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The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as the Shakers, grew out of the Quaker movement, or the Society of Friends. They are a millenarian, nontrinitarian, restorationist Christian sect. They were founded circa 1747 in England by Jane Wardley and then organized in the United States in the 1780s by Ann Lee. They were initially known as "Shaking Quakers" because of their ecstatic behavior during worship services, more extreme than the Quakers.


English Quaker Origins

The French Camisards and the Quakers both contributed to the formation of the Shaker beliefs. The Camisards contributed the belief that their leaders are Prophets who hear the word of God. They had fled to England and influenced the Quakers of Manchester.

The Quakers, or Society of Friends were founded in England in 1652 by George Fox. They believed and taught that God exists in all people and each could have direct knowledge of Christ, therefore, no need for a specialized clergy. It was a rather spiritualistic and emotional religious belief which was expressed through their bodies, trembling and quaking. During the 1740s this form of worship changed or was repressed, except for the group in Manchester. This group split from mainstream Quakers in 1747, heavily influenced by the Camisard preaching.

The Shaking Quakers

James and his wife Jane Wardley led this fledgling group of Shakers. Jane was a resident of Bolton, known as Bolton-le-moors and later moved to Manchester with her husband James, who was a tailor.They were devout Quakers. About 1747 she began to have visions “from God” telling her to go out and teach the truth about the end of the world, that Christ was about to return and that his second appearance would be in the form of a woman, as written in the book of Psalms. Her husband was her first convert and follower, followed by John Townley, a relatively wealthy bricklayer that later provided significant funding to the Wardley group. During her period of silent meditation at the beginning of her worship, she often began shaking and rocking as she “received visions from god.” This gave rise to being called “Shaking Quakers.” But, they were first known as The Wardley society, the Wardley Group and the Bolton Society. Besides shaking, they included in their worship practices, speaking in tongues, and prophesying, with all those various gifts of the Holy Spirit known in the Primitive Church. These gifts progressively increased until the time of the full establishment of the Church in America.[1]

Jane Wardley, urged her followers to: "Repent. For the kingdom of God is at hand. The new heaven and new earth prophesied of old is about to come. The marriage of the Lamb, the first resurrection, the new Jerusalem descended from above, these are even now at the door. And when Christ appears again, and the true church rises in full and transcendent glory, then all anti-Christian denominations—the priests, the Church, the pope—will be swept away."[2] Ann Lee’s parents were devoted members of this church and brought their influence to their children. Ann confessed her sins to the Wardleys and began her ministry there.[3]

Shaker Migration to the New World

Ann Lee and her family were members of the Shakers of Manchester. Her father was a poor blacksmith in the Toad Lane district of Manchester. Ann was born in 1736. Under pressure from her father she married Abraham Standerin or Stanley. They had four children, each dying in early childhood. She joined the Shakers in 1758. Twelve years later she had “a special manifestation of Divine light”. She soon became the local leader of the Shakers. In 1774 she had a revelation directing her to establish a community in America. She, her husband, brother William, niece and a few others set sail May 10, 1774 and arrived in New York City, August 6, 1774. By late 1776 they had settled 8 miles NW of Albany, an area called Niskayuna, later known as Watervliet, New York. The land was swampy, with dense brush. The group worked at draining the land, redirecting and straightening the stream, filling in the low spots. Those first couple of years were grueling with little food until the first harvest. In 1778 they had little to no bread, butter or cheese during the spring and summer, their principal food being rice and milk, with some fish from the nearby river. Joseph Preston reported he was so hungry he ate two herring raw. The lack and hard work resulted in weight loss and fainting at times.

Ann and her husband separated. She took back her maiden name and became known as Mother Ann Lee. She died in 1784.

