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Loganville, Wisconsin Photograph Archive

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Sauk County Historical Society - Photographic Collection of Loganville

Names of people are bolded, Descriptions are posted here to create links to WikiTree.

All photos are the respective property of the original photo providers and copies of any photos listed herein are to be purchased through the Sauk County Historical Society here. Photos themselves can be requested for 1) Personal use, 2) Non-profit use, and 3) Commercial use. All commercial use requires a Commercial Use Contract through the historical society.



LOG1 Looking north on Main st. 1909 (Same as LOG110) (also see LOG20)

LOG2 Looking south on Main st. 1909

LOG3 Fire, Feb. 1924. (Same as LOG208)

LOG4 Fire, Feb. 1924.

LOG5 Inside John Riggert’s General Store, ca. 1920's. L-R: Lydia Timmcke, Herman Timmcke, Oscar Wagner

LOG6 Garage, NW corner of State & Main streets

LOG7 4th of July parade, 1908 or 1909.

LOG8 August Soltwedel standing by road equipment , ca. 1910-1915.

LOG9 Kohlmeyer’s camper (built by him), ca. 1922-24. Photo in Yellowstone Park.

LOG10 Fire truck in parade. Edgar Kruse photo.

LOG11 1924 fire. Winecke Meat Market. note meat grinder top of photo. Alice Winecke px.

LOG12 1924 fire. Alice Winecke photo.

LOG13 1924 fire. Alice Winecke photo.

LOG14 1924 fire. Alice Winecke photo.

LOG15 1924 fire. Alice Winecke photo.

LOG16 Fire, Feb. 1924.

LOG17 Auto accident in front of Richert Tavern (Loganberry in 1999).

LOG18 Auto accident in front of Richert Tavern (Loganberry in 1999).

LOG19 Early 1920's.

LOG20 Main St., 1909. Looking N. Bldg. 2nd from left was Adam Leicher undertaking parlor. Forth from left was meat market.

LOG21 (Loganville?) Band in a parade

LOG22 (Loganville?) Band in parade at a convention? in Janesville, 1933.

LOG23 Ladies going fishing near Loganville

LOG24 Looking east from the west side of town.

LOG25 Ice storm, Feb. 22, 1922

LOG26 Ice storm, Feb. 22, 1922. First house on right across bridge going west.

LOG27 Mill pond west side of town. Looking south. ca. 1900.

LOG28 Inside Loganville Milk Plant, ca. late 1920's. Gus Schrank, left. Carl Gluth Jr., right.

LOG29 Same as LOG117, East side of Main St., just north of Burmester’s Grocery.

LOG30 Parade wagon, c. late 1890's.

LOG31 Ca. 1890. Tavern located south of Burmester’s Grocery.

LOG32 Possibly Richert’s Tavern. Is the Loganberry in 2001, north side of village, west side of street.

LOG33 Richert’s Tavern, c. 1935. L-R: Curley Luetkens, Emil Richert, Marten Schank. Is the Loganberry in 2001, north side of village, west side of street.

LOG34 Automobile, ca. 1920's.

LOG35 Inside Roewer’s store, possibly.

LOG36 Sunday morning. Helen Winecke photo.

LOG37 Bird’s Eye View, looking west, 1924.

LOG38 Cutting ice at Peper’s Pond.

LOG39 Cutting ice at Peper’s Pond.

LOG40 Cutting ice at Peper’s Pond.

LOG41 Cutting ice at Peper’s Pond.

LOG42 View from airplane, George Schlieckau photo, ca. 1930's

LOG43 Main St., looking south, 1924.

LOG44 Bird’s Eye View, 1909.Looking NE. House in lower right moved from Spring Valley, was put there when they thought road would go thru. When it didn’t it was moved to street to the left. Clay was made into bricks used in some local homes, from water hole in lower left.

LOG45 Harness Shop & Post Office, ca. early 1900's. L-R: William Ware, Mabel Ware Hammermeister, Lydia Schulz. Ladies operated millinery store on right. Mrs. Archie Thomas photo. Same as LOG109.

LOG46 Paving Main St. with macadam, ca. 1913. Bill Williams, center.

LOG47 St. John’s Lutheran Church, Loganville. 1908

LOG48 Voss Blacksmith on left ca. 1907. Looking NW.

LOG49 Main St. looking north, 1908.

LOG50 Loganville Creamery, 1908.

LOG51 Bird’s Eye View, looking NW, 1925-1927, State Hist. Soc. of WI photo # WHi (G5) 1223

LOG52 Bird’s Eye View, looking NW, 1924, State Hist. Soc. of WI photo # Whi (G5) 1224

LOG53 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG54 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947. Spring Green Rural Fire Dept. truck.

LOG55 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG56 Truck factory, ca. 1920's.

LOG57 Street Scene looking south. 1921. State Hist. Soc. of WI photo # Whi (G5) 1225

LOG58 Main st. looking north, 1924.

LOG59 Ca. 1890. Tavern located south of Burmester’s Grocery.

LOG60 Street construction

LOG61 Street work in Loganville

LOG62 Swimming in Narrow’s Creek, 1910. Eric Schalkhauser photo

LOG63 Kids in back yard.

LOG64 Bridge west of Loganville. “The old swimming hole”, Summer 1910. Eric Schalkhauser photo.

LOG65 Band. Henry Westedt with hand on beer pump. Dorothy Behn photo

LOG66 Sawmill. Standing on engine: front, John Riggert; center, Wm Kruse. Henry Westedt seated with vest. Engine was a “Star” make. Early 1900's. (Closeup of LOG67)

LOG67 Sawmill. Standing on engine: front, John Riggert; center, Wm Kruse. Henry Westedt seated with vest. Engine was a “Star” make. Early 1900's.

LOG68 Sawmill. St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in background. (Closeup of LOG67) Early 1900's.

LOG69 Grosshans Mill, north end of town. Dorothy Behn photo.

LOG70 Main St. c. 1910. Riggert’s General store on right.

LOG71 Fishermen in front of Burmester’s Grocery, L-R: Julius Gluth, Bill Williams (standing), August Giese (with beard), F. Ninneman (with suspenders), Ed Williams (with derby), Wm Grosshans (feet over side), others unknown.

LOG72 Decoration Day, 1919. L-R: Herman Thies, Martin Baumgarten?, ?, Gus Stecklburg, Gus Thies, Wm Thies, Hank Nieman?, Henry Thies.

LOG73 Decoration Day, 1919.

LOG74 Gathering of people, possibly a wedding (bride & groom in center).

LOG75 Inside (unknown) bar.

LOG76 Loganville brick schoolhouse under construction.

LOG77 Bar and hotel. Loganberry Inn in 1999 (North end of town, west side of street). Dorothy Behn photo. (See LOG281 for closeup)

LOG78 Parade down Main street.

LOG79 4th of July celebration around 1940. Car built by Henry Albers, driven by Rex & Reuben Albers.

LOG80 Soldier, Albert Burmester

LOG81 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG82 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG83 Threshing crew stopped in Loganville. 1894. Rig owned by Henry Kruse (driving engine). Man 2nd from left in suit is D.B. Hulburt. 3rd from left is Ed Luehrsen. Also in photo is Henry Hasz, John Thieding. Albert Kruse photo. Same as LOG294.

LOG84 Parade down Main st.

LOG85 Roll of Honor, WWII, Welcome Home. Jan. 1946. Sign painted by Frank Leicher.

LOG86 Firemen’s Convention, ca. 1938

LOG87 Firemen’s Convention, ca. 1938

LOG88 Firemen’s Convention, ca. 1938

LOG89 Firemen’s convention, ca. 1938. 6th from left: Wm Retzlaff, 7th, Gus Steinhorst

LOG90 Firemen’s Convention, ca. 1938

LOG91 Firemen’s Convention, ca. 1938

LOG92 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG93 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG94 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG95 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG96 West of Main St., ca. 1920's. Same as LOG814

LOG97 Hard rubber tire log truck.

LOG98 Inside Burmester’s General store. L-R: Helen (Winecke) Grosshans, Al Burmester, Nettie Fenster (a customer).

LOG99 4th of July parade 1924.


LOG100 4th of July parade, 1924.

LOG101 Loganville Fire Dept., 1924.

LOG102 Milk truck, ca 1917. Built by Fred Kohlmeyer. One of first that he built from junk parts. Truck held about 100 cans of milk. Note right hand drive.

LOG103 John & Mrs. Williams. ca. 1900. Built by Mr. Williams.

LOG104 Looking east towards Loganville from Spring Valley Rd.

LOG105 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG106 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947.

LOG107 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947. (Same as LOG111).

LOG108 Grave marker of Antonett (York) Spooner, wife of William, d. Sep. 29, 1864, Westfield Cemetery.

LOG109 Harness Shop & Post Office, ca. early 1900's. L-R: William Ware, Mabel Ware Hammermeister, Lydia Schulz. Ladies operated millinery store on right. Mrs. Archie Thomas photo. Same as LOG45.

LOG110 Looking north down Main st. 1909 (Same as LOG1)(also see LOG20)

LOG111 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947. (Same as LOG107)

LOG112 Feb. 22, 1922 ice storm. The bridge on the “Hillpoint Road”.

LOG113 Feb. 22, 1922 ice storm. Looking south.

LOG114 Street renovation.

LOG115 Street renovation

LOG116 Ball game in park north of the steel bridge.

LOG117 East side of Main St., just north of Burmester’s Grocery. Same as LOG29.

LOG118 Street work in town.

LOG119 Inside bar?

LOG120 First Saloon in Loganville. Early 1900's. Loganberry in 1999.

LOG121 Loganville Fire Dept. parade

LOG122 Loganville Fire Dept. parade

LOG123 Looking south in 1910.

LOG124 Street scene, ca. 1940's.

LOG125 Harvesting ice at Peper’s Pond. Cutting machine belonged to Al “Spits” Steckelburg.

LOG126 Harvesting ice at Peper’s Pond. L-R: Martin Hennings, Al Licht, Martin Steckelburg.

LOG127 Looking NE towards Loganville from Spring Valley Rd.

LOG128 Bill Williams, right, on fishing trip at Lodie’s Mill near Witwen. mid 1930's.

LOG129 Looking north, 1958.

LOG130 Westedt’s Hall. In basement was a dining room. Freda and Lena Westedt prepare to serve a meal.

LOG131 Same as LOG98 & LOG214, Inside Burmester’s General store. L-R: Helen (Winecke) Grosshans, Al Burmester, Nettie Fenster (a customer).

LOG132 Looking NW. 1910. Building on left was built as a hotel, later right side converted to a saloon. Upper story was a dance hall. Ringling Bros. performed there. Bldg. 2nd from left was blacksmith shop owned by Wm Retzlaff. 3rd bldg. was village jail. Village doings held there along with elections. Far right is gristmill of Wm Grosshans.

LOG133 4th of July parade down Main St. Burmester Store float.

LOG134 “A Pioneer residence, Loganville, Wisconsin” date unknown.

LOG135 Looking south, 1924.

LOG136 Feed mill on NE side of village, on Peak Hill Rd.

LOG137 Martin Thies Oil delivery truck

LOG138 Bob & Luana Thies, 1934. Martin Thies trucks.

LOG139 Road Construction

LOG140 Road Construction

LOG141 Road Construction

LOG142 Looking north. 1924. State Hist. Soc. of WI photo, # Whi (G5) 1227

LOG143 Bird’s Eye View, looking NW. ca. 1924

LOG144 Building St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896.

LOG145 West side main street, 1928.

LOG146 Building St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896.

LOG147 Threshing grain with steam engine.

LOG148 Loganville Creamery 1895.

LOG149 Threshing crew.

LOG150 Feed sack, Snow Drift flour, from Wm Grosshans flour mill.

LOG151 Feed sack, Flavo Flour, from Wm Grosshans flour mill.

LOG152 William Thies displays items from Grosshans flour mill. Feb. 15, 1973, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG153 Putting hops on poles around 1900 on Colvin farm (Robert Bergman farm in 1999)

LOG154 Loganville Roller Mill, north side of village.

LOG155 “When shall we four meet again?” 1908. George Hasz seated in rig used to deliver mail when he opened route two. Rig also used to deliver bottled milk in Loganville. The two mules were purchased by George in Minnesota and driven by him back to WI. Photo taken near old creamery.

LOG156 East side of Main St., Burmester’s Grocery second from left.

LOG157 East side of Main St. 1928.

LOG158 Log cabin on Schwartz farm (2000), Co. Hwy. D., south of Pine Bluff Rd. photo ca. 1980's.

LOG159 Looking east from Spring Valley Rd., Feb. 4, 1973, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG160 Looking east from Spring Valley Rd., Feb. 4, 1973, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG161 Al Burmester behind soda fountain, ca. mid-1920's.

LOG162 Sep. 3, 1910. Henry Hennings, Mrs. (Elsa) August Yecht, Mrs. (Freda) Fred Eckstein. Eric Schalkhauser photo.

LOG163 Main St. looking north. 1910, photo by Eric Schalkhauser.

LOG164 Looking west, March 1973. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG165 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947. (Same as LOG191)

LOG166 Bird’s Eye View, looking NW.

LOG167 Main St., looking south, 1921

LOG168 F. Ninnemann Dray Line, Loganville

LOG169 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896.

LOG170 Looking east, early 1900's. House on left built by Ernest Voss in 1911. Was built close to street so his wife, an invalid, could see what was going on up town.

LOG172 Al Burmester at soda fountain, 1926-27.

LOG173 Loganville baseball pitcher, southpaw, Walter Klipstein.

LOG174 Looking east toward Loganville from Spring Valley Rd.

