Location: Hammond, Lake County, Indiana

Surname/tag: Sejda
Research Summary for Henry Joseph Sejda (1913-1980)
Evidence of the 1920 US Census of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry J. Sejda appeared in the 1920 U.S. Census with his parents and siblings.
The related references are enumerated below.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Levon Sijda, Kammila Sijda, Leon Sijda, Henry Sijda, Walter Sijda, Stanley Sijda, Tony Sijda, Walter Bukowski, Walter Vanchowski and Adolph Shuperski appeared together in the 1920 US Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This was a clear copy and, while the spelling of the last name was a little off, the family group is clear.
Evidence of the 1930 US Census of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda appeared in the 1930 US Census with his parents and brothers in Hammond, Lake Co, IL.
The related references are enumerated below.
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Leon Sejda, Kammila Sejda, Leo Sejda, Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda and Stanley Sejda appeared together in the 1930 U.S. Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear copy and is conclusive proof that Henry Sejda appeared in this census.
Evidence of the 1940 US Census of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda appeared in the 1940 US Census in Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana with his mother, brothers, sister-in-law and niece.
The related references are enumerated below.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Kammila, Henry, Walter, Stanley, Leo, Ann, Lorraine and Bernard Sejda appeard in the 1940 US Census at 6944 Columbia, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image and is conclusive proof that Henry Sejda appeared in this census.
Evidence of the Birth of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda was born 17 Oct 1913. This is reported on a clear image of his birth from the state of Indiana and in his own handwriting on his Professional Engineer application. It is supported by his reported age in the 1930 and 1940 US Census. In the 1920 US Census, his age should've been reported as 6 years old, but was reported as 7 years ago. This is not enough evidence to invalidate the rest.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that On his application, Henry Sejda reported his name as Henry J. Sejda, born on 17 Oct 1913 in Hammond, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This was written in his own handwriting and is very likely true
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Henry Sejda was a 26 year old single white male who had completed one year of college. A review of this assertion states:
This would support a birth between April 1913 and the end of March 1914.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida was born 17 Oct 1913 at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, North Township, Lake County, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image of his original birth certificate. This is certain proof of his birth
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Henry Sejda was a 16 year old single white male born in Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This would support a birth between April 1913 and the end of March 1914.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Henry Sijda was a 7 year old white male born in Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This supports a birthdate sometime in 1912.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate (1996 Transcript Copy)[6] asserts that Henry Sejda was born in Hammond, Indiana on 17 Oct 1913. A review of this assertion states:
While this is clearly a transcription, it is considered an official Government record and supports a 17 Oct 1913 birth.
Evidence of the Birth Place of Henry Joseph Sejda
It is certain that Henry Sejda was born at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. Henry reported this in his own handwriting in his 40s and this is reported in the image of his official birth record. The 1920, 1930 and 1940 US Census report his birth being somewhere in Indiana.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that On his application, Henry Sejda reported his name as Henry J. Sejda, born on 17 Oct 1913 in Hammond, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is reported in Henry's handwriting and is strong evidence of his birthplace being Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Henry Sejda was born in Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This supports his birthplace being in the state of Indiana.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida was born 17 Oct 1913 at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, North Township, Lake County, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image of the official record of his birth and is certain evidence
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Henry Sejda was a 16 year old single white male born in Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This supports his birthplace being in the state of Indiana.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Henry Sijda was a 7 year old white male born in Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This supports his birthplace being in the state of Indiana.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate (1996 Transcript Copy)[6] asserts that Henry Sejda was born in Hammond, Indiana on 17 Oct 1913. A review of this assertion states:
This is an official transcript of his birth record and provides evidence of his birthplace being Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana
Evidence of the Burial of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Calumet City, IL on 15 Jan 1980. This is document by his death certificate and obituary.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Calumet City, IL. A review of this assertion states:
This obituary was written at the time of burial so is near certain proof.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Calumet City, IL on 15 Jan 1980. A review of this assertion states:
This is the official record of his death which has the location of burial documented, so this is near certain proof of his burial.
Evidence of the Cause of Death of Henry Joseph Sejda
According to his death certificate, Henry Sejda died from cardiorespiratory arrest from heart disease.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that
Henry J. Sejda died from cardiorespiratory arrest from heart disease. A review of this assertion states:
This is his official record of death and is near certain proof of his cause of death.
Evidence that Henry Joseph Sejda is the Child of Kammila Murawski
It is certain that Henry Sejda is Kammila Murawski's son. This is based an a clear image of Henry's birth certificate supported by the preponderance of evidence from the official transcription of his death record, the 1920-40 US census and his death record.
The related references are enumerated below.
Kamila Sejda Obituary version 1[9] asserts that Kamila Sejda was survived by five sons: Vincent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
The person providing the information for this obituary should know this relationship, so this probably is true.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 2[10] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: Vincent in Poland, Leo of Highland, IN, Henry of Munster, IN, Walter of Hammond, IN and Stanley of Gary, IN. A review of this assertion states:
The person providing the information for this obituary should know this relationship, so this probably is true
20 Aug 1995 Notes from Discussion with Irene and Barbara Sejda[11] asserts that Henry Sejda's parents were Leon Sejda and Camilla Murawski. A review of this assertion states:
Irene Sejda is Henry's wife and should know this relationship. She spoke to the author about Kammila, so this is probably true.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Leon Sijda, Henry Sijda, Walter Sijda and Stanley Sijda were Levon Sijda's, and presumably Kammila Sijda's sons. A review of this assertion states:
Henry is listed as Leon Sejda's son. Leon's wife is Kammila, so therefore Henry is probably Kammila's son.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 3[12] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: VIncent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond, and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
The person providing the information for this obituary should know this relationship, so this probably is true.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida's father was Lion Saida and his mother was Emilia Murawsky. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image of his original record so is certain proof of the relationship.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate (1996 Transcript Copy)[6] asserts that Henry Sejda was the child of Leon and Kammila Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
This is an offical transcript of his birth but not the original record. It also only identifies his mother's first name as Kammila. This is supporting evidence of the relationship.
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Leo Sejda, Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda and Stanley Sejda were Leon and Kammila Sejda's sons. A review of this assertion states:
Henry is listed as Leon Sejda's son. Leon's wife is Kammila, so therefore Henry is probably Kammila's son.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda, Stanley Sejda and Leo Sejda were Kammila Sejda's sons. A review of this assertion states:
In this census, Henry is identified as Kammila Sejda's son.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda parents were Leon Sejda and Camilla Murawski. A review of this assertion states:
While the first name is mispelled, his death record records his mother as Camilla Murawski, so this is strong evidence.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's brothers were Leo Sejda of Gary, IN; Stanley of Lowell, IN and Walter Sejda who was deceased at time of Henry's death. A review of this assertion states:
While Henry's obituary does not name his mother, it identifies his brothers which helps supports the family group and his mother being Kammilla.
