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Eliz Hendershot + David Moore
- Ruth (almost no info) Cecelia*
Edgar*- (*Alice/Joshua)-NK (*Edgar/Barbara)- 8K- little info NK- Peter, *David
- Lawrence- 2K, Chauncey- 2K, Roland- 2 W, 4K
- Cecelia- H, NK, (Ruth/Charles)- H, 2K, Arthur- W, 1K, Peter, Grace- NM, (Victoria/Edward)- 2K, Andrew- 3K, No marriage/children: James, George, Grace
John & Eliz/Mary
- Melvin, Mary/Irwin, David/Alice, Saluda, Jacob
- Children: Curtis- 1 W, 1 K, Fannie- 2 H, 1 K, Wm- 1 W, 2 K, Chauncey- 3 W, 2 K
- 1 W, 9 K (Curtis/Emma- 3 kids w decent info), (Waldo/Emma), (Theodore/Mary), (*Adella/Loammi), Ruth/Joseph/Elijah, (Alva/Oritha- 8K, added 2), (Alberta/George), (Nellie/Lucius), (Carrie/Edward)
- 1 W, 11 K (7 lived to adulthood- not bothering w/ others
- Samuel- has wife, all children
- Henry* W, 4 K (*Alvin/Jeanette*), (*Hazel/Howard-other mgr)), (*Raymond/Inez*), *Elsmore/Elsie,
- Nellie- added both husbands, child, spouse
- Cornelia- 9 K- 7 adult- Mary*/Oscar, (Nora- 2H), Harry/Hilda, Robert/Allie, Nellie/Cathy, David, Wanda/Murray, Russel/Sylvia
Sarah/George Kimball
- Clarice/Robin) (Ruth/Thomas/Stephen)- (*Mabelle/James), (*Georgia/James), (Frankie/Wm/Gordon/Alex- 1 dau) (*Vera/Leroy- 2 kids living)
- (*Samuel/Vera) , (*Dorothy/Richard/Clyde-1 son) (*Millie/Richard-1 son) 1 more dau- died in 2019.
Margaret- add children
- 1 H, 5 K- 2 into adulthood
Peter + Phoebe House (done NM)
- William- has 3 wives, 1 kid (min info), Peter- 3 wives, 1 child,
- Emma- H, 2 kids, David- W, 3 kids,
Jeremiah + Sarah
- (all J/S kids & their spouses added- Nora (Charles) 8 kids, Leo (Harriet) 2 K, Bessie (Milton) 8 K, Fannie (John) 4 K, Phoebe (Forest) 10 K - not doing grandkids for now
Mary Ann Moore ND + Peter Hainer= done NM
- Children Done: Caroline**, Nehemiah**, Louisa** Theresa**, Edna**, David**, Ursula* NM, Lavinia, Jesse (diff profile manager- added sources, inline ref)
Henry/Lydia/Mary- diff mgr
- 2 W, 2 K- 2 have barely any info- Etta/Oscar- added all adult children
Daniel, Wm Henry- no info
- Code
- Children Done (Sources/In-Lines/Spouse links)1*- Spouse Done, 2* Children Done
- 3* Grandchildren Done
- (NM- No Marriage, ND- No Death
- ( ) means spouse added but no inlines)
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