LOG175 Same as LOG44. Bird’s Eye View, 1909.Looking NE. House in lower right moved from Spring Valley, was put there when they thought road would go thru. When it didn’t it was moved to street to the left. Clay was made into bricks used in some local homes, from water hole in lower left.

LOG176 Baseball game near Loganville. Nieman’s barn on left.

LOG177 Pulling snowplow 1920. Henry Schrank on right. Note milk on trucks.

LOG178 1921. L-R (in 1924 businesses were): Farber Auto Co., Funeral home of Adam Leicher, Implement & hardware store of J.G. Hasz, Meat market of H.A. Winecke, Wagon repair shop of J.C. Luehrsen, private home, Soltwedel’s Bar & dance hall, Hardware and general store of John Riggert. First five buildings destroyed by fire in 1924. Bldg. on right is “Wisconsin Truck Factory” built by the Leicher Bros.

LOG179 St. John’s Lutheran Church. early 1900's.

LOG180 Martin Thies by a Maxwell truck, owned by Fred Ninneman.

LOG181 Trumbull home, ca. early 1900's. Located top of Mill St. hill on left.

LOG182 Chevrolet Garage (next to Burmester’s Store). Gas is 16 cents.

LOG183 Baumgarten (gas station).

LOG184 West of Main St., ca. 1920's.(Same as LOG96)

LOG185 Wagon, team of horses.

LOG186 Barn construction.

LOG187 Barn construction.

LOG188 Loganville Milk Plant. Klondike truck in front (owned by Martin Thies), Winton truck in back.

LOG189 Truck.

LOG190 Soltwedel Hall, later Meacham Tavern

LOG191 Meacham Fire, April 25, 1947. (Same as LOG165)

LOG192 Soltwedel’s Hall, school fair. 1922. Teachers were Stella Severson & Loretta Horken.

LOG193 4th of July float of Burmester’s Store, early 1920's.

LOG194 Dr. Otto Westedt working on his medical dummy. April 27, 1906. Office was located in old wing of Cora Fisher’s house. That wing has since been removed.

LOG195 Auto

LOG196 Loganville Cornet Band at Soltwedel’s Hall performing in a skit “The Village Band” to raise money for the group. Band leader is Carl Koenig; boy with vest is Fritz Thies; Playing drum is Al Schrank; with large horn and cowboy hat is Erwin Thies; left of Erwin with trombone is Bill Thies; man on far left with cornet is Henry Nieman.

LOG197 Family around log cabin.

LOG198 Otto Soltwedel Bar. Owner is behind bar.

LOG199 Wisconsin Truck Factory, ca. early 1920's.


LOG200 “Fourteen Fools For Fun” club, July 4, 1918. L-R, back: Agnes (Westenhaver) Wegnor, Ruth (Kruse) Abraham, Hazel (Ware) Voss, Elsie (Peck) Henning, Erene (Baumgarten) Dubois, Ester Schwenke, ?. Front: Ruth Westedt, Dorena (Zimmerman) Harms, Edna (Krueger) Timcke. A group of area girls who got together evenings to crochet and embrodery and do other fancy work. Met every two weeks in different homes. Afterward they would have lunch and talk. Others in the group and not pictured were: Lydia (Kruse) Timcke, Mabel (Ware) Hammermeister, Mildred Licht (former Loganville school teacher), Esther Hennings.

LOG201 Ernest & Minnie Voss, 1900. On Walnut St. east of Main. (Was Walter Spohnholtz home later).

LOG202 ca. 1909. See LOG233 for description of buildings.

LOG203 Inside Loganville’s first saloon, 1935 (Loganberry in 1999). L-R: Emil Richart (center) bartender, owner; Curley Luetkins (left); Martin Schank (right).

LOG204 “Loganville Road, Feb. 22, 1922" ice storm.

LOG205 Steam engine pulling threshing machine.

LOG206 Parade in Loganville.

LOG207 Kohlmeyer’s camper (built by him), ca. 1922-24. Photo in Yellowstone Park.

LOG208 Fire, Feb. 1924. (Same as LOG3)

LOG209 Fire, Feb. 1924.

LOG210 1922, looking east.

LOG211 Bob Retz. First motorcycle in Loganville, was owned by Otto Retz, his brother. Between 1915-1918.

LOG212 Bicycle riders on Spring Valley Road. Loganville in background.

LOG213 Same as LOG198, Otto Soltwedel, owner, behind bar.

LOG214 Same as LOG98 & LOG131, Inside Burmester’s General store. L-R: Helen (Winecke) Grosshans, Al Burmester, Nettie Fenster (a customer).

LOG215 Otto Meyer, Lavita Hasz, before 1920.

LOG216 4th of July parade, 1908 or 1909.

LOG217 Meacham Fire April 25, 1947. Newspaper photo.

LOG218 1924 parade. Photo from Mrs. Ed (Meyer) Elfers.

LOG219 Parade down Main St.

LOG220 Located where Blank Barbershop was later built. Sign reads: “Auto Welding & Soldering, Prop. E.A. Phippin”. Ca. early 1930's.

LOG221 Ice storm, Feb. 22, 1922

LOG222 Ella Steinhorst home in 2001, on Main St.

LOG223 Main st., looking south.

LOG224 Loganville Grist Mill, north side of town. Owned by Wm Grosshans.

LOG225 Hauling milk, stuck in snow.

LOG226 Kohlmeyer car shops, ca. 1940's. Run by Fred, Bill, Ed Kohlmeyer. Located on west Walnut St.

LOG227 Fire, Feb. 1924.

LOG228 Fire engine in front of cement block building, ca. 1920's.

LOG229 Fire engine

LOG230 Main St., looking south, ca. 1940's.

LOG231 Hauling logs.

LOG232 Main st. looking north from east side of st. Gas selling for 16 cents.

LOG233 1910. L-R: Used as barbershop, doctor’s office, gas station. 2nd from left, built by John Williams, bought by Al Burmester in 1921. Originally a hardware store, Burmester continued that line, adding merchandise and groceries. Soda fountain was in back. 3rd from left built as hardware store, later used as a tavern.

LOG234 ca. 1906, looking south. R-L: Riggert’s General Store, employed 4 women, 3 men. sold hardware & clothing, apartments upstairs. Cost $700 to build ($135 was labor). Next is Soltwedel’s Bar. Built as hotel, later lower floor became a saloon with dance hall upstairs. Bought by Robert Meacham in 1945, he and his 5-year old son killed in fire there in 1947, building was destroyed.

LOG235 Looking NE, ca. 1910

LOG236 Digging through snowdrifts (possibly north of Loganville).

LOG237 Bill Williams. c. 1929.

LOG238 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG239 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG240 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG241 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG242 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG243 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG244 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG245 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG246 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG247 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG248 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG249 Aerial photo, Aug. 16, 1975. Photo by Wm C. Schuette, plane flown by George Schlieckau

LOG250 Wm C. Schuette, left; George Schlieckau, right. Aug. 16, 1975. In plane.

LOG251 The old mill.

LOG252 Parade float, “Ladies Emb.[Embroidery] Club”

LOG253 Parade float.

LOG254 Parade float

LOG255 1916 Reo. Rev. Fred Schalkhauser’s first car.

LOG256 Riggert’s General Store, ca. 1912. L-R: Valera (Riggert) Tuhus, John Riggert, Martha (Ohland) Gluth, Elsie (Gluth) Soltwedel, Ella (Williams) Steinhorst, Martha (Luherson) Froman, Ernest Riggert. (See LOG274 for closeup of people).

LOG257 Creamery

LOG258 Log cabin, location unknown.

LOG259 Winter scene looking north near grist mill.

LOG260 William Grosshans on the dam. Helen Winecke photo

LOG261 Gravel crusher used in road construction.

LOG262 Kids in front of school

LOG263 Loganville wood frame school building

LOG264 Peper Brothers truck. Parade unit. Edgar Kruse photo.

LOG265 Car ran off street

LOG266 Martin Thies Trucking, in a parade. Edgar Kruse photo.

LOG267 Units in a parade. Edgar Kruse photo.

LOG268 Blank Barber Shop, ca. 1931. Walter & Elsie Blank, and daughter, Elaine.

LOG269 Truck

LOG270 Soltwedel’s Hall, 1920's.

LOG271 Interior of store (possibly a store in Reedsburg)

LOG272 Sawmill

LOG273 School fair at Loganville school.

LOG274 Standing in front of Riggert’s General Store, ca. 1912. L-R: Valera (Riggert) Tuhus, John Riggert, Martha (Ohland) Gluth, Elsie (Gluth) Soltwedel, Ella (Williams) Steinhorst, Martha (Luherson) Froman, Ernest Riggert. (Closeup of LOG256)

LOG275 Skit

LOG276 Kid in old auto

LOG277 Same as LOG274

LOG278 Grosshans flour mill, north edge of town. Dorothy Behn photo.

LOG279 Sawmill. North side of town, west side of street. c. early 1900's. Logs were sawed into firewood with this horse powered machine.

LOG280 Sawmill. North side of town, west side of street. (Segment of LOG279)

LOG281 Bar and hotel. Loganberry Inn in 1999 (North end of town, west side of street). Dorothy Behn photo. (Closeup of LOG77)

LOG282 Looking west from a hill on east side of town. St. Peter’s Luth. church steeple.

LOG283 Ice storm, Feb. 22, 1922

LOG284 Man by truck

LOG285 Klondike Milk truck, ca 1917. Built by Fred Kohlmeyer, one of the first he built from junk parts. Truck would hold about 100 cans. Note right hand steering.

LOG286 Herman Winecke in his meat market, Jan/Feb 1924

LOG287 Otto Gudenschwager in Klondike truck.

LOG288 Loganville Fire Dept. 1924.

LOG289 Loganville Fire Dept. 1924.

LOG290 Closeup of LOG293

LOG291 Threshing crew stopped in Loganville. 1894. Rig owned by Henry Kruse.

LOG292 Road past Thies Brothers farm, north of Loganville

LOG293 Threshing crew stopped in Loganville. 1894. Rig owned by Henry Kruse (driving engine). Man 2nd from left in suit is D.B. Hulburt. 3rd from left is Ed Luehrsen.

LOG294 Threshing crew stopped in Loganville. 1894. Rig owned by Henry Kruse (driving engine). Man 2nd from left in suit is D.B. Hulburt. 3rd from left is Ed Luehrsen. Also in photo is Henry Hasz, John Thieding. Albert Kruse photo. Same as LOG83.

LOG295 Ice storm, Feb. 22, 1922. Kohlmeyer home.

LOG296 Kohlmeyer home after ice storm of 2-22-1922.

LOG297 Fred Grauvogel, Ed Baumgarten, Joe Ames?

LOG298 Looking down on Main st. from hill on east side, c. 1920's?.

LOG299 Looking down on Main st. from hill on east side in winter.


LOG300 Early 1900's, looking east on Walnut St., aka “Hillpoint Road”.

LOG301 Fred Grauvogel by car.

LOG302 Looking up east Walnut st. towards St. John’s Lutheran Church. ca. 1920's.

LOG303 Hauling something

LOG304 4th of July parade float of Burmester’s Grocery

LOG305 Pond?

LOG306 Narrows Creek, c. 1910. Photo by Eric Schalkhauser.

LOG307 Parade units

LOG308 Martin Thies parade float. General trucking & hauling

LOG309 Mail was carried between Loganville & Reedsburg by Wm Voss in late 1920's in this vehicle which had tank-like tracks on the rear.

LOG310 Inside Burmester Grocery.

LOG311 Parade float advertising a Luther League picnic, probably St. Peter’s of Loganville. Forest Harms’ car. 4th of July.

LOG312 Looking North in 1909. Mr. Giles owned the building with the steps. To the left is the Farrow place, built by Martin Roecker.

LOG313 East side of Main st. Possibly a “Brush” car under trees.

LOG314 Parade down Main st.

LOG315 Loganville Public School, ca. 1910. Photo by Eric Schalkhauser.

LOG316 Parade float of Loganville State Bank

LOG317 Decoration Day parade, 1919. Color Guard, L-R: Bill Gall (tall man), Martin Roewer, Al Burmester, ?, Ed Stienke (flag bearer).

LOG318 C. Briggs cartoon about Loganville.

LOG 319 Various bills of sale from Loganville businesses.

LOG320 Harold A. Baumgarten bill of sale.

LOG321 Dorow bill of sale.

LOG322 Harold A. Baumgarten bill of sale.

LOG323 E.A. Kohlmeyer bill of sale.

LOF324 Loganville Auto Co. bill of sale.

LOG325 Larry’s Welding bill of sale.

LOG326 Skit

LOG327 Martin Thies. Mail carrier between Loganville and Reedsburg.

LOG328 Wagner, Tuhus, Burmester bills of sale.

LOG329 Meat Market, Roewer, Gudenschwager bills of sale.

LOG330 Baumgarten bills of sale.

LOG331 Kohlmeyer bill of sale.

LOG332 Ninnaman bill of sale.

LOG333 Martin Thies bill of sale.

LOG334 Charles Fisher bill of sale.

LOG335 Stabnow Garage, Bloedau Motor sales bills of sale

LOG336 Kruse Bulb Sales advertisement.

LOG337 Stabnow’s Garage advertisement.

LOG338 In front of Soltwedel’s Hall, left.

LOG339 Welcome Home WWII Honor Roll from Loganville

LOG340 Aftermath of fire (possibly the one in 1924).

LOG341 Fire of 1924

LOG342 Fire of 1924

LOG343 Loganville State Bank, built in 1915.