Evidence that Henry Joseph Sejda is the Child of Leon Sejda
It is certain that Henry Sejda is Leon Sejda's son. This is documented in a clear image of his official birth record, the 1920 and 1930 US Census, an article about Henry's wedding, and Henry's Death Certificate and supported by Henry's and Leon's obituaries.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida's father was Lion Saida and his mother was Emilia Murawsky. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image of his original record so is convincing proof of the relationship.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate (1996 Transcript Copy)[6] asserts that Henry Sejda was the child of Leon and Kammila Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
This 1996 transcript of Henry Sejda's birth record provides strong proof of the relationship.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Leon Sijda, Henry Sijda, Walter Sijda and Stanley Sijda were Levon Sijda's, and presumably Kammila Sijda's sons. A review of this assertion states:
This US Census lists Henry as Leon's son and is strong evidence of the relationship.
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Leo Sejda, Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda and Stanley Sejda were Leon and Kammila Sejda's sons. A review of this assertion states:
This US Census lists Henry as Leon's son and is strong evidence of the relationship.
Leon Sejda's Obituary[13] asserts that Leon Sejda is survived by his wife, Kamilla, and five sons, Leon, Jr, Henry, Walter, Stanley and Vincent, the latter in Europe. A review of this assertion states:
The informant was probably someone who knew this family so this is supporting evidence of this relationship.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Wedding Article[14] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was the son of Leon Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
The information in this article was probably provided by a family member or someone who knew this fact, so this is strong evidence.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's brothers were Leo Sejda of Gary, IN; Stanley of Lowell, IN and Walter Sejda who was deceased at time of Henry's death. A review of this assertion states:
In listing his brothers, this helps establish the family group identified elsewhere, so this is supporting evidence.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda parents were Leon Sejda and Camilla Murawski. A review of this assertion states:
The informant was his wife, who would've known this relationship so this is strong evidence.
20 Aug 1995 Notes from Discussion with Irene and Barbara Sejda[11] asserts that Henry Sejda's parents were Leon Sejda and Camilla Murawski. A review of this assertion states:
Irene Sejda is Henry's wife and should know this relationship, so this is probably true.
Evidence of the Death of Henry Joseph Sejda
According to his death record and obituary, Henry Sejda died on 12 Jan 1980 at the Community Hospital, Munster, Lake Co, Indiana.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda died on 12 Jan 1980 in the Emergency Room of the Community Hospital, Munster, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is the official record of death, so this is near certain proof.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry J. Sejda died 12 January 1980 at Munster Community Hospital, Munster, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This was published at the time of death, which is strong proof.
Mary "May" Sejda (Gorczyca) Obituary[15] asserts that Mary "May" Sejda was survived by sister in law Irene (late Henry) Sejda of Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates the Henry Sejda died before 1992.
Decedents of Jan and Regina Krupa, probably from the Estate of Clare Leeser Affidavit of Heirship[16] asserts that The following entries are indicated to have been deceased when this affidavit was written: Regina S. Granacki, Clare (Granacki) Leeser, John and Josephine (Krupa) Gulgowski, Michael and Rose (Gulgowski) Jablonski, Emil and Margaret (Gulgowski) Collins, Edmund Gulgowski, Jack and Agnes (Gulgowski) Carlile, John and Isabelle (Gulgowski) Romans, Joseph and Bertha (Gulgowski) Sliwinski, Frank and Kathryn (Krupa) Sliwinski, Stanley and Angeline (Sliwinski) Wozniak, Joseph and Anna (Krupa) Kazmierski, Marcel Kazmierski, Henry and Sophia Kazmierski, Edmund and Lillian Kazmierski, Frank and Clara (Kazmierski) Timkovich, Henry and Irene (Kazmierski) Sejda, Konstanty and Francis (Krupa) Swiontek, William Wachendorf, Barbara Swiontek, Clarence and Marie Swiontek, Edward and Elsie Swiontek, John and Helen (Swiontek) Lee, Bernard and Sally Swiotek, Fred and Elsie (Swiontek) Duray, Carl Swionteck, Raymond and Florence Swiontek, Alexander and Mary (Krupa) Swiontek, Walter and Monafae Swiontek, Henry and Josephine Swiontek, Paul and Lottie (Swiontek) Freedman, James Freedman, Joseph and Bertha (Krupa) Wysocki, Frank and Hattie Wysocki and daughter, Philip Wysocki, Leon Wysocki, William and Irene (Wysocki) Gryniewicz, Ann (Wysocki) Weber, Arthur and Delores (Wysocki) Wikoony, Stanley and Ethel Wysocki. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that Henry Sejda had died by the time this was written, but the date is uncertain. Probably the early 2000s.
Evidence of the Education of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda completed Grade School at St. Mary's Grammar School, Hammond, IN on 17 June 1928 as documented by the original graduation certificate. Henry Sejda Graduated from Hammond High School on 26 May 1933 according to the original graduation diploma. He is listed as a student in the 1931 Hammond City Directory. In addition, Henry noted on his Professional Engineering application that he was in High School from 1928-1933. According to his Professional Engineer application, which was in his own handwriting, Henry Sejda did not have an Engineering Degree, which means he probably did not have a college degree. The 1940 US Census indicates he had one year of college, but he was no longer in school. Finally, Henry Sejda completed the National Redio Institute home study course in Radio and Television servicing on 15 April 1948, as documented by the original course certificate.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda St. Mary's school graduation certificate[17] asserts that Henry Sejda graduated from St. Mary’s Grammar School in Hammond, IN on 17 June 1928. A review of this assertion states:
This is an original certificate documenting his graduation from grade school (8th grade) and is certain proof.
Henry Joseph Sejda High School Diploma[18] asserts that Henry Joseph Sejda graduated from Hammond High School, Hammond, IN on 26 May 1933. A review of this assertion states:
This is an original certificate documenting Henry's high school education and is certain proof.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that In 1955, Henry Sejda listed his education as Hammond High School, Hammond, IN, from 1928 until graduation in 1933. A review of this assertion states:
This application is in Henry's handwriting so this is strong proof of his High School education.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda reported in 1955 that he did not have an Engineering Degree. A review of this assertion states:
This documents, in Henry's handwriting, that he did not complete an Engineering degree, and probably did not complete a college degree.
Henry Sejda National Radio Institute Certificate[19] asserts that Henry J. Sejda successfully completed a National Radio Institute home study course in Radio and Television servicing on 15 April 1948. A review of this assertion states:
This is an original document and certain proof that he completed this course.
