
Royal Relatives

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Surname/tag: royalty, kings, queens, dukes, duchess, prince, princess
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My Royal Family


  • Ordono I King of Asturias Ordono Ramirez 32nd GGF


  • Saint Arnulf 34th GGF Bishop of Metz, born in Sachsen, Germany, called to court at young age to serve the King Theodebert II of Austrasia.





  • Gradlon Mawr 45th GGF King of Brittany Gradlon the Great One of the sons of Darerca of Ireland.




Count of Alsace

Count of Anjou

Count de Toulouse

Count de Orléans

Count de Paris

  • Gérard de Paris 33rd GGF/35 Degrees Married Rotrude Carloman, daughter of Carloman (Pippinid) Martel (34th GGF/36 Degrees) ruler of the East Franks, Mayor of the Palace.


House of Bruce

House Of Stewart


The Kingdom of the Gewissae

Cerdicing Dynasty Kings

House of Normandy

  • William the Conqueror 1066-1087
William the Conqueror
Name: William Normandie (1028-1087)
Guillaume (William I the Conqueror) "Duke of Normandy, King of England" de Normandie formerly Normandie
24th Great Grandfather
  • William Rufus (William II (1087-1100)
William Rufus
Name: William Rufus de Normandie Third son of William the Conqueror.
23rd Great Grand Uncle
  • Henry I 1100-1135
King Henry I
Name: Henry de Normandie
28th Great Grandfather
  • Stephen I 1135-1154
Stephen I
Étienne (Stephen I) "King of the English, Duke of Normandy" of England formerly Blois
28th Great Grandfather


Henry (Henry II) "King of England, Curtmantle, FitzEmpress" Plantagenet
22nd Great Grandfather
Name: John Plantenget (1166-1216)
John "Lackland, King of England, Soft Sword" of England formerly Plantagenet
21st Great Grandfather
Henry (Henry III) "King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitaine" of England formerly Plantagenet aka of Winchester.
22nd Great Grandfather (Lee, Benson, Messenger, Alford, Hawkins, Trelawney, Courtenany, de Bohun)
Name: Edward 'Longshanks' Plantagenet (1239-1307
Edward (Edward I) "Longshanks, King of England" of England formerly Plantagenet
21st Great Grandfather
Name: Edward Plantagenet (1284-1327)
Edward (Edward II) "King of England, Prince of Wales, of Caernarfon" of England formerly Plantagenet
20th Great Grandfather
  • Edward III 1327-1377 [Plantagenet-70]
Name: Edward Plantagenet (1312-1377)
Edward (Edward III) "King of England" of England formerly Plantagenet
23rd Great Grandfather


  • Robert I 26th GGF King of France Robert the Pious
  • Henry I 25th GGF King of France
  • Anna Yaroslavna 25th GGM Queen of France Анна Ярославна


  • ’’’Henry I’’’ 28 GGF/30 Degrees ‘’Henry the Fowler’’ ‘’First German King of the Franks and the founder of Germany.’’
  • Otto I 29th GGF Holy Roman Emperor

Frankish Royalty

Merovingian Dynasty

  • Childeric I 42nd GGF/43degrees Childeric Franken, King of the Salian Franks, married Basina Thüringen, mother of Clovis I. The Salian Franks lived in today's Netherlands and Belgium.
  • Clovis I 41st GGF/42degrees Called the Chlodwig the Great, first King of the Franks, married Chrotechildis Burgunden in 0492 Lyon, France. Her father was the King of Burgundy, Chilperich II.
  • Dagobert I 38th GGF/40degrees "Dagobert Bobbon, King of the Franks, the Great; Austrasia.

Carolingian Dynasty

The first true dynasty of France.

  • Louis IV of France 27th GGF King of the Franks, married Adelais Blanche d'Anjou about 983.
  • Charles III of France 28th GGF King of Western Francia, Charles the Simple, married Ǽdgifu, daughter of King Ǽdweard of Wessex (29th GGF).
  • Louis II of France 29th GGF King of Western Francia, King of Aquitaine, married Adelaide Angoulême de Paris in 0875.
  • Charles II of France 30th GGF King of Western Francia, Charles the Bald.
  • Charles Martel 34th GGF Charles the Hammer Duke and Prince of the Franks, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia and Neustria (France), Founder of the Carolingian Dynasty.

Robertian Dynasty

Ancestral to the Capetian dynasty and to the royal families of France and many other countries.

