
SAUNDERS Records in Chittlehampton

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Chittlehampton, Devon, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 502 times.



Transcription listing of SAUNDERS name in Parish Records for Chittlehampton, Devon, England 1600-1875


Christenings 1600-1649

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
24 May 1601 Elizabeth d/o HenrySAUNDER
20 Mar 1608 William s/o ThomasSAUNDER
28 Oct 1611 Henrie s/o ChristopherSAUNDER
20 Mar 1612 John s/o ChristopherSAUNDER
02 Apr 1617 Mary d/o ChristopherSAUNDER
25 Dec 1629 John s/o ArthurSAUNDER
16 Oct 1631 Mary d/o ArthurSAUNDER
19 Aug 1635 Mary d/o -SAUNDER
02 Oct 1638Elizabethd/o ArthurSAUNDER

Christenings 1650-1699

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
13 Jun 1653 Margerry d/o AnthonySAUNDER
25 Dec 1654 Edward s/o JohnSAUNDERS
17 Feb 1658 John s/o ArthurSAUNDER
22 Jan 1662 Arthur s/o ArthurSAUNDER
11 Sep 1666 Anthony s/o ArthurSAUNDER
01 Jun 1669 Elizabeth d/o ArthurSAUNDER
13 Jul 1669 John s/o JohnSAUNDERS
26 Nov 1670 Arthur s/o JohnSAUNDER
21 Jun 1672 Arthur s/o JohnSAUNDER
02 Sep 1673 Henry s/o John SAUNDER
08 Jan 1675 Arthur s/o JohnSAUNDERS
11 Apr 1676 Edmond s/o EdmondSAUNDER
28 May 1678 Elizabeth d/o JohnSAUNDER
17 Oct 1678 Anthony s/o EdmondSAUNDERS
10 Jan 1680 Mary d/o EdmondSAUNDERS
12 Oct 1680 Henry s/o MargttSAUNDERS
12 Mar 1683 Joane d/o EdwardSAUNDERS
15 May 1683 Joane d/o EdmondSAUNDERS
19 Aug 1686 John s/o EdmondSAUNDERS
05 Apr 1687 Edward s/o EdwardSAUNDER
16 Dec 1689 John s/o EdwardSAUNDER
29 Apr 1690 Margery d/o EdmondSAUNDER
02 Feb 1692 George s/o ArthurSAUNDER
02 Oct 1692 Grace d/o EdwardSAUNDER
14 Oct 1696 Ann d/o ArthurSAUNDER
10 Aug 1697 Arthur s/o EdwardSAUNDER
05 Jul 1699 Arthur s/o ArthurSAUNDER

Christenings 1700-1719

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
16 April 1701Margaret d/o JohnSAUNDERof Blackwall
19 August 1701 Mary d/o AnthonySAUNDER Yeoman
31 August 1703 Arthur s/o AnthonySAUNDER Yeoman
28 March 1704 Anthony s/o Edmond, Jr SAUNDER Cooper
2 May 1705 Anthony s/oAnthonySAUNDER Yeoman
11 September 1708 Elizabeth d/o Mr Anthony SAUNDER
27 November 1711 John s/o Arthur, Jr SAUNDER
25 November 1712 John s/o Mr Anthony SAUNDER
21 August 1715, in West Buckland Catherine d/o Arthur & Agnis SAUNDERof Chittlehampton
28 August 1715 Katherine d/o Arthur, Jr & Agnis SAUNDER
30 August 1715 Arthur s/o Mr Anthony & Elizabeth SAUNDER
7 February 1715 John s/o John & Grace SAUNDER
16 March 1718 Arthur s/o John & Grace SAUNDER

