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Seige of Vicksburg Union Order of Battle

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 18 May 1863 to 4 Jul 1863
Location: Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 35 times.


Army of the Tennessee

Commanding: MG Ulysses S. Grant

IX Corps

Commanding: MG John Parke

First Division

Commanding: BG Thomas Welsh

1st Brigade

Commanding: Col Henry Bowman
36th Massachusetts: Ltc John B. Norton
17th Michigan: Ltc Constant Luce
27th Michigan: Col Dorus M. Fox
45th Pennsylvania: Col John I. Curtin

3rd Brigade

Commanding: Col Daniel Leasure
2nd Michigan: Col William Humphrey
8th Michigan: Col Frank Graves
20th Michigan: Ltc W. Huntington Smith
79th New York: Col David Morrison
100th Pennsylvania: Ltc Mathew M. Dawson


Battery D, Pennsylvania Light: Cpt George W. Durell

Second Division

Commanding: BG Robert B. Potter

1st Brigade

Commanding: Col Simon Goodell Griffin
6th New Hampshire: Ltc Henry H. Pearson
9th New Hampshire: Col Herbert B. Titus
7th Rhode Island: Col Zenas Bliss

2nd Brigade

Commanding: BG Edward Ferrero
35th Massachusetts: Col Sumner Carruth
11th New Hampshire: Ltc Moses N. Collins
51st New York: Col Charles Le Gendre
51st Pennsylvania: Col John F. Hartranft

3rd Brigade

Commanding: Col Benjamin C. Christ
29th Massachusetts: Ltc Joseph H. Barnes
46th New York: Col Joseph P. Gerhardt
50th Pennsylvania: Ltc Thomas S. Brenholtz


Battery L, 2nd New York: Cpt Jacob Roemer

Artillery Reserve

Battery E, 2nd United States: Lt Samuel N. Benjamin

XIII Corps

Commanding: MG John A. McClernand
Commanding: MG Edward Ord

Ninth Division

Commanding: BG Peter J. Osterhaus

Tenth Division

Commanding: BG Andrew Jackson Smith

1st Brigade

Commanding: BG Stephen Gano Burbridge
16th Indiana: Col Thomas J. Lucas
60th Indiana: Col Richard Owen
67th Indiana: Col Frank Emerson
83rd Ohio: Ltc William H. Baldwin
96th Ohio: Col Joseph W. Vance
23rd Wisconsin: Col Joseph J. Guppey

2nd Brigade

Commanding: Col William J. Landram
77th Illinois: Col David P. Grier
97th Illinois: Col Friend S. Rutherford
130th Illinois: Col. Nathaniel Niles
19th Kentucky: Ltc John Cowan
48th Ohio: Ltc Job R. Parker


Chicago Mercantile Battery, Illinois Light: Cpt Patrick H. White
17th Battery, Ohio Light: Cpt Ambrose A. Blount, Cpt Charles S. Rice

Twelfth Division

Commanding: BG Alvin P. Hovey

Fourteenth Division

Commanding: BG Eugene A. Carr

XV Corps

Commanding: MG William T. Sherman

First Division

Commanding: BG Frederick Steele

Second Division

Commanding: MG Francis Preston Blair, Jr.

Third Division

Commanding: BG James M. Tuttle

XVI Corps (Detachment)

Commanding: MG Cadwallader C. Washburn

First Division

Commanding: BG William Sooy Smith

Fourth Division

Commanding: BG Jacob G. Lauman

Provisional Division

Commanding: BG Nathan Kimball

XVII Corps

Commanding: MG James B. McPherson

Third Division

Commanding: MG John A. Logan

Sixth Division

Commanding: BG John McArthur

Seventh Division

Commanding: BG Isaac Quinby
Commanding: BG John E. Smith

Herron's Division

Commanding: MG Francis J. Herron

District of Northeast Louisiana

Commanding: BG Elias S. Dennis

Detached Brigade

Commanding: Col. George W. Neeley
63rd Illinois: Col Joseph B. McCown
108th Illinois: Col John Warner
120th Illinois: Col George W. McKeaig
131st Illinois: Col George W. Neeley
10th Illinois Cavalry, Companies A, D, G, and K: Maj Elvis P. Shaw

African Brigade

Commanding: Col Isaac F. Shephard
8th Louisiana: Col Hiram Scofield (also commanded Post of Milliken's Bend, La)
9th Louisiana: Col Hermann Lieb (w June 7), Maj Erastus N. Owen, Ltc Charles L. Page
11th Louisiana: Col Edwin W. Chamberlain, Ltc Cyrus Sears
13th Louisiana: Lt H. Knoll
1st Mississippi: Ltc A. Watson Webber
3rd Mississippi: Col Richard H. Ballinger

Post of Goodrich's Landing, LA

Commanding: Col William F. Wood
1st Arkansas: Ltc James W. Campbell
10th Louisiana: Ltc Frederick M. Crandall

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