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Note NI385 by Jerry Cox

Originally posted to Cox-5654: Dudley C. Cox by Jerry Cox at 12:30, 16 October 2013.[1]

DUDLEY C. COX[2] Researched and written by jerry Cox

Reasons For Dudley C. Cox Being Son of Reed Cox

My search for the family of Reed Cox led me to look at Dudley C. Cox.The following reasons state why I think he should be named a son of Reed: Reed had a brother named Dudley who died about the time Dudley was born, and this family named children after other family members. The 1850 census for Ripley Co Mo shows Dudley was born in Alabama, and Reed did live for a time in Alabama about the time Dudley was born. Jacob, a known son of Reed, named two of his sons Dudley. The 1830 census for Reed shows a male in the household between the ages 15-20, and Dudley would have been about 18. The 1840 census shows Dudley living next door to Reed and John Eudaly. These notes show a close family relationship between Dudley and Reed. Grandmother Sarah told dad that Jacob and his brother, Dudley, came to this country in a covered wagon. Which is evidence of a father-son relationship between Reed and Dudley. Finally, there is a connection between Dudley and Mary (Carper) Cox: Dudley's obituary states he left an elderly mother, and Mary was alive at the time.

Dudley is Methodist

At age 17 in about 1829 Dudley joined the Methodist Church, he remained a strongly religious man all his life. In 1834 he helped Reed and John Eudaly build a campground on a high rolling land at Shady Grove in Jefferson Co Tn. They hauled their material across Bay's mountain from their Sawmill on Beaver Creek. Of course today their buildings no longer stand, but their religious effort was long lasting. Jacob was converted there at a camp meeting in 1840. And Shady Grove Methodist Church still stands today. When a man exhibited speaking ability the class leader encouraged him to use and develop it in the meetings. If he made a favorable impression on the circuit rider and the presiding elder he was awarded the title of licensed exhorter at the quarterly conference. Dudley was such a man. He became an exhorter in Tennessee and continued the practice through out his life. He used his gifts of persuasion after the preacher gave a sermon and at the class meetings to bring sinners to the church. He also assisted the circuit rider on the circuit rounds. (1) The Methodists celebrated their centennial year on Friday, 25 Oct 1839. The preacher left on Saturday. Dudley, now an exhorter, continued the meeting through 9:00 PM Sunday, then the meeting moved from the church to Reed's house where at 11:00 PM Sunday was still going strong.

From Tennessee to Mssouri

John G. and Elizabeth (Sherrod) Pulliam moved their family from North Carolina to Knox County Tennessee in 1833. I believe that on 20 January 1836 their daughter, Penelope, and Dudley C. were married in Jefferson County Tennessee.(2) Dudley and wife, Penelope Pulliam, and their daughter Mary made the trip west with Reed and John Eudaly in 1841. Penelope, a young wife with three-year-old Mary came down the Tennessee River on a flatboat and across Missouri in a covered wagon. On the 1840 census Penelope and Dudley owned a female slave, age ten years. I found no record that the girl came west. They stopped, rented land, and made a crop near Jackson Missouri. Then continued on and landed on Cane Creek in 1841. All together a trip of one year. Dudley and Parenelitha(3) were charter members of the Shiloh Campground on Cane Creek in Wayne County, Missouri. They helped build campgrounds and worshiped in this community at least until 1847.


On 26 April, 1849 Dudley C bought lots 4 and 30 in Doniphan, Missouri. On 10 June 1850 Dudley bought one-half acre in Doniphan, which included a leather business with finished and unfinished hides. A tannery used lots of water, so was located on a stream. Tan vats were sunk into and flush with the ground. Here the hides of cow, ox, horse, deer and swine were made into leather for shoes, high boots, aprons, harness, carriage tops and curtains, and saddles. Buckskin for clothes was made from deer skin A tanyard stank to high heaven, for here fresh hides were trimmed of useless ends, soaked in water to soften them, scrapped clean of fat and tissue - hair and epidermis. Then after this cleaning hides were soaked in tannic acid, made from black oak bark, for several months. A further soaking in vats of alternate layers of hides and bark flooded with water for up to a year completed the tanning process. From time to time the hides were turned using a pole with a hook on it's end. The tanner knew by "feel" when it was time to haul the hides to the stream for washing, and hanging out to dry. After drying the hides were soaked, scraped, and washed again, then soaked in an alum solution. A coat of tallow and neats foot oil was beaten in with a mallet to make the leather soft and pliable and give a good surface finish - called currying. After drying it was softened by beating or stomping, and rubbing (4). Dudley and Parnelitha sold their leather business to the Black Brothers of Ripley County on 11 June 1851.