LOG344 Loganville State Bank, Martin Roewer, Paula (Licht) Fike

LOG345 Loganville State Bank, Martin Roewer, Paula (Licht) Fike

LOG346 Loganville State Bank, Martin Roewer, John Riggert, Edna (Nieman) Roewer,

Nov. 5, 1930

LOG347 Flavo Flour sack, produced by Wm Grosshans.

LOG348 Page from Loganville phone book.

LOG349 Page from Loganville phone book.

LOG350 Otto Soltwedel Bar. Owner behind bar.

LOG351 Main street, looking north

LOG352 Snow Drift flour sack of Wm Grosshans

LOG353 Soltwedel Hall, later Meacham Tavern.

LOG354 Tuhus house

LOG355 Horse and sleigh

LOG356 1922 Soltwedel’s Hall school Christmas program. Teachers were Stella Severson, Lauretta Horkan. Santa that year was Al Burmester.

LOG357 Painting by Marion Cape Biehn of LaCrosse. 1975-76. (painting in bank).

LOG358 Martin Thies trucking

LOG359 Loganville pioneer residence, log cabin.

LOG360 Tavern. (Loganberry in 1999).

LOG361 “Gag” photo, modified to represent Loganville mail delivery.

LOG362 Digging through snow, possibly north of Loganville.

LOG363 Mail was carried between Loganville & Reedsburg by Wm Voss in late 1920's using this vehicle which had tank-like tracks on rear.

LOG364 Loganville Fire Dept. 1924.

LOG365 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896.

LOG366 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896. (Closeup of LOG365)

LOG367 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1896. (Closeup of LOG365)

LOG368 Soltwedel’s Bar. L-R: Mr. & Mrs. Soltwedel. Right, Emma Winecke. Zita (Soltwedel) Meyer photo.

LOG369 Emil Burmester’s 1937 school bus. 24 passenger, green with white top. Hauled kids to Reedsburg High School. Gas station in background belonged to Herb Baumgarten, located where Co-op stood in 1995.

LOG370 Gravel crusher

LOG371 Steam shovel

LOG372 Steam engine

LOG373 Delivering the mail.

LOG374 Gravel crusher

LOG375 Steam shovel.

LOG376 Steam shovel making road

LOG377 Quarry?

LOG378 Westfield map, 1981

LOG379 Westfield map, 1958

LOG380 Westfield map, 1971

LOG381 No photo

LOG382 Westfield map, 1967

LOG383 Westfield map, 1970

LOG384 Westfield map, 1953

LOG385 No photo

LOG386 Loganville Plat map

LOG387 Ford Garage billing heading

LOG388 Mrs. W.H. Ware Millinery store Grand Opening

LOG389 Loganville Plat map 1939

LOG390 Loganville Plat map

LOG391 Loganville Plat map

LOG392 Loganville Plat description 1853

LOG393 In front of Burmester’s Grocery

LOG394 Ladies going fishing, west of Loganville.

LOG395 Henry Westeadt picking grapes

LOG396 Ladies in front of Roewer’s General Store.

LOG397 Unknown

LOG398 Winter, men in front of auto

LOG399 Mrs. Adam Leicher painting a picture of M. Keudall, her sister-in-law from Minneapolis.


LOG400 Bill Williams, right, on a fishing trip at Lodie’s Mill near Witwen. Mid 1930's.

LOG401 Steven Kinsley, ca. 1898

LOG402 Steven Kinsley family, ca. 1898

LOG403 Mrs. Steven Kinsley ca. 1898

LOG404 Assembling the book, Loganville, Our Heritage, in basement of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1980.

LOG405 Assembling the book, Loganville, Our Heritage, in basement of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1980.

LOG406 Louise Jermo clerking in Burmester’s Grocery, 1980

LOG407 William C. Schuette & David Burmester in Burmester’s Grocery, 1980.

LOG408 William C. Schuette, left & David Burmester assembling their book, Loganville, Our Heritage, 1980.

LOG409 David Burmester, left & William C. Schuette, assembling their book, Loganville, Our Heritage, 1980.

LOG410 David Burmester, right, carrying book materials from the printer in Spring Green. 1980.

LOG411 William C. Schuette, left & David Burmester in Burmester’s Grocery, 1980.

LOG412 Unknown

LOG413 Unknown

LOG414 William C. Schuette, left & David Burmester videotaping at Reedsburg Log Village for the Loganville video.

LOG415 David Burmester, left & William C. Schuette visit the grave of Chauncey P. Logan, located in the Bay View Cemetery in Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980.

LOG416 Same as LOG415 above.

LOG417 ca. 1911. L-R: Jay Westenhaver, Fred Kiethy, Walter Hoverman, ?, ?, Bert Leicher, Bill Krahn, Fred Hasz. Picture taken on hill behind old creamery in birch woods.

LOG418 Joshua & Hannah Spooner, early settlers in Loganville. For a story of their lives, see “The Eternal Hills” by Donna Spooner Tanney, 1973.

LOG419 Gathering in Loganville

LOG420 Wedding of Elsie Gluth & Herman Soltwedel in Loganville.

LOG421 Unknown

LOG422 Elsie (Gluth) Yecht, left. Taken in front of Burmester’s Grocery.

LOG423 Unknown

LOG424 Paul Roewer in his store.

LOG425 William C. Schuette, left & David Burmester working on their book, 1980.

LOG426 David Burmester, left & William C. Schuette in Burmester’s Grocery, 1980, posing for pictures for their book.

LOG427 Same as LOG426 above

LOG428 David Burmester, left & Mark Coen (from WISC-TV) prepare for an interview in a 1981

LOG429 Louise Jermo dips an ice-cream cone for a patron, 1981

LOG430 Same as LOG428 above

LOG431 Same as LOG428 above

LOG432 Filming the interview (see LOG428 above)

LOG433 Same as LOG428 above

LOG434 Same as LOG432 above

LOG435 Henry Spooner, For a story of their lives, see “The Eternal Hills” by Donna Spooner Tanney, 1973.

LOG436 Frances Spooner, For a story of their lives, see “The Eternal Hills” by Donna Spooner Tanney, 1973.

LOG437 Stephen Kinsley

LOG438 Chauncey P. Logan (1821-1881) Founder of Loganville, WI

LOG439 Chauncey P. Logan (1821-1881) Founder of Loganville, WI

LOG440 Frances A. Logan (1822-?), First wife of Chauncey P. Logan

LOG441 Mary E. Logan (1854-1923), wife of Albert E. Logan

LOG442 Albert E. Logan (1845-1912), son of Chauncey & Frances Logan

LOG443 1906, L-R: Ida Westeadt, Frieda Westeadt, Emma Luhrsen, Emma Tilker, Cora Leicher, Louise Bergman.

LOG444 Eliazer Packer Newell. Father of Sylvia Emeline Hill, John Milton Hoyte Newell I, John Milton Hoyt II. Eliazer died in 1874 at Spring Green, WI and is buried there beside his father, Peter.

LOG445 Cecelia Newell, wife of Eliazer, buried in Westfield cemetery, 1860.

LOG446 Billy Retzlaff, member of the Loganville Band

LOG447 Unknown

LOG448 July 4, 1924 parade.

LOG449 Parade

LOG450 Decoration Day, 1919

LOG451 Deer hunters

LOG452 Decoration Day, 1919

LOG453 May Pole

LOG454 Boys licking ice cream bucket in front of Burmester’s Grocery

LOG455 Adam Leicher family, March 26, 1919, on their 50th wedding anniversary. Rear, L-R: Edward, Fenton, Frank, Bert. Front, L-R: Mrs. Adam Leicher, Cora (Fisher) Leicher, Adam Leicher.

LOG456 Unknown

LOG457 Taken N. of Wis. Dells. L-R: Ed Burmester, Martha Roecker, Emil Roecker, Adela Burmester.

LOG458 Unknown

LOG459 F. Ninnemann, Dray Line, Loganville

LOG460 Loganville Basketball ladies team, 1906. Cora Leicher Fisher lower right.

LOG461 Loganville Baseball team. Back L-R: Unknown, Harold Baumgarten, Herman Timke, Unknown, Allen Nieman, Walter Blank. Front: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, “Shorty” Luetkens, Paul Roever, Gilly Retzlaff. Ca. 1925

LOG462 Unknown

LOG463 Firemen by engine

LOG464 Mr. & Mrs. Gus Erdman. Played at barn dances in the 19-teens.

LOG465 Edna Kreger & Herman Timke in front of Riggert’s Store.

LOG466 L-R: Ester Hennings, Lydia (Kruse) Timke, Edna (Kreger) Timke, Schilling?, Ella (Williams) Steinhorst. Photo taken in front of Riggert’s General Store where they worked.

LOG467 Unknown

LOG468 L-R: Ella Steinhorst, Lilie Gluth?, Al Gluth, Martha Gluth, Armine Schalkhauser, Elsie Gluth. Taken in front of Ed Elfers house across from St. Peter’s church.

LOG469 Bill Williams, far right. Fred Meyer, far left. Center two may be Sodaburg family.

LOG470 Unknown

LOG471 Rev. George Fritschel, pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1897-1903

LOG472 Loganville Band, July 4, 1927. The navy & white uniforms were purchased around 1920. The band was organized in 1918. Some Reedsburg members also pictured here.

LOG473 Loganville Band, ca. 1907. L-R, rear: Bert Leicher, August Hasz, Hank Nieman, Herman Luehrsen, Walter Hoverman, J. Westenhaver, Frank Leicher, Ernest Soltwedel, Bill Krahn, Fred Steckelberg, Roy Sprague (Cox). Front: Herman Hoverman, Albert Schuette, Charley Fisher, Bob Raetz, August Steckelberg.

LOG474 Deer hunting trip

LOG475 Dr. Raleigh Brenizer, 1899.

LOG476 Bandit captured after Loganville Bank robbery. Photo from Wis. State Journal article, Feb. 27, 1947.

LOG477 Unknown

LOG478 Mrs. Paul Roewer tends the store which she and her husband ran.

LOG479 Unknown

LOG480 Unknown

LOG481 Unknown

LOG482 Loganville Basketball ladies team, 1906. Cora Leicher Fisher lower right.

LOG483 Unknown

LOG484 Deer hunters

LOG485 Albert Burmester

LOG486 Unknown

LOG487 Unknown

LOG488 Unknown

LOG489 Unknown

LOG490 L-R: Lorna (Hasz) Pelton, Rowena Kruse, Wanda Hoverman.

LOG491 Dr. Sporledder

LOG492 William Ware

LOG493 Henry Schuette

LOG494 Unknown

LOG495 Unknown

LOG496 Dressed for a “Hard Times” dance, ca. 1924. L-R: Icel Carroll, Julia Scallon, Edna Roewer.

LOG497 Four generations, Mr. & Mrs. D.B. Hulburt on left, on their 50th wedding anniversary, Feb. 1906

LOG498 Mr. & Mrs. Williams in front of house in Loganville

LOG499 John Riggert in buggy.


LOG500 Unknown

LOG501 L-R: Esther & Marie Hennings. c. 1910. On train trip. Esther was telephone operator at phone office in Riggert’s Store. Two people on right were cousins from Chicago. Martin Hennings photo.

LOG502 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schuette

LOG503 Mable Ware, left & Lydia Schulz. Ladies ran a millinery store in Loganville in the early 1900's. Mrs. Archie Thomas photo.

LOG504 Playing cards. On right is Bob Retz. Mrs. Archie Thomas photo.

LOG505 Unknown

LOG506 Girls in front of Roewer’s General Store

LOG507 The 4F Club (Four Fools For Fun). L-R: Loraine Harms, Ruth Abraham, Agnes Westenhaver.

LOG508 Unknown

LOG509 John Riggert with rig.

LOG510 Mr. & Mrs. John Riggert & Valera

LOG511 Ed & Lena (Westedt) Kohlmeyer

LOG512 Oscar Wagner standing in front of Roewer’s store where he worked.

LOG513 Edna (Kreger) Timke

LOG514 Ruth (Kruse) Abraham

LOG515 Same as LOG507

LOG516 Paula Fike, Martin Roewer in front of Loganville Bank.

LOG517 Valera (Riggert) Tuhus & Emma Krueger

LOG518 Unknown

LOG519 Emma (Schwenkhoff) Krueger

LOG520 L-R: Martin Roewer, Paula (Lichte) Fike, John Richert

LOG521 Boy in front of Burmester’s Grocery

LOG522 John Richert, standing in front of the bank that he organized in 1915.

LOG523 Unknown

LOG524 Kids on log across creek

LOG525 Swimming hole in Narrows Creek. 1910. Eric Schalkhauser photo.

LOG526 Digging through the snow

LOG527 Delivering the mail

LOG528 Unknown

LOG529 Cora Fisher at her typewriter around 1978

LOG530 Unknown

LOG531 Henry Westedt?

LOG532 L-R: Pearl Bossard, Mrs. Harry Gray. July, 1979.

LOG533 Newell gravestone

LOG534 Cecelia Newell

LOG535 Cecelia Newell, left. Unknown, right.

LOG536 Ed Kohlmeyer?

LOG537 Eleazer Newell

LOG538 Mr. & Mrs. John Riggert & Valera

LOG539 Conrad Weisler. V.P. of Loganville Bank, ca. 1918. Mrs. Vlarea Tuhus photo.

LOG540 Unknown

LOG541 Digging through the snow

LOG542 Digging through the snow

LOG543 Martin Thies. Mail carrier between Loganville & Reedsburg.

LOG544 Bill Schroeder sorting the mail. Was a rural mail carrier.