Capetian Dynasty

Hugh Capet's male-line descendants who ruled in France. Founded in 987.


Dynasty of Carolingian era dukes, counts, bishops and knights descended from Boso the Elder. Eventually they married into the Carolingian dynasty and produced kings and an emperor.

  • Boso I 30th GGF Boso I the Elder was the progenitor of the Bosonid Dynasty. He was the father of Teutberga, the wife of Lothair II, King of Lorraine.
  • Boso II 30th GGF King of Provence, Count of Vienne. Married Ermengard of Italy and fathered Louis the Blind, King of Italy and Holy Roman Emperor.

House of Brittany

  • Conan (Conan IV) "Duke of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, Le Petit, The Small" de Bretagne formerly Bretagne
Son of Duchess of Brittany Bertha, Duchess of Brittany Oldest daughter of Conan III of Brittany and Maude, the illegitimate daughter of King Henry of England.
27th Great Grandfather


Holy Roman Emperors

  • Charlemagne 32nd GGF Karolus Magnus King of the Franks Emperor of the Romans
  • Louis I 31st GGF Louis the Pious Hludowic of France
  • Lothair I 30th GGF Emperor of the Carolingian Empire King of Italy King of Middle Franks
  • Louis II Italia 31st GGF Emperor of the West King of Italy Holy Roman Emperor
  • Charles the Bald 30th GGF King of the West Franks Emperor of the West Franks
  • Louis III The Blind 30th GGF King of Provence, King of Italy, Holy Roman Emperor
  • Berengar di Friuli 30th GGF King of Italy, Emperor, Marchese di Friuli, Unruochingi
  • Otto I 32nd GGF Holy Roman Emperor, King of East Francia (Kingdom of Germany), Duke of Saxony, King of Italy.
  • Otto II 30th GGF Rufus, the Red, Holy Roman Emperor
  • Konrad II 27th GGF Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, King of Italy, King of Burgundy.
  • Heinrich Salier III Henry III, the Black, the Pious 26th GGF King of Germany, King of Italy, King of Burgundy
  • Heinrich Salian IV 25th GGF Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, King of Italy, Emperor of the West.
  • Lothar III Von Supplinburg 26th GGF Lothair Duke of Saxony, King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor.






Kings of Jerusalem

Kievan Rus

(includes Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)

Knights Templar







House of Burgundy 1139-1383

The monarchs of Portugal all came from a single ancestor, Afonso I of Portugal King Afonso I The Conqueror Afonso I de Portugal 1st King of Portugal Father of the Nation Lived 1109-1185 23rd GGF

King Sancho I The Populator Sancho (Sancho I) "Rei de Portugal" de Portugal formerly Portugal; . Born 11 Nov 1154 in Coimbra, Portugal. Died 26 Mar 1212 in Coimbra, Portugal. 23rd Great Grandfather. Miller Line

Afonso II The Fat Afonso II de Portugal King of Portugal Reign: 1211-1223 24th Great Grandfather

Sancho II The Caped Sancho II Sancho (Sancho II) "Rei de Portugal" Portugal formerly of Portugal. The Caped or The Pious/ 1209-1248 22nd Great Grandfather Miller Line.

Afonso III The Boulonnais Afonso III de Portugal "Rey de Portugal", 'King of Portugal', King of Algarve Reign: Portugal 1248-1279; Algarve 1249-1279; Count of Boulogne 1238-1253. 23rd Great Grandfather.

King Fernando I The Handsome Ferdinand I Son of Peter I 1345-1383 20th Great Grandfather

House of Habsburg 1581-1640

Sancho I de Portugal King of Portugal Reign: 1185-1211 25th Great Grandfather; Miller Line

Afonso II de Portugal King of Portugal Reign: 1211-1223 24th Great Grandfather

House of Aragon

Peter IV of Aragon Pedro de Aragon 1319-1387

Pedro II de Aragón 1176-1213; Reign King of Aragón and Count of Barcelona. First king of Aragón to be crowned by the Pope. Nicknamed "the catholic". Ancestor of Edward III. 23rd Great Grandfather. Miller Line.

Jaime I de Aragón James I of Aragón. 22 Great Grandfather. Miller Line.

Alfonso (Alfonso II) "Ramón, Rey de Aragón, Conde of Barcelona, the Chaste, the Troubadour" de Aragón formerly Aragón 23rd Great Grandfather. Huesca, Huesca, Spain.

