Location: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Contents |
Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Genealogy--Family History--Biography
containing historical sketches of old families and of representative and prominent citizens, past and present
- published by J.H. Beers & Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1916
Available online at these locations:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Note on Volume 2, from a User Review: There are a few discrepancies in this book. Particularly the pages 780-784. Pertaining to the origin of the Seitzingers in America. I will clarify......
The fact is Nicholas Seitzinger was not a Hessian. Nicholas came to America well before the Hessians arrived. Nicholas arrived in 1743 from the Palatinate region of Germany.
The first Hessian soldiers arrived in 1776. Most were from the Hesse region of Germany. The origin of Nicholas Seitzinger was documented many times before this book was written. Including by his own family's account at a 1906 reunion held by his great grandson in Lawrence County Illinois. Nicholas and his 3 sons Col. Nicholas, Michael, and Alexander all fought during the revolution. Michael served as a guard watching over Hessian prisoners. The father Nicholas and his son Col. Nicholas's service in the war closely intertwine. 2014 C.J. Seitzinger
- No errors in this publication have been identified. When found, please list the problem(s) here, and include a link to a source that describes the problem.
WikiTree Syntax
- ''[[Space: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Genealogy--Family History--Biography| Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Genealogy--Family History--Biography]]'' (Chicago, Illinois, 1916), [ Page ].
- <ref>[[#Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Genealogy--Family History--Biography|Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Genealogy--Family History--Biography]]</ref>
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