Christenings 1720-1739

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
27 March 1720, in West Buckland Richard s/o Arthur & Agnis SAUNDERChittlehampton
8 September 1723, in West Buckland William s/o Arthur SAUNDERSChittlehampton
22 January 1728 Elizabeth d/o Anthony & ElizabethSAUNDER
31 August 1731 Edmund s/o Anthony & Elizabeth SAUNDER
24 May 1733 George s/o Mr George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
13 May 1734 Ann d/o John & GraceSAUNDER
6 October 1734 Elizabeth d/o Mr George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
17 December 1734 Anthonys/o Anthony & Elizabeth SAUNDER
17 March 1735 Elizabeth d/o Mr George SAUNDER
11 May 1736 Maryd/o Anthony & Elizabeth SAUNDER
19 May 1736 Pawl s/o John SAUNDERS
10 November 1737 Arthur s/o Mr George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
14 February 1738 George s/o John & Susanah SAUNDERS
28 August 1739Arthur s/o Mr George & ElizabethSAUNDER

Christenings 1740-1759

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
14 August 1741 Alis d/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
14 November 1744 Anthony s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
11 February 1746 Joan d/o George & ElizabethSAUNDER
17 December 1749 Musgrave s/o George & ElizabethSAUNDER
17 December 1749 William s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
11 December 1751 Sarah d/o Mr George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
24 September 1755 Thomas s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDER
6 July 1757 James s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDER

Christenings 1760-1779

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
25 March 1761 John s/o Edward & Anstice SAUNDERS
10 May 1763 Joan Locke d/o Arthur & MarySAUNDERS
10 October 1763 Ned s/o Paul & AnnSAUNDERS
13 February 1764 Francis s/o Edward & Anstis SAUNDERS
5 November 1764 George s/o Arthur & Mary SAUNDERS
1 September 1765 Ann d/o Paul & Ann SAUNDERS
11 February 1766 Elizabeth d/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
25 July 1768 George s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
30 January 1770 Edward s/o Edward & Anistiss SAUNDERS
6 February 1771 John s/o John & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
27 May 1771 Grace d/o Paul & Ann SAUNDERS
5 August 1773 John s/o Paul & Ann SAUNDERS
24 November 1773 William s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
25 December 1773 George s/o Edward & AnistissSAUNDERS
17 December 1775 Maria d/o Paul & Ann SAUNDERS
11 March 1777 Grace d/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS

Christenings 1780-1799

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
10 May 1784 Betty d/o Paul & Ann SAUNDERS
21 January 1789 Bettyd/o George & JoanSAUNDERS
5 November 1789 Williams/o Ned & MarySAUNDERS
8 December 1790 John s/o George & JoanSAUNDERS
24 February 1791 Mary d/o Francis & Mary SAUNDERS
6 April 1791 James s/o James & Mary SAUNDERS
24 April 1791 Edward s/o Ned & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
8 August 1792 George s/o James & Mary SAUNDERS
2 April 1793 Elizabethd/o George & Ann SAUNDERS
25 July 1793John s/o Francis & Mary SAUNDERS
23 September 1793 Annd/o Ned & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
1 April 1794 Elizabeth d/o James & Elizabeth SAUNDERS
15 July 1794 Maryd/o George & Ann SAUNDERS
6 October 1795 Francis s/o Francis & Mary SAUNDERS
2 December 1795 John s/o Edward & Mary SAUNDERS
29 March 1796 Thomas s/o George & Ann SAUNDERS
19 April 1796 Samuel s/o James & Mary SAUNDERS
17 April 1797 Anstis d/o Edward & Margaret SAUNDERS
25 January 1798 Ann d/o Francis & Mary SAUNDERS
10 April 1798 Ann d/o George & Ann SAUNDERS
15 September 1799 Elizabeth d/o Edward & Mary SAUNDERS
22 September 1799 Mary d/o Edward & Margaret SAUNDERS

Christenings 1800-1819

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
19 May 1800 Williams/o James & Mary SAUNDERS
11 November 1800 Williams/o George & AnnSAUNDERS
28 December 1802 John s/o James & Mary SAUNDERS
25 January 1803 John s/o Ned & Mary SAUNDERS
17 April 1803 PaulBase Child Mary SAUNDERS
28 February 1804 John s/o William & AnnSAUNDERS
25 April 1805 Jamess/o Mary SAUNDERS
26 May 1805 Georges/o Ned & Mary SAUNDERS
14 February 1808John s/o Edward & Margaret SAUNDERS
25 April 1808 Jamess/o Edward & Mary SAUNDERS
6 June 1809 Arthurs/o James & Mary SAUNDER
25 November 1810Annbase child Mary SAUNDERS
3 November 1816 Harriotbase child Mary SAUNDERSFilleighSpinster
29 March 1818 Elizabethd/o William & Ann SAUNDERSWhitehall Mason
15 November 1818 EdwardBase Child Mary SAUNDERSWorkhouse
26 December 1819 James base child Mary SAUNDERSBrightly Mill

