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Scouts WA 29th Troop - History Tree

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1909 [unknown]
Location: Cottesloe, Western Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Western_Australia Scouts
This page has been accessed 122 times.
1914-1915 Star
1914-1915 Star

People – LifeTree

HONOUR ROLL 1914-1918 : of the Ocean Beach, Cottesloe
29th WA Boy Scouts Troop Western Australia

Bert Adams Bell Poppy for Remembrance = Virtual War Memorial  : BAB 173949
Robert Burns = Virtual War Memorial  : RB 52594
Clement Francis Buttle = Virtual War Memorial  : CFB 375209
Harold James Carter = Virtual War Memorial  : HJC 329986
F. K. Dawson,

British War Medal    1914-1920
British War Medal

E. Edmunds, Poppy for Remembrance = Ernest Arthur Edmunds Service Number: 144  ?
J. Edwards, = Jack Leslie Edwards Service Number: 4376  ?
Thomas Arthur Leigh Farr = Virtual War Memorial  : TAF 202905
J. Gibson,
Jack William Godwin = Virtual War Memorial  : JWG 99767
Harry Hanley Holmes Poppy for Remembrance = Virtual War Memorial  : HHH 633
Horace Lister Holmes = Virtual War Memorial  : HLH 2676
Leonard Ives = Virtual War Memorial  : LI 118452
J. Jones,
William Bertie Claude Moulden = Virtual War Memorial  : WBCM 191211
G. M'Bean, | Virtual War Memorial George MacBean
Eric George Henderson McKenzie = Virtual War Memorial  : EGM 271782
Keith Weir McKenzie = Virtual War Memorial  : KWM 342093
Aubrey Thomas Ockerby | Virtual War Memorial  : ATO 131044
Horace Ockerby = Virtual War Memorial  : HO 329076

Victory Medal 1914-1918    1914-1918
Victory Medal

Roger O'Gorman = Virtual War Memorial  : RO'G 80398
James Lampard Paton = Virtual War Memorial  : JLP 90688
Alexander Gordon Rail = Virtual War Memorial  : AGR 148252
Herbert James Rail = Virtual War Memorial  : HJR 128845
James Albert Shipway = Virtual War Memorial  : JAS 323730 | Trove | Shark | Death
V. Shipway, recordsearch.naa
♦Hector William Wade, Poppy for Remembrance = Virtual War Memorial  : HWW 247043
Ernest John Waterhouse = Virtual War Memorial  : EJW 3503
Francis James (Frank) Waterhouse = Virtual War Memorial  : FJW 3504
Frederick Wicknea Waterhouse = Virtual War Memorial  : FWW 1276

Scout Promise . . . "On my Honour I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to my God, and To the Queen of Australia, To help other people and To live by the Scout Law".
Ocean Beach
29th WA Scouts

Scouts WA
29th Troop

Scouts WA
30th Troop

No. 29 Troop

NO. 29 TROOP (Ocean Beach). - - (Unveiling - 8th Sep, 1916)
The headquarters of No. 29 Troop (Ocean Beach) was the scene of a very interesting ceremony on Friday evening, the 8th inst, the occasion being the unveiling of an Honor Board, containing the names of 30 members of the troop, who have enlisted in the service of the Empire.
The honor board is an excellent piece of work, and has at the head the Boy Scout badge and motto,
and on either side the Union Jack and Australian flags.
The following are the names inscribed on the board:

B. Bell, R. Burns, C. Buttle, L. J. Carter, F. K. Dawson, ♦E. Edmunds, J. Edwards,
T. Farr, J. Gibson, J. Godwin, ♦H. H. Holmes, H. L. Holmes, L. Ives, J. Jones,
C. Mouldin, C. M'Bean, E. G. M'Kenzie, K. W. M'Kenzie, A. T. Ockerby, H. Ockerby,
R. O'Gorman, J. L. Paton, A. G. Rail, H. F. Rail, A. Shipway, T. Shipway, H. Wade,
F. J. Waterhouse, F. W. Waterhouse, E. J. Waterhouse.
♦Killed in action. Poppy for Remembrance - - Of the above, seven hold commissions and 12 are non-coms.


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