
Sedgwick, Maine One Place Study

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Date: 14 Jan 1789 [unknown]
Location: Sedgwick, Hancock, Maine, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Maine Hancock_County_Maine
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This profile is part of the Sedgwick, Maine One Place Study.

Sedgwickis a town in Hancock County, incorporated in 1789 and was settled in 1759 by Andrew Black, the town's modern name is in honor of Major Robert Sedgewick who captured three important trading posts from the French: Pentagoet (Castine) and Saint John and Port Royal, now in Canada. The original name, Naskeag, derives from the Indian term for the end or the extremity. Naskeag Point, now in the adjoining town of Brooklin, extends into Blue Hill Bay. The southern portion of Sedgwick fronts on Eggemoggin Reach and the broad lower portion of the Benjamin River.

Parent Page Hancock County
Sedgwick, Maine Category page



Date Designation Note
-1534 name unknown Wabanaki peoples - Penobscot tribes perhaps others
1534-1760Nouvelle FranceUnder French control, no known European settlers
1760unorganized territory
Lincoln, Province of Maine, Massachusetts Bay
France surrenders September 8, 1760, Britain officially takes control of the area
1762Plantation Number 4, Lincoln, Massachusetts Bay
Naskeag Plantation, Lincoln, Massachusetts Bay
1762 Land grants include Township No. 4 East of The Penobscot Livermore Survey
1776Plantation Number 4, Lincoln, Massachusetts (Province of Maine)America declares independence from Britain July 4, 1776
1789Sedgwick, Lincoln, Massachusetts (District of Maine) Sedgwick incorporated January 14, 1789 from Plantation Number 4
1789 Sedgwick, Hancock, Massachusetts (District of Maine) Hancock County is formed June 25, 1789
1820 Sedgwick, Hancock, MaineMaine becomes the 23 state March 15, 1820
1831 Sedgwick, Hancock, Maine A portion of Sedgwick was set of to Blue Hill in 1831
1849 Sedgwick, Hancock, Maine A portion of Sedgwick was set of to form Port Watson now Brooklin on June 9, 1849
1857 Sedgwick, Hancock, Maine A portion of Sedgwick was set of to Penobscot in 1857

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Villages, Locations
and Settlements
Black CornerThree corners near Brooksville town line & South part of West Sedgwick.
Caterpillar Hill (image below)
Grays CornerThe three corners at West Sedgwick.
North Sedgwick
West Sedgwick
Oak HillLocated East of Bagaduce Falls on Lower Bagaduce River
SargentvilleNear Billings Cove on "the Reach" & just East of Deer Isle Bridge.

Historical Names

Name Note
Eggemoggin Reach
Township No. 5 East of Penobscot River
Naskeag Plantation
Plantation No. 2