Ramón Berenguer (Ramón IV) "Conde de Barcelona" Barcelona formerly Aragón 24th Great Grandfather. King of Aragón. Born 1113 in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Miller Line

Roman Empire



Dál Riata

House of Alpin 848-1034

Reign: 1005-1034 King of the Scots
29th Great Grandfather

House of Dunkeld 1034-1286

Reign: 1034-1040 King of Alba 'King Duncan in Shakespeare's play Macbeth.'
27th Great Grandfather
  • [[Dunkeld-77|Malcolm III Canmore Dunkeld MacDuff, King of Alba
Reign: 1058-1093
28th Great Grandfather
Reign: 1093-1094 and 1094-1097
26th Great Grandfather Lee Line
Reign: 1107-1124
27th Great Grandfather
Reign: 1124-1153
28th Great Grandfather Lee Line
Reign: 1165-1214
26th Great Grandfather
Reign: 1214-1249
25th Great Grandfather



House of Barcelona

Alfonso Alfonsez (Alfonso II) "Comte de Provence" de Provence formerly Barcelona aka de Barcelona, de Aragón. (1174-1209) 22nd Great Grandfather. Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Miller Line)

Ramón Berenguer (Ramón III) "el Grande, Conde de Barcelona" de Barcelona formerly Barcelona aka de Cataluña. 24th Great Grandfather. 11 Nov 1080 in Rodez, Midi-Pyrénées, France. Miller Line

"Ramon, Rey de Aragon, Conde of Barcelona, "The Chaste", "The Troubadour" 25th Great Grandfather

Ramon Berenguer (Ramón II) "Conde de Barcelona, Cap d'Estopes, Tow-head" de Barcelona formerly Barcelona aka de Cataluña. 25th Great Grandfather. Born about 1052 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Miller Line.

Raimund Berenguer (Raimund IV) "Ramón, Raymond, Comte de Provence" de Provence formerly Provence. sometimes called 'the saint' 23rd Great Grandfather (Lee Line)

Raimund Berenguer (Raimond) "Conde de Barcelona, el Vell, the Old" de Barcelona formerly Barcelona aka de Cataluña. 26th Great Grandfather 1024-1076. Born 1024 in Barcelona, Spain. Miller Line.

Ramón Berenguer "The Crooked, Conde de Barcelona" de Barcelona formerly Barcelona. 26th Great Grandfather Born about 1008 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spainmap. Miller Line.

Raymond Borrell (Ramón) "Conde be Barcelona, Girona y Ausona" de Barcelona formerly Sunifred aka de Cataluña. 25th Great Grandfather. Born 0972 in Barcelona, Spain. Miller Line.

Borrel (Borrel II) "Conde de Barcelona, Girona, Ausona, y Urgell" de Barcelona formerly Barcelona. 26th Great Grandson. Born about 0927 in Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Miller Line.

Sunyer (Suñer I) "Conde be Barcelona, Girona y Ausona" de Barcelona formerly Sunifred. 27th Great Grandson. Born about 0880 in Urgel, Lerida. Spainmap. Miller Line.

Wilfred Borrell (Wilfred I) "Wilfredo, Wilfred, Conde de Barcelona, Urgell, Cerdanya, Conflent y Girona, el Pilós, el Velloso" de Barcelona formerly Urgel aka de Urgel. 28th Great Grandson. Born 0840 in Urgel, Lerida, Spain. Miller Line.

Sunifred "Suñer" de Urgel formerly Urgel aka de Barcelona. 29th Great Grandson. Born about 0810 in Urgel, Leitra, Spain. Miller Line.

Bellon (Borrell) "Comte de Carcassonne" de Barcelona formerly Carcassonne aka de Carcassonne. 30th Great Grandfather. Born about 0755 in Perpignan, Roussilon, Languedoc-Roussilon, France. Miller Line.

[[Carcassonne-10| Oliba (Oliba I) "Count of Carcassonne" de Carcassonne formerly Carcassonne. 30th Great Grandfather. Born about 0804 in Carcassone, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France. Miller Line.

Sigisbert V Razes formerly Razès. 31st Great Grandfather. Born 0700 in Razes, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France. Miller Line.




  • Gwenllian of Wales 22nd GGM Daughter of the Prince of Wales
  • Merfyn Frych 28th GGF King of Wales, King of Powys, first Kine of Isle of Man The Freckled Kin.
  • Urb mac Aed 43rd GGF King of Dyfed Dyfed was a petty kingdom in southwest Wales.


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