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This profile is part of the Kneeland Name Study.

Updated 2/5/2024. Wikitree profiles created and linked for all individuals.

The following is a list of the illustrations in Seven Centuries in the Kneeland Family by Stilman Foster Kneeland. Links are provided to the applicable pages in a digital copy of the document. Note that SFK did not include the illustration pages in his page numbering system, therefore pseudo-page numbers have been assigned. Cross references have been provide to the assciated persons' SFK reference numbers along with links to the applicable Wikitree profiles.

List of Illustrations

SFK Page #DescriptionAssociated SFK Ref#Associated Wiki Profiles
[i1]Portrait of Author, Stillman Foster Kneeland1210 & 1238Stillman
[i4]Original Kneland Coat of Arms
[i6]1600's Coat of Arms
[40A]Death of William Cleland28William
[44A]Portrait of Thomas Cleland (unlinked Cleland descendant)Thomas
[58A]Portrait of A. Julia Gould79Julia
[78A]Portrait of William Kneeland Townsend201 & 210William
[82A]Portrait of Samuel Kneeland (Naturalist & Author)233 & 238Samuel
[122A]Collage of Ethel Nichols Chessman & Family514, 515, spouse of 515, 516Nancy, Sarah, Otis, Ethel
[124A]Collage of James H. Kneeland & Family522 & 546, 548, 549, 550, 551James, Frank, Herbert, Katherine, Henry, Ralph
['176A']Portrait of Mary M. Holman847Mary
[180A]Portrait of Wilder P. Clark902 & 907Wilder
[184A]Portrait of Hannah (Cheney) Kneelandspouse of 911Hannah
[186A]Collage of Ann B. & Gilbert B. Kneelandspouse of 975, 975Ann, Gilbert
[198A]Portrait of Asa L. Kneeland1150 & 1153Asa
[200A]Portrait of Clara Kneeland1157Clara
[202A]Portrait of Jonas G. Kneeland1152 & 1168Jonas
[204A]Portrait of Gardner Kneeland923 & 1188Gardner
[206A]Portrait of Harris B. Kneeland1200Harris
[208A]Portrait of Abner W. Kneeland1221Abner
[210A]Portrait of W. A. Kneeland1233Warren
[212A]Painting by Stillman Foster Kneeland1210 & 1238Stillman
[214A]Painting by Stillman Foster Kneeland1210 & 1238Stillman
[216A]Portrait of Abner Kneeland (Baptist & Universalist Minister)773 & 1239Abner
[220A]Portrait of Abner Kneeland (Baptist & Universalist Minister)773 & 1239Abner
[224A]Portrait of Josephine Kneeland1249AJosephine
[238A]Photo of Gilson Sisters1413, 1414, 1415Ella, Nellie, Midge
[246A]Portrait of Ozias H. Kneeland1475 & 1496Ozias
[248A]Portrait of Hattie Bell Kneeland1498Hattie
[256A]Portrait of Jonathan Kneeland1633 & 1640Jonathan
[262A]Portrait of Martin D. Kneeland1642 & 1646Martin
[264A]Portrait of Harmon J. Kneeland1660Harmon
[266A]Portrait of Cassius L. Kneeland1668Cassius
[268A]Portrait of Andrew Delos Kneeland1669Andrew
[272A]Portrait of Horace Kneeland1682Horace
[282A]Collage of Bennett Family1701 & 1713, 1728 & 1736, 1742, 1743Stella, William, Frank, Mary
[284A]Portrait of Anna Marie Burton1729 & 1746Anna
[286A]Portrait of Samuel Stillman Kneeland1703 & 1765Samuel
[288A]Portrait of Amasa Spencer Kneeland1705 & 1770Amasa
[290A]Portrait of Francis Wayland Kneeland1772 & 1774Francis
[292A]Portrait of Ira Sprague Kneeland1773 & 1778Ira
[294A]Portrait of Russel H. Kneeland1805 & 1812Russel
[296A]Portrait of Russel Austin Kneeland1814Russel
[298A]Portrait of Thomas Tracy Kneeland1815Thomas
[300A]Portrait of Henry Tracy Kneeland1818Henry
[302A]Portrait of Frank Gilbert Kneeland1819Frank
[304A]Portrait of E. Y. Kneeland1800 & 1822Elisha
[306A]Portrait of Sarah (Kneeland) Hathaway1803 & 1838Sarah
[310A]Portrait of Sarah Kneeland King1949Sarah
[312A]Residence of James Kneeland1877 & 1980AJames
[314A]Residence of Norman L. Kneeland1892 & 1917Norman
[316A]Portrait of James P. Kneeland1883james
[318A]Portrait of Mary D. (Kneeland) Van Deusen1885Mary
[320A]Portrait of Sylvester W. Kneeland1868 &1889Sylvester
[322A]Portrait of Norman L. Kneeland1892 & 1917Norman
[324A]Portrait of O. S. Kneeland1919Otis
[326A]Portrait of David M. Kneeland1927David
[328A]Portrait of Moses Kneeland1875 & 1957Moses
[330A]Portrait of Wyman Kneeland Flint1976 & 1980Wyman
[332A]Portrait of James Kneeland1877 & 1980AJames
[342A]Portrait of Benjamin F. Kneeland1860 & 2000Benjamin
[344A]Portrait of Edwin Kneeland2010Edwin
[346A]Portrait of Horace Barnes Kneeland2019Horace
[348A]Portrait of Dow Kneeland2020Orlando
[350A]Portrait of Philo N. Kneeland2008 & 2050Philo
[352A]Portrait of L. D. Kneeland2061 & 2084Lorenzo
[356A]Portrait of Seth R. Kneeland718 & 2087Seth
[364A]Collage of Harvey Lyman Kneeland Family2189, 2193, 1294Harvey, William, Elwood
[366A]Portrait of Frederick Newton Kneeland2208 & 2212Frederick
[366C]Residence of Frederick Newton Lyman2208 & 2212Frederick
[368A]Portrait of Benjamin Kennard2217A & 2221Benjamin
[386A]Portrait of Daniel Kneeland2426 & 2439Daniel
[388A]Portrait of J. H. Kneeland2455 & 2461Joseph
[390A]Collage of Charles Kneeland Family2456 & 2466, 2467A, 2468, 2469, 2473Charles, Harold, Edwin, Frederick, Anna
[392A]Portrait of Frank W. Kneeland2467Frank
[394A]Portrait of Isaac Kneeland2437 & 2479Isaac
[398A]Portrait of Betsy Kezia Shepard2532Betsy
[402A]Portrait of Charles J. Kneeland2585 & 2602Charles
[406A]Portrait of Russel Kneeland2518 & 2644Russel
[408A]Collage of the Kneeland-Lachor Family2653, 2655, 2655AEva, Edna, Lucius, Olive listed as Eveta by SFK
[416A]Portrait of Simpson, Angeline L.2709 & 2713Angeline
[422A]Portrait of Henry C. Simpson2714 & 2768Henry
[446A]Portrait of Cyrus Kneeland2949 & 3200Cyrus

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