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Sarah Nicholson Purchase by Capt Thompson

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 48 times.

Henry L. Thompson's purchase of Sarah Nicholson from Presley Stephenson, retrieved by Antoinette Harrell

This was attached to:

State of Louisiana

City of New Orleans

Be it known that on this twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and fifty first of the Independence of the United States of America--

Before me Hugh K. Jordan Notary Public in and for the Parish and City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Pressly Stephenson resident of the Parish of St. Helena in this State, who declared that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and twenty five dollars cash to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge and grants acquittance therefor, he the said appeared has sold and delivered, and does by these presents grant sell, assign, transfer and convey with full guarantee against all molestation, suit, and eviction, and all debts, liens, mortgages, and incumbrances whatsoever on it also appear, by the Certificate of the Parish Judge of the Parish of St. Helena dated the sixth of April instant now exhibited in the premises and hereunto annexed for reference--also with full guarantee against the redhibitory vices and maladies provided against by the law of this State. The vendor observing however that the slave hereinafter named hath a defect in years.

Unto Henry Livingston Thompson resident of this City the said party being also present acknowledging possession and accepting a certain slave named Sarah aged about seventeen years a slave for life, the property of said vendor, purchased of Josahia Suttes of the parish of East Feliciana to have and to hold the said slave unto the said Henry Livingston Thompson his heir, and assign to his and their only proper use and [behoof foreseen?]. And that said Pressly Stephenson for himself and his heir shall and will warrant guarantee and for ever defend the said slave Sarah unto the said Henry Livingston Thompson his heir and assign against the claim and claims of all and every person and persons whomsoever by these presents.

Thus done and passed at the City of New Orleans the day and year aforesaid in the presence of Felix [Brunel?] and Francis [Newman?] witnesses who hereinto subscribe their names with the parties and me the notary.

The original; signed Pressley Stephenson. H.L. Thompson [Brunel]. F. [Newman?]. Hugh K. Jordan, Notary Public

I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original extant in my current register, in faith whereof I grant these presents under my signature and seal of office at New Orleans this 18th day of April 1827.

Signed H. K. Jordan Notary Public

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