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att rusta sig för krig = To be prepare for wartime by having soldiers, train them, guns, gunpowder and so on.

1 bigger farm had the duty to keep a man-at-arm = a rider = en ryttare, with horse and equipment. The main farmer with this duty were called rustmästare and such a farm rusthåll. Serveral riders belonged to a kavalleri = cavalry.

2 or more farmers = had to build a little soldier cottage for one soldier and keep it in shape. Every parish had many soldiers. The soldiers from several parishes were a kompani = company. Every cottage , soldattorp, had a number and the soldier had the same number. Several companies formed a regemente= regiment.. A company had many men with the same names as Andersson, Svensson, Persson. Because of that a men who was approved to be a soldier got a another short name as Ax, Blixt, Gren. If a soldier became to old or sick he was avskedad = released from service. The next soldier in that cottage, often got the same name in spite of they were not related.

This system started by law 1682 under the king Karl XI but as we did have peace for 200 years, it gradually stoped 1850 – 1939. From 1901 – 2014 every healthyy man had to do military service.

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