Christenings 1820-1829

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
14 March 1820 Mary Ann d/o William & AnnSAUNDERSVillage Mason
17 March 1822 John s/o Edward & MariaSAUNDERSBlackmantle Carpenter
15 September 1822 Harriett d/o William & AnnSAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
12 June 1823 James Kelland s/o James & Matilda SAUNDER of Snidles, Chittlehampton Yeoman
1 November 1823 Emily d/o Edward & Maria SAUNDERSBlackmantle Carpenter
14 May 1824 William s/o John & Mary SAUNDERSBlackmantle Carpenter
19 December 1824 Ann d/o William & AnnSAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
27 February 1825; in Kings Nympton Loveday Elizabeth d/o James & MatildaSANDERS of Snidles, Chittlehampton Yeoman
12 December 1826 Philip George s/o James & MatildaSAUNDER Langaton Yeoman
11 February 1827 William s/o George & ElizabethSAUNDERSBrightly Mill Miller
23 February 1827 James s/o William & Ann SAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
26 October 1828 Mary Ann d/o George & Betsy SAUNDERS Brightly Miller
29 March 1829 Henry s/o William & Ann SAUNDERSBlackmantleMason

Christenings 1830-1839

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
11 June 1830 Maryd/o George & SusannaSAUNDERSBrightly Yeoman
26 September 1830; in Filleigh William s/o William & ElizabethSANDERSof Temple Cottage, Chittlehampton Coachman to Viscount Ebrington
28 November 1830 Thomass/o George & ElizabethSAUNDERSBrightly Mill Miller
22 May 1831 Mariad/o William & AnnSAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
14 October 1831 Ann Westacottd/o Edward & Maria SAUNDERS Whitehall Carpenter
26 December 1831 Susannad/o George & SusannaSAUNDERSBrightly Yeoman
15 January 1832; in Filleigh Ann d/o William & ElizabethSANDERSof Chittlehampton Coachman to Viscount Ebrington
20 May 1832; George Base Child Ann SAUNDERSBlackmantle
23 December 1832Georges/o John & GraceSAUNDERSEastcott Labourer
12 January 1833 Henry Baker s/o Edward & JaneSAUNDERSVillage Labourer
5 December 1833Edwin s/o George & ElizabethSAUNDERSBrightly Mill Miller
9 March 1834John s/o William & AnnSAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
17 September 1834George s/o George & Susan SAUNDERSBrightly Yeoman
19 October 1834George s/o Edmund & Jane SAUNDERS Village Labourer
29 December 1834John s/o John & ElizabethSAUNDERSChittlehamholt Labourer
17 January 1836 Mary Ann d/o Thomas & Mary SAUNDERSWarkleigh Labourer
24 January 1836 Aaron s/o John & ElizabethSAUNDERSChittlehamholt Labourer
10 October 1836William s/o Edward & JaneSAUNDERSVillage Labourer
11 December 1836 John s/o John & MarySAUNDERSBlackmantle Carpenter
23 January 1837 William s/o William & Anne SAUNDERSBlackmantle Mason
7 August 1838 Walter s/o John & Elizabeth SAUNDERSChittlehamholt Labourer