Leon Sejda in 1931 Hammond City Directory[20] asserts that Henry Sejda was a student in 1931. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence that Henry Sejda was still in school in 1931, when he was 18 years old.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Henry Sejda was a 26 year old single white male who had completed one year of college. A review of this assertion states:
This was written when Henry was about college age and indicates that, although he did not finish college, he may have taken some college courses.
Evidence of the Funeral Home of Henry Joseph Sejda
According to his death certificate and obituary, Henry Sejda's funeral home was Burns-Kish Funeral Home, 8415 Calumet Ave, Munster, Indiana.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda's funeral home was Burns-Kish Funeral Home, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This is the official record of his death and is conclusive proof.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's funeral home was 15 Jan 1980 at Burns-Kish Funeral Home, 8415 Calumet Ave, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This was written at the time of the event, in fact part of the reason was to notify where the viewing was, so this is conclusive proof.
Evidence of the Funeral Mass of Henry Joseph Sejda
According to his obituary, Henry Sejda's funeral mass was 15 Jan 1980 at St. Thomas More Church, Munster, Indiana
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's funeral mass was 15 Jan 1980 at St. Thomas More Church, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This obituary was written at the time of the mass to invite people to the mass and is near certain proof.
Evidence of the Marriage Witness of Henry Joseph Sejda
According to the ceremonial marriage certificate, the witnesses to Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski's marriage were Clara Kazmierski, Lorraine Sejda, Mary Gorczyca, Walter Sejda, Lillian Wojciechowski and Edmond Kazmierski.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Ceremonial Marriage Certificate[21] asserts that The witnesses to Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski's marriage were Clara Kazmierski, Lorraine Sejda, Mary Gorczyca, Walter Sejda, Lillian Wojciechowski and Edmond Kazmierski. A review of this assertion states:
This was a handwritten certificate with the celebrant's signature and is very likely true.
Evidence of the Marriage of Henry Joseph Sejda and Irene Regina (Kazmierski) Sejda
According to a ceremonial marriage certificate and other evidence, Henry Sejda was married to Irene Kazmierski on 20 June 1942 at St. Mary's Church, Hammond, Indiana. The celebrant was Rev Joseph Zabel.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Ceremonial Marriage Certificate[21] asserts that the celebrant at Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski's wedding was Rev Joseph Zabel. A review of this assertion states:
This certificate was filled in by hand and signed by the celebrant so is strong evidence.
Mary May Sejda (Gorczyca) Obituary[15] asserts that Mary "May" Sejda was survived by sister in law Irene (late Henry) Sejda of Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
By annotating Irene's name as "Irene (late Henry) Sejda" the obituary is stating they were married. Since the informant probably knew this fact, this is probable proof.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Ceremonial Marriage Certificate[21] asserts that Henry J. Sejda and Irene R. Kazmierski were married on 20 June 1942 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Hammond, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This certificate was filled in by hand and signed by the celebrant so is strong evidence.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's wife was Irene. A review of this assertion states:
The information in the obituary was probably provided by his wife or close family, so this is supporting evidence of the marriage.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was married to Irene Kazmierski. A review of this assertion states:
The informant on this death certificate was Irene Sejda, so this is conclusive evidence they were married.
Irene R. Sejda Death Certificate[22] asserts that Irene R. Sejda was a widow when she died in Dec 1998. A review of this assertion states:
Since we know Irene died after Henry, this is to be expected and provides a small amount of supporting evidence that they were married.
Decedents of Jan and Regina Krupa, probably from the Estate of Clare Leeser Affidavit of Heirship[16] asserts that Irene Kazmierski married Henry Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
The source of the information on this affidavit is unclear, but this supports the other claims
1943 Hammond directory for Sejda[23] asserts that Henry J Sejda's wife was Irene R. This assertion has not been reviewed.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Wedding Article[14] asserts that Irene R. Kazmierski and Henry J. Sejda were married at St. Mary's Church. A review of this assertion states:
This is an article clearly written around the time of the marriage, but the clipping is undated. So this is conclusive that they were married and of the church but not of the date.
Irene Sejda Employment Application[24] asserts that Irene Sejda's emergency point of contact on 14 Dec 1978 was Henry Sejda, 238 Belden Pl, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This would be expected for her Husband to be her emergency point of contact so this is a little bit of supporting evidence they were married.
Evidence of the Membership of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda was a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He was a member of the St. Thomas More Holy Name Society. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Council #726 from about 1953 until his death. Henry Sejda was a member of the American Society of Tool Engineers, joining in November 1943. Henry Sejda was a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, joining in February 1950.
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. A review of this assertion states:
This is probably true because of two things. First the informant for the obituary should've known this. Second, the author knows from family lore and the professional engineer application that Henry worked for many years to earn his Professional Engineer certification, so it only makes sense that he would be a member of this society.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was a member of the St. Thomas More Holy Name Society. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for the obituary should be a reliable source for this information.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was a member of the Knights of Columbus Unity Council #726. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for the obituary should be a reliable source for this information.
Henry J Sejda Knights of Columbus 25 year certificate[25] asserts that In March 1978, Henry J. Sejda was a member of Council 726 of the Knights of Columbus. A review of this assertion states:
This is an original certificate so this is almost certain proof.
Henry J Sejda Knights of Columbus 25 year certificate[25] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was a member of the Knights of Columbus from about 1953 until after 1978. A review of this assertion states:
Based on the date of the certificate, it appears Henry joined in 1953. It appears that he was active until his death.
Henry Sejda American Society of Tool Engineering Application Acknowledgement[26] asserts that Henry J. Sejda applied to the American Society of Tool Engineers in 1943, paying an application fee of $5. A review of this assertion states:
This is a note from the society itself so is strong evidence.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that In 1955, Henry Sejda claimed he was a Senior member of the American Society of Tool Engineers, having joined in November 1943. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's handwriting and is very likely true.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that In 1955, Henry Sejda claimed he was an associate member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, having joined in February 1950. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's handwriting and is very likely true.
Evidence of the Name of Henry Joseph Sejda
His name was Henry Joseph Sejda. All evidence support this and indicated he used the name Henry in all aspects of his life and from birth to death. In the 1920 US Census, the last name was spelled Sijda instead of Sejda. His high school diploma documents his middle name. His wife reported his nicknames as Hank and HJ. His birth certificate spells his last name phonetically as Saida. The 1931 Hammond City directory calls him Harry Sejda, but this is likely a clerical error.
The related references are enumerated below.
Mary Ann Sejda Death Certificate[27] asserts that Mary Ann Sejda father was Henry J. Sejda and her mother Irene R. Kazmierski. A review of this assertion states:
The informant was Barbara Sejda, another daughter of Henry, so this is conclusive evidence of his name.
Mary May Sejda (Gorczyca) Obituary[15] asserts that Mary "May" Sejda was survived by sister in law Irene (late Henry) Sejda of Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence that his name was Henry Sejda.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Kammila, Henry, Walter, Stanley, Leo, Ann, Lorraine and Bernard Sejda appeard in the 1940 US Census at 6944 Columbia, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that he used Henry before his marriage.
