Location: [unknown]
Royal Consort 16 July 1840 - 9 November 1840
The Immigrant ship Royal Consort arrived at Port Jackson on 9th November 1840, having departed Plymouth on the 16th July. Weight: 569 tons, Master: Captain Western with 245 Bounty emigrants under the superintendence of H. Watson, surgeon.
Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Tuesday 10 November 1840.
The Royal Consort spoke August 2 in lat. 41, 58 N. long. 11 50 W., the Ann and Mary, from Liverpool, for Sydney. October 24, at 5 a.m. the Royal Consort, passed a ships bowsprit, in lat 40, 20 S. long. 120. 50 E. It appeared to have belonged to a vessel of 400 tons, painted white, with the shrouds, dead eyes, &c, attached, carried away about the gammoning.
One adult and nine children died on the passage out on board the Royal Consort, and there were three births.
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser of Tuesday 10 November 1840.
From London, yesterday, having left Plymouth 16th July, the barque Royal Consort, 569 tons, Captain Western, with 245 Emigrants, under the superintendence of H. Watson, Esq., Surgeon. Passengers, intermediate - Miss Baker, Messrs. Cobb, George T.and W. Waring, Blakely, Baker, Brooks, and Henry.
Letter from Mr Henry Watson the Surgeon Superintendent on the Royal Consort to The Sydney Herald of Thursday the 19th of November, 1840.
ADVERTISEMENT. - Sir- Having seen a letter from the immigrants of the ROYAL CONSORT, in your Paper of Yes-terday expressing their gratitude and thanks towards Captain Western and myself, of the ROYAL CONSORT for the treatment and attention they received during their voyage from England, and their good wishes for our future success and happiness ; I beg through the same medium to return them our sincere thanks for the kind and flattering manner in which they have regarded the execution of our duty ; and we trust the same good behaviour they evinced during the voyage, in their cheerful compliance with the regulations of the ship, will insure them that success in this country they are entitled to, and crown their labours with contentment and happiness-and that they may all enjoy these blessings, is the heartfelt wish both of Captain Weston, and, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
Royal Consort, Surgeon Superintendent Wednesday, November 18, 1840. [4509]
From The Courier (Hobart, Tasmania). of Tuesday 24 November 1840
Immigrants of Royal Consort -This fine ship arrived on Monday, With all her people in good health, and they appear to be an able-bodied useful class of labourers, and arrive at a time when their services are in the highest extent required. As each successive arrival takes place, we are only the more awakened to the extent of our wants in respect to labour, for the crowds that repair on board the vessels, may be taken as a slight indication only, of the numbers that are actually in want of servants, who do not go in search of them, solely from the convic-tion they entertain that others have been before them, and that so long as the demand is so much in excess of the supply, it is trouble thrown away. On the present occasion, scarcely was the anchor dropped, when the decks were thronged with applicants for servants, and before a few hours had elapsed, all the immigrants on board might have hired themselves at wages of from £30 to £35 per annum, with rations of 12lb. of flour, 10lb. of beef, l 1/2 lb. of sugar, and 1/4lb. of tea, for single men. Where married, equal wages, with an extra allowance for their wives and such of their children as could be useful, were given. If this scale of remuneration and victualling, with a dwelling besides, does not induce the labouring classes at home to seek our shorts, we cannot credit that their destitution is so great as depicted.
-Sydney Monitor, November 11.
- Royal Consort 16 July 1840 - 9 November 1840 from the Free Settler or Felon website at: [1]
- Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Tuesday 10 November 1840, page 3 from TROVE: [2]
- Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Tuesday 10 November 1840, page 2 from TROVE: [3]
- Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Thursday 19 November 1840, page 3 from TROVE: [4]
- Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Tuesday 24 November 1840, page 4 from TROVE: [5]
- The Assisted Immigrants (digital) Shipping Lists from the New South Wales State Archives and Records at: [6]
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