Shaker Beliefs

Besides the above mentioned beliefs…

  • Repentance of sin is crucial and the 1st step on the path to perfection.
  • God is both male and female.
  • They believe in and practice gender equality.
  • They practice communal living, all property and work shared.
  • They practice absolute celibacy and there is no marriage. Since they don’t procreate, they adopted many children. Those children were given a choice to either stay or leave when they reached 21. The rest of their growth came through missionary recruiting.
  • They are pacifists, like their predecessors, the Quakers.
  • Also like the Quakers, their dress, speech and manner is simple.
  • Unlike Quakers, they encourage creative gifts, art, music, dance, intellectual and artistic development within the Society. Singing and dancing are vital to the mode of worship.
    ” It should be recollected that “God is a Spirit,” and can be worshipped only “in spirit and in truth.”  Without the presence of the Spirit there can be no true worship.   Conviction of sin, godly sorrow, and repentance, are the first effects of the Spirit of God upon the conscience of a sinner.  And when sin is fully removed, by confessing and forsaking it, the cause of heaviness, gloom and sorrow is gone; and joy and rejoicing, and thanksgiving and praise, are then spontaneous effects of a true spirit of devotion.  And whatever manner the Spirit may dictate, or whatever the form into which the spirit may lead, it is acceptable to Him from whom the Spirit proceeds. “


There were eventually 19 shaker communities but they were confined to only eleven states: New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. (The communes in the last four states only lasted for brief periods of time). Even with the harsh circumstances in the beginning, their number grew to 15 in 1778 but they were still sleeping on the floor, no pillows and only some with blankets. They attracted many converts in the 1780s and 1790s and by 1800 the Watervliet community reached 87 souls. 12 settlements had been founded across New York and New England.[5]

One Big Happy Family

A few of the members who joined had farms and continued to live there. But in 1787 the Lead Ministry at Mt. Lebanon directed all members to join the communal settlements, known as “Families”. The first communal dwelling house at Watervliet was built 1779 but soon replaced with a larger dwelling in 1783. A larger one was built in 1816 and the original building became the “second house”, used as a kind of infirmary. The Shaker “families” ranged in size from 50 to 150 people. They were ordinarily 3 stories.

The first Meeting House built of logs in 1784 at Watervliet. David Buckingham made a listing of all buildings in 1826 and noted that building had decayed greatly. The west part, which was two stories, held a room that was used by Father Joseph Meacham, and later by Father John Hocknell, one of the original group of eight immigrants from England, with Mother Ann. there was a room at the end of the hall that Mother Lucy Wright used when she visited Watervliet.

In 1791 a 2nd Meeting House was built under the leadership of Moses Johnson, who framed 10 houses for various Shaker communities. it stood until 1927 when it was taken down by the county. There were a total of 27 buildings over the years at Watervliet. There was a third Meeting House build in 1848. it has been restored to it’s original appearance and today serves as a museum, the remaining Shaker buildings and land being bought by the County.

Dissolution of the Genetic and Legal Family

Most married couples that joined the Shakers probably didn't get a divorce but they lived apart and sometimes one was sent to a different commune to help dissolve the ties. Children lived separately also, the greater family replacing their natural parents. One wife did seek divorce when she chose not to join with her husband. It became what is probably the most notorious divorce in New York history.

Eunice Hawley (1778-1863), daughter of Presbyterian deacon, Elijah Hawley, married James Chapman and they had 3 children. James drank to excess and was unproductive in business. He joined the Shaker community in Watervliet, which helped him to live soberly and productively. The Shakers had a rule that wives could not join without their husbands due to this divorce case,they added a rule to demand the same in reverse. During the long drawn out battle lasting 5 years, they hid the children from their mother, tucked away in the commune in Enfield, NH. On February 7 1812 the New York State Legislature took up the divorce case, which also involved Eunice seeking custody. Neither New York Law or the Shakers (in this instance) considered a woman equal to a man when it came to legal control over children. The Shaker community declared ignorance of their whereabouts and claimed they had no control ofver their father’s actions. They and their friends in the Legislature declared Eunice a “disorderly” woman. She was at a disadvantage, since most assumed it was her sexual desires that motivated her to leave her husband.[6][7]

The Legislature granted the divorce in 1818 but her battle was only half over. She had to rescue her children. The Shakers didn’t give up that easily. It required her, with another mother, gathering public support and a large mob to gain the children back from the Enfield, NH Shakers. She was joined by Mary Marshall Dyer (1780-1867). Besides the support of the locals who joined the mob, they had support of much of the local officials who didn’t agree with the fathers avoiding support under the protective umbrella of the Shakers. Over the course of 5 days beginning May 26, 1818 the mob hounded the commune, several of the male Shakers gone at the time. Leading up to this show of force, Dyer had spent years stirring up anti-Shaker sentiment, traveling and publishing pamphlets. Eunice managed to capture and whisk away her son George but didn’t manage to get her daughters until she served them with a writ of habeas corpus the next spring. They were, after all, holding the children illegally. They had tried to deny New York law, claiming they were exempt because they were in New Hampshire. Sadly for Mary Dyer, 4 of her 5 children remained Shakers until their deaths. Jerrub left, but not until 1852.[8][9]

Because the genetic family ceased to exist within the Shaker community, few of us have grandparents that were Shaker, our closest connection usually being ancestral cousins, Also, it is hard to trace ancestors that lived during certain time periods, especially before the census records named everyone in the household. Even after that time, it can be difficult to know if the correct person is being seen in the record, since they aren't shown with their blood family most of the time. Following are a collection of census records, which give some idea of the numbers of followers and may help locate ancestors.

