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Saint-Raymond, Québec Parish Records

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Date: 1844 [unknown]
Location: Saint-Raymond, Portneuf, Québecmap
Profile manager: Sarah Heiney private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 958 times.

There are three types of parish records available for Saint-Raymond: baptism, marriage, and burial. See the links at the bottom of the page for indexes.

Saint-Raymond's records are part of the Drouin Collection, which can be accessed through subscription sites like Ancestry.com or the Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique. FamilySearch has the images, but they are not indexed. Here is a link to the first page of the 1844 parish book on FamilySearch.

All of the records are in French and are written in narrative form. The following indexes were compiled by Sarah Heiney. One of the goals of the Saint-Raymond project is to create or match profiles for every single person found in these records.

Here is a full-written out transcription of the first baptism record:

B. Marie Huot

Le vingt quatre Octobre mil huit cent quarante quatre, nous prêtre curé soussigné, avons baptizé, Marie, née de vingt deux du prèsent mois, du légitime mariage de Thomas Huot cultivateur & de Marie Julien, de la Paroisse de St. Raymond. Le parrain a été Germain Dupuy et la marraine Adélaïde Sénécal; ils n’ont per signer; le père était absent.

H. Robson, Ptr


(Baptism of) Marie Huot

The twenty-fourth of October one thousand eight hundred forty-four, by we the undersigned priest, has been baptized Marie, born on the twenty-second of the present month, of the legitimate marriage of Thomas Huot, farmer, and Marie Julien, of the Parish of St. Raymond. The godfather was Germain Dupuy and the godmother Adélaïde Sénécal; they did not sign; the father was absent.

H. Robson, (Priest)

Saint-Raymond began recording parish records in October 1844, but the community existed before then. Because of this, Saint-Raymond records prior to 1845 can sometimes be found in neighboring towns. There are many pre-1845 records for Saint-Raymond residents in the town of Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier. For records beginning in October 1844 and later, use the Saint-Raymond links.


Pre-October 1844

Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, Québec Parish Records

October 1844 and After

Saint-Raymond Baptism Records

Saint-Raymond Marriage Records

Saint-Raymond Burial Records

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