of service as 4-H club leaders. They will receive the award of the Silver Clover at the West Tennessee adult 4-H Leaders Recognition Program in Jackson on December 13.
- The Rose Creek 4-Club has completed _____ year about standard work under the guidance of Mrs. Celeste and Miss Mary. Their club turned in 1000 completed projects on its 91 members and received first prize of $15 for the club doing the most outstanding work in 1947. The club also received the first prize of $10 at the 4-H club fair for having the highest number of projects on exhibit. The club won 19 individual prizes at the fair.
- One of the clubs outstanding members, Junior Pollard, has been club president for two years and has been on the county livestock judging team for the past two years. Junior was elected as runner-up in 1946 for boys achievement winners also.
- An excellent program is always prepared and presented at the regular monthly meeting of the Rose Creek 4-H Club. On several occasions, Mr. Parker Ellis, principal of Rose Creek school, has dismissed classes in order that the entire student body could witness the days program. Mr. Ellis is a firm believer in the benefits that rural children can get out of 4-H Club work and he aids the adult leaders in the county program as a whole in every way that he can.
- Mabrice Mullins, a Rose Creek 4-H Club girl, won the District gardening contest this year. This was more Mabrice’s third attempt in the contest so Rose Creek ranks perseverance high as one of its achievements.
- Projects of the Rose Creek 4-H Club cover the entire list of projects recommended. Both the members and leaders firmly believe that they are getting educational as well as recreational benefit from club work and by working together have developed one of the best 4-H clubs in the county.
- The Jackson Sun, Jackson Tennessee newspaper, 8 April 1951, Sunday. Page 37.
- Patrons Would Oust Superintendent and Board of Education
- Selmer Tennessee, April 7th– Thirteen patrons of rose creek elementary school have filed a petition in McNary Chancery Court seeking to oust county superintendent J. C. Taylor and the entire mcnairy County Board of Education, consisting of Glenn Abernathy, Arthur Byrd, W. R. Colin , L. R. Hamm, Brodie Henry, J. C. Hill, Robert Mitchell, Cletus Smith and W. E. Smith.
- The complaints are Tilden Locke , Roy Goolsby, Bud Sanders, William E. Bromley, Odell Nixon, J.T. Moore, Jerry King, Judie Brumley, H. D. Talley, Mrs. Hallie Locke, Olen Russom,and A. L. Talley.
- Attorneys for the complainants are you Ewing J. Harris, of Bolivar and M. E. Lee of Selmer. The bill was filed at Selmer last Thursday afternoon and the defendants named in the suit have until April 25 to file an answer.
- The suit is apparently an outgrowth of the failure of the Board of Education to re-elect Parker Ellis as principal of the Rose Creek school, largest elementary school in McNairy County with a faculty of nine.
- Mr. Ellis has held the position for three years and when the board failed to rename him to the position 2/3 of the patrons of the school kept their children at home for a week in protest of the action.
- The terms of superintendent Taylor and the members of the board will not expire until September 1, 1952.
- The Jackson Sun, Jackson Tennessee October 21, 1959. Wednesday. Page 16.
- McNairy to Re-Open Schools on November 2
- Selmer Tennessee- McNairy county schools will re-open for the winter term on November 2, Julius Hurst, superintendent, said today.
- The decision was made Tuesday afternoon during a special meeting of the Board of Education, Hurst said.
- Opening date for the schools had been planned for October 26, the superintendent said, but reports of the county indicated that additional work would be needed to get most of the cotton picked.
- During the meeting the board also added one teacher to the county system and made a number of changes in school bus routes, Hurst said.
- The new teacher, Tommie Ross of Adamsville, has been assigned to the Leapwood Elementary School.
- Changes in bus service schedules include route serving Adamsville, Selmer, Finger, McNairy, Adams Chapel, and St. Rest, Hurst said.
- The superintendent pointed out the changes will accomplish three purposes: overlapping of bus routes will be eliminated, routes will be shortened so that children won’t have to leave home so early and get home so late, and money will be saved he said.
- A bid submitted by the Fowler Butane Gas Company of Selmer was the lowest, with the largest proposed amount of heat, for the installing of a heating system at the Milledgeville school, he said. This bid was accepted.
- Board members attending the meeting included William E Smith, Selmer; Allie Hurst,, Rose Creek; Cletus Smith, Statenville; James Pettigrew, Adamsville; Lester Bishop, Milledgeville; Arthur Byrd, Byrdlock; W.L. Coln, Michie; Brodie Henry, Bethel Springs; and Lester Hamm,, Ramer.[41].
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