Census Records

The first column contains image, page, dwelling and/or family number.

1810 Census

Watervliet, Albany County, New York

Page Head of Family White Males White Females
under 10 10-16 16-18 16-26 26-45 45 & up under 10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45 & up
7 of 10 David Osburn 2 3 10 10 1 1 4 17 5
8 of 10 Seth Wells 2 2 2 9 2 3 1 9 7 4

Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

Page Head of Family White Males White Females
under 10 10-16 16-18 16-26 26-45 45 & up under 10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45 & up
6 of 20 Benj’n Ellis 1 1 7 1 1 6 2
Elisha Wood 3 5
Martin Salsbury 2 1 1 2 2 1
Amasa Southwicks 2 1 2 1
Morrell Baker 2 5 1 17 8 1 4 2 41 4
Alpheus Rood 1 1 2 9 7 13
Richard Spire 2 4 9 16 1 3 29 5
Adonijah Jacobs 1 1 6 10 2 8 9
Stephen Munson 1 2 10 1 1 8 8
Nathan Farrinton 1 5 5 2 1 1 4 7 2

1820 Census

Watervliet, Albany County, New York

White Males White Females Slaves Free colored
Not naturalized Agriculture Commerce Manufacturers Males Females
Pg 11, Image 7 of 15 under 10 10-16 16-18 16-26 26-45 45 & up under 10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45 & up 26-45
United Society of believers Called Shakers Stephen Mimson 1 9 1 9 11 43 5 9 15 20 39 7 17 20
Peter Pear 1 4 9 5 2 2 11 7 2 8 6
Morrie Behar 4 7 4 15 20 26 10 12 21 25 41 30 20 1

Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

White Males White Females Slaves Free colored
Not naturalized Agriculture Commerce Manufacturers Males Females
Pg 11, Image 7 of 15 under 10 10-16 16-18 16-26 26-45 45 & up under 10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45 & up 26-45
United Society of believers Called Shakers Stephen Mimson 1 9 1 9 11 43 5 9 15 20 39 7 17 20
Peter Pear 1 4 9 5 2 2 11 7 2 8 6
Morrie Behar 4 7 4 15 20 26 10 12 21 25 41 30 20 1

1830 Census

Watervliet, Albany County, New York

52 of 63 Head of Family Free whte males free white females Free colored males Free colored females
under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55
Trustee Samuel Pease 1 3 7 8 4 2 6 6 4 1 1 2 8 5 9 2 8 5 4
“ “ David Hawkins 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 4 3 4 1
“ “ Sthephen Wills 2 1 4 8 6 2 1 1 4 2 8 7 7 4 2
“ “ Calvel Wills 2 1 1 3 8 8 2 2 2 2 8 7 3 5 2 2 3

Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

52 of 63 Head of Family Free whte males free white females Free colored males Free colored females
under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55
Image 9 of 14 Chaus Bushnell 6 7 6 6 4 1 2 5 15 5 4 1 1 1
Stephen Hanson 7 9 8 18 6 3 12 16 4 1 1 1 10 10 16 15 8 20 17 3 2 1
Daniel J Hawkins 1 9 6 9 6 7 9 5 4 1 3 2 6 9 10 12 8 22 10 10 1

1840 Census

Watervliet, Albany County, New York

39 of 52 Head of Family Free whte males free white females Free colored persons males Free colored persons females
under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 36-55 36-55
Trustee D(aniel?) Miller 2 4 21 8 9 11 3 2 8 6 1 3 13 9 12 18 6 11 6 7 4 2
Trustee C Wells 6 2 7 8 5 2 2 1 6 4 6 3 3 1 1
45 of 52 Joseph Hudson 6 5 6 3 2 4 4 5 4 1 5 5 5 2 6 3 9 4 3 2 1

