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Sandemanians and the bookbinding, paper and publishing trades

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Location: London, Middlesex, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Sandemanian Leighton Boosey
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The Sandemanian Church included within their congregation, individuals from a number of key families who remained committed to the church over a number of generations. Members of these families often married within the congregation, so that over time, many of the church members were also related.

A number of these families also formed business partnerships together within the book binding/publishing/ paper manufacturing and also in the Silversmith business

image being used for publishers

The list of the members of the London Sandemanian Meeting House 1821-67 include a number of families associated with the book binding, paper manufacturing and publishing industries. Several of the families ran successful businesses which remained as family managed businesses for 4-5 generations.

Links to other pages

This page is one of a series concerning the Sandemanians. An introduction to the Sandemanian Church includes an overview but also details of the categories used for the various families
Research into the London Sandemanian Church and the questions I am seeking to answer
Histories of other Sandemanian Families
The arrival of Sandemanianism in London with details of the people involved and the impact on the nonconformist community

Brief Histories of some Sandemanian Families
Barnard Family and the Sandemanian Church
Boosey Family and the Sandemanian Church
Chater Family and the Sandemanian Church
Deacon Family and the Sandemanian Church
Leighton Family and the Sandemanian Church
Peat Family and the Sandemanian Church
Rutt Family and the Sandemanian Church
Vincent Family and the Sandemanian Church
Young Family and the Sandemanian Church

Other pages with details of Sandemanians
Sandemanian Church London membership list
London Sandemanian marriages and other links between families
Grosvenor Family Stationers business
Reid and Sons Silversmiths
London Nonconformist Glass Cutters, the Leathley, Chater and Hayward Families
Sandemanian Church, Old Buckenham, Norfolk
The letter from the London Sandemanian Church to the Edinburgh Church in 1855, including signatories to the letter

Sandemanian bookbinders, paper manufacturers and publishers

This list includes known Sandemanians and some of their relatives who were relevant to the narrative.


John Boosey ran a bookselling business in Cheapside, London selling foreign language publications. He also set up a lending library.

His son Thomas Boosey 1767-1840 founded the musical publishing business. Was probably a Sandemanian.

Thomas Boosey has two sons,

John Boosey who was a book seller according to the newspaper announcement of his wedding in 1821 Thomas Boosey 1795-1871 deacon and later elder of the Sandemanian church and carried on the T&T Boosey musical publishing business. He married Elizabeth Chater, the daughter of Joseph Chater Sandemanian who had previously owned a stationers shop.

The next generation were Charles Boosey and John Boosey who ran the business until the 1900's, although these have no known links to the Sandemanians.

At least three of Charles Boosey's sons worked in the trade with Charles and Arthur working as clerks and George Cunningham Boosey working as a papermaker.

The category England Publishers has 10 members of the Boosey family, many involved in the Boosey and Hawkes music publishing company.


John Chater. (1730-1771) One of the founders of the London Church, known as a preacher but was also a publisher and bookseller. In 1766 he published a book by Samuel Pike, and John Barnard both elders of the London Church. He was in partnership with Thomas Vernor at that time.

Eliezer Chater (1763-1835) was a member of the London church and partner of the stationary firm Grosvenor, Chater & Co. He began as an apprentice with Richard Welles, a partner in the firm of Welles and Grosvenor at 11 Cornhill, London. His son George Chater was a wholesale stationer and paper merchant, with his grandson George Chater born about 1840 also working as a paper merchant.

John Chater born about 1788. Not known if Sandemanian but in partnership with Thomas Vernor in Clerkenwell running lending library.

The category England Stationers has 4 members of the Chater family and the category paper manufacturing has 2 members of the Chater family.


William Limbery Grosvenor Sandemanian member) a stationer, based in Cornhill, City of London. He was third generation in his family to be in the Stationary and paper business. Details of the company Grosvenor Stationers show the trading history from 1736 - 1977. He went into partnership with Eliezer Chater in 1790 once he had completed his apprenticeship.

The category England Stationers has 3 members of the Grosvenor family.


Archibald Leighton 1742 – 1799 was born in Aberdeen and moved to London to establish his bookbinding business in Old Bath Square, Clerkenwell. He also joined one of the Sandemanian Churches meeting in London.

