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Sandbox for Nancy Gillespie Owens

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Sandbox: Nancy (Gillespie) Owens (1760 - 1852)

This Sandbox is to fix the many errors of Ancestors and Descendents for Nancy Gillespie Owens.



  1. Nancy is not the Biological Daughter of William Gillespie (1728-abt.1802) and Mary Yeomans (Clendennin) Gillespie (1725-1797)
  2. Nancy is the Biological Daughter of William Gillespie (1728-abt.1802) and Susquehannock (Susquehannock) Gillespie (bef.1730-bef.1800).
  3. Nancy is not related to the Clendennin Family
  4. Nancy has Indian bloodline

Facts with Sources

  1. Amanda shares DNA with Steven, Martha and Bobbie
  2. Steven shares DNA with Amanda and Jeanne
  3. Martha shares DNA with Amanda
  4. Steven is confirmed as 3C3R to Amanda

To Check or Confirm

  1. Correct every Profile and Source in Amanda's Line
  2. Correct every Profile and Source in Steven's Line
  3. Correct every Profile and Source in Martha's Line
  4. Correct every Profile and Source in Bobbie Long's Line
  5. Correct every Profile and Source in Jeanne Swanstrom's Line
  6. GedMatch everyone on Nancy (Gillespie) Owens (1760-1852) against Amanda Completed. Only Bobbie, Martha & Steven GedMatches Craig-4574 18:34, 21 February 2021 (UTC)
  7. GedMatch everyone on Nancy (Gillespie) Owens (1760-1852) against Steven Completed. Only Jeanne & Amanda GedMatches Craig-4574 18:34, 21 February 2021 (UTC)
  8. GedMatch everyone on Nancy (Gillespie) Owens (1760-1852) against Martha Completed. Only Amanda GedMatches Craig-4574 18:34, 21 February 2021 (UTC)
  9. GedMatch everyone on Nancy (Gillespie) Owens (1760-1852) against Bobbie Completed. Only Amanda GedMatches Craig-4574 18:34, 21 February 2021 (UTC)
  10. GedMatch everyone on William Gillespie (1728-abt.1802) against Amanda
  11. GedMatch everyone on William Gillespie (1728-abt.1802) against Steven
  12. GedMatch everyone on William Gillespie (1728-abt.1802) against Martha

Current Error List

Current List of Errors for Nancy and those attached to her

Confirmed DNA Matches to Amanda

  1. Steven Wilson
  2. Martha (Demi) Houston
  3. Bobbie Long

Confirmed DNA Matches to Steven

  1. Amanda Moyer
  2. Jeanne Swanstrom's


Amandas Pedigree

Stevens Pedigree

Marthas Pedigree

Confirmed Unrelated

  1. Sandy (Craig) Patak does not share DNA with Amanda, Martha or Steven

Sandys Random Thoughts

(In no particular order - delete thought when figured out)

  1. There are way too many people listed as DNA Connections on William's Profile. The hope is to clean up Amanda's/Steven's/Martha's downline of Profile to see if any Profiles need disconnected. Disconnecting can only help the up line to the William's Profile.
  2. Steven has shared DNA with Amanda but NOT Martha. (2C1R (second cousins once removed), 3C (third cousins), 2C2R (second cousins twice removed)) Amanda has shared DNA with Martha. (4C1R (fourth cousins once removed) or %c1R). Why does Steven not share DNA with Martha?
  3. Steven is about 3.5 generations away from Amanda.
  4. Martha is about 5 generations away from Martha
  5. Amanda shares DNA (5 generations away) with Bobbie Long who is listed as a DNA connection to Anna (Owens) Lansberry (1800-1886). But, Steven and Martha do not share DNA with Bobbie.
  6. Since Bobbie and Jeanne share DNA with Amanda at about 5 generations away, at this time, it is not helpful to add their Pedigrees. Martha is also 5 generations and can be worked instead but only for reference.
  7. So, the DNA listed on Nancy's page and the GedMatch results clearly point to one of two things:
    1. Profiles are incorrectly linked and should be checked for accuracy
    2. Illegitimacy in the down line

Amandas Random Thoughts

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