LOG545 Unknown

LOG546 Preparing the mail

LOG547 Loganville Postmaster & Librarian,

LOG548 Little girl with her stamp collection at Loganville Post Office

LOG549 Adam Leicher

LOG550 John Riggert, right. 1900. Taken on Narrows Creek below St. Peter’s church

LOG551 Closeup of LOG550

LOG552 Al Burmester, left....

LOG553 F. Ninnemann Dray Line, Loganville

LOG554 Threshing crew at Gerhart Peper farm, east of Loganville ca. 1910.

LOG555 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Leicher

LOG556 Adam Leicher

LOG557 Adam Leicher family

LOG558 Loganville Fire Dept. at barn fire on LaVerne Harms farm, Jan. 21, 1981.

LOG559 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG560 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG561 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG562 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG563 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG564 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG565 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG566 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG567 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG568 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG569 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG570 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG571 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG572 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG573 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG574 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG575 Same as LOG558 above.

LOG576 Loganville Fire Dept. Sep. 9, 1974

LOG577 Loganville Fire Dept.

LOG578 Loganville Fire Dept.

LOG579 Loganville Fire Dept.

LOG580 Loganville firemen

LOG581 Mr. & Mrs. Viv. Adams

LOG582 David Stevens presents plaque to “Barney” Luetkens

LOG583 Same as LOG583

LOG584 Loganville Firemen

LOG585 House in Loganville, once belonged to the Kohlmeyer family

LOG586 House in Loganville, once belonged to the Kohlmeyer family

LOG587 Post Office

LOG588 Main St. looking SW

LOG589 Main St. looking NE, Burmester’s Grocery and The Den bar

LOG590 Closeup of Englebretzen’s apartments

LOG591 Main St., Farmer’s Inn on left

LOG592 Main St., apartments

LOG593 Farmer’s Inn

LOG594 Ray Meyer’s Plumbing

LOG595 The Happy Tap on north end of Main St.

LOG596 Paul Roewer General Store. March 1973

LOG597 Skelly Gas station, March 1973. Cora Fisher house on right.

LOG598 Skelly Gas station, March 1973

LOG599 The Den on right, Burmester’s Grocery, center. March 1973


LOG600 The Den, Burmester’s Grocery

LOG601 Main St., looking SW

LOG602 Ray Meyer’s Plumbine

LOG603 Happy Tap bar and RS&L Cenex Co-op

LOG604 Farmer’s Inn

LOG605 March, 1973. Pete’s Poor House restaurant & tavern, left. Co-op, right.

LOG606 March, 1973. Burmester’s Grocery, center; The Den, to its right.

LOG607 March, 1973. Burmester’s Grocery, center; The Den, to its right.

LOG608 Taken from near water tower above St. John’s church, east side of Loganville

LOG609 Aug. 1988. Meat market, left & post office, right. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG610 Aug. 1988. Bar/restaurant, left; bank, right. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG611 Aug. 1988. Private home, left; Ray Meyer Sales, right. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG612 Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG613 Aug. 1988. Loganville park next to fire station. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG614 Aug. 1988. Co-op gas station. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG615 Aug. 1988. Loganberrie Inn, bar and restaurant. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG616 Aug. 1988. Ray Meyer Sales & Service. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG617 Aug. 1988. Apartment, left; Robin’s Nest Antique restoration, right. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG618 Aug. 1988. Apartments on east side of Main st. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG619 Aug. 1988. Catcher’s Mit, right; Burmester’s Grocery, center. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG620 Aug. 1988. Steven’s feed mill. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG621 Aug. 1988. Looking north down Main St. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG622 Firemen’s celebration, bicycle race

LOG623 Firemen’s celebration, fire rescue game

LOG624 Firemen’s celebration, rescue game

LOG625 Firemen’s celebration, rescue game

LOG626 Firemen’s celebration, rescue game

LOG627 April 8, 1987. Fire at Ed Reimer farm, corner Pine Bluff Rd. & Hwy D. Loganville Fire Department in action. Bill Schuette Photo

LOG628 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG629 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG630 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG631 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG632 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG633 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG634 Same as LOG627 above.

LOG635 Meat Market, left & old post office. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG636 Bourbon Barrel bar & restaurant. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG637 Sign painter & antique business, right. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG638 Home, left; Ray Meyer Sales, right. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG639 Loganberrie Inn, bar and restaurant. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG640 Ray Meyer Sales & Service. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG641 Meat Market, left & old post office, right. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG642 Bourbon Barrel bar & restaurant, left. Bank, right. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG643 Loganville Fire Dept. & Village Hall. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG644 Steven’s feed mill. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG645 Looking south from in front of village hall. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG646 Playground equipment near village hall. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG647 R. S. & L. Consolidated Co-op. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG648 Apartment, left & Robin’s Nest Antique restoration, right. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG649 Apartment buildings, east side of Main st. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG650 Catcher’s Mit, right, Burmester’s Grocery, center, private home, left. Aug. 1988. Bill Schuette Photo.

LOG651 Softball trophy winners

LOG652 Softball trophy winners

LOG653 L-R: Peterson, ?, Schlieckau, Matt Krey

LOG654 Firemen’s Festival, 3-legged race

LOG655 Firemen’s Festival, 3-legged race

LOG656 Softball trophy winners

LOG657 Softball trophy winners

LOG658 Firemen’s Festival, bicycle race, Roy Schroeder & Gutzmann

LOG659 Firemen’s Festival, bicycle race, Gutzmann & Roy Schroeder

LOH660 Firemen’s Festival, bed race

LOH661 Firemen’s Festival, bicycle race

LOG662 Burmester’s Grocery. Al Burmester, left. Clara Licht, center. David Burmester, left. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG663 Al Burmester, left, and David Burmester, his son. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG664 Al Burmester, left, and David Burmester, his son. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG665 Al Burmester dipping ice cream cone. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG666 David Burmester, left and Clara Licht. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG667 Clock in Burmester’s Grocery. Aug. 29, 1973.

LOG668 Co-op Feed Mill

LOG669 Steven’s Feed Mill

LOG670 Post Office

LOG671 St. John’s Lutheran Church

LOG672 Looking down the hill from St. John’s Lutheran Church

LOG673 Loganville’s LuVerne Fire engine before restoration

LOG674 White, GM fire engine

LOG675 Logo on side of GM fire engine

LOG676 Water fight during Firemen’s Festival

LOG677 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, March 1983

LOG678 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, March 1983

LOG679 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 23, 1983.

LOG680 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 23, 1983.

LOG681 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Apl. 13, 1983.

LOG682 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Apl. 13, 1983.

LOG683 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG684 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG685 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG686 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG687 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG688 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG689 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG690 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG691 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG692 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG693 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG694 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG695 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG696 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG697 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG698 Farmer’s Inn fire remains, 1983

LOG699 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 18, 1983.


LOG700 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 18, 1983.

LOG701 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 18, 1983.

LOG702 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 18, 1983.

LOG703 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 18, 1983.

LOG704 Farmer’s Inn fire remains. Mar. 23, 1983.

LOG705 Bridge on north side of village. Apl. 13, 1983.

LOG706 North side of village. Apl. 13, 1983.

LOG707 Looking south into town. Apl. 13, 1983.

LOG708 Old mill, south side of village. ca. 1973

LOG709 St. Peter’s ball park

LOG710 Narrow’s Creek below ball park

LOG711 Narrow’s Creek below ball park

LOG712 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982. Jeff Seering photo.

LOG713 Same as LOG712.

LOG714 Same as LOG712.

LOG715 Same as LOG712.

LOG716 Same as LOG712.

LOG717 Same as LOG712.

LOG718 Same as LOG712.

LOG719 Same as LOG712.

LOG720 Same as LOG712.

LOG721 Same as LOG712.

LOG722 Same as LOG712.

LOG723 Same as LOG712.

LOG724 Same as LOG712.

LOG725 Same as LOG712.

LOG726 Same as LOG712.

LOG727 Same as LOG712.

LOG728 Same as LOG712.

LOG729 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG730 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG731 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG732 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG733 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG734 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG735 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG736 Farmer’s Inn fire, Oct.3, 1982.

LOG737 Cutting tree on St. Peter’s north hill. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG738 Jean Engebretson auction. Apartment on east side Main st. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG739 Same as LOG738.

LOG740 Meacham tavern fire, April 1947.

LOG741 The “old” Cora Fisher house

LOG742 Gilbert Burmester shops

LOG743 Gilbert Burmester shops

LOG744 Loganville population sign. 199 population

LOG745 “Welcome To Loganville”, Sept. 23, 1973

LOG746 Apartments, March, 1973

LOG747 Looking north. March 1973

LOG748 Bob & Gwen’s on left. March 1973

LOG749 Old grade school, south side of village. March, 1973.

LOG750 Looking south. March 1973

LOG751 Looking east. March 1973

LOG752 Looking east. March 1973

LOG753 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette, left & Dave Burmester. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG754 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG755 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG756 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG757 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG758 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette by gravestone. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG759 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Dave Burmester by gravestone. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG760 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG761 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG762 Adams Meat Market. Viv & Alice Adams. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG763 Adams Meat Market. Viv Adams. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG764 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG765 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG766 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG767 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG768 Adams Meat Market. Vivian Adams. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG769 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG770 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG771 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG772 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG773 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG774 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG775 Adams Meat Market. July 5, 1989. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG776 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG777 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG778 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG779 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG780 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG781 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG782 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG783 Adams Meat Market auction. Oct. 14, 1989, Bill Schuette photo.

LOG784 Robin’s Nest antique restoration. March 1973. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG785 Robin’s Nest antique restoration. March 1973. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG786 March 1973. Bill Schuette photo

LOG787 Feb. 4, 1973. Looking NE. Bill Schuette photo

LOG788 Feb. 4, 1973. Looking NE. Bill Schuette photo

LOG789 Feb. 4, 1973. Looking NE. Bill Schuette photo

LOG790 East side Main St. looking NE, c. 1980

LOG791 Looking at East side of Main St. c. 1970's

LOG792 East side Main St. c. late 1970's

LOG793 Farmer’s Inn, left. c. late 1970's

LOG794 Farmer’s Inn, left. c. late 1970's

LOG795 East side Main St., rental apartments. c. late 1970's

LOG796 Burmester’s Grocery, The Den bar. c. late 1970's

LOG797 Burmester’s Grocery, The Den bar. c. late 1970's

LOG798 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. L-R: Gerald Radke, Vivian Adams, Roger Karstetter, Andy Adams. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG799 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Gerald Radke. Bill Schuette photo.


LOG800 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG801 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG802 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG803 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG804 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG805 Firemen practice first aid. April 1976. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG806 Happy Tap bar, c. late 1970's

LOG807 Happy Tap bar, c. late 1970's

LOG808 Happy Tap bar, c. late 1970's

LOG809 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking east.

LOG810 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking east

LOG811 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE

LOG812 Aug. 16, 1975. Loganville school, bottom. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau.

LOG813 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Log. school

LOG814 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NW

LOG815 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking W.

LOG816 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking W.

LOG817 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking W.

LOG818 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking W.

LOG819 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking W.

LOG820 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NW

LOG821 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. George Schlieckau farm.

LOG822 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. George Schlieckau farm.

LOG823 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Wm F. Schuette home.

LOG824 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. August & Bill Thies farm.

LOG825 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. August & Bill Thies farm.

LOG826 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE

LOG827 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE

LOG828 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE

LOG829 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE

LOG830 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NNE

LOG831 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking E.

LOG832 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking E.

LOG833 Aug. 16, 1975. Bill Schuette photo. Plane flown by George Schlieckau. Looking NE.

LOG834 Elbow Room bar, located south of the bank. Bill Schuette photo

LOG835 Elbow Room bar, located south of the bank. Bill Schuette photo

LOG836 Elbow Room bar, located south of the bank. Bill Schuette photo

LOG837 Elbow Room bar, located south of the bank. Roy Powers, owner. Bill Schuette photo

LOG838 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz.

LOG839 Postmaster, Ed Prem and Carla Kruse, right

LOG840 Post Office in winter.

LOG841 Main St. in winter

LOG842 Main St. in winter.

LOG843 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz, Jim at bar.

LOG844 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz, Jim at bar.

LOG845 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz.

LOG846 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz, Jim at bar.

LOG847 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz.

LOG848 Frontier II bar. Owner, Jim & Hazel Peltz.

LOG849 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville. Rex Albers

LOG850 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville., Reuben Black

LOG851 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville., Reuben Black

LOG852 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville., Rex Albers, left & Reuben Black

LOG853 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville. Reuben Black

LOG854 Farmer’s & Merchant’s Bank, Loganville.

LOG855 Loganville Firemen. L-R: Dave Burmester, Bob Adams, LaVerne Sneeth, Vivian Adams, Melvin Baumgarten, Gerald Radke.1974

LOG856 L-R: Vivian Adams, Dave Burmester, Gerhard Luetkens, LaVern Sneeth, Dave Stevens, Darrell DeMars, Bill Schroeder, Bob Adams, Gerald Radke. 1974.

LOG857 Loganville firemen.

LOG858 L-R: Lavern Sneeth, Dave Stevens, Gerhard Luetkens, Melvin Baumgarten.

LOG859 Dave Burmester, rolling hoses, Melvin Baumgarten looking on.

LOG860 Front, L-R: Jim Loy, Gerald Roecker. Back: ?, Dave Lichte, Andy Adams, Dave Stevens.1974

LOG861 L-R: Dave Lichte, Gerald Roecker, Darrell DeMars. 1974.

LOG862 Loganville Fireman, practice entering smoke-filled room. c. 1974.

LOG863 Loganville Fireman, practice entering smoke-filled room.

