Location: [unknown]
This transcription is for the gravestone of Sarah (Meltzer) Mayer (1851-1913) and has been graciously provided by Kaila Cramer. Weatherall-96 05:46, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
This page can also serve as a helpful example of common Hebrew sayings on gravestones, with text that is easily readable.
From Kaila: 1. First, there’s a Magen David with 2 Hebrew letters in the centre פ״נ. = Here is buried
2. על אלה אנו בוכים = For these we cry
3. על פטירת אמנו = On the death of our mother
4. צנועה במעשׂיה חיה = modest in her life’s deeds
5. שׂרה בר מרדכי אשת = Sarah daughter of Mordekhai wife of
6. ר׳ יעקב מאיר מתה = Mr. Yaakov Meir, died (fem. form of verb, so “died” pertains to Sarah)
7. י״ג תשרי ת״רעד [?] (I can’t make out the final letter, but the Hebrew year letters are complete) = 13 Tishri 5674. (This is Oct 13, 1913)
8. ת״נצבה = May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life
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