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S S Egmont (15 December 1864 - 22 December 1864)

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 15 Dec 1864 to 22 Dec 1864
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Immigrant Ships to New Zealand
Profile manager: Graeme Olney private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 124 times.

Passenger List

22—Egmont, s.s., 500 tons, C. Tredwin, from Sydney, Passengers—Capt. John Vine Hall, Mr. Eastwood,Mr. Morrin, Mrs. Peirs, Mrs. Stavers & servant, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Jones, Rev. W. Taylor. Professor Smith, Miss Hill, Capt. Shaw, Capt. Danbury, Mr. Myers, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Seunett, Miss E. Hill, Miss J. Hill, Mrs. Newhry, Miss. Frazer, Mr. Robertson, Mr. White, Mr Keesle, Mrs Phillips, Mr. John O'Niell, Mr. Moalds, Mrs. Fergorson, Mr. Brown. —H. M. Jervis, agent-[1]


The new s s Egmont, belonging to the Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Company, commanded

by Captain Tredwen, anchored off the wharf at 7 a m yesterday morning. She left Syndey at 5.30 p m 15th inst , and cleared the heads at 6. 30 p m , expericeing strong S E winds and heavy sea till the 17th, and from thence had light viriable winds and calms. She arrived of the North Head at 3am yesterday, but the weather being very thick and hazy she stood off until daylight. The Egmont brings a large cargo of general merchandise, and the following passengers — Capt John Vine Hall, Mr Eastwood, Mr Morrison, Mrs Peters, Mrs Stevens and servant, Mr Nicholson, Mr Jones, Rev W. Taylor, Professor Smith, Miss Hill, Captain Shaw, Captain Daubeny, Mr Myers, Mr Flynn, Mrs Sennett, Miss E and Miss J Hill, Mrs Newbry, Miss Frazer, Mr Robertsonon, Mr White, Mr Keevle, Mrs Philhps, Mr John O'Neill, Mr Mould, Mr Ferguson Mr Brown. The Egmont is a fine steamer, she appears to be admnably suited for the intercolonial trade, and is a handsome addition to the large number of steamers now owned by this company [2]


  1. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 348, 23 December 1864
  2. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2317, 23 December 1864

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