LOG864 Loganville Fireman, practice entering smoke-filled room.

LOG865 Loganville Fireman, pracitce.

LOG866 Loganville Fireman, practice entering smoke-filled room. c. 1974.

LOG867 L-R: Gerald Roecker, Dave Lichte, Jim Peltz, ?. 1974

LOG868 L-R: Gerhard Luetkens, Vivian Adams, Gerald Radke, Bob Adams. 1974

LOG869 Loganville Firemen practice. 1974.

LOG870 L-R: Bob Adams, LaVerne Sneeth, MATC Fire Instructor, Bill Schroeder, Gerald Radke, ?, Darrell DeMars. Holding hose, Melvin Baumgarten, Dave Burmester, ?.

LOG871 L-R: Darrell DeMars, Dave Burmester, Dave Stevens, Gerald Radke. c. 1974.

LOG872 L. front: Darrell DeMars; L. back: LeRoy Judd; R. front: Gerald Roecker; R. center: Roy Schroeder; R. back: Vivian Adams, Fire Chief. 1974

LOG873 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974.

LOG874 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974.

LOG875 Jim Peltz. Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974.

LOG876 Practicing rescue in smoke-filled room. 1974.

LOG877 Gerald Roecker. Practicing rescue in smoke-filled room. 1974.

LOG878 Practicing rescue in smoke-filled room. 1974.

LOG879 L-R: Jim Peltz?, Gerald Radke, Bob Adams. 1974.

LOG880 Practicing rescue in smoke-filled room. 1974.

LOG881 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974

LOG882 L-R: Bob Adams, Dave Burmester. 1974.

LOG883 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974

LOG884 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974

LOG885 Practicing rescue in back of St. John’s Luth. Church, Loganville. 1974

LOG886 Luverne Fire engine, July 12, 1974.

LOG887 Luverne Fire engine, July 12, 1974.

LOG888 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG889 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG890 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette, left; David Burmester, right. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG891 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG892 Visit to Chauncey Logan’s grave, Bayview Cemetery, Necedah, WI. Memorial Day, 1980. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG893 Loganville Fire Dept.

LOG894 Renovation of bar next to Burmester’s Grocery, c. 1970's

LOG895 Renovation of bar next to Burmester’s Grocery, c. 1970's

LOG896 Luverne Fire engine, July 12, 1974. Renovation

LOG897 Luverne Fire engine, July 12, 1974.

LOG898 Luverne Fire engine renovation, July 12, 1974.

LOG899 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark.

Bill Schroeder, left; David Burmester, right.


LOG900 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark.

LOG901 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark.

LOG902 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark.

L-R: Andy Adams, Gerald Roecker, Leonard Hanusa, Vivian Adams, “Barney” Luetkens.

LOG903 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark. Rev. Harrison (St. Peter’s pastor) gets “dunked.”

LOG904 Aug. 28, 1974. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark.

LOG905 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG906 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG907 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG908 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG909 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG910 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG911 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG912 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG913 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG914 Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Bill Schuette photo

LOG915 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG916 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG917 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG918 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG919 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG920 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG921 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG922 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG923 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG924 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG925 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG926 Reconstructing Main St., Sep. 19, 1979. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG927 Tug of War in St. Peter’s ball park. c. 1980's

LOG928 Trophy winners. 1979

LOG929 Baraboo Fire Dept. fire engine built in Loganville

LOG930 Tug of War. c. 1979

LOG931 Tug of War. c. 1979

LOG932 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival parade.

LOG933 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival parade.

LOG934 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival parade.

LOG935 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival tractor pull.

LOG936 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG937 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG938 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. L-R: Bergman, Dan Stolte, Dalielle Schuette, Deborah Schuette.

LOG939 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG940 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Meal time.

LOG941 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Carrying the meat. Front, left Dan Geffert; front right, “Barney” Luetkens.

LOG942 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. The serving line. L-R: ?, ?, Charlotte Schroeder, LeOra Albers.

LOG943 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Garden tractor pull.

LOG944 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Garden tractor pull.

LOG945 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG946 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Inside the firehouse.

LOG947 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG948 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. L-R: Donna, Daniel, Deborah, Jerry Schuette.

LOG949 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Alice Adams, left, Donna Licht, right.

LOG950 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG951 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. L-R: ?, ?, LeOra Albers, Phillis Thieding, ?, Charlotte Schroeder, ?, Diane Geffert, ?

LOG952 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. David Licht, left. Viv Adams, right.

LOG953 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG954 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG955 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. David Burmester, right.

LOG956 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival.

LOG957 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. The chow line inside fire station.

LOG958 Reconstructing Luverne Fire engine, Feb. 27, 1978. Viv Adams in background.

LOG959 Reconstructing Luverne Fire engine, Feb. 27, 1978. L-R: Viv Adams, ?, Reuben Albers, Roy Schroeder.

LOG960 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG961 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG962 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG963 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG964 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG965 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG966 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG967 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG968 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG969 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG970 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG971 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG972 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG973 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG974 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG975 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG976 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG977 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG978 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG979 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG980 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG981 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG982 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG983 Farmer’s Inn, June 1977.

LOG984 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Dan Geffert with gloves.

LOG985 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Left, David Burmester; center, Viv Adams.

LOG986 Aug. 27, 1978. Loganville Firemen’s Festival. Carnival rides.

LOG987 L-R: Vivian Adams, Ruben Albers, Steve Albers

LOG988 Firemen training secession

LOG989 Firemen training secession

LOG990 Firemen training secession

LOG991 Bill Schroeder sorting mail for his rural route

LOG992 Bill Schroeder sorting mail for his rural route

LOG993 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG994 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG995 Shed behind Icel Carrolle building.

LOG996 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG997 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG998 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG999 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark. Jeff Thieding, left; Margaret Roecker, right.


LOG1000 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG1001 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG1002 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG1003 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG1004 Aug. 25, 1976. Loganville Fun Days. Fire Dept. celebration in St. Peter’s ballpark

LOG1005 Ed Prem, left & Hertha (Mrs. Erwin) Thies, upon the occasion of her retirement.

LOG1006 Ed Prem, Postmaster sorts mail, ca. 1970's.

LOG1007 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1008 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1009 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1010 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1011 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1012 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's, Ed Prem.

LOG1013 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's, Bill Schroeder, route driver.

LOG1014 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1015 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1016 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1017 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1018 Loganville postoffice, ca. 1970's

LOG1019 “Loganville 1907" film made by Loganville Friendship and Elder Ridge 4-H Clubs. Made for the nation’s Bicentennial in 1976. Scenes filmed during summer of 1974.

Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Earl Fry with his team. Mrs. Wills, Steve Koenig?, Steve Leake.

LOG1020 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Unloading the horses.

LOG1021 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Hitching up the horses.

LOG1022 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Costume fitting, Dorothy Thieding & Agnes Reimer, right.

LOG1023 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Earl Fry, Linda Reinecke, Etta Liegel, Dr. Edwards.

LOG1024 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Lauretta Thieding and others.

LOG1025 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1026 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Roger Kruse, Steve Koenig, Rodney Heinz, Steve Leake.

LOG1027 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. U.W. film maker, Fritz Albert.

LOG1028 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Carol Myers, Ewald Fuhlbohm. LOG1029 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1030 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Bride: Kay Klitzke, Groom: Glen Schroeder.

LOG1031 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ariel & Agnes Reimer. Peggy Kruse, Sheryl Harms.

LOG1032 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ariel & Agnes Reimer. Peggy Kruse, Sheryl Harms.

LOG1033 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ariel Reimer, Peggy Kruse, Agnes Reimer, Sheryl Harms, bridesmaids arrive for the wedding.

LOG1034 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Bride: Kay Klitzke

LOG1035 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Steve Leake, Best Man; Kay Klitzke, bride; Ruth Kruse in front of horses (mother of bride); Ariel Reimer (father of bride).

LOG1036 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1037 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Harvey Myers, Orland Reimer, foreground. Charlotte Schroeder, Lottie Heinz, Earl Fry, driver.

LOG1038 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Phyllis Thieding, Loretta Thieding, Darrell Myers.

LOG1039 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1040 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Inside church. Dorothy Thieding, right.

LOG1041 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1042 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1043 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Fritz Albert, Wolfgang Houffman, Alvin Fenske.

LOG1044 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: ?, Kathy Kaiser; Kay Klitzke, bride; Glen Schroeder, groom; Congregation, front row to back: 1. Ariel Reimer, Terry Schulte, 2. Virgil Alexander. 3. Harvey Myers, Orland Reimer. 4. Bob Nobbs, Martin Thieding, Darrell Myers, Roy Schroeder. 5. Allen Kruse, Steve Koenig, Earl Fry. 6. David Myers, Duane Nobbs, Roger Kruse, LaVerne Kruse.

LOG1045 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Organist, Marlene Schulte.

LOG1046 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Rev. Dale Harrison, pastor.

LOG1047 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Wedding party: L-R: Sheryl Harms, Kathy Kaiser, Kay Klitzke, Glen Schroeder, Steve Leake.

LOG1048 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Bride & Groom

LOG1049 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Processional. Kay Klitzke, bride; Glen Schroeder, groom; Women: Lottie Heinz, Phyllis Thieding, Agnes Reimer, Dorothy Thieding, Mrs. Wills. Men: David Myers, Duane Nobbs, Laverne Kruse, Roger Kruse, Allen Kruse, Bob Nobbs.

LOG1050 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Processional.

LOG1051 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Carla Kruse, Agnes Thieding, in back, Isabelle Reimer, Agnes Reimer

LOG1052 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1053 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Rev. Dale Harrison, Pastor.

LOG1054 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Gary Reimer, Eta Liegel, Ariel Reimer, Agnes Reimer

LOG1055 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ariel Reimer & Agnes Reimer

LOG1056 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Harvey Myers, Carol Myers, David, Darrell, Audrey Myers.

LOG1057 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Milton Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1058 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1059 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1060 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. L-R, front: Rodney Heinz, ?,?, Alan Schroeder, Terry Schulte, Larry Wiese, Audrey Myers. Row 2, center: Sheryl Harms, Kathy Kaiser, Kay Klitzke, Glen Schroeder, Diane Leake, Callie Harrison. Row 3, back: Charlotte Schroeder, Harvey Myers, Pastor C. Dale Harrison behind groom, Gary Reimer, Steve Leake.

LOG1061 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. Ron Kruse, photographer.

LOG1062 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.Ron Kruse, photographer.

LOG1063 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1064 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. Front, backs to camera, L-R: Ruth Kruse, Emma Rehr, Gary Reimer, Pastor C. Dale Harrison. Center, seated: Sheryl Harms, Kay Klitzke, Glen Schroeder, Kathy Kaiser. Standing in back: Charlotte Schroeder, David Myers, Lilly Rehr, Isabelle Reimer.

LOG1065 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Milton Repka farm, NE of the church. L-R: Steve Leake, Sheryl Harms, Kay Klitzke, Glen Schroeder, Kathy Kaiser.

LOG1066 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. The wedding party, L-R: Delores Harrison, Harvey Myers, Gary Reimer, Sheryl Harms, Steve Leake, Kathy Kaiser, Kay Klitzke, Glen Schroeder, Ruth Kruse, Ariel Reimer.

LOG1067 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. Front facing camera: Dennis Nobbs, Audrey Myers, Duane Nobbs, Peggy Kruse, Gretchen Kruse, Tim Thieding. Ladies in center: Diane Leake,Callie Harrison, Mrs. Wills, Connie Kaiser, Agnes Reimer, Dorothy Thieding. Men, back row: Dr. Edwards, Virgil Alexander, ?, Harland Thieding?, David Myers, Darrell Myers.

LOG1068 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1069 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. Heidi Kruse & Rodney Heinz, right.

LOG1070 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church. Dancing. Couples are Carla & Harold Kruse, Ella Repka & Bob Nobbs, Heidi Kruse & Rodney Heinz.

LOG1071 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. L-R: Lisa Feltz, Becky Roecker, Randy Roecker, Bonnie Feltz, Dale Feltz.

LOG1072 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. Alan Schroeder with bicycle, passes Dale Feltz.

LOG1073 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1074 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. Alan Schroeder with wooden bicycle passed down through his family from previous generations.

LOG1075 Filming in Loganville. In front of Loganville Bank.

LOG1076 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1077 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. L-R: Helen Krueger with son, Marvin. Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Alexander, Lily Rehr.

LOG1078 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1079 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1080 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1081 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1082 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1083 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store.

LOG1084 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. Old time merchandise on display.

LOG1085 Filming in Loganville. Top - Bottom: Victor Rehr, Dennis Rehr, Larry Wiese, Lily Rehr. Ray Meyer building.

LOG1086 Filming in Loganville. In front of the Carla Fish’s Store. Front: Lester Wiese, Larry Wiese, Lowell Hasheider (with his team) in front of Carla Fish’s store. Back: Lerna Mae Wiese, Lori Wiese, Mrs. Hasheider.

LOG1087 Filming in Loganville. In front of Carla Fish’s Store. Lester Wiese on upper porch. Ewald Fuhlbohm with his team and the Ray Shimniok surry.

LOG1088 Filming in Loganville. In front of Engebretson apartments.

LOG1089 Filming in Loganville. In front of tavern.

LOG1090 Filming in Loganville. Main St.

LOG1091 Costume fitting. Charlotte Schroeder

LOG1092 Costume fitting. Carol Myers, left & Lori Harms. Confirmation dress from Etta Thies.

LOg1093 Costume fitting. L-R: Background boys, Alan Schroeder, Roger Kruse, Glen Schroeder. Front: Tammy Schroeder, Charlotte Schroeder, Darleen harms, Janice Kruse, Russell Kruse.