Barbara Sejda Birth Announcement[28] asserts that Barbara Ann Sejda parents were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he used the name in the 1940s.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that On his application, Henry Sejda reported his name as Henry J. Sejda, born on 17 Oct 1913 in Hammond, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This application was written in his own handwriting and demonstrates he used Henry J. Sejda as his name.
Leon Sejda's Obituary[13] asserts that Leon Sejda is survived by his wife, Kamilla, and five sons, Leon, Jr, Henry, Walter, Stanley and Vincent, the latter in Europe. A review of this assertion states:
A close relative probably provided this information, so this is convincing evidence of his name being Henry Sejda
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry J. Sejda died 12 January 1980 at Munster Community Hospital, Munster, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for this obituary probably new Henry well, so this is evidence that he went by Henry J. Sejda.
Leon Sejda in 1931 Hammond City Directory[20] asserts that Henry Sejda was a student in 1931. A review of this assertion states:
This is additional supporting evidence of his name being Henry Sejda.
20 Aug 1995 Notes from Discussion with Irene and Barbara Sejda[11] asserts that Henry Joseph Sejda's nicknames were "Hank" and "HJ". A review of this assertion states:
This was reported by his wife so is strong proof that his nicknames were Hank and HJ
Leon Sejda in 1935 Hammond City Directory[29] asserts that Henry Sejda was an employee at W B Conkey. A review of this assertion states:
This is additional supporting evidence of his name being Henry Sejda.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Wedding Article[14] asserts that Irene R. Kazmierski and Henry J. Sejda were married at St. Mary's Church. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for this article likely knew the couple well so this is strong evidence that he went by Henry J. Sejda.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 2[10] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: Vincent in Poland, Leo of Highland, IN, Henry of Munster, IN, Walter of Hammond, IN and Stanley of Gary, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This is additional supporting evidence of his name being Henry.
Kamila Sejda Obituary version 1[9] asserts that Kamila Sejda was survived by five sons: Vincent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
This is additional supporting evidence of his name being Henry.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida was born 17 Oct 1913 at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, North Township, Lake County, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is a clear image of his original birth record, and indicates his parents intended to call him Henry but spells his last name phonetically as Saida.
Robert Bongiovi and Elizabeth Sejda Wedding Announcement[30] asserts that Elizabeth Sejda's parents were Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for this article would've known how Henry liked to use his name so this is conclusive evidence.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that His name was Henry J. Sejda, who was a white male. A review of this assertion states:
The informant was his wife, who would've known his name so this is conclusive evidence.
Henry Sejda Cee Kay Business card with his notes[31] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was Chief Engineer at Cee Kay Industries, Inc, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL, a standard and special taping machines company. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that he used the same name for business as personal.
Henry Sejda Mutual Savings and Loan Business Card[32] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was the Vice-President of the Mutual Savings and Loan Association, 403 W. Commercial Ave, Lowell, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
Another indication that his professional name was Henry J. Sejda
Henry Sejda St. Mary's school graduation certificate[17] asserts that Henry Sejda graduated from St. Mary’s Grammar School in Hammond, IN on 17 June 1928. A review of this assertion states:
His grammar school certificate indicates that he used Henry Sejda as a child.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Ceremonial Marriage Certificate[21] asserts that Henry J. Sejda and Irene R. Kazmierski were married on 20 June 1942 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Hammond, IN. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence of his name. Henry probably provided this information.
Henry Sejda American Society of Tool Engineering Application Acknowledgement[26] asserts that Henry J. Sejda applied to the American Society of Tool Engineers in 1943, paying an application fee of $5. A review of this assertion states:
Evidency that he used this name professionally.
Henry J Sejda Knights of Columbus 25 year certificate[25] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was a member of the Knights of Columbus from about 1953 until after 1978. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he used this name.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 3[12] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: VIncent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond, and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence that he was called Henry Sejda.
Henry Sejda Cee Kay Engineering Business Card[33] asserts that Henry J. Sejda worked at Cee Kay Engineering Company, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL a Mechanical and Welding Engineers and Machine and Tool Designers company. A review of this assertion states:
This is conclusive evidence he used Henry J. Sejda in his business dealings.
1937 Hammond Indiana City Directory[34] asserts that Harry Sejda was a stenciler in 1937. A review of this assertion states:
This city directory called him Harry instead of Henry. This could be a clerical error.
Irene Sejda Munster Democratic Women's Club Newspaper Clipping[35] asserts that Mrs. Henry Sejda was the co-chair of the nominating committee for the Munster Democratic Woman's Club. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he used this name.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Certificate[36] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was a professional engineer in Indiana and was awarded his certificate to practice on 1 August 1967. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he used this name in his professional life.
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Leon Sejda, Kammila Sejda, Leo Sejda, Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda and Stanley Sejda appeared together in the 1930 U.S. Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he went by Henry as a child.
Henry Sejda Society of Automotive Engineers certificate[37] asserts that Henry J. Sejda became an associate member of the Society of Automotive Engineers on 9 Jan 1950. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he went by this name in his professional career
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Correspondance addressed to Henry J. Sejda at 6944 Columbia, Hammond, Ind and postmarked 12 Jan 1950. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he used this name.
Irene Sejda's Hammond Times Munster Democratic Women's Club[39] asserts that Mrs. Henry Sejda designed and made the hats and conducted the hat show for the Munster Democratic Woman's Club show. A review of this assertion states:
Supporting evidence that he went by this name
Henry Sejda Promotion Announcement in Chicago Tribune[40] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was promoted to Vice President at Cee Kay Engineering company in about January 1967. A review of this assertion states:
Evidence that he went by this name professionally.
Robert Bongiovi and Elizabeth Sejda Wedding announcement from the Journal[41] asserts that Elizabeth Ann Sejda parents were Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
The informant for the article would know his preferred name.
Decedents of Jan and Regina Krupa, probably from the Estate of Clare Leeser Affidavit of Heirship[16] asserts that Irene Kazmierski married Henry Sejda. A review of this assertion states:
The source of this information is not known, but this is supporting evidence.
1943 Hammond directory for Sejda[23] asserts that Henry J Sejda's wife was Irene R. A review of this assertion states:
It is not clear who the source is but this is evidence that his name was Henry J. Sejda.
Henry Joseph Sejda High School Diploma[18] asserts that Henry Joseph Sejda graduated from Hammond High School, Hammond, IN on 26 May 1933. A review of this assertion states:
This documents his middle name as well. This info was provided by Henry or his parents. It is strong evidence.