Christenings 1840-1849

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
16 May 1840 John s/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERSVillage
12 July 1840 James s/o John & Mary SAUNDERS Village Carpenter
8 December 1840 Betsey Baker d/o Edward & Jane SAUNDERS Village Labourer
5 August 1842 Mary Annd/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERS Village Labourer
24 August 1842 Edwins/o John & Mary SANDERSVillageCarpenter
15 January 1843 Mary Annd/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERSVillage Labourer
7 May 1843 Ann d/o Henry & Ann SAUNDERSVillage Labourer
4 August 1844James s/o John & Harriet SAUNDERSVillage Carpenter
19 April 1846 Amelia d/o John & Harriet SAUNDERSVillage Carpenter
11 July 1846 Elizabeth d/o John & Mary SAUNDERSVillage Carpenter
26 July 1846 Elizabeth d/o George & Elizabeth SAUNDERSVillage Labourer
28 March 1847 Susan d/o John & Harriet SAUNDERSVillage Carpenter
29 October 1848 Susand/o George & ElizabethSAUNDERSVillage Labourer
1 August 1849 Richard s/o John & Mary SAUNDERSVillage Carpenter

Christenings 1850-1859

Christening Date First Name Relationship Parents Names Surname Abode Father's Occupation
1 January 1850 Elizabeth Watts d/o John & Harriet SAUNDERS Village Carpenter
11 April 1852 James s/o George & Jane SAUNDERSTreadown, ChittlehamptonLabourer
13 August 1854 John s/o George & Jane SAUNDERSTreadown, ChittlehamptonLabourer


Marriages 1600-1649

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
15 Jul 1611 Christopher SAUNDER Johan GEATON

Marriages 1650-1699

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
14 April 1658 Arthur SAUNDER Katherine BAND
14 May 1661 Henry STOWEY Gentleman Elizabeth SAUNDER
30 June 1668 John SAUNDERS Joane WOLLACOTT
10 January 1676 John TANNER Margery SAUNDER
15 March 1679 Matthewe CAWSEY Rachell SAUNDER
8 May 1683 Edward SAUNDERS Johanna RISSEN
16 July 1685 William PEDLAR Joan SAUNDERS
14 July 1696 John SAUNDER Margaret BADCOCK
27 April 1699 Anthony SAUNDER Mrs Elizabeth HALS

Marriages 1700-1749

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
25 May 1702 Thomas HALSE Husbandman Mary SAUNDER Edmond SAUNDER
4 April 1703 Edmond SAUNDER Cooper Anne BURD
14 May 1711 John COAL Joan SAUNDER
13 July 1711 John SAUNDER Elizabeth RISE
2 February 1713 John GRIGG Grace SAUNDER
5 January 1715 John SAUNDER Grace TRICKS
4 March 1716 Simon MOUNTJOY Margery SAUNDER
7 October 1718 John BERRY Mary SAUNDER
3 May 1747 John SAUNDER Frances HALL
11 June 1749 Samuel SAUNDER South Molton Joan STONE

Marriages 1750-1799

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
29 May 1754 John SKINNER Chittlehampton Joan SAUNDER, spinster Chittlehampton
10 June 1754 John ROWCKLIFFE Chittlehampton Mary SAUNDER, a minor Chittlehampton
16 May 1757 John SHUTT Chittlehampton Rachel SAUNDER, spinster Chittlehampton
27 March 1758 John BURGESS Swimbridge Ann SAUNDER, spinster Chittlehampton
7 April 1760John BRAYLEY Chittlehampton Husbandman Margareth SAUNDER, spinster Chittlehampton
7 May 1760 Edward SAUNDER Chittlehampton Anstice MOGRIDGE, spinster Chittlehampton
22 September 1761 Bartholomew CHAPPLE Chittlehampton Yeoman Alice SAUNDER, a minor George Saunder Chittlehampton
12 April 1762 Paul SANDERS Chittlehampton Husbandman Ann MOGRIDGE, spinster Chittlehampton
11 February 1766 George SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Husbandman Elizabeth PARKER Chittlehampton
15 May 1768 John BADCOCK South Molton Husbandman Joan SAUNDERS, spinster Chittlehampton
24 May 1769 Henry SNOW, widower ChittlehamptonElizabeth SAUNDER, spinster Chittlehampton
28 March 1784 Giles SKINNER Chittlehampton Husbandman Elizabeth SAUNDERS, a minor Chittlehampton
29 July 1784 Edward SAUNDERS Tawstock Husbandman Elizabeth DICKER South Molton
22 April 1787 George SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Yeoman Joan SLADER, spinster Chittlehampton
6 July 1788 Ned SAUNDERS ChittlehamptonHusbandman Mary FORD, spinster Chittlehampton
16 December 1788 John YEO Atherington Husbandman Ann SAUNDERS, spinster Chittlehampton
27 March 1790 James SAUNDER Chittlehampton Yeoman Mary BRAYLEY Filleigh
30 March 1790Francis SAUNDERS ChittlehamptonYeoman Mary LOCK, spinster Chittlehampton
6 April 1790 John SAUNDERS ChittlehamptonHusbandman Mary CHAPPLE, spinster Chittlehampton
27 June 1790 William FORD ChittlehamptonGrace SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
23 October 1792 George SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Yeoman Anne ZEAL, widow Chittlehampton
28 August 1796 Edward SAUNDERS, singleman ChittlehamptonMargaret BURGESS, spinster Chittlehampton