George Leighton 1762-1839 son of Archibald Leighton was an Elder in the Sandemanian Church and carried on the bookbinding business after his fathers death, jointly with his step mother. He established his own business at Vineyard gardens, Clerkenwell which carried on until 1883. Need to establish who ran the business.

John Leighton, 1776-1857 son of Archibald Leighton was a deacon in the Sandemanian church. He established as bookbinder in Brewer Street, Golden Square, where the business still exists.

Archibald Leighton 1784-1841 son of Archibald Leighton may have been a Sandemanian, he was buried in Bunhill Fields, a burial ground used by many non-conformists. He continued the business established by his father. Eventually the parent business was removed to Exmouth Street, Clerkenwell, where it was carried on by Archibald Leighton the younger, in partnership with his mother as Leighton and Son.

The category England Publishers has 5 members of the Leighton family and the category English Bookbinders has 16 members of the Leighton family.


Anthony Lorimier (1807-1875) was born in Wiltshire and was a Sandemanian and a bookbinder. He registered several patents. for improvements to printing machines, and had his own printing works. He also worked for a period for Eyre and Spottiswoode, her Majesties Printer.

His sons were trained as book binders, but the youngest two left in dispute Joseph Lorimier (1842-) and Reuben Lorimer (1843-) about 1869, according to the newspaper account of their arrest for theft.


David Watson Martin 1798-1884 was born in Dundee but moved to London and became a member of the Sandemanian Church in London in 1821. The 1861 census says he was a bookbinder employing 13 women ( but transcript is incomplete).

Henry Martin 1841-? was also a bookbinder in 1861.


Alexander Macomie (1795-1872) was a bookbinder, born in Dundee but moved to London and joined the Sandemanian's in 1816. His brother William Macomie (1797-) another bookbinder also moved to London and worked with Alexander. In 1861 he was working in Kentish Town and employing 3 men, a woman and 2 boys.

He exhibited a bible in the 1851 Great Exhibition.


William Paradise 1791-1866 was born in London, and a Deacon and Elder in the Sandemanian church. He worked as a stationer and music seller. He moved to Newcastle and was living there in 1851, where he died in 1866. He may have joined the Newcastle Sandemanian church

William Paradise son of William Paradise worked as engraver in Newcastle.

George Paradise 1820-1880 also son of William Paradise was a Deacon and Elder in the Sandemanian church and worked as printer in London.


Charles Rutt (abt.1772-abt.1862) served his apprenticeship with William Limbery Grosvenor (abt.1745-abt.1832) and joined the company, with members of the company continuing to be employed there until at least 1977.

His son Thomas Prentice Rutt (1805-abt.1880) was a wholesale stationer and paper manufacturer, and his sons Thomas Rutt (1832-abt.1920) and Alfred Rutt (1848-1885) continued in the business.

The category England Stationers has 2 members of the Rutt family.


Alexander Tilloch was born in Glasgow but moved to London and purchased the Star newspaper. He also developed a process to prevent forgery of bank notes and became a Sandemanian in later life.


George Whitelaw 1803-1872 was an Deacon in the Sandemanian Church and worked in the book selling trade. He was born in Perth served his apprenticeship in Perth with Mr Peat (probably a Sandemanian) and then

About the year 1824 he moved to London and obtained employment in the establishment of Mr Leighton, Brewer Street, Golden Square, and afterwards with Mr A. McComie, (member of the Sandemanian church) where he remained till commencing business on his own account in Nassau Street, near Middlesex Hospital; while there he incurred a very serious loss in consequence of his premises having been burned down. About this time, Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, who had previously sold their Bibles and Prayer books in sheets, chiefly through their agents Messrs Longman and Co., determined to open a place for their sale to the trade and to the public also. Mr Whitelaw as place at the head of the establishment, and the result fully justified the wisdom of the choice. Active, upright, persevering, he set himself to work in building up a large business.

David Whitelaw 1844-1879, son of George Whitelaw was a member in the Sandemanian Church. He worked as a bookseller and publishers manager.

James Peter Whitelaw (1835-1921) was a bookbinder, although his father Scott Whitelaw (1807-1853) was a cabinet maker.

George Baynes Whitelaw 1846-1927, son of George Whitelaw was a member in the Sandemanian Church. He worked as a bookseller’s clerk (1881) Assistant Manager (Bible Warehouse) (1891) and publishers manager (1901).