Irene Sejda Employment Application[24] asserts that Irene Sejda's emergency point of contact on 14 Dec 1978 was Henry Sejda, 238 Belden Pl, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that his wife knew him as Henry Sejda
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate (1996 Transcript Copy)[6] asserts that Henry Sejda was born in Hammond, Indiana on 17 Oct 1913. A review of this assertion states:
This is an official transcript of his birth record and indicates his parents gave him this name.
Henry Sejda National Radio Institute Certificate[19] asserts that Henry J. Sejda successfully completed a National Radio Institute home study course in Radio and Television servicing on 15 April 1948. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence of his name.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Levon Sijda, Kammila Sijda, Leon Sijda, Henry Sijda, Walter Sijda, Stanley Sijda, Tony Sijda, Walter Bukowski, Walter Vanchowski and Adolph Shuperski appeared together in the 1920 US Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that he used Henry in early childhood. It also has a different spelling of his last name.
Evidence of the Occupation of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda was an Engineer. This is demonstrated by his becoming a self-taught professional engineer and his membership in a number of engineering societies. He appears to have been trying to take the Professional Engineering test as early as Fall 1955 and didn't pass until 1967. In the 1935 Hammond Directory, Henry was reported to be an employee at W B Conkey. Henry reported that from Nov 1936 until May 1939 he worked at Edward Valves, Inc where his duties were to layout and detail high pressure valves and valve parts. This is supported by the 1937 Hammond Directory, which lists his occupation as a stenciler. In the 1940 US. Census he was listed as a draftsman. Henry reported he worked at Davidson Manufacturing from July 1939 until Aug 1948 finishing as Chief Engineer. His duties were to design printing presses, folders, feeders, tools and fixtures required for production and also to supervise engineering department and the design of above products, to estimate costs, set up manufacturing procedures and make plant layout.. Henry reported he worked at Linmar Products from Sep 1948 until Dec 1949 where his duties were to supervise shop operations, to design new products and tools required for production, to set up manufacturing procedures and to estimate costs. Henry reported that he was a Designer and Clearing Machine Corporation from May 1950 until Apr 1951 where his duties included designing and layout of mechanical and hydraulic presses and to check design details of presses design by others. Henry reported he was Chief Engineer at Richlite Manufacturing Corp from Sep 1951 until Apr 1952 and described his duties as setting up shop for production of auto water pumps and to supervise shop operations, design and supervise design of new pumps and the tools required for production.Henry reported that he worked as a project engineer at Consolidated Hammer Dry Plate and Film Company from Sep 1952 until Apr 1953, coordinating the work of the shop and engineering department, to set up assembly procedures for assembly of photographic printer, to set up inspection and testing procedure for above printer and refrigeration unit. He spent most of his career (starting in 1951) as a Design Engineer at Cee-Kay Engineering Company, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, Il, where his duties were to check design layouts, calculations & drawings so that the machines may be built with the least amount of trouble and operate satisfactory. Eventually he was the Chief Engineer and was promoted to Vice President around January 1967. His professional engineer application reported that he started at Cee-Kay in May 1951 on-and-off and full time after May 1953. He had retired by the time of his death in 1980. He reported his employer at Cee-Kay as Charles K. Goldberg, PE. He was briefly unemployed in early 1950, entitled to $20/week in unemployment ($215 in 2020 Dollars). In his unemployment application, he reported he made $4,940 in 1948 (which was abut $53,000 in 2020 dollars). He was also a Vice President of the Mutual Savings and Loan Association, 403 W. Commercial Ave, Lowell, Indiana.
Please refer to the Proof of the Occupation of Henry Joseph Sejda for a detailed analysis.
The related references are enumerated below.
1943 Hammond directory for Sejda[23] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was a chief engineer. A review of this assertion states:
It is not clear what the source of this information is, but this is supporting evidence that Henry was an engineer.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that In 1955, Henry Sejda described Cee-Kay Engineer Company as "Designers of Mechanical & Hydraulic Presses, Special Machinery, Tools, Jigs & Fixtures" and described his "...duties [were] to check design layouts, calculations & drawings so that the machines may be built with the least amount of trouble and operate satisfactory. A review of this assertion states:
This supports that Henry was an Engineer of tools and machines.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was retired from the Cee Kay Engineering Company, Chicago, IL. A review of this assertion states:
The informant probably knew this fact so this is conclusive evidence.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda reported his employment in 1955 was Design Engineer, Cee-Key Eng Co, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, Cook, IL. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in his own handwriting and provides evidence of where he was employed in 1955.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence that Henry was an engineer.
Henry Sejda National Radio Institute Certificate[19] asserts that Henry J. Sejda successfully completed a National Radio Institute home study course in Radio and Television servicing on 15 April 1948. A review of this assertion states:
This indicates that Henry also knew how to service radios and TVs, although there is no record that he actually worked at this.
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was an engineer at Cee Key Engineering. A review of this assertion states:
The informant on this certificate was his wife, Irene, so this is conclusive proof of his occupation at death.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry J. Sejda retained a duplicate application in his own handwriting for Professional Engineering registration in the State of Indiana for Mechanical Engineering, dated 1955. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in his own handwriting and provides evidence that Henry was an engineer.
Leon Sejda in 1935 Hammond City Directory[29] asserts that Henry Sejda was an employee at W B Conkey. A review of this assertion states:
This directory identified his employer. This appears to have been done as part of a door to door survey and is possible proof. W.B. Conkey was a large publisher that had a factory in Hammond.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda was approved to take the Professional Engineer's exam in Indiana in September 1955 for tests being held in October 1955. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in his own handwriting and provides evidence that Henry was an engineer.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda was approved to register as a Professional Engineer in the State of Indiana on 14 Jul 1967. A review of this assertion states:
This shows that Henry Sejda was a skilled engineer able to pass the rigorous professional engineer program even though he did not complete college
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Henry Sejda was a draftsman in an office equipment company. A review of this assertion states:
A draftsman is a job that is on the development path to engineer so this supports his occupation being an Engineer in general in addition to specifically specifying his job in 1940.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda's State of Indiana Professional Engineer registration number was 12558. A review of this assertion states:
This is conclusive evidence that he was a certified professional engineer.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry J. Sejda, P.E., received his certificate of registration as a Professional Engineer during the 14 November 1967 meeting of the Calumet Chapter of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers at the Woodmar Country Club. A review of this assertion states:
More evidence that he was successful in his quest to become a professional engineer
Henry Sejda Cee Kay Business card with his notes[31] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was Chief Engineer at Cee Kay Industries, Inc, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL, a standard and special taping machines company. A review of this assertion states:
This is strong evidence that he help this position
Henry Sejda Mutual Savings and Loan Business Card[32] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was the Vice-President of the Mutual Savings and Loan Association, 403 W. Commercial Ave, Lowell, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence that he was a Vice President at this Savings and Loan.
