Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Sawusch Prussia_Pommern One_Name_Studies
Workspace for Sawusch Name Study
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Pommern / Prussia Primary Source Data Research Notes
First World War Casualty Lists / Project
- https://wiki.genealogy.net/Verlustlisten_Erster_Weltkrieg/Projekt#Wie_ist_die_Angabe_des_Ortes_zu_verstehen.3F Accessed 7 Mar 2024 for surname SAWUSCH.
Metryki Genbaza pl
- https://metryki.genbaza.pl/ Manual review of images for Sawusch.
- copied from email to Ann Sawusch received 16 Feb 2024:
Son: Ferdinand Gustav Death 1852/Line 29 https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,358762,145
Hermann Eduard son of a Martin Sawusch Death 1856/21 https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,358762,174
I'm not sure on this one (above) but it maybe part of your tree.
Death of Albertine Fett (I have Fett in my tree too but married in) https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,373618,19 Right side
I'm still looking and wondering who the father of Johann Sawusch b. abt 1795 and married Hannah Dorothea Henriette Kranski is...well his father. His son Heinrich is who married my Gersch. So although going back there is no blood line, the children would be related. -end-
Bresin need edit to full place name at the time
- copied from email to Ann Sawusch received 20 Feb 2024: Years 1715-1765 BMD records. I am posting in reverse. I got back to 1734 and need a break. Tomorrow
Baptism, left side first entry. Andrs Sawusch and Lena Fickin https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,55
Left side, Kazaü 25 May Godparent is Michel Sawusch https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,54
Right column, death Trina Sawischin https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,53
Baptism 1757 Kazaü 28 Oct Martin, father Michel Sawischin, Maria Sawischin https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,50
Marriage 1750 Michel Sawisch and Maria Sawuschin Middle column across fro Lantz https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,40
Baptism 1749 Günderssin? Mar 16 Eva Sawuszen, fa. Michel and mother Maria Sawushzin https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,39
Baptism 1747 Lantz 8 Jan Gottfried Andreas, fa. Peter Sawusch, mo. Anna Marten? https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,37
Baptism Lantz 1743 Last right side. 31 March Gurgin Sausch, father Peter Sausch, mother Anna Martens
https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,348996,32 -end-
Unidentified Primary Resource - Sawusch
- Sawusch, Karl August - Grapitz ( Grapice, powiat Słupsk) GenBaza / nowosci / AP_Koszalin / 26_0019_Rejencja Koszalin / 19_3.1_Akta personalne nauczycieli szkół_1806-1944r / 6501-6600_RIEWE-SCHMIDT / 6545_SAWUSCH Karl August - Grapitz [Grapice, powiat Słupsk] / _000.JPG . What type of document is this? Multiple images in old German script. How many images are relevant to Sawusch? = Personal files of school teachers 1806-1944 (google translate).
Pommerscher Greif eV
Laurie Hendrickson
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- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Ann Sawusch and Laurie Urlaub. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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