William Wilson about 1750 -1835 was a member of the Sandemanian Church and was a printer. His will includes details of his print shop which was also later detailed when auctioned after his death. He was based at Skinners Street, Snowhill in the City of London. His wife Jane (Boyd) Wilson carried on the business with her son for a few years.


Thomas Vernor was in partnership with John Chater and Thomas's daughter Rachel Vernor married John's son Eliezer Chater

He was in partnership with John Chater another Elder in the London Sandemanian meeting house from about 1765. In about 1769 John Chater moved to set up his own business in Kings Street, Cheapside [1]

They advertised a change of address in 1767

Vernor and Chater beg leave to acquaint their subscribers that their circulating library will be removed, this and the following two days, into King-street, three doors down from Cheapside, in consequence of which no books can be changed before Thursday next. The bookselling business will be continued at their old shop in Ludgate Hill, and a catalogue shortly published of several libraries and parcels of books lately purchased (Daily Advertiser 21 Dec 1767).

Also in 1767 This day is published. In two volumes, Price 6s bound or 5s sewed, The Generous Guardian. A novel. Printed for T.Vernor and J.Chater, at their circulating library on Ludgate-Hill. Note, This library in a few weeks will be removed in King-Street, three doors down from Cheapside (Daily Advertiser 24 Dec 1767).

In 1767 Thomas Vernor and John Chater had a business in Ludgate Hill,
in 1779 publishing house of Vernor, Fore Street
at some point between these dates, Birchin Lane
before the summer of 1798 business at 31 Poultry [2].

In 1770 John Barnard wrote the book The religion of Antichrist or, notes on the book of the Revelation of John, and other prophecies; respecting the rise, reign, religion, and ruin, of the man of sin. To which is added, a dissertation on the sign of the prophet Jonas and it was published by John Chater and Thomas Vernor. All three of these men were leaders in the Sandemanian Church. [3]

In 1787 he advertised a reward for a missing book from his business in Birchin Street To booksellers &c. Missing a Hudibras, printed for Hindmarsh, 1682 "Nar. Luttrell" wrote on the first or second leaf; has gilt edges, lettered on the back, and also on the cover with an L. Any person into whose hands it may come bringing it to the Circulating Library in Birchin-Lane, Lombard Street (where the 4th part, called Butler's Ghost may be seen bound uniform, shall receive half a guinea for it (Daily Advertiser 8 Sep 1787). [4]

Vernor & Hood booksellers 31 Poultry from 1797 to 1812 (& with Sharpe from 1806) bbti. Thomas Vernor died in 1793 and was succeeded by his widow Ann. Their only son George Glass Vernor died in 1796 age 24. Their daughter Rachel was married to Eliezer Chater, stationer. His partner was William Limbery Grosvenor (qv). Ann Vernor died in 1808, leaving no Vernors in the firm, which was run by Thomas Hood and Charles Sharpe. Thomas Hood died 20.8.1811 of a malignant fever and Charles Sharpe went bankrupt in 1812. So by "call on Vernor" I suppose Godwin meant the shop not the man.[5]

Thomas Vernor https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Vernor-52 was a member of the London Sandemanian (or Glasite) Church. His son was given the middle name Glas, after the founder of the church, John Glas. Their daughter Rachel Vernor https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Chater-93 became a member in 1783 and married Eliezer Chater, also a member, as was William Limbery Grosvenor. Thomas Hood the elder was described in contemporary accounts as a Sandemanian but was not on the London church membership list. He served an apprenticeship with Robert Sands and later married his daughter Elizabeth Sands. She is likely to be the daughter of James Sands who joined the church in 1765.

The son of Thomas Hood, the notable Tom Hood wrote a children’s book Jingles and Jokes for little folks and the cover was designed by John Leighton also from a Sandemanian family ( they probably attended the church together as children). Charles Sharpe was not a member, but if his father was Richard Sharpe, (joined in 1762) then he also grew up in the church.


Benjamin Vincent 1812-1899, Deacon and Elder in the Sandemanian church and worked alongside Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. He was librarian but also published the Haydns Dictionary of Dates

Thomas Vincent 1840-1890 the son of Benjamin Vincent Deacon and Elder in the Sandemanian church, worked as a bookbinding finisher (1861, 1871) and as a Publishers Foreman (1881). Not known which company he worked for

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