

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1968 to 2018
Location: Willowdale, Toronto, Ontario, Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Notables Canada
This page has been accessed 546 times.


A Canadian band that started in 1968 with Alex Lifeson, Jeff Jones, and John Rutsey. Rutsey's brother, Bill came up with the name "Rush".

When Jones chose a party over a gig, Lifeson called in his friend Geddy Lee. After the band went through some change-ups, the final lineup clicked into place in 1974 when they added Neil Peart, to replace Rutsey who had health concerns.

Profile IDNameBirthDeathInstrumentNotes
Živojinović-4Alex Lifeson1953guitars, backing vocals, synthesizers, additional keyboardsnot connected
Weinrib-17Geddy Lee1953lead and backing vocals, bass guitar, keyboards, synthesizers, guitarnot connected
Peart-568Neil Peart19522020drums, percussion, lyricsconnected
Rutsey-1John Rutsey19522008drums, percussion, backing vocalsnot connected
Jeff Jonesbass guitar, lead vocalsno profile
Lindy Youngkeyboards, backing and lead vocals, guitars, percussion, harmonicano profile
Joe Pernabass guitar, lead and backing vocalsno profile
Bob Vopniguitars, backing vocalsno profile
Mitch Bossi guitars, backing vocalsno profile

Images: 2
Rush logo
Rush logo


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