New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

39 of 52 Head of Family Free whte males free white females Free colored persons males Free colored persons females
under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 under 5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80- 80-90 90-100 over 100 36-55 36-55
Image 25 of 26 Daniel Hawkins 7 18 8 7 5 3 4 3 6 7 10 13 12 12 8 20 6 2 1 1
David Meacham 1 8 12 1 15 12 3 4 15 10 1 1 10 11 8 22 19 13 6 15 12 2
Richard Bushnel 10 1 11 7 7 3 1 1 3 2 9 6 5 1 1

1850 Census

1850 Watervliet, Albany County, New York

Page Name Sex Age Birth Year (Estimated) Birthplace Race House Number Value of Real Estate
273 Family# 2980 Stanton Buckingham Male 48 1802 New York White 2142 27200
Channing Copely Male 48 1802 Connecticut White 2142
Thomas McKew Male 73 1777 New York White 2142
Clarissa Veader M Female 59 1791 New York White 2142
Maria Gitbest Female 51 1799 New York White 2142
Lydia Annas Female 34 1816 New York White 2142
Jennit Anges Female 40 1810 New York White 2142
Morrell Baker Male 75 1775 Map White 2142
David A Buckingham Male 47 1803 New York White 2142
Charles W Brackett Male 43 1807 Maine White 2142
Joanna J Bishop Female 80 1770 New York White 2142
Phebe Ann Buckingham Female 46 1804 New York White 2142
Mary A Bates Female 27 1823 New York White 2142
Samantha Boyd Female 11 1839 New York White 2142
Emily Conklin Female 33 1817 New York White 2142
John L Decker Male 37 1813 New York White 2142
Caroline Downs Female 47 1803 New York White 2142
Calista Elsworth Female 20 1830 Ohio White 2142
Lucy Fairchild Female 43 1807 New York White 2142
Lucy Fuller Female 37 1813 Map White 2142
Catharine Ferguson Female 14 1836 Scotland White 2142
Anna Ferguson Female 12 1838 Scotland White 2142
Maria Finch Female 14 1836 New York White 2142
Willoughby W Green Male 31 1819 New York White 2142
Ranson Gilford Male 28 1822 New York White 2142
Ruth Green Female 35 1815 New York White 2142
Jason J Harwood Male 50 1800 Map White 2142
Abraham Hendrickson Male 71 1779 New York White 2142
Eli Horton Male 14 1836 New York White 2142
Betsy A Hawkins Female 59 1791 Connecticut White 2142
Mirey Harwood Female 58 1792 Map White 2142
Elizabeth B Harrison Female 38 1812 England White 2142
Arobella M Hayes Female 15 1835 New York White 2142
John J Ingham Male 14 1836 New York White 2142
Samuel Ingham Male 12 1838 New York White 2142
Frances Ingham Female 19 1831 New York White 2142
Elizabeth Ingham Female 20 1830 New York White 2142
Adalaide Ingham Female 17 1833 New York White 2142
James Langridge Male 31 1819 England White 2142
Abigal Lernon Female 72 1778 Map White 2142
Ruth Johnson Female 85 1765 Connecticut White 2142
Eunice Johnson Female 70 1780 New York White 2142
Image 393 of 403 David Miller Male 75 1775 Mississippi White
Chancy Miller Male 36 1814 New York White
Jeremiah Mully Male 24 1826 England White
Sarah Mully Female 23 1827 England White
Abigail Messenger Female 38 1812 New York White
Joseph Preston Male 83 1767 New York White
Ephraim Prentiss Male 48 1802 New York White
Channing Prentiss Male 45 1805 New York White
George S Price Male 32 1818 New York White
Sylvester Prentiss Male 44 1806 New York White
George G Peavey Male 9 1841 New York White
Susan Remer Female 22 1828 Ohio White
Martha I Rich Female 69 1781 Ohio White
Daniel Sherman Male 37 1813 Massachusetts White
John P Smith Male 15 1835 New York White
Abigail T Shapley Female 75 1775 Massachusetts White
Beviah Speer Female 70 1780 New York White
Elizabeth Seeley Female 39 1811 Connecticut White
Sephrona H Smith Female 30 1820 Ohio White
Harriet W Slater Female 17 1833 New York White
Catharine A Slater Female 12 1838 New York White
