
Rowley Family Mysteries

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Surnames/tags: Rowley Rolley Rowly
Profile manager: Judy Bramlage private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 139 times.

Here are open questions about the Rowley family, however you spell or pronounce it. Please edit this text, upload unidentified pictures, add your questions to the bulletin board, and post fuzzy memories you want to clear up.

  1. The first Family Mystery I, Judy Bramlage, am posting is of a photo I received from someone who had recovered it an antique store. Handwritten on the front is written, I believe, Uncle Elis Rowley + Aunt Carrie. On the back is printed F E Post, Photographic Artist, Cor. 15th and Larimer Sts. Denver, Colo. They do not appear in my Rowley database, now containing 17,000 names.

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