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Samuel Hinckley 1662 Will

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Samuel Hinckley

Citing "2:2:2," George Ernest Bowman, "Samuel Hinckley's Will and Inventory," The Mayflower Descendant, 12 (1910):203-206; digital images, Hathi Trust; "transcribed from the Original Records." Bowman writes, "The will of Samuel^1 Hinckley of Barnstable was dated 8 October, 1662, and proved 4 March, 1662/3, at Plymouth, while his son, Thomas^2 Hinckley, was Governor of Plymouth Colony. The will and inventory are recorded in the Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, volume 2, part 2, folios two and. three."

The last Will and Testament of Samuell hinkley senir of Barnstable exhibitd to the Court hed att Plymouth the 4th of march 1662 on the oathes of Mr. Thomas hinckley and henery Cobb:

I being though weake in body ; yett through mercye of Disposing mind and memory ; and not knowing how soone my change may come I thinke fitt according to my Duty to Dispose of that estate god hath bin pleased to betrust mee withall ; and therefore first after my Desire to will and bequeath my soule to god through Jesus Christ whoe gave it ; and my body to Decent buriall &c my will is that Bridgett my wife shall have my two Cowes called prosper and thrivewell together with all the household stuff shee brought with her ; alsoe I will and bequeath unto her the use of my house and garden ; and the use of four acres of my broken up upland lying next to William Crockers During the time of her liveing a widdow ; alsoe I will to her one halfe of the corn that shalbee upon the said ground att my Decease alsoe I will and bequeath unto her my said wife the use of that pcell of my mersh bounded Northerly by John Smithes and southerly by the highway made Crosse the mersh (During the time of her widdow hood ; my will is that notwithstanding as aforesaid yett my sonnes Samuell and John shall have libertie to Dwell in the said house with my wife without molestation one unto another ; till either of them shall otherwise Dispose of themselves I alsoe will and bequeath unto my sonnes Thomas and John hinckley all my Interest in those lands att Saconeesett contained in that last purchase of those meddowes and upland neare unto the said Saconeesett ; and I will and bequeath unto my son Samuell hinckley all my Interest in those lands at Saconeesett contained in the first Purchase of the said land for which hee gave mee a horse ; the said lands mentioned in the last purchase aforesaid being to bee equally Devided betwene them my said sonnes Thomas and John ; and to prevent any Discontent that might arise upon any supposed Right or Interest of my son Samuells to the lands Contained in the last purchase att Saconeesett ; I will and bequeath my house and all my lands I live upon ; being pte of what I bought of Mr. hull (excepting the use of what is above mencioned ; to my wife During the time of her liveing a widdow together with the five acrees of meddow att the Iland which Did belonge unto my owne great lott unto my sonnes Samuell and John ; equally to bee Devided between them; which I Intended otherwise to have Disposed incase Samuell should have had all the lands att Saconeesett ; alsoe my will is, for the quieting thinges the better between them ; That my sonnes Thomas and John Doe give unto my son Samuell one third pte of the mersh Contained in the last purchase att Saconeesett aforesaid ; I alsoe will and bequeath my two acrees and a half of mersh att Scauton to my son Thomas I alsoe bequeath to my sonnes Samuell and John my beding and household stuff the tooles and tackling belonging to the Cattle equally to bee Devided between them excepting my short two hand saw which I will unto my son Thomas ; I will alsoe to my son Samuell one of my five yearling steers and one of my two yearling steers [fol. 3] and to my sone John the other both of my five yearling steers and of my two yearling steers ; and to my son Samuell my mare Called swift and to John my young mare ; and to each of them two ewes ; I alsoe will and bequeath to my Daughters Susanna Sarah Mary and Elizabeth to each of them the vallue of one shilling and to each of theire Children the said vallue ; I alsoe will unto Samuell hinckley the son of my son Thomas my yearling Coult that now suckes and the first Coult therof to Mary hinckley his sister and the first Coult of hers to her brother Thomas ; I will alsoe to Bathshua hinckley my heifer Calfe and one ewe : and to the Rest of my son Thomas his Children to each of them the vallue of one shilling I will alsoe to Samuell the son of my Daughter Cobb the first Coult my old mare shall have and the first Coult of that to his brother Jonathan Cobb ; the Rest of my estate I leave to my exequitors to pay my Debts and such nessesary charge as shall arise and I Doe heerby appoint and Authorise my son Thomas hinckley to bee Exequitor and my soninlaw henery Cobb to bee my overseer to see this my last will and Testament bee pformed according to the true Intent thereof ; It is my will alsoe that my sonnes Samuell and John should attend to the Councell and advise of my sonnes Thomas hinckley and henry Cobb whoe I Desire may have an eye of them for theire best good ; In witnes heerof as to my last will and Testament according to the prmises I have heer unto sett my hand this 8th of October 1662.

Samuell hinckley
Thomas hinckley
henery Cobb :

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