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Henry Sejda was unemployed in January 1950 and was entitled to $20/week up to a maximum of $520/year of unemployment benefits. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence that while he was a successful engineer, there was at least a period where he was unemployed in early 1950. $20 is $215 in 2020 Dollars.
Henry Sejda American Society of Tool Engineering Application Acknowledgement[26] asserts that Henry J. Sejda applied to the American Society of Tool Engineers in 1943, paying an application fee of $5. A review of this assertion states:
This is supporting evidence that Henry was an engineer.
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Henry Sejda total wages for 1948 was about $4940. A review of this assertion states:
This is about $53,000 in 2020 dollars.
Henry Sejda Cee Kay Engineering Business Card[33] asserts that Henry J. Sejda worked at Cee Kay Engineering Company, 7930 South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL a Mechanical and Welding Engineers and Machine and Tool Designers company. A review of this assertion states:
This is additional evidence of his long-time employment at this company
1937 Hammond Indiana City Directory[34] asserts that Harry Sejda was a stenciler in 1937. A review of this assertion states:
The information in this directory was probably from a door to door survey. This is possible proof of his job in 1937.
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Henry Sejda worked at Linmar Products from about the 3rd quarter of 1948 until the at least the end of 1948 and earned about $485/mo. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence that Henry worked at this company early in his career. This is about $5,250 in 2020 dollars.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda reported he worked as a design engineer for Cee-Kay Engineering Company from May 1951 until Aug 1951, May 1952 until Aug 1952 and from May 1953 until at least when he was filling out his Professional Engineering application in 1955. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's handwriting and is strong evidence.
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Henry Sejda worked at Davidson Manufacturing from at least the beginning of 1948 until sometime in the third quarter of 1948 and earned about $485/month. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of another company that Henry worked at early in his career. This is about $5,250 in 2020 dollars.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Certificate[36] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was a professional engineer in Indiana and was awarded his certificate to practice on 1 August 1967. A review of this assertion states:
More evidence that Henry became a professional engineer.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda reported that from Sep 1952 until April 1953 he was project engineer at Consolidated Hammer Dry Plate and Film Company. He described his duties as coordinating the work of the shop and engineering department, to set up assembly procedures for assembly of photographic printer, to set up inspection and testing procedure for above printer and refrigeration unit. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's handwriting and this is conclusive evidence of his work.
Henry Sejda Society of Automotive Engineers certificate[37] asserts that Henry J. Sejda became an associate member of the Society of Automotive Engineers on 9 Jan 1950. A review of this assertion states:
This supports the fact that Henry was Engineer.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that From Sep 1951 until April 1952, Henry Sejda was Chief Engineer at Richlite Manufacturing Corp and described his duties as setting up shop for production of auto water pumps and to supervise shop operations, design and supervise design of new pumps and the tools required for production. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's own handwriting and is conclusive evidence that he worked a this company.
Henry Sejda Promotion Announcement in Chicago Tribune[40] asserts that Henry J. Sejda was promoted to Vice President at Cee Kay Engineering company in about January 1967. A review of this assertion states:
This was clearly an announcement of Henry's promotion to VIce President and is conclusive evidence of his work at this company.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that From May 1950 until April 1951, Henry Sejda was a Designer and Clearing Machine Corporation where his duties included designing and layout of mechanical and hydraulic presses and to check design details of presses design by others. A review of this assertion states:
This was written in his handwriting and is conclusive evidence of working at this company.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that From Sep 1948 until Dec 1949, Henry Sejda was Chief Engineer at Linmar Products Corp where his duties were to supervise shop operations, to design new products and tools required for production, to set up manufacturing procedures and to estimate costs. A review of this assertion states:
This application was in his handwriting and is conclusive evidence that he worked at this company.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that From July 1939 until August 1948, Henry Sejda was Chief Engineer at Davidson Manufacturing Corp where his duties were to design printing presses, folders, feeders, tools and fixtures required for production. Also to supervise engineering department and the design of above products, to estimate costs, set up manufacturing procedures and make plant layout. A review of this assertion states:
This was written in Henry's handwriting and is conclusive evidence that he worked at this company.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda worked at Edward Valves, Inc from November 1936 until May 1939 where his duties were to layout and detail high pressure valves and valve parts. A review of this assertion states:
The was written in Henry's handwriting and is conclusive evidence that he worked at this company.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that In 1955, Henry J. Sejda listed Charles K. Goldberg, PE as his employer (at Cee-Kay). A review of this assertion states:
This application was in Henry's handwriting and is conclusive evidence.
Evidence that Mary Ann Sejda is the Child of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda's daughter is Mary Sejda. This is documented on her death certificate, whose informant was another daughter of Henry (Barbara), and also in his obituary. It is supported by Elizabeth Sejda's wedding article.
The related references are enumerated below.
Mary Ann Sejda Death Certificate[27] asserts that Mary Ann Sejda father was Henry J. Sejda and her mother Irene R. Kazmierski. A review of this assertion states:
The informant on this certificate is identified as Barbara Sejda. She would have first hand knowledge of this relationship. This is conclusive evidence of this relationship.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda's daughters were Mary Ann Sejda of Hammond, IN; Barbara Sejda of Elmwood Park, IL; Elizabeth Bongiovi of Dayton, OH; and Ellen Dudycha of Bridgeview, IL. A review of this assertion states:
The informant on this obituary would've known this relationship so this is strong evidence of this relationship
Robert Bongiovi and Elizabeth Sejda Wedding announcement from the Journal[41] asserts that Barbara Sejda, Mary Ann Sejda and Ellen Sejda were Elizabeth Sejda's sisters. A review of this assertion states:
This article identifies Henry as Elizabeth's father, so it strong evidence that Mary, who is listed as her sister is also Henry's daughter.
Evidence of the Relationship of Henry Joseph Sejda
Walter and Henry Sejda were possibly brothers because Walter's wife, Mary May, obituary referes to Irene Sejda, Henry's wife, as her sister in law.
The related references are enumerated below.
Mary May Sejda (Gorczyca) Obituary[15] asserts that Mary "May" Sejda was survived by sister in law Irene (late Henry) Sejda of Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This supports the fact that Henry Sejda, Irene's husband, was the brother of Mary May's husband, Walter Sejda. It does not prove any parenthood however.
Evidence of the Residence of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda lived with his parents and siblings at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana from his 1913 birth until at least 1931, when he appears in the Hammond City Directory at this address. Note that in 1931, this house had a new address of 1027 Fields Ave. In the 1935 and 1937 city directories, his address is listed at 1027 Fields Ave. By the 1940 US Census, he resided with his mother and siblings at 6944 Columbia Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. This census says he was not living in this house in 1935. Based on his wedding article and other documentation, Henry lived at 6944 until at least Jan 1950. By 1955, Henry resided at 238 Belden Place in Munster, IN. This is documented by a number of records. He resided at this address until his January 1980 death.