Lucretia Smith Female 12 1838 New York White
Ann Eliza Screven Female 16 1834 Pennsylvania White
Smith Taylor Male 42 1808 Connecticut White
Dewitt W Treadway Male 31 1819 New York White
Charles E Van Torrance Male 14 1836 New York White
Elizabeth Train Female 57 1793 Massachusetts White
Abigail A Train Female 54 1796 Massachusetts White
Orange M Treadway Female 40 1810 New York White
Hannah A Treadway Female 37 1813 New York White
Catharine Vedder Female 51 1799 New York White
Caroline Vernooy Female 28 1822 New York White
Freegift Wells Male 65 1785 New York White
Fredrick S Wicker Male 55 1795 Canada White
Loren J Weiks Male 36 1814 New York White
Nehemia T White Male 27 1823 New York White
Josiah Wood Male 16 1834 New York White
Henry Watson Male 28 1822 New York White
Chloe Wood Female 73 1777 Massachusetts White
Matilda Wells Female 38 1812 New York White
Aurella White Female 32 1818 Vermont White
Sarah Ann Wood Female 15 1835 Vermont White
Pg 274 Image 394 of 403 Lilles Wood Female 15 1835 Vermont White
Benjamin S Youngs Male 76 1774 New York White
Frances Goodrich Male 76 1774 Massachusetts White
Orrin Bates Male 9 1841 New York White
Eliza Ask Female 40 1810 New York White
Albert Peavy Male 4 1846 Massachusetts White
Daniel Braenard Male 57 1793 New Hampshire White
Cyrus Bates Male 27 1823 New York White
Martha J Bates Female 13 1837 New York White
Ezekeal Copely Male 70 1780 Connecticut White
Adelea A Durham Female 17 1833 New York White
William Earls Male 14 1836 New York White
Louisa Fairchild Female 61 1789 New York White
Susanna Green Female 68 1782 New York White
Hester Gestine Female 38 1812 New York White
David Hawkins Male 62 1788 Connecticut White
Jane G Hoagson Female 62 1788 England White
Dolly G Harwood Female 53 1797 Massachusetts White
Phebe Lane Female 63 1787 New York Black
Auzalem Lefuma Female 26 1824 Canada White
Joseph Lefuma Male 56 1794 France White
John Powell Male 28 1822 Ireland White
Eagar Pierce Male 12 1838 New York White
Laura Prentiss Female 41 1809 New York White
Charlotte Pierce Female 16 1834 New York White
Samuel Rose Male 31 1819 New York White
Cynthia Sherman Female 62 1788 Massachusetts White
Betty Sherman Female 98 1752 Massachusetts White
Phebe Ann Smith Female 33 1817 New York White
Hellen M Smith Female 28 1822 New York White
Julia T C Smith Female 21 1829 New York White
Albert Troess Male 54 1796 Connecticut White
Sarah Taylor Female 40 1810 Connecticut White
Sally Taylor Female 76 1774 New York White
George H White Male 20 1830 New York White
Arthusa White Female 30 1820 New York White
William Bates Male 6 1844 New York White
Eliza Wells Female 53 1797 New York White
Phebe Electa Thomas Female 49 1801 New York White
Nathaniel Fry Male 47 1803 New York White
Solomon Gale Male 29 1821 New York White
Chancy Dibble Male 29 1821 New York White
Image 395 of 403 Henreitta Martin Female 15 1835 New York White 2147
Phelena Horton Female 12 1838 New York White 2147
Emily Shaler Female 11 1839 White 2147
Aurella Snow Female 11 1839 New York White 2147
Dwelling No 2148 Family No 2981 Joseph Hodgman Male 70 1780 England White 2148 13200
Jessee Wells Male 72 1778 New York White 2148
Luther Wells Male 77 1773 New York White 2148
Oliver Prentiss Male 52 1798 Canada White 2148
Calvin Reynolds Male 20 1830 New York White 2148
Cramer Conklin Male 15 1835 New York White 2148
William Smith Male 35 1815 England White 2148
Jeremiah Bates Male 21 1829 New York White 2148
Edward Powers Male 49 1801 Newfoundland White 2148
David Stephens Male 22 1828 New York White 2148
William Fross Male 13 1837 New York White 2148
Stephen Wells Male 75 1775 New York White 2148
Justis Harwood Male 61 1789 Massachusetts White 2148
Joel Smith Male 60 1790 Massachusetts White 2148