LOG1094 Costume fitting.

LOG1095 Costume fitting. Albert Koenig, Susan Spohnholtz

LOG1096 Costume fitting.

LOG1097 Costume fitting. Alan Schroeder

LOG1098 Costume fitting.

LOG1099 Costume fitting. Hilma Behn reads to Heidi Kruse


LOG1100 Costume fitting. Hilma Behn reading.

LOG1101 Costume fitting. Agmes Reimer, left, Susan Spohnholtz.

LOG1102 Costume fitting. Kids listen to talk about area history. Foreground: Duane Nobbs, Glen Schroeder, Terry Schulte. Seated front row: Etta Liegel, 4-H Leader, Steve Koenig, Dick Kruse, David Myers, Glen Schulte, Karen Kruse. Seated in back: ?, Rodney Heinz, Roger & Russell Kruse, Linda Reinecke, Tammy Schroeder.

LOG1103 Costume fitting.

LOG1104 Costume fitting.

LOG1105 On Chair, Helen O’Brien. Facing camera: Tammy Schroeder, Audrey Ogden, Karen Kruse, ?, Glen Schulte, David Myers.

LOG1106 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1107 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Director, Fritz Albert, Ext. Journalism Dept. of U. of W. Madison, right and cameraman, Wolfgang Houffman, foreign exchange student from Germany.

LOG1108 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Tom Thieding, & Duane Nobbs.

LOG1109 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Helen O’Brien, Glenn Schulte, Duane Nobbs, Heidi Kruse.

LOG1110 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Henry Streich with team. Tom Thieding, Duane Nobbs, Glen Schulte, Heidi Kruse on wagon. Phyllis Thieding standing at rear of wagon. Heidi Kurse in wagon. Wolfgang Houffman, photographer & Fritz Lange, director.

LOG1111 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1112 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Gretchen Kruse, left & Virginia Nobbs.

LOG1113 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Terry Schultz, left & Rodney Heinz.

LOG1114 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Phyllis Thieding with shawl.

LOG1115 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Phyllis Thieding with shawl, Duane Nobbs in background, Glenn Schulte with basket, Heidi Kruse in wagon.

LOG1116 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

L-R: Heidi Kruse, Wolfgang Houffman, Phyllis Thieding, Fritz Albert, with Tom Thieding, Glenn Schulte and Duane Nobbs in background.

LOG1117 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Front with milk can is Duane Nobbs, Phyllis Thieding with shawl, and Tom Thieding far left.

LOG1118 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1119 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Herman Streich in wagon.

LOG1120 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Herman Streich in wagon.

LOG1121 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1122 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Glenn Schulte, Tom Thieding, Duane Nobbs.

LOG1123 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Unloading a “Democrat” wagon. L-R: Henry Streich, Dick Kruse, Herman Streich, Duane Nobbs, Larry Thompson, U.W. Ext. 4-H Agent for Sauk Co.

LOG1124 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Henry & Herman Streich, Fritz Albert, Wolfgang Houffman.

LOG1125 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Brother, left & Herman Streich, right.

LOG1126 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Henry & Herman Streich.

LOG1127 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1128 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Duane Nobbs, Tom Thieding, Glenn Schulte.

LOG1129 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1130 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Phyllis Thieding, Heidi Kruse.

LOG1131 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Glenn Schulte, Heidi Kruse?, Phyllis Thieding, Tom Thieding, Duane Nobbs.

LOG1132 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Heidi Kruse, Phyllis Thieding, Duane Nobbs, Glenn Schulte, Tom Thieding.

LOG1133 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1134 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Glenn Schulte, Phyllis Thieding, Heidi Kruse.

LOG1135 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Tom Thieding, Duane Nobbs, Glenn Schulte, Phillis Thieding, Heidi Kruse.

LOG1136 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1137 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. L-R: Duane Nobbs, Phyllis Thieding, Tom Thieding, Glenn Schulte.

LOG1138 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23.

LOG1139 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Heidi Kruse.

LOG1140 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1141 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1142 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Kay Klitzke, the bride, Orland Reimer, Glen Schroeder, the groom, ride in Ariel Reimer’s Democrat Wagon.

LOG1143 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Director, Fritz Albert, left; Wolfgang Hauffman, Cameraman, center. Alvin Fenske on right.

LOg1144 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1145 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1146 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1147 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Harvey Myers, Orland Reimer, Glen Schroeder, groom & Kay Klitzke, bride.

LOG1148 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd.

LOG1149 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1150 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1151 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1152 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Joyce Kroeger.

LOG1153 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1154 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Darrell Myers with flag.

LOG1155 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1156 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1157 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1158 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Row 1: Lisa Feltz, Tammy Schroeder, Kim Oleson, Pam Oleson. Row 2: Callie, Marcie, Marty and Delores Harrison, Diane Leake, ?. Row 3: Marge Alexander, Gustie & Rueben Black, Albert Koenig, Arthur & Ted Peper. Row 4: Agnes Thieding, Louise Streich, Ruth Peper, Dale Feltz, Ariel Reimer, ?, Glen Schroeder?, ?, ?, David Myers standing. Row 5: Lilly Rehr, Leona Krueger, Emma Rehr (dark), Hilda Schwanke, Dennis Nobbs, Bob Nobbs. Row 6: Lydia Luetkens, Elva Baumgarten, Lydia Elfers, Agnes Reimer, ?, Bonnie Filtz, ?, Virgil Alexander. Row 7: Kathleen Nobbs, ?, Ruth Kruse, Margaret & Becky Roecker, Helen Kroeger with children joycd and son Marvin.

LOG1159 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. L-R: Marcie, Callie, Marty, Delores Mrs. Harrison, Dale Harrison.

LOG1160 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Lowell Hasheider and Pastor C. Dale Harrison help the Harrison family out of the surrey.

LOG1161 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1162 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1163 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Lily Rehr, back; Agnes Thieding, front left; Louise Streich, right.

LOG1164 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1165 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Charlotte Schroeder

LOG1166 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Delores Harrison, Gustie Black, Cindy Harms.

LOG1167 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1168 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Back: Kenny Kruse, Roger Kruse. Front: Bob Tobey, Tim Thieding, Randy Schulte, John Kruse, Ty Tobey, Susan Gade, Linda Reinecke, Pastor C. Dale Harrison.

LOG1169 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1170 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Lowell Hasheider driving his team and buggy with David Myers and Pastor C. Dale Harrison in front and Pastor’s wife, Delores and daughters, Marcie and Callie.

LOG1171 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Front: Lowell Hasheider, David Myers, Pastor C. Dale Harrison. Back: Delores Harrison, son Marty and daughters, Marcie and Callie.

LOG1172 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Ewald Fuhlbohm parks Shimniok’s surrey in the shade.

LOG1173 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1174 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.

LOG1175 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove.Lowell Hasheider, David Myers, Pastor C. Dale Harrison. Back: Delores Harrison, son Marty and daughters, Marcie and Callie.

LOG1176 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemeterLOG1177 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery. Alan Schroeder in Spanish American War uniform worn at Panama Canal area in 1898.

LOg1178 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery. 45 star flag carried by Darrell Myers in Civil War uniform which was warn at Lincoln’s funeral.

LOG1179 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery.

LOG1180 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery. Audrey Myers.

LOG1181 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery. Joyce Kroeger, Pam Oleson, Becky Roecker, Dennis Rehr.

LOG1182 Filming of the “Memorial Day” scene at the Westfield “American” cemetery. Dennis Rehr, Larry Wiese, Audrey Myers.

LOG1183 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Back: David Myers, Glenn Schulte, Duane Nobbs, Lori Harms, Kim Klitzke, Randy Roecker, Tom Thieding, Larry Wiese, Pam Oleson.

LOG1184 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Lori Harms, Kim Klitzke, Rodney Heinz.

LOG1185 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Pam Oleson.

LOG1186 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1187 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Row 1: Sheryl Harms, Kim Oleson. Row 2: Heidi Kruse, Peggy Kruse, Randy Roecker. Row 3: David Myers, Glenn Schulte, Tom Thieding. Row 4: Duane Nobbs. Teacher, Diane Leake.

LOG1188 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Lori Harms recites for teacher, Diane Leake.

LOG1189 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: Heidi Kruse, Peggy Kruse, Sheryl Harms.

LOG1190 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Tom Thieding, left and Steve Koenig.

LOG1191 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1192 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1193 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Steve Koenig.

LOG1194 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1195 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: Ken Kruse, David Myers, Glen Schulte, Randy Roecker, Larry Wiese, Lori Harms, Peggy Kruse, Steve Koenig in background.

LOG1196 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: Steve Koenig, Kenny Kruse, Glen Schulte, David Myers, Randy Roecker, Larry Wiese, Lori Harms, Peggy Kruse.

LOG1197 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Dennis Rehr, Tammy Schroeder.

LOG1198 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: Dennis Rehr, Tammy Schroeder, Wolfgang Hoffman (photographer).

LOG1199 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Diane Leake, teacher.


LOG1200 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: David Myers, Steve Koenig, Kim Oleson, Kim Klitzke, Pam Oleson. Front: Glenn Schulte, Duane Nobbs, Lori Harms, Dennis Rehr.

LOG1201 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Diane Leake, teacher.

LOG1202 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Kenny Kruse and cousin, Peggy Kruse.

LOG1203 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Teacher, Diane Leake.

LOG1204 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. L-R: David Myers, Glenn Schulte, Duane Nobbs, KimOleson, Kim Klitzke, Lori Harms, Pam Oleson, Tim Thieding, Denis Rehr, Rodney Heinz, Larry Wiese, Tammy Schroeder.

LOG1205 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Tom Thieding is the pupil.

LOG1206 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Tom Thieding is the pupil.

LOG1207 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1208 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School.

LOG1209 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Rodney Heinz.

LOG1210 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Back: David Myers, Steve Koenig. Front: Tom Thieding, Larry Wiese.

LOG1211 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Pam & Kim Oleson.

LOG1212 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Steve Koenig, Kim Oleson, Glenn Schulte, Kim Klitzke, Pam Oleson, Lori Harms, Tom Thieding, Dennis Rehr, Larry Wiese, Rodney Heinz.

LOG1213 Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Sheryl Harms, Heidi Kruse.

LOG1214 Filming in Loganville.

LOG1215 Filming in Loganville. Front: Loretta Thieding, Edald Fuhlbohm. Back: Hilda Schwanke, Bill Thies.

LOG1216 Costume fitting.

LOG1217 Costume fitting. Linda Reinecke, left & Helen O’Brien, U.W. Ext. Youth Div. Program.

LOG1218 Costume fitting. Sisam Spohnholtz, left & Helen O’Brien, U.W. Ext. Youth Div. Program.

LOG1219 Filming the “Market Day” scene at Herman Streich farm, south of Loganville on Hwy 23. Color photo. L-R: Tom Thieding, Glenn Schulte, Duane Nobbs are near barn. Heidi Kruse in wagon, Phyllis Thieding behind wagon.

LOG1220 Wm Grosshans “Snow Drift” flour. Color photo.

LOG1221 Loganville, looking NE. ca. 1970's.

LOG1222 Loganville, looking NE. May 24, 1975

LOG1223 St. John’s Lutheran Church. May 24, 1975.

LOG1224 St. John’s Lutheran Church. ca. 1970's

LOG1225 St. John’s Lutheran Church, inside. ca. 1970's.

LOG1226 St. John’s Lutheran Church, inside. ca. 1970's.

LOG1227 Loganville Main st. looking south, winter scene. ca. 1970's.

LOG1228 Loganville Main st. looking south, winter scene. ca. 1970's.

LOG1229 Loganville west side of Main st. looking SW. Ray Meyer shop. May 4, 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1230 Loganville west side of Main st. looking NW. Ray Meyer shop. May 4, 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1231 Loganville west side of Main st. looking NW. Ray Meyer shop. May 4, 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1232 Loganville west side of Main st. looking W. Ray Meyer shop. May 4, 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1233 Loganville west side of Main st. looking SW. Ray Meyer shop. May 4, 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1234 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1235 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1236 Ray Meyer working inside his shop, Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1237 Ray Meyer working inside his shop, Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1238 Ray Meyer working inside his shop, Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1239 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1240 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1241 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1242 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1243 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1244 Ray Meyer shop, under building. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1245 Ray Meyer shop inside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1246 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1247 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1248 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1249 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1250 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1251 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1252 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1253 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1254 Ray Meyer shop outside. Aug. 1994. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1255 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOg1256 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1257 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1258 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1259 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1260 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1261 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1262 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1263 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1264 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1265 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1266 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1267 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1268 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1269 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1270 Ray Meyer shop demolition. Jan. 18, 1995. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1271 Westfield float, Wisconsin Truck Co. [Px from Donna Lange in 1997]

LOG1272 Cenex gas station. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1273 Loganberrie Inn restaurant. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1274 Robin’s Nest furniture refinishing & private home. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1275 Jim Thieding Construction office, right. Hillbilly Bob’s Pick Wick & Seeds. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1276 L-R: Outback Saloon & Upfront Café, Associated Bank. Ripple Signs. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1277 L-R: Dale Meyer home, Burmester’s Grocery, Catcher’s Mitt bar. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1278 Private homes and apartments. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1279 L-R: Dale Meyer home, Burmester’s Grocery, Catcher’s Mitt bar. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1280 Feed mill. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1281 Private homes in Loganville. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1282 Hillbilly Bob’s. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1283 Pickwick & Seeds. Aug. 5, 1998. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1284 Sign on west side of village. Nov. 1, 2000. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1285 Ray Meyer sales. Nov. 1, 2000. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1286 Co-op convenience store & Cenex Gas station. Nov. 1, 2000. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1287 Old Co-op feed mill on north edge of Loganville. Aug. 21, 1996. [ Ed Roecker photo].