The related references are enumerated below.
Leon and Kamila Sejda in 1926 Hammond City Directory[42] asserts that Leon Sejda was the householder at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, IN in 1926. A review of this assertion states:
Leon and Kamilla is listed with four family members, which perhaps indicates that Henry was living here at this time.
Kamila Sejda Obituary version 1[9] asserts that Kamila Sejda was survived by five sons: Vincent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
The person who wrote this obituary likely knew that Henry was living in Munster, so this is probable evidence.
1920 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[1] asserts that Levon Sijda, Kammila Sijda, Leon Sijda, Henry Sijda, Walter Sijda, Stanley Sijda, Tony Sijda, Walter Bukowski, Walter Vanchowski and Adolph Shuperski appeared together in the 1920 US Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of residence on 1 Jan 1920.
1930 US Census for Leon Sejda and Family[2] asserts that Leon Sejda, Kammila Sejda, Leo Sejda, Henry Sejda, Walter Sejda and Stanley Sejda appeared together in the 1930 U.S. Census at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of residence on 1 Apr 1930 and likely means he lived here since the 1920 US Census.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Kammila, Henry, Walter, Stanley, Leo, Ann, Lorraine and Bernard Sejda appeard in the 1940 US Census at 6944 Columbia, Hammond, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his residence on 1 Apr 1940.
1940 US Census for Kammila Sejda and Family[3] asserts that Kammila, Henry, Walter, Stanley, Leo, Ann and Lorraine Sejda lived in Hammond, IN in 1935 but not in the same house. A review of this assertion states:
This means that he did not live at the Columbia address in 1935. It is reasonable to assume that they may have still been at the Fields Ave address or another intermediate address.
Henry Sejda and Irene Kazmierski Wedding Article[14] asserts that Henry Sejda and his mother lived at 6944 Columbia Ave, Hammond, IN in June 1942. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of the residence in June 1942
Henry Sejda American Society of Tool Engineering Application Acknowledgement[26] asserts that Henry J. Sejda lived at 6944 Columbia Ave, Hammond, Ind on 16 Oct 1943. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of residence in Oct 1943
Henry J Sejda Unemployment Compensation[38] asserts that Correspondance addressed to Henry J. Sejda at 6944 Columbia, Hammond, Ind and postmarked 12 Jan 1950. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of residence in Jan 1950
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda reported his residence in 1955 as 238 Belden Pl, Munster, Lake, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence that by 1955 they had moved to the 238 Belden place address
Robert Bongiovi and Elizabeth Sejda Wedding Announcement[30] asserts that Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sejda lived at 238 Belden Pl, Munster, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his address in June 1969
Irene Sejda Employment Application[24] asserts that Irene Sejda's emergency point of contact on 14 Dec 1978 was Henry Sejda, 238 Belden Pl, Munster, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his residence in 1978
Henry J Sejda Death Certificate[8] asserts that Henry J. Sejda resided at 238 Belden, Munster, Lake Co, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his residence at death
Leon Sejda in 1931 Hammond City Directory[20] asserts that Henry Sejda was a resident at 1029 Fields St, Hammond, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This directory was probably compiled with some sort of door to door survey and provides possible evidence that he lived here at this time. It says 1029 on this page but in the street index in the back, it says 1027, so I am going to assume this is a typor.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 2[10] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: Vincent in Poland, Leo of Highland, IN, Henry of Munster, IN, Walter of Hammond, IN and Stanley of Gary, IN. A review of this assertion states:
The person who wrote this obituary likely knew that Henry was living in Munster, so this is probable evidence.
Leon Sejda in 1935 Hammond City Directory[29] asserts that Henry Sejda resided at 1027 Fields. A review of this assertion states:
This directory was probably compiled with some sort of door to door survey and provides possible evidence that he lived here at this time.
Henry Sejda Professional Engineer Application and Approval Papers[4] asserts that Henry Sejda resided at 238 Belden Place, Munster, IN 46321 in 1967. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his address in 1967
Leon Sejda in 1931 Hammond City Directory[20] asserts that The old street number for 1027 Fields, Hammond, Indiana was 511 Fields, Hammond, In. A review of this assertion states:
This establishes that the address changed and the family did not move.
Kammila Sejda Obituary version 3[12] asserts that Kammila Sejda was survived by 5 sons: VIncent of Poland, Leo of Highland, Henry of Munster, Walter of Hammond, and Stanley of Gary. A review of this assertion states:
The person who wrote this obituary likely knew that Henry was living in Munster, so this is probable evidence.
1937 Hammond Indiana City Directory[34] asserts that Harry Sejda was a residence at 1027 Fields, Hammond, Lake, Indiana in 1937. A review of this assertion states:
This directory was probably compiled with some sort of door to door survey and provides possible evidence that he lived here at this time.
Henry Sejda Birth Certificate[5] asserts that Henry Saida was born 17 Oct 1913 at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, North Township, Lake County, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
Since he was born at this address, this is conclusive evidence that he resided here from birth
Robert Bongiovi and Elizabeth Sejda Wedding announcement from the Journal[41] asserts that Mr and Mrs. Henry J. Sejda resided 238 Belden Pl, Munster, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This is evidence of his address in June 1969
Leon Sejda in 1928 Hammond City Directory[43] asserts that Leon Sejda was the householder at 511 Fields Ave, Hammond, Indiana. A review of this assertion states:
This directory was probably compiled with some sort of door to door survey and provides possible evidence that he lived here at this time.
1943 Hammond directory for Sejda[23] asserts that Henry J. and Irene R. Sejda resided at 6944 Columbia Ave, Hammond, IN. A review of this assertion states:
This directory was probably compiled with some sort of door to door survey and provides possible evidence that he lived here at this time.
Evidence of the Retirement of Henry Joseph Sejda
Henry Sejda's obituary reported he had retired from Cee Kay Engineering by the time of his death in January 1980
The related references are enumerated below.
Henry Sejda Obituary[7] asserts that Henry Sejda was retired from the Cee Kay Engineering Company, Chicago, IL. A review of this assertion states:
The informant would've known this fact.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1920 United States Census, Lake County, Indiana, population schedule, Hammond Ward 6, enumeration district (ED) 70, sheet 20A, dwelling 315, household 349, Levon Sijda and family; database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : downloaded 15 September 2020); NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 445; FHL microfilm 1,820,445.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 1930 United States Census, Lake County, Indiana, population schedule, Hammond Ward 6, enumeration district (ED) 45-145, Sheet 7B, dwelling 119, family 133, Leon Sejda and Family; database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : Downloaded 15 September 2020); NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 602; FHL microfilm 2,340,337.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 1940 United States Census, Lake County, Indiana, population schedule, ward 6, north township, enumeration district (ED) 45-116, Sheet 16B, household 333, Kammila Sejda and family; database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : downloaded 15 September 2020); Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 1068.
- ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 Application, approval and miscellaneous items related to Henry Sejda Professional Engineer certification, Most documents from 1967, but includes some information including a 1955 application; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original correspondence, a single newspaper clipping and application in applicant's handwriting. Provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Lake County, Indiana, births, roll 8, image 3112, Henry Saida, 17 October 1913; digital images, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/60871/ : downloaded 12 December 2020); Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Indiana, State Department of Health, certificate of birth 113-13-027609 (October 1913), Henry Sejda; Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 ”Henry J. Sejda,” undated clipping, 13 January 1980 or 14 January 1980, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original newspaper clipping provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Indiana, State Board of Health, death certificate 80-001570 (16 January 1980), Henry J. Sejda; Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 ”Mrs. Kamila Sejda,” undated clipping, 1 July 1960, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided to Robert Bongiovi from files of Irene Sejda by Barbara Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 ”Sejda,” undated clipping, July 1960, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided to Robert Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Irene Sejda, Grandmother of Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], Munster, Indiana, interview by Robert P. Bongiovi, 20 August 1995; Notes on genealogy forms, privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2020. Author cannot recall if this was in person or over the phone. Notes in possession of Robert P. Bongiovi.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 ”Sejda Services,” undated clipping, July 1960, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided to Robert Bongiovi from Barbara Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 ”Leon Sejda Dies of Heart Attack,” Hammond Times (Hammond, Indiana), 14 October 1935; online images, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/ : downloaded 27 December 2020), Hammond Times (Hammond, Indiana); Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 ”Weds in Local Church,” undated clipping, June 1942, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original Clipping provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry and Irene Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA. Clipping indicates it is from the Hammond Times.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 ”Mary ‘May’ Sejda (nee Gorczyca),” undated clipping, April 1992, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Decedents of Jan and Regina Krupa, Probably from the Estate of Clare Leeser Affidavit of Heirship; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Typewritten list, source of information unknown. One copy provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Irene Sejda in 1990s. Second copy provided by Barbara Sejda in 2010s.
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Henry Sejda, Grammar School Diploma, 1928, from St. Mary’s Catholic School, Hammond, Lake Co., Indiana. Privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA, 2020. Original provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Henry Joseph Sejda, Diploma, 1933, from Hammond High School, Hammond, Lake County, Indiana. Privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA, 2020. Provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Henry J. Sejda Diploma for Practical Radio and Television Servicing Course, 15 April 1948, National Radio Institute Pioneer Home Study Radio School; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original Diploma. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 12 December 2020), image, “entry for Leon Sejda,” p. 381; Polk’s Hammond (Indiana) City Directory 1931.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Ceremonial Marriage Certificate for Henry J. Sejda and Irene R. Kazmierski, 20 June 1942, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Hammond, Indiana; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original certificate. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry and Irene Sejda.
- ↑ Indiana, State Department of Health, certificate of death Hammond, Indiana local no. 961 (8 December 1998), Irene R. Sejda; Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 21 December 2020), image, “Entries for Henry Sejda, Kamila Sejda, Leo J Sejda, Stanley Sejda, and Walter Sejda,” p. 398; Hammond, Indiana, City Directory, 1943.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Irene Regina Sejda Application for Employment, 14 December 1978, Lake County (Indiana) Auditor; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Clear copy of typewritten application, signed by Irene Sejda. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Irene Sejda.
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Knights of Columbus 25 year membership certificate, Henry J. Sejda, 27 March 1978, Council 726; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original framed certificate. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Acknowledgement that Henry J. Sejda’s application for membership in the American Society of Tool Engineers was received, 16 October 1943, American Society of Tool Engineers, 2567 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original postcard. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Indiana, State Department of Health, certificate of death Hammond local number 493 (25 July 2006), Mary Ann Sejda; Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ↑ Barbara Ann Sejda Birth Announcement, born 25 May 1945; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Hallmark card filled in with Irene (Kazmierski) Sejda’s handwriting. Original provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda.
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 12 December 2020), images, “Entry for Leon Sejda,” p. 330, 422; Polk’s Hammond (Lake County, Ind.) City Directory 1935.
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 ”June Nuptials Unite Couples,” undated clipping, June 1969, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided to Robert Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, sister of Elizabeth Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA. This is probably from the Hammond Times.
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Henry J. Sejda Cee Kay Industries Business Card, Chief Engineer; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original card. provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 Henry J. Sejda Mutual and Savings Loan Business Card, Vice-President; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Henry J. Sejda Cee Kay Engineering business card, Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original. Provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 10 December 2020), images, “Polk’s Hammond (Lake County, Ind.) City Directory, 1937,” p. 317; Polk’s Hammond (Lake County, Ind.) City Directory: 1937 (Chicago, Ill.: R. L. Polk & Co., 1937).
- ↑ ”Lady Demos Set Election Wednesday,” undated clipping, unknown date, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA.
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 State of Indiana Professional Engineer Certificate, Henry J. Sejda, 1 August 1967; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original in possesion of Robert P. Bongiovi.
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Society of Automotive Engineers membership certificate for Henry J. Sejda, 9 January 1950, Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Original certificate provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda.
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 38.5 Finding-Wage Transcript for Henry J. Sejda, Division of Unemployment Compensation, Department of Labor, State of Illinois; Bongiovi Family History Files; privately held by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, California, 2016. Postmarked 12 January 1950. Original provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry J. Sejda.
- ↑ ”Photographs of Munster Democratic Woman’s Club Hat Show,” undated clipping, 25 February 1964, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA. Appeared on Page B-4 the Hammond Times, Hammond, Indiana on 25 Feb 1964.
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 ”People and Events,” undated clipping, 8 January 1967, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided by Barbara Sejda, daughter of Henry Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA. Handwritten “Tribune 1/8/67” on clipping.
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 ”Vows Exchanged In Double Ring Ceremonies,” undated clipping, 26 June 1969, from unidentified newspaper; Bongiovi Family History Files, Original clipping provided to Robert P. Bongiovi by Barbara Sejda, sister of Elizabeth Sejda; privately held 2020 by Robert P. Bongiovi, [address for private use], El Segundo, CA. Appeared on page 10 of The Journal.
- ↑ ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 12 December 2020), image, “Entry for Leon Sejda,” p. 391; Polk’s Hammond (Indiana), Calumet City and Burnham (Illinois) City Directory 1926.
- ↑ ”U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995,” Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : downloaded 12 December 2020), image, “Entry for Leon Sejda,” p. 417; Polk’s Hammond (Indiana), Calumet City and Burnham (Illinois) City Directory 1928.
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