 ?hubel Prentiss Male 46 1804 New York White 2148
David Train Male 73 1777 Massachusetts White 2148
Wilson Young Male 71 1779 New York White 2148
Jonathan Cole Male 40 1810 New York White 2148
Abraham Newman Male 35 1815 New York White 2148
James Watkins Male 68 1782 New York White 2148
William Seeley Male 59 1791 Connecticut White 2148
James Chapman Male 87 1763 Connecticut White 2148
James Lowe Male 53 1797 England White 2148
Asa Seaton Male 58 1792 New York White 2148
Augustis Blaze Male 37 1813 Germany White 2148
Joseph Buckingham Male 53 1797 New York White 2148
Walter Waterman Male 82 1768 Connecticut White 2148
Simon Smith Male 51 1799 Maine White 2148
Christopher Zuber Male 14 1836 Germany White 2148
Seward Grealey Male 12 1838 New York White 2148
Henry Grealey Male 12 1838 New York White 2148
Stephen Fross Male 9 1841 New York White 2148
James Delvin Male 9 1841 New York White 2148
Martin Newman Male 9 1841 New York White 2148
John Delvin Male 7 1843 New York White 2148
George Newman Male 6 1844 New York White 2148
Hannah Wells Female 74 1776 New York White 2148
Emaline Clark Female 76 1774 New York White 2148
Pg 275 Image 396 of 403 Elizabeth Bowser Female 85 1765 Nova Scotia White
Betsey Wells Female 75 1775 New York White
Fanny Waterman Female 73 1777 Connecticut White
Hannah Youngs Female 73 1777 New York White
Patience Earls Female 73 1777 Connecticut White
Tena Leaton Female 70 1780 New York White
Elizabeth Youngs Female 68 1782 New York White
Eleanor Vedder Female 61 1789 New York White
Ann Bowzer Female 64 1786 Nova Scotia White
Charlotte Youngs Female 64 1786 New York White
Mary Ann Whittaker Female 50 1800 England White
Alice Reamer Female 50 1800 Canada White
Catharine Dample Female 50 1800 New York White
Maria Reynolds Female 44 1806 New York White
Rebecca Carter Female 63 1787 Connecticut White
Ann Clement Female 50 1800 New York White
Parmelia Earls Female 58 1792 New York White
Polly Wicks Female 64 1786 Massachusetts White
Luciena Harwood Female 54 1796 Massachusetts White
Thankful Copely Female 66 1784 Vermont White
Elmira Watkins Female 45 1805 New York White
Dana Gustin Female 40 1810 New York White
Ellen Ward Female 40 1810 Ireland White
Ann Lowe Female 40 1810 England White
Pheobe Ann Taylor Female 34 1816 Connecticut White
Almira Leachout Female 32 1818 New York White
Nancy Wicks Female 43 1807 New York White
Polly Bacon Female 61 1789 New York White
Angaline Wicks Female 27 1823 New York White
Hannah Cole Female 25 1825 New York White
Hester Ann Crandell Female 29 1821 New York White
Elvira Conklin Female 24 1826 New York White
Rebecca Laineheart Female 22 1828 New York White
Delcena A Hutcheson Female 20 1830 New York White
Catharine Conklin Female 17 1833 New York White
Julia Soule Female 16 1834 New York White
Sarah Delvin Female 14 1836 New York White
Electa Dean Female 13 1837 New York White
Lucy Soule Female 13 1837 New York White
Mary Jane Delvin Female 11 1839 New York White
Margaret Crane Female 10 1840 New York White
Frances Dubrine Female 10 1840 New York White
Image 397 of 403 Prudence Delvin Female 6 1844 New York White 2143
Alena Haughton Female 11 1839 New York White 2143
House Number 2144 Family No. 3952 Issaca Bates Male 52 1798 New York White 2144 10640
Richard Dean Male 52 1798 England White 2144
Joseph Godnow Male 63 1787 White 2144
Alexander Youngs Male 34 1816 New York White 2144
James Tearney Male 58 1792 England White 2144
David Cole Male 70 1780 New York White 2144
Frances Sawyer Male 47 1803 New York White 2144
John Hughes Male 56 1794 England White 2144
Harrison Snow Male 36 1814 New York White 2144
David Stephens Male 46 1804 Connecticut White 2144
George Pearvey Male 35 1815 New Hampshire