Marriages 1800-1839

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
26 June 1804 William YEO sojourner Mary SAUNDERS, widow Chittlehampton
24 Janaury 1807 John VATTER Chittlehampton Carpenter Mary SAUNDERS, widow Filleigh
12 February 1811 William PHILIPS Chittlehampton Labourer Mary SAUNDERS, spinster Chittlehampton
8 November 1815 Robert MANNATON Chittlehampton Mary SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
27 August 1816 William SAUNDERSChittlehampton Ann MAY Chittlehampton
29 May 1821 Edward SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Maria WESTACOTT Chittlehampton
18 November 1821William BARTLETT Chittlehampton Mary SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
16 March 1823 John BUDD Chittlehampton Jane SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
31 March 1823 Thomas ROWCLIFF Chittlehampton Elizabeth SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
18 June 1826 George SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Elizabeth PAW Chittlehampton
4 April 1829 John SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Jane JOCE Chittlehampton
30 May 1829 George SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Susanna NICKOLLS Chittlehampton
12 April 1830John SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Grace BEER South Molton
28 June 1831 James CLARKE Chittlehampton Ann SAUNDERS Chittlehampton
14 April 1832 Edward SAUNDERS Chittlehampton Jane BAKER Chittlehampton
11 October 1834 John SANDERS Chittlehampton Elizabeth TURNER Chittlehampton
17 November 1834 William SKITCHChittlehampton Ann SAUNDER Chittlehampton
28 March 1835Thomas SAUNDER Chittlehampton Mary HODGE Chittlehampton
21 April 1836 John SANDERS Chittlehampton Mary HUNT Chittlehampton
30 August 1836 George WHITEFIELD Chittlehampton Labourer Ann SANDERS Chittlehampton
30 June 1839 George SANDERS,Bachelor John Sanders Chittlehampton Servant Elizabeth SMALE, Spinster; Servant Richard Smale Chittlehampton

Marriages 1840-1855

Date Groom Groom Parents Residence Occupation Bride Bride Parents Residence
1 May 1842 John CAMP,Bachelor John Camp Chittlehampton LabourerElizabeth SANDERS, Spinster; ServantWilliam Sanders Chittlehampton
9 May 1843 Joseph SAUNDERS,Bachelor Joseph Sanders Bishops Tawton Yeoman Sarah HUXTABLE, Spinster John Huxtable Chittlehampton
3 August 1843 John SANDERS,Bachelor Edward Sanders Chittlehampton CarpenterHarriet WATTS Spinster;Dress Maker William Watts Chittlehampton
30 November 1845 William ISAAC, Bachelor William Isaac Chittlehampton LabourerAnn SAUNDERS, Spinster; Servant William Saunders Chittlehampton
12 July 1846 John LAKE, Bachelor William Lake Chittlehampton LabourerHarriet SAUNDERS, Spinster; Servant William Saunders Chittlehampton
8 November 1846 John SCOINS, Bachelor Robert Scoins Chittlehampton Servant Agnes SAUNDERS, Spinster; Servant John Saunders Chittlehampton
13 April 1848 William SANDERS, Bachelor Satterleigh Servant Jane SYMONS, Spinster John Symons Chittlehampton
25 March 1849 John SAUNDERS, Bachelor John Hayne Saunders Chittlehampton LabourerJane RICE, Spinster; Servant William Rice Chittlehampton
28 April 1849 John KELLAND, Bachelor John Kelland Lapford Gentleman Loveday E. SAUNDER, Spinster James Saunder Chittlehampton
21 March 1854 Abraham CLARKE,Bachelor William Clarke Timberscombe, Somerset Yeoman Mary SAUNDER, Spinster George SaunderChittlehampton
22 April 1854 William ELLICOTT, Bachelor Robert Ellicott Chittlehampton Servant Maria SAUNDERS, Spinster; Servant William Saunders Chittlehampton


