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Rose Hill Cemetery-Tyler

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 31 Jan 2019 [unknown]
Location: Tyler, Smith County, Texasmap
This page has been accessed 286 times.
*The purpose of this page is to list the names of individuals that are buried in this cemetery. Please feel free to add the names of individuals that you know are buried in this cemetery. Also feel free to add plots and/or coordinates if you know them.

*Rose Hill Cemetery
*Smith County
*Texas, USA

*Rose Hill Cemetery in findagrave.com.

*Listed below are the names of individuals that are buried in this cemetery

*Larry Wayne Hood.
*Thomas Corbett Anderson.
*Authur Laird Atkinson.
*Clyde Irvin Bullard.
*Earnest Clyde Bullard.
*Rueben Isic Bullard.
*Marilyn Carroll Crouch.
*Lowery Coffman.
*Mary Etta Cone Scroggin.
*Norman Ross Crouch.
*John Burton Curry.
*Joseph Burl Davidson.
*Alvin Otis Dean.
*Susie Helen Dean Prestridge.
*Thelma Ganelle Dean Humphrey.
*Eula Rose Deason Anderson.
*Kenneth Edgar Deason, Sr..
*Kenneth E. Deason.
*Possie Mansel Deason.
*Callie Blythe Duffeld Edwards.
*Eric Terrell Edwards.
*Evelyn Virginia Edwards Curry.
*James Ernest Edwards.
*Mary Leona Evans Henderson.
*Charles Schley Farrell.
*OpalLouise Farrell Sturgeon.
*Susan Mary Finch Davidson.
*Robert Bryan Franklin.
*Julia Gertrude Grimes Harris.
*Lon H. Harris, Sr..
*Mary Eugenia Harris Sledd.
*Richard Lee Harris.
*Carrie Humphrey Bullard.
*I.J. Humphrey.
*Juanita Lavended Lawson.
*Earle Joshua Lawson.
*Jack Lawson.
*Mildred McDonald Atkinson.
*William Andrew McDonald.
*Elvira Lenora Moore Edwards.
*Robert LeLand Prestridge.
*Rosa Etta Robershaw.
*Nelson Reed Sledd.
*Ada Gwendolyn Spivey Whisenhunt.
*Essie Lee Stanley Dean.
*Willis R. Sturgeon.
*Josie Toombs Rakestraw.
*Eula I. Whittington Deason.
*[Byron B. Duncan].
*[Marrian L. Duncan].
*[Caroll Clinton Sharman].
*[Margorie Christine Sharman].'
*[James Dale Sharman].
*[Larry Ansel Christian].
*[Johanna Margarete Baumann Christian].

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