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Scotland - Profile Improvements Team

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Surnames/tags: Scotland project
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Scotland Project Page > Profile Improvements Team

Welcome to the Scotland PIT CREW aka Project Profile Improvement Teams.

Leader Contact: Doug McCallum UE

Project Coordinator: Linda Peterson

Floating Team Members:-

Profile Improvers

Profile Improvers prefer to work on particular aspect of work on profiles across the whole of Scotland as part of the shared project goal to make Scottish profiles the best that they can be. Where appropriate, team members need to be in the corresponding functional project on WikiTree.


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Hi, I am interested in helping on the Gedcom Team. I posted a message there the other day, but haven't gotten a response so thought I would post here. What do I need to do to start working on that team? Ready to get started.

Thanks, Bonnie

HI, I have been working on GRIP project and tackled the family Armet. I was not sure who to address my question/issue to, so I am hoping the "Profile Improvers" will take a look and give some much need guidance.
I have made a list of the various spellings of the surname. I not only found these variations from person to person but from document to document on the same person. A good example is Airmet-22. He was probably born around 1730. On that profile I have listed the surname variations and possible children from Scotlands People.
If the person is born/christened with one spelling and marries and /or dies with another, should the LNAB be the first spelling and the other spelling listed with "Current Last Name" and /or "Other Last Name(s)"?
I think this issues bothers me because it is difficult to follow a family line with the random variations.
posted by Elaine (Walling) Goodner
edited by Elaine (Walling) Goodner
Hi Elaine,

The normal process on WikiTree, and we follow it in the Scotland Project, is to use the spelling from the birth or baptismal document if one is found. It may be that the person used a different spelling later in life, intentionally or not, and those later spellings should be documented in the OLN and CLN fields as appropriate. If there is not a birth record to be found, then we try to find a document that the person themselves had some say in, to show that perhaps that's the spelling they would have used. This is always a bit of a gamble especially when the person was not literate. But if, for example, they signed a document that's the spelling I would use for the LNAB.

If you are working with people who were landed gentry, nobles, etc., there is a page of further explanation here on Scotland - Name Field Guidelines

I hope that helps. Bobbie

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
That being said there are quite a few profiles that the LNAB needs to be changed. I don't have the authority to change them. And at times the parent's name in the profile will not exactly match parent's name in source. Please look at Airmet-2.
If the profile is an orphan and you can verify that the birth/baptism record supports the spelling change, you can adopt the profile, document the spelling, and make the change. Whenever possible, please check both Scotlands People and (if available) FamilySearch to verify that the spelling is consistent on the indexes for both sites, since I assume you won't be looking up the original records to view what the document says. Because of the issues of redirects, it is important that LNAB spelling changes not be done without great care & caution.

If the profile is managed by another member, you'll need to contact them with the source information that supports your suggested changes, as the LNAB can only be changed by the profile manager.

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
edited by Bobbie (Madison) Hall