Burials 1652-1699

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
20 March 1655 Arthur SAUNDER
28 November 1670 Arthure SAUNDER son of John SAUNDER
26 June 1672 Arthure SAUNDERS son of John SAUNDERS
26 December 1675 John SAUNDERS
14 June 1678 Elizabeth SAUNDER daughter of John SAUNDER
16 September 1678 Henry SAUNDER son of John SAUNDER
4 September 1679 Elizabeth SAUNDERS Widow
29 October 1683 Margrett SAUNDERS wife of Anthony SAUNDERS
1 November 1688 Joan SAUNDER wife of John SAUNDER
10 June 1691 John SAUNDER son of Arthur SAUNDER, Jr
20 May 1692 Arthur SAUNDER son of John SAUNDER
8 June 1693 Mary SAUNDER Widow
26 October 1693 Anthony SAUNDER
19 January 1698 Mary SAUNDER the wife of Edmond SAUNDER

Burials 1700-1729

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
10 August 1704 Joan SAUNDER Died in Tawstocke and was buried in this parish daughter of Edmond SAUNDERCooper
13 April 1706 Arthur SAUNDER son of Anthony SAUNDER Yeoman
18 March 1706 Alice SAUNDER wife of Arthur SAUNDER, Jr
20 April 1708 John SAUNDER of Blackwall
20 February 1711 Joan SAUNDER wife of Edward SAUNDER
13 May 1712 Katheraigne SAUNDER wife of Arthur SAUNDER, Sr
17 October 1722 Arthur SAUNDER of Bradbury
10 February 1723 Anthony SAUNDER Junior
12 February 1724 Arthur SAUNDER of Laro
4 November 1725 Anthony SAUNDER
16 March 1727 Edmund SAUNDERS Senior

Burials 1730-1759

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
7 January 1730 Mr John SAUNDER of Newton
21 October 1731 Edmund SAUNDER son of Anthony SAUNDER
15 November 1734 Elizabeth SAUNDER daughter of Mr George SAUNDER
15 December 1734 Anthony SAUNDER son of Anthony SAUNDER
15 September 1738 Arthur SAUNDER son of Mr George SAUNDER
13 December 1740 Elizabeth SAUNDER daughter of Anthony SAUNDER
25 June 1741 Edmund SAUNDER
12 February 1741 Mrs Cycely SAUNDER
13 June 1743 Ann SAUNDERS wife of Edmond SAUNDERS
15 September 1743 Anthony SAUNDERS Cooper
4 June 1744 John SAUNDER
30 June 1751 John SAUNDERS
21 January 1752 Elizabeth SAUNDER
18 April 1752 Edmond SAUNDER
8 September 1756 Sarah SAUNDER
29 April 1759 Grace SAUNDER daughter of John SAUNDER

Burials 1760-1799

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
25 December 1761 Elizabeth SAUNDER
7 November 1762 Mrs Elizabeth SAUNDERS
16 April 1764 John SANDER
21 January 1768 Mr George SAUNDERS
3 May 1771 John SAUNDERS of South Molton
24 January 1772 John SAUNDERS
15 September 1772 Penelope SAUNDERS of South Molton
17 August 1777 Mary SAUNDERS daughter of Paul and Ann SAUNDERS
26 February 1782 Anistis SAUNDERS
23 October 1784 George SAUNDERS
31 July 1786 Edward SAUNDERS
23 January 1788 Paul SAUNDERS
2 February 1789 Grace SAUNDERS
9 July 1789 Ann SAUNDERS
8 May 1790 Betty SAUNDERS daughter of George SAUNDERS
22 August 1791 John SAUNDERS of Tawstock
26 January 1792 Joan SAUNDER wife of George SAUNDER
4 March 1793 Francis SAUNDERS
28 April 1793 Thomas SAUNDERS Pauper
24 October 1794 Elizabeth SAUNDERS
18 December 1795 Mary SAUNDERS
18 December 1795 John SAUNDERS son of Edward and Mary SAUNDERS
24 February 1796 Elizabeth SAUNDERS
11 August 1798 Samuel SAUNDERS son of James and Mary SAUNDERS
2 January 1799 Francis SAUNDERS Yeoman