LOG1288 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1289 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1290 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1291 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1292 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1293 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1294 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1295 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1296 Firemen’s annual dinner at the Eatin’ House in Loganville. Fire Chief Gerald Roecker. Feb. 8, 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1297 Flooded Narrow’s Creek on North edge of Loganville. Fall. 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1298 Flooded Narrow’s Creek on North edge of Loganville. Fall. 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1299 Flooded Narrow’s Creek on North edge of Loganville. Fall. 1992. Bill Schuette photo.


LOG1300 Narrows Creek flood looking west, Fall 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1301 Narrows Creek flood looking N. on west side of bridge, Fall 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1302 Narrows Creek flood looking N. on east side of bridge, Fall 1992. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1303 Luverne Fire engine owned by Baraboo Fire Dept. Manufactured by the Wisconsin Fire Apparatus Company, Loganville. Parade, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1304 Luverne Fire engine owned by Baraboo Fire Dept. Manufactured by the Wisconsin Fire Apparatus Company, Loganville. Parade, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1305 Luverne Fire engine owned by Baraboo Fire Dept. Manufactured by the Wisconsin Fire Apparatus Company, Loganville. Parade, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1306 Luverne Fire engine owned by Baraboo Fire Dept. Manufactured by the Wisconsin Fire Apparatus Company, Loganville. Parade, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1307 Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1308 Ken Krey and his dogs. Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1309 Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1310 Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1311 Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1312 Loganville parade float, ca. 1970's. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1313 Main St., L-R: Bourbon Barrel tavern, Bank, old Paul Roewer General Store. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1314 Main St. Ray Meyer Sales & Service. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1315 Main St., R-L: Paul Roewer General Store, Bank, Bourbon Barrel tavern. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1316 Main St., L-R: The Den bar, Burmester’s Grocery, Dale Meyer home. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1317 Main St. L-R: Ray Meyer Sales & Service. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1318 Main St., Happy Tap bar. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1319 Main St., L-R: Old post office, Adams Meat Market. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1320 Main St., L-R: The Den bar, Burmester’s Grocery, Dale Meyer home. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1321 Main St., south end of town, L-R: Private home, old Wisconsin Truck factory. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1322 Main St., L-R: Engebretson apartments, Art Behn home, Farmer’Inn bar. Color photo by Bill Schuette.

LOG1323 Flavo flour, made by Wm Grosshans at the mill on north side of town.

LOG1324 Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1325 Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1326 Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1327 Looking SW across Narrows Creek towards Co-Op feed mill on north edge of Loganville. Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1328 Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1329 Looking north on east side of Hwy. 23 bridge. Flood. Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1330 Looking west across Narrows Creek from Sunrise Rd. hill above Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1331 Looking south across St. Peters flooded ball park. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1332 Looking NW across Hwy. 23 from ballpark area. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1333 Flood near Loganville. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1334 Flooded Narrows Creek in back of Fire station. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1335 Charles Fisher, left. Unknown, right.

LOG1336 Charles Fisher

LOG1337 Fire engine at Peper’s Grove. Don’t know whose engine.

LOG1338 Loganville Firemen, Christmas party, 1976. Back, L-R: Ruben Albers, David Lichte, ?, Dean Baumgarten, Gerald Roecker, Gearald Radke, ?. Front: Barney Luetkens, Fire Chief, Vivian Adams, Darrell DeMars, Roy Schroeder.

LOG1339 Loganville Firemen, Christmas party, 1976. Firemen’s kids with Santa.

LOG1340 Loganville Firemen, Christmas party, 1977. Seated, L-R: Gerhard Luetkens, Vivian Adams, Darrell DeMars. Center: Dale Harrison, Andy Adams, Gene Krayer, Gerald Roecker, Dave Lichte, Dave Burmester, LeRoy Judd. Back: Rueben Albers, Leonard Hanusa, Dan Thieding, Dave Stevens.

LOG1341 Loganville Firemen, Christmas party, 1977. Front, L-R: Charlotte Schroeder, Alice Adams, Ellen DeMars. Center: Phyllis Thieding, Leora Albers, Dave Lichte, Connie Krayer, Debby Adams, Margaret Roecker, Marilyn Stevens.

LOG1342 Loganville Firemen 1978. Back, L-R: Roger Karstetter, Leonard Hanusa, Adams, David Stevens, ?, Dan Thieding, Vivian Adams, Dale Meyer, Gerald Roecker. Center: Ruben Albers, ?, Darrell DeMars, David Burmester, ?, Gene Krayer, ?, Dean Baumgarten. Front: Gerald Radke, Andy Adams, Barney Luetkens, David Lichte, Leonard Hanusa, Roy Schroeder, Steve Albers.

LOG1343 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1344 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1345 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1346 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1347 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1348 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1349 Firemen’s Festival, ca. 1978. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1350 Firemen group photo, Aug. 1985. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1351 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: Dale Meyer, Don Holby, Charles Muchow

LOG1352 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: Chief Vivian Adams, David Burmester

LOG1353 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: David Stevens, Gerald Radke, Gerald Roecker. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1354 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: Judd, Roy Schroeder. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1355 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: Dan Thieding, David Licht, Ruben Albers, Dean Baumgarten. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1356 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: David Stevens, Barney Luetkens. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1357 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. L-R: Barney Luetkens. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1358 Firemen awards, Feb. 2, 1987. Back L-R: Dan Thieding, David Stevens, David Lichte, Judd, Chief Vivian Adams, Dean Baumgarten, Dale Meyer, Charles Muchow, Ruben Albers, Roy Schroeder. Front: Don Holby, Gerald Roecker, Barney Luetkens, Gerald Radke, David Burmester.

LOG1359 Firemen, 1987?. Left, Charles Muchow, ?

LOG1360 Loganville First Responders, Feb. 2, 1991. Front, L-R: Vickie Baumgarten, Kris Hahn, Lori Muchow, Marilyn Stevens. Center: Gertrude Judd, Donna Schuette, Rick McCauley, Bob Eigner. Back: Roger Karstetter, Dave Stevens, Charles Muchow, Dean Baumgarten, Greg Hahn.

LOG1361 Loganville Firemen, Feb. 2, 1991: Front, L-R: Vickie Baumgarten, Marilyn Stevens, Dave Stevens, Dean Baumgarten, Gerald Roecker, Charles Muchow, David Burmester, Kris Hahn. 2nd Row: Donna Schuette, Roger Karstetter, Greg Hahn, Bob Eigner, Rick McCauley, Al Guedarrene, Chris Koehler, Kent Westphal, Lori Muchow. 3rd Row: Gertrude Judd, Bill Beerkircher, Don Holby, Gary Bindl, Dale Meyer, Dan Thieding, Roy Schroeder, John Rueter. Back: Darrell DeMars, Reuben Albers, Kevin Thieding, LeRoy Judd, Dave Lichte, Gordon Kopf, Steve Albers, Gerald Radke.

LOG1362 Firemen’s awards, Nov. 1994: L-R: Charles Muchow, Gerald Roecker, Dean Baumgarten.

LOG1363 Mike Demars, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1364 David Burmester, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1365 Gerald Roecker, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1366 Gerald Radke, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1367 David Licht, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1368 Charles Muchow, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1369 Dale Meyer, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1370 randy Leake, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1371 Don Holby, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1372 Gary Bindl, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1373 Gordon Kopf, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1374 G. Hahn, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1375 George Werla, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1376 Bob Eigner, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1377 Jeff Henke, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1378 D. DeMars, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1379 J. Reuter, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1380 Dean Baumgarten, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1381 Bindl, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1382 Roy Schroeder, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1383 Roger Karstetter, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1384 David Fredrickson, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1385 David Stevens, Nov. 1994. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1386 David Burmester retirement, Feb. 11, 1995. David, left & Chief Gerald Roecker, Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1387 David Burmester retirement, Feb. 11, 1995. David, left & Chief Gerald Roecker, Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1388 David Burmester retirement, Feb. 11, 1995. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1389 Firemen Awards, Feb. 11, 1995. Roy Schroeder, left & Chief Gerald Roecker. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1390 Firemen Awards, Feb. 11, 1995. L-R: Charles Muchow, ?, Chief Gerald Roecker. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1391 Firemen Awards, Feb. 11, 1995: ?, left & Chief Gerald Roecker. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1392 Former fireman, Charles Laukant. 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1393 Former fireman, Dean Kraemer 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1394 Former fireman, Dick Knuth. 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1395 Former fireman, Gene Krayer? 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1396 Former fireman, Bill Beerkircher, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1397 Gordon Burmester, Former fireman, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1398 Cara (Klipp) Rivette, First Responder, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1399 Jim Phillips, Fireman, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.


LOG1400 Firemen, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1401 Duck races at Firemen’s Festival. ca. 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1402 Fire equipment, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1403 Fire equipment, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1404 First Responders truck, 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1405 Kent Westphal, Fireman. 1996. Bill Schuette color photo.

LOG1406 Brochure advertising the “Loganville 1906" film made by the Loganville & Elder Ridge 4-H Clubs for the nation’s Bicentennial in 1976. Front side. People in photo, L-R: Paul Luehrsen, Ed Luehrsen, Mrs. Ed Luehrsen, George Hasz, Mrs. George Hasz, Lorna (Hasz) Pelton, Riney Hasz (baby).

LOG1407 Brochure advertising the “Loganville 1906" film made by the Loganville & Elder Ridge 4-H Clubs for the nation’s Bicentennial in 1976. Back side.

LOG1408 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Earl Fry with his team, Mrs. Wills, Steve Koenig?, Steve Leak.

LOG1409 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Harvey Myers, left, Orland Reimer driving first team with “bride” Kay Klitzke and “groom” Glen Schroeder riding behind.

LOG1410 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ariel Reimer, Gretchen Kruse, Agnes Reimer in front. Kay Klitzke, Ruth Kruse in back.

LOG1411 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. L-R: Glen Schroeder, Harvey Myers, Steve Leake, Kay Klitzke, Ruth Kruse.

LOG1412 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Earl Fry, Linda Reinecke, Etta Liegel, Dr. Edwards.

LOG1413 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Ewald Fuhlbohm and Carol Myers.

LOG1414 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Congregation inside the church.

LOG1415 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Rev. Harrison conducts the ceremony.

LOG1416 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Wedding party, L-R: Steve Leake, Gary Reimer, Glen Schroeder, Kay Klitzke, Kathy Kaiser, Sheryl Harms.

LOG1417 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Kay Klitzke & Glen Schroeder.

LOG1418 Filming in Loganville in front of Engebretson apartments. Lowell Hasheider and team, Ray Shimniok surry before Jean Berlin’s apartments.

LOG1419 Filming in Loganville in front of the old Roewer’s General Store. Lowell Hasheider, his team, Ray Shimniok surrey parked at Carla Fish property.

LOG1420 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Walter Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1420a Filming of the “School Days” scene at Friendship School. Diane Leake, Teacher.

LOG1421 Filming of the “Missionfest” scene at Peper’s Grove. Rev. C. Dale Harrison.

LOG1422 Filming of the “Wedding Reception” scene at Repka farm, NE of the church.

LOG1423 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Schroeder family, L-R, back: Glen, Roy, Charlotte; front: Alan, Tamera.

LOG1424 Filming of the “Wedding” scene at Westfield Methodist Church, corner of Hwy D & Schmidt Rd. Schroeder family, L-R, Roy, Charlotte, Glen, Tamera, Alan.

LOG1425 Filming of Memorial Day scene at Westfield Cemetery. 45-star flag carried by Darrel Myers in Civil War uniform, which was worn at Lincoln’s funeral. Followed by Glen Schroeder, left, and Steve Koenig, right.

LOG1426 Christmas, interior of St. John’s Lutheran Church. ca. 1980's.

LOG1427 Christmas, interior of St. John’s Lutheran Church. ca. 1980's.

LOG1428 Christmas, interior of St. John’s Lutheran Church. ca. 1980's.

LOG1429 Loganville Fire Chief, Vivian Adams

LOG1430 Loganville Fire Chief, Gerhard “Barney” Luetkens

LOG1431 Loganville Fire Chief, Gerald Steinhorst

LOG1432 Loganville firemen

LOG1433 Rock Springs Co-Op

LOG1434 Rock Springs Co-Op delivery truck.

LOG1435 Loganville Co-Op feed mill

LOG1436 Loganville Co-Op feed mill

LOG1437 Awards ceremony, Co-Op

LOG1438 Awards ceremony, Co-Op

LOG1439 Awards ceremony, Co-Op

LOG1440 Co-Op personnel. L-R: Gerald Radke, Ed Roecker?, ?,?

LOG1441 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Pete Driese, left & Don Holby

LOG1442 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Attaching the rope. Chris Koehler on truck, Pete Driese by truck, Don Holby attaching rope.

LOG1443 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Raising the pole.

LOG1444 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Chris Koehler on truck, Don Holby holds the pole.

LOG1445 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Chris Koehler on ladder adjusting the rope. Pete Driese on truck, Don Holby holds the pole.

LOG1446 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Same as LOG1445

LOG1447 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Chris Koehler adjusts rope.

LOG1448 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Don Holby.

LOG1449 Raising new flag pole in Loganville, Sep. 13, 1990. Don Holby placing pole in base.

LOG1450 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1451 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1452 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1453 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1454 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1455 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1456 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1457 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1458 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1459 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1460 Demolishing the old post office, 1990.

