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Rustfield Gore 1790

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Location: Norway, Oxford, Maine, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Maine
This page has been accessed 58 times.

In the 1790 federal census, the village of Rustfield, Maine (transcribed by Ancestry as Raffield Gore; now Norway, Maine) had 20 households, totaling 102 people. At the time, northwestern Maine was still very much an unsettled frontier area.

The Maine Genealogical Society is producing a series of books on the families listed in the 1790 census. Five of the Rustfield families are already profiled. This project is my tracking of the remaining families, with the eventual goal of producing sketches to be published in future volumes of MGS's 1790 series.

Right now this project just has one member, me: I am B. J. Jamieson.

The heads of households, listed with a 1790 Maine families sketch:

William Dicker

George Lasly

John Pike

Dudley Pike

Benjamin Herring

The heads of households without a 1790 Maine families sketch:

Amos Hobbs

Joseph Stevens

Jonas Stevens

Nathaniel Stevens

Jeremiah Hobbs and his wife Anna Fowler

John Millet

Benjamin Witt

Warren Lucas

Samuel Perkins

Samuel Ames

Thomas Cowen

John Pike

Moses Twichel

John Parsons

William Parsons

Nathan Noble and his wife Hannah Hobbs

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

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