Pioneer Settlers

Pioneer Settler Arrival Year
Reed, WilliamWilliam Reed Sr. (1729-1790)1762
Watson, ShadrachShadrach Watson (1713-aft.1790)1762
Black, JohnJohn Black (1736-1832)1762
Cousins, SamuelSamuel Cousins (1759-1835)1765
Cousins, ThomasThomas Cousins (bef.1748-)1765
York, BenjaminBenjamin York (abt.1732-1818)1765
Freethy, JosephJoseph Freethy (1721-)1765
Freeth, Joseph JrJoseph Freethy (abt.1754-1837)1765
Babson, JosephJoseph Babson (1731-1815)1766
Herrick, SamuelSamuel Herrick (bef.1744-1822)1767
Bunker, Silas Sr.Silas Bunker Sr. (abt.1746-1829)1767
Herrick, SamuelJohn Herrick (bef.1747-1829) 1767
Trussell, JosehuaJoshua Trussell (bef.1743-1807) 1767
Black, MosesMoses Black (1752-1829)1768
Black, DanielDaniel Black (abt.1738-1832)1768
Herrick, EbenezerEbenezer M. Herrick (1740-1821) 1768
Allen, NathatnielNathaniel Allen (1744-1789) 1768
Billings, JohnJohn Billings (1731-1803) 1768
Bridges, Job]Job Bridges (abt.1746-abt.1810)1768
Gray, AndrewAndrew Gray (1738-abt.1811)1768
Gray, Joshua]Joshua Gray (1714-aft.1781) 1768
Gray, RubenReuben Gray (1743-1832)1768
Snow, JoshuaJoshua Snow Jr. (1740-1825)1768
Gray, JamesJames Gray (1745-1821)1768
Gray, SamueSamuel Gray (1750-1843)1768
Gray, Ruben 2dReuben Gray Jr (1765-1858)1768
Gray, JohnGray, John1768
Dodge, AbrahamDodge, Abraham1768
Dority, RobertDority, Robert1769
Bird, RobertBird, Robert1769
Bridges, DanielBridges, Daniel 1769
Bridges, JonathanBridges, Jonathan1769
Eaton, JonathanEaton, Jonathan 1769
Harding, JosiahHarding, Josiah1769
Cousins, JohnCousins, John1769
Cousins, NathanielCousins, Nathaniel1769
Make, JohnMake, John1769
Gray, JoshuaGray, Joshua1769
Bridges, DanielBridges, Daniel 1769
Blaisdel, EnochBlaisdel, Enoch1770
Blaisdel, Enoch 2dBlaisdel, Enoch 2d1770
Carter, John Junr.Carter, John Junr.1770
Cane, SamueCane, Samuel 1770
Trusell, JacobTrusell, Jacob1770
Vose, Samuel1770
Kench, WidowKench, Widow (of William Kench)1770
Limburner, John]Limburner, John1771
Grindal, JoshuGrindal, Joshua1771
Lowell, ElipheltLowell, Eliphelt1771
Snow, NicholasSnow, Nicholas1771
Bartrick, AbelBartrick, Abel1771
Reed, JacobReed, Jacob1772
Billings, AbelBillings, Abel1772
Billings, BenjaminBillings, Benjamin1772
Make, JosephMake, Joseph1772
Billings, SolomonBillings, Solomon1772
Billings, John 2d]Billings, John 2d1772
Black, JohnBlack, John1772
Douglass, JohnDouglass, John1772
Ober, WilliamOber, William1773
Ober, William 2dOber, William 2d1773
Carter, JohnCarter, John1773
Carter, AllenCarter, Allen1773
Carter, JamesCarter, James1773
Gray, NathanielGray, Nathaniel1773
Allen, NehemiahAllen, Nehemiah1774
Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, John 1774
Grindal, WilliamGrindal, William1774
Butler, GeorgeButler, George1774
Grindal, DanielGrindal, Daniel1774
Wells, RichardWells, Richard1775
Emerton, JosephEmerton, Joseph1776
Hooper, JohnHooper, John1777
Herrick, AndrewHerrick, Andrew1780
Douglas, JamesDouglas, James1781
Walker, JohnWalker, John1781
Knowles, SamuelKnowles, Samuel1782
Dorr, JohnDorr, John1782
Maker, HermanMaker, Herman1782

Noted: Pioneer Settlers:_ Samuel Cane (abt.1721-aft.1797) Settlement at Sedgwick 1770 (He was sometimes shown as Samuel Case or Cave) The Maine historical magazine


Maps (Click an image for details)
Plan of Sedgwick
Blue Hill Bay
Sedgwick and Brooklin
Naskeag Point, later Sedgwick is the point shown between Bluehill and Deer Isle.
Coast of Maine from Frenchmans Bay to Mosquito Harbor with Early Settler Lots about 1776
Sedgwick Maine
Lot Map of Sedgwick
1860 Clip of Sedgwick