LOG1461 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Group photo. Oct. 1977.

LOG1462 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977.

LOG1463 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Ruben Albers, left & Roy Schroeder.

LOG1464 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Fire Chief, Vivian Adams.

LOG1465 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. David Burmester, left & Vivian Adams.

LOG1466 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Gerald Roecker.

LOG1467 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Melvin Baumgarten, right.

LOG1468 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. David Licht, standing, Judd, kneeling.

LOG1469 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Margaret Roecker, left; Norma Radke, right.

LOG1470 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Carl Bloedau.

LOG1471 Halloween party at Loganville school sponsored by Fire Dept. Oct. 1977. Gene Krayer.

LOG1472 Meacham tavern fire, April 1947.

LOG1473 Meacham tavern fire, April 1947.

LOG1474 Feb. 1924 fire destroyed businesses on SW side of Main st.

LOG1475 Loganville public school, 1900. Marcella Spohnholtz photo.

LOG1476 St. John’s parochial school, 1919. Photo from Henry Albers.

LOG1477 Loganville Cornet Band, ca. 1907. L-R, Rear: Bert Leicher, August Hasz, Hank Niemn, Herman Luehrsen, Walter Hoverman, J. Westenhaver, Frank Leicher, Ernest Soltwedel, Bill Krahn, Fred Steckelberg, Roy Sprague. Front: Herman Hoverman, Albert Schuette, Charley Fisher, Bob Raetz, August Steckelberg.

LOG1478 Aerial color photo taken by Norman Hasz. First week of Jan. 1984.

LOG1479 Loganville firemen.

LOG1480 Ed Kohlmeyer

LOG1481 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Put on by Loganville & Elder Ridge 4-H Clubs. Toy store.

LOG1482 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Isabelle Reimer, left. Lottie Heinz, center.

LOG1483 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Carla Kruse, right.

LOG1484 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Candy store.

LOG1485 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Serving cookies. Becky Roecker, standing right & Audrey Myers, seated right.

LOG1486 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Ella Roecker, left, Randy Roecker, standing, Anna Ninneman, right.

LOG1487 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. St. Peter’s Lutheran Church display.

LOG1488 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Candy store.

LOG1489 Nov. 7, 1976. The Good Old Days displays at Loganville school. Plowing.

LOG1490 4th of July parade in Loganville. ca. 1908. Fred Kohlmeyer’s engine.

LOG1491 In front of Riggert’s General Store. Emma Schwenkhoff, left & Ella (Williams) Steinhorst.

LOG1492 Hop pickers, ca. 1910. When photo was taken this farm was owned by Mr. Colvin. Owned by Herb Thies during mid-1900's, and then by Bergman. Located east of Loganville.

LOG1493 Loganville public school, 1926. State Hist. Soc. of Wis. photo.

LOG1494 Loganville public school, 1921. Two classrooms: grades 1-4 in one room and 5-8 in the other. Teacher’s desks were located on raised platforms toward front of room.

LOG1495 D.B. Hulbert house. Feb. 24, 1922, after the great ice storm. House later owned by Conrad Kruse. Photo from Bill Thies.

LOG1496 Leicher truck factory, 1924. Photo from State Hist. Soc. of WI. # Whi(G5)1228

LOG1497 July 4, 1922. Hillpoint Equity Band on parade in Reedsburg. Truck is a “Wisconsin” truck made by Leicher Brothers, cab constructed by Henry Luehrsen. All holes in frame were drilled by hand. Al Burmester worked at the factory and recalled one summer they built 30 trucks. They sold for about $1,300. When Chevrolet came out with mass produced trucks selling for $900, the Wisconsin Truck Company went broke.

LOG1498 Tavern on north end of town, west side of street (Loganberry in 1990's). Ca. early 1900's. Alva J. Colvin in donkey cart. Henry Hennings (bar owner) by pump. Seated by door may be August Gluth. Horse barn on right, and chicken coop. Photo from Harold Fenster, Baraboo.

LOG1499 Al Burmester’s grocery, ca. 1921. Al behind soda fountain, located in archway at rear of store. Note booth on left and old Victrola to right of Al.


LOG1500 Feb. 22, 1922. Looking NW. Baumgarten’s hardware store on left. Dr. Westedt’s house on right. He was a dentist.

LOG1501 4th of July parade, ca. 1920's. Al Burmester Grocery float.

LOG1502 Meat Market, left, and Post Office, center. March 1973. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1503 Loganville on the hillside. ca. 1912. Looking NE.

LOG1504 The old Leicher truck factory. March 1973. Bill Schuette photo.

LOG1505 East side of Main St. 1928. Halftone. Burmester’s grocery, center.

LOG1506 Loganville Roller Mill, here owned by Wm Grosshans. Village scale located to right of mill. Mill was located on north edge of town.

LOG1507 Loganville School, 1917. L-R, back: Elda (Roecker) Schrank, Clara (Burmester) Licht, Lila (Ninnemann) Hennings. 2nd row: Rowena Kruse, Etta (Ninneman) Thies, Wanda Hoverman, Lorna (Hasz) Pelton. 3rd row: Ervin Schroeder, Phil Angle, Herb Schalkhauser, Ervin Kruse, Lawrence Baumgarten, Archie Hoverman. Front row: Art Schroeder, Rollie Klippstein, Herb Krueger, Eddie Grosshans. Teacher, not shown, was Blanche Shookman.

LOG1508 Baseball game 1916. Nieman’s barn on left. M. Muchow’s house on right.

LOG1509 Loganville baseball team pitcher, southpaw, Walter Klipstein.

LOG1510 Lena (Thies) Kruse in a F. Ninneman Dray Line truck.

LOG1511 Camper truck built by Kohlmeyers of Loganville, ca. 1923. Picture taken in Yellowstone Park.

LOG1512 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG1513 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955.

LOG1514 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955. Rear view.

LOG1515 Apartment building east side Main st. just north of old Leicher Truck factory. 1955. South side view.

LOG1516 Bank employees, L-R: Amund Tuhus, Martin Roewer, Edna (Nieman) Roewer, John Richert.

LOG1517 Cora (Leicher) Fisher. Aug. 1978.

LOG1518 Klondike car emblem. Photo taken, 1973.

LOG1519 Old Loganville public school, 1891. L-R, back: Martha Thornton (teacher), Rebecka Hasz, Anna Neisfeldt, Faye Kinsley, Nellie Colvin, Lena Worth, Emma Nieman, Effie Colvin, Willia Meyer, Bert Leicher, Otto Westedt, Paul Heitkamp, Henry Nieman, Paul Worth, Nelson Briggs, Albert Tilker. Front: henry Meyer, Gilbert Walters, Walter Brandt, Emma Twist, Irea Giles, Anna Gehrke, Della Bushausen, Dora Westedt, Elsie Wolters, Louise Heitkamp, Alma Luhrsen, Felta Twist, Lizzie Krahn. Seated: Walter Mueller, Fred Hasz, Roy Cox (Sprague), Frank Leicher.

LOG1520 Loganville Public School, March 3, 1913. L-R, Front: Margaret Fisher, Margaret Spoerlader, Lila (Ninnaman) Hennings, Violet Grafke, Bertha Hasz, Sadie Hiestad, Loretta Meyer, Elda Roecker. Second Row: Laura Schiefelbein, Annie Kurchel, Wanda Hoverman, Louie Thies, Jessie Moffett, Edna Nieman, Phil Angle, Lorna Hasz, Ervin Schroeder, Anona Fisher, Edwin Roewer, George Lopau, Leonard Fisher, Raleigh Klippstein, Archie Hoverman. Back Row: Henry Schrank, Edward Sporleader, Eddie Grosshans, Gordon Angel, Arthur Schroeder, Herbert Krueger, Ervin Luetkens, Elva Luetkens, Lorenz Luetkens. Rosette Reese (Teacher).

LOG1521 Loganville Public School, 1902. Teachers are Mrs. Brenheiser, Miss Eva Wheeler. Photo from Mrs. Elsie (Mueller) Dwars.

LOG1522 Narrow’s Creek. Building on left belonged to Harold Baumgarten. Was Ray Meyer shop in 1975).

LOG1523 Westedt’s Bar. Bill, Henry & Ewald Westedt behind bar.

LOG1524 Loganville firemen beside fire truck.

LOG1525 4th of July parade 1924. “Wisconsin” truck built by Leicher Brothers.

LOG1526 St. John’s Lutheran Parochial School, ca. 1918. L-R, Back: Lydia Roewer, Elva (Luetkens) Baumgarten, Elsie (Hasz) Meyer, Rev. Stoeckhardt, Loreta Meyer, Violet Grafky, Henry Steinhorst, Louie Thies. 2nd Row: Valera (Horstman) Kleeber, Lydia Luetkens, Ella (Roewer) Roecker, Ruth (Bergman) Luetkens, Esther (Lutterman) Fuller, Elda (Meyer) Raedel, Emma (Hasz) Sefkar, Martha Meyer, Maynard Krueger, Harry Hahn. 3rd Row: Arthur Hasz, Selma Meyer, Agnes Steinhorst, Art Meyer, Milton Wollschlager, Herb Thies. Ruth Stoeckhardt is small girl in front.

LOG1527 L-R: Valera (Riggert) Tuhus, Alda (Gall) Jewell, Rowena Kruse, Ruth (Kruse) Abraham. In front of Roewer’s General Store.

LOG1528 Loganville Fire Deportment, men and fire trucks. 1924.

LOG1529 Closeup of LOG1528. Fireman, 1924

LOG1530 Closeup of LOG1528. L-R: Bill Retzlaff, Bert Leicher, Otto Soltwedel, Lawrence Baumgarten, Herman Timmecke, Bill Voss, Al Burmester, Walter Schoephoester, Carl Geffert, Frank Leicher. 1924.

LOG1531 Stephen Kinsley, photo from Lovie Stackhouse

LOG1532 July 4, 1889. Parade in Loganville. Fred Kohlmeyer engine. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1533 Dr. Otto Westedt practicing on a latex dummy. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1534 Pond west of Loganville. c. 1900 Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1535 Creek at Loganville. Building in background was, in later years, Harold Baumgarten Implement. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1536 Loganville school, 1891. Back, L-R: Martha Thornton (teacher), Rebecka Hasz, Anna Meisteadt, Faye Kinsley, Nellie Colvin, Lina Worth, Emma Nieman, Effie Colvin, Willie Meyer, Bert Leicher, Otto Westedt, Paul Heitkamp, Henry Nieman, Paul Worth, Nelson Briggs, Albert Tilker. Front, L-R: Henry Meyer, Gilbert Walters, Walter Brandt, Emma Twist, Irea Giles, Anna Gehrke, Della Bushausen, Dora Westedt, Elsie Wolters, Louise Heitkamp, Alma Luhrsen, Fleta Twist, Lizzie Krahn. Seated in front: Walter Mueller, Fred Hasz, Roy Cox (Sprague), Frank Leicher. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1537 Loganville creamery, 1894. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1538 Loganville white frame elementary school. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1539 Play in Loganville. L-R: Elisabeth Fisher, J. Westenhaver, Herb Westenhaver, Gleu Angle, Hazel Ware, Bert Leicher, Cora Leicher. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1540 Loganville Creamery, 1908. Fred Harms was the butter maker. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1541 Main St. looking south. 1924. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1542 Main St. looking south. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1543 Martin Thies’ Maxwell, when he worked for Fred Ninneman at the LaVerne Kruse farm. With a Clintonville trailer and bee hives in the trailer. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1544 Bob Retz (Roetz?). Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1545 Billy Retzlaff. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1546 Frank Liecher (back, left), Walter Krey (center, front), Billy Griffin (front, right). C. 1908. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1547 Charlie Fisher, 1907. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1548 Herman Spoonholtz. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1549 Hazel Ware (Mrs. Wm Voss). Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1550 Florence Shookman, teacher in Loganville school. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1551 Cora Robertson, teacher in Loganville school. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1552 Grace Reighard. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1553 Amy Westenhaver. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1554 L-R: a couple from Ontario, WI., Cora Leicher, Anna Twist, George Hoverman, Hugh Brenizer, Rita Merriman (Mrs. George Hoverman). Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1555 Left, Amy Westenhaver (Mrs. Dr. Spohrlieder), right, unknown. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1556 Amy Westenhaver. c. 1906. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1557 Ida Westedt, c. 1907. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1558 Amy Westenhaver, Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1559 Dora Hennings? (Mrs. Ernest Riggert). Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1560 Herman Spoonholtz. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1561 Wm Schulse. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1562 Charles Fisher, left. Herman Spoonholtz. 1906. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1563 Iva Giles. 1897. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1564 Cora (Leicher) Fisher. May 11, 1906. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1565 L-R: Ida Wesdeadt, Frieda Wesdeadt, Emma Luhrsen, Emma Tilker, Cora Leicher, Louise Bergman. 1906. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1566 Herman Luhrsen, son of M & M. Henry Luhrsen. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1567 Bertha Settle (Mrs. Dr. Raleigh Brenizer), teacher in Loganville. 1899. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1568 Ethel Westenhaver. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1569 Dr. Raleigh Brenizer, 1899. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1570 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Angle & sons. Mrs. Angle was formerly Alma Westenhaver. He was a Loganville banker. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1571 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kohlmeyer. She was L. Wesdedt. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1572 Dr. Otto Westedt & family. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1573 Amy Westenhaver. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

LOG1574 Wedding in Loganville. Elsie Gluth & Herman Soltwedel. Note St. John’s Lutheran church in background. Px from Cora Leicher Fisher.

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Categories: Loganville, Wisconsin