1850 US Census

The 1850 census records Dudley (a merchant) age 36, Penelope age 32, Mary E age 14, Dudley W age 8, and James T H age 2 living in Ripley Co. Dudley and Penelope owned a 17-year-old black (not mulatto) female slave on 10 Oct 1850.

Justice of the Peace

Dudley was elected Justus of the Peace in Doniphan. The justice of the Peace Court was sometimes a community social event where large crowds gathered. Court was often held in a school. Citizens came on horse back and by wagon to spend the day and hear the cases that were presented. Among the duties of the office were: witness documents; write deeds and contracts; hold court for fist fights and gun fights - if on one was killed; hold court for assault, minor theft and for most misdemeanors; they held preliminary hearings to determain if a case should be bound over for Circuit Court; they performed marriages; they could not hear cases that involved land or divorce (5). Marriages performed by Dudley: Thomas E. Skinner - Judy King 23 Oct,1851 James McMannus - Juliann Capp 19 Ap 1852 (The marriage was recorded at the court house 19 Jun 1852, probably by Dudley) George Young - Arimenta Bird 15 Ap 1852 Lemuel Kittral - Luramy Kelly 9 Nov 1852 Archable Washham - Sarah Riel 6 Mar 1853 W.S. Woodard was the circuit rider for Shiloh 1852. He held a camp meeting there and "every unconverted person on the campground on Tuesday was converted...Dudley Cox and Lem Kittrel used their exhorter's license well." (6)

Deaths of Dudley and Penelope Cox

Dudley bought lot 13 in Doniphan on 20 Aug 1853. He died on Christmas Eve of that year. Following is his obituary from the "St Louis Christian Advocate": "Departed this life December 24th 1853, Dudley C. Cox, in the forty-first year of his age, and in the triumphs of the Cross of Christ, at his residence, at Doniphan, Ripley County, Missouri. Bro. Cox was born in East Tennessee, and was born again in the 17th year of his age: joined the Methodist Church, and was a shining light in that church up to the day of his death, and the influence will tell on the destiny of this town in all coming time: his place will not soon be supplied as an exhorter and class-leader in the church. Bro. Cox was raised by pious parents, and leaves an aged mother, and wife and daughter, and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss; but they sorrow not as those that have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and arose again, then they that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Oh that they may all meet him in heaven. E.V. Glass Doniphan, Jan 7 1854" Daughter Mary was born to Dudley and Penelope 2 Jan 1837 in Jefferson Co TN. Mary married Thomas Reubottom on Sept 1853 in Ripley County, Missouri. But once again from the "St Louis Christian Advocate" this obituary: "Mrs. Mary, Wife of Thomas Reubottom and only child (think should be daughter) of Dudley and Penelope Cox died at Christmas 1856 at the home of her father-in-law Judge Reubottom in Wayne County, Missouri. She left a husband, baby and a widowed mother." Like Dudley she died at Christmas time, just three years after Dudley.


1. Johnson; "The Frontier Camp Meeting". 2. Dudley's wife is listed with various names (see (3) below). So I was unable to verify that she is John and Elizabeth Pullium's daughter. But see research of Frieda M. Wallace in "History and Families Ripley County Missouri" Vol I, see "Pulliam". Also, see will of Elizabeth Pulliam where Penelope Cox is named daughter. 3. Dudley's wife's name is recorded as Penelope on her marriage record; Parenelitha in "Shiloh, Mother of Preachers"; Permilia and Pamilpa in deed book A and D pages 262-263 Doniphan MO courthouse. 4. EdwinTunis, "Colonial Craftsman and the Beginnings of American Industry" 5. History teacher Allen Bates told me the duties of a Justus of the Peace. 6. W.S. Woodard, "Annals of Methodism in Missouri" p174. 7. "[[Eudaley-4|John Eudaley's Journal" is used through out.

Using note as source

Source: <span id="Cox"></span> [[#Cox|Cox]], Jerry '' [[Space:Search for Family of Reed Cox Begins|Note NI385: Search for Family of Reed Cox Begins]]''

Inline citation:
For entire note:
<ref name="CoxNI385Full"> [[#Cox|Cox]]: [[Space:Search_for_Family_of_Reed_Cox_Begins:|''Search for Family of Reed Cox Begins'']]. </ref>
For part of note:
<ref name="CoxNI385Tannery"> [[#Cox|Cox]]: [[Space:Search_for_Family_of_Reed_Cox_Begins#Tannery|Tannery]]. </ref>

Research Notes




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