Wasson's A survey of Hancock County, Maine:
      Sedgwick.—Incorporated (2-59, that is, the 2d in the county and the 59th in the State), January 12, 1789. Population, 1,113. Decennary loss, 150. Wealth, per capita, $180. State valuation, $197,706. United States valuation, $285,696. Named in honor of Maj. Robert Sedgwick. Plantation name "Naskeag." By the earlier adventurers it was called "Nasket." In a " census of the people in this region," in 1688, two French families, of eight souls, were found at Naskeag Point. The first permanent settler was Andrew Black (Blake?), in 1759. Four years after, came Goodwin Reed, John Black and Daniel Black, and two years later Reuben Gray " moved in" from Penobscot. The first white child, Elizabeth (who lived to a great age), was born in 1759. First minister, Daniel Merrill. The descendants of Reuben Gray are exceedingly numerous. They preserve their prolificness, and other family traits, unimpaired down to the latest generation. In 1817, 5,000 acres were cut off and annexed to Brooksville. In 1849, about 8,800 acres were taken off to form the town of Brooklin. Benjamin, its only river, is little else than a spur of Eggmoggin Reach. Its first post office was established in 1812. Now, it boasts of a telegraph station. Union soldiers, 120 ; State aid, $1,464 ; town bounty, $8,712 ; cost per recruit, $85.

Prof. Burns, Superintendent of the Burns mine, Ames- bury, has taken charge of the Eggmoggin mine, Sedgwick, Me. It has a capital of $200,000, and reduction works have recently been erected at a cost of $40,000. There are 500 tons of ore at the Philadelphia mint which will average $100 a ton.

Varney's Gazetteer of the state of Maine has the following:
      SEDGWICK is situated in the south-western part of Hancock County, having Bluehill on the north-east, Brooksville on the northwest, Brooklin on the south-east, and Eggemoggin Reach (a part of Penobscot Bay) on the south-west. The area is about 14,000 acres. There are two or more ponds in the northern part of the town connected with Bagaduce River. The streams are Sargent's, Frost's Pond Stream Thurston Brook, Black Brook, Camp Stream, and Benjamin River,—all of a size to carry mills. The latter is a tide-power. Benjamin's River and Sargent's Stream each has a grist-mill and the other saw mills. Other manufactures are ship building, tanning and cooperage. Sedgwick has two companies—Eagle Brook Silver and Eggemoggin Silver— engaged in mining argentiferous galena. The latter has a capital of $200,000, and reduction works were erected a few years since at a cost of $40,000. The villages are Sedgwick, Sargentville, and North Sedgwick. The town is about 24 miles south-westerly of Ellsworth, and is the stage line to Bucksport, which terminates at Sargentville. The town has two excellent harbors. The surface is broken and leadgy. The underlying rock is granite. A large part of the town is suitable for sheep-grazing rather than for cultivation. Along the shore of Eggemoggin Reach, from Sedwick to Sargentville, the soil is easy of cultivation and quite productive. A large part of the occupation of the inhabitants is connected with the sea.
      Sedgwick was one of six townships granted by Massachusetts in 1761 to David March and 359 others. They were to be 6 miles square, and located contiguously between the Penobscot and Union Rivers. The grantees bound themselves to settle each township with 60 Protestant families within six years after obtaining the king's approbation, and to fit for tillage 300 hundred acres of land, build a meeting-house, and settle a minister. In a " census of the people of this region," in 1688, two French families of eight persons were found at Naskeag Point. The first permanent settler was Andrew Black, in 1759. Four years later came Captain Goodwin Reed, John and Daniel Black, and two years after these, Reuben Gray moved in from Penobscot. His descendants are very numerous. In 1789, the General Court confirmed to each settler 100 acres of land. The town was incorporated the same year, being named in honor of Major Robert Sedgewick. In 1817, 5,000 acres were set off to form Brooksville ; and again in 1849, about 9,000 acres were set off to form the town of Brooklin. The first minister of Sedgwick was Daniel Merrill. The. two churches now in the town belong to the Baptist denomination. Sedgwick has 10 public schoolhouses, valued at $5,000. Tlie valuation of estates in 1870 was $197,706. In 1880 it was $188,605. The population in 1870 was 1,113. In 1880, it was 1,128.

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Caterpillar Hill




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