Burials 1800-1829

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
6 June 1801 Frances SAUNDERS Widow
9 June 1801 Anthony SAUNDERS
10 February 1803 Elizabeth SAUNDERS Widow
10 March 1805 Anstiss SAUNDERS daughter of Edward SAUNDERS
19 January 1806 John SAUNDERS Carpenter
3 May 1812 James SAUNDERS son of Ned and Mary SAUNDERS
19 March 1814 John SAUNDERS 53 Downs
7 July 1815 Ned SAUNDERS 50 Brightley Mill
4 February 1819 Mary SAUNDERS 59 Little Ash
23 November 1820 William SAUNDERS48 Parish of Tawstock
27 September 1821 John SAUNDERS 18 Brightly Mill
4 October 1821 William SAUNDERS 74 Collytown
4 December 1826 William SAUNDERS 10 Village
26 February 1827 Mary SAUNDERS 59 Village
5 April 1828 James SAUNDERS 1 Blackmantle
12 July 1828 Mary SAUNDER 62 Collatown

Burials 1830-1849

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
4 February 1830 Margaret SAUNDERS 60 Blackmantle
16 January 1831 Henry SAUNDERS 2 Blackmantle
18 October 1832 Ann Westacott SAUNDERS 1 Whitehall
18 May 1834 Mary SAUNDERS Brightly Mill
22 August 1834 Arthur SAUNDERS 25 Collytown
18 September 1834 Edward SAUNDERS 43 Eastcott
14 November 1834 Edward SAUNDERS 64 Blackmantle
6 January 1835 John SAUNDERS 1 week Chittlehamholt
1 April 1835 Grace SAUNDERS 27 Swimbridge
13 May 1835 George SAUNDERS 2 Parish of Landkey
26 January 1837 Jane SAUNDERS 2 Blackmantle
26 August 1838 John SAUNDERS 34 Filleigh
20 December 1838 Edward SAUNDERS 3 mo. Village
30 March 1839 James SAUNDER 82 Collytown, Chittlehampton
12 April 1839 Grace SAUNDERS 33 Village
3 August 1840 James SAUNDERS 3 weeks Village
8 December 1840 Jane SAUNDERS 30 Village
14 July 1842 John SANDERS 72 Village
8 January 1843 George SAUNDERS 10 Village
17 February 1843 Edward SANDERS 35 Village
4 August 1845 Jane SAUNDER 37 Loxhore
29 November 1845 James SAUNDER 22 Langaton, Chittlehampton son of James SAUNDER
26 April 1846 George SAUNDERS 11 Village
4 December 1846 Mary SAUNDERS 80 Village
19 April 1849 Susan SAUNDER 52 Brightley, Chittlehampton
1 July 1849 Mary SANDERS 78 Village
14 September 1849 John SAUNDER 46 Loxhore

Burials 1850-1875

Burial Date Name Age Occupation Abode Relation Occupation of Father/Husband
15 September 1850 George SAUNDER 58 Brightley, Chittlehampton
7 November 1850 James SAUNDER 59 Langaton, Chittlehampton
12 November 1854 William SAUNDERS 66 Village
5 October 1856 George SAUNDERS 3 mo. Village
6 August 1863 William SAUNDER 63 North Newton, Chittlehampton
19 August 1864 Ann SAUNDERS 71 Downs, Chittlehampton
16 January 1874 Elizabeth SAUNDER 79 Collytown, Chittlehampton

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