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Scottish Clans - Resources

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 330 times.


For attribution of historical profiles please use the Scottish Clans Template. This template will assign the Profile to the clan category. Please follow the guidance on that page and ensure the clan field is exactly the name of that clan's category. This template will attribute the profile to the correct category while also displaying the G2G tag for Scottish Clans. To find the name of the correct tartan image, check the Clan Tartans page. or check on the relevant Clan page.

Members of Wikitree

For wikitree members please use this User Box. This template will assign your profile to the designated Clan category page.

Members of the Scottish Clans Project

For members of the project there is a need to include individual research areas. This can represented by a User Box. This will provide an indication, on your profile, of your current research areas. Please use this template on your current profile page and add the clan to your tag list. This template does NOT add the person to the clan category, it adds them to the Scottish Clans project category page instead. If you are not yet a member of that project and wish to join please see the project page.



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