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Schooner Orion’s company, arrived at Monrovia December 10, 1831

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Date: 1831 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: American_Colonization_Society black_heritage
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American Colonization Society

Emigrants to Liberia


This table is taken from the "Roll Of Emigrants That Have Been Sent To The Colony of Liberia, Western Africa, By the American Colonization Society and its Auxiliaries, To September, 1843, &c" [1]

NamesAgeState or place from which they emigratedFree born or otherwiseEmancipated in view of emigrating to Liberia and by whomWhere located on their arrial in the colonyExtent of educationProfessionDate of deathCause of deathRemoved to what placeRemoval date
John Nichols60MarylandFree bornCaldwellBarberS. Leone1836
Jane Nichols40dododoS. Leone1836
James NIchols14dododoReadsBarberS. Leone1836
Minty Nichols110dododo1831Old age
Joseph Nichols13dododoSpellsS. Leone1836
Sarah Nichols12dodododoS. Leone1836
Francis Nichols10dodododo1831Fever
Washington Nichols8dododo1831Fever
Emma Dansbury24doUnknowndo
John Dansbury2dododo1831Fever
Elijah Brown19doFree borndoBarber1831Fever
John Stephens47dododoReadsBrick layer1836Diseased lungs
Catharine Stephens45dododoC. Palmas1836
James H. Stephens19dododoReads
Mary A. Stephens14dodododo1831Fever
George W. Stephens8dodododo1832Fever
Jeseph Stephens9dodododo1832Fever
Alex B. Stephens4dododoSpells1831Fever
Daniel BanksdododoC. Palmas1836
John BanksdododoC. Palmas1836
Emanuel A. Jose25dododoUnknown
Cassandra Jose50dododo1838Anas. exantha
Hannah Anthony40dododo
Caroline Ridgway40dododoCook
Joshua Chase22doMrs. WallacedoWrites1839Diseased brain
Henry Chase18dododoReads
Isaac Dunning13doC. Tiffany, Esq.doSpells
Lewis Wainwright20doFree borndo
Mary Merricks17MarylandFree bornReads
Henry Hynson21dodoWrites1838Anas. exantha
Susan Hynson21dodoReads


  1. Christine's African American Genealogy Website: https://ccharity.com/contents/roll-emigrants-have-been-sent-colony-liberia-western-africa/emigrants-to-liberia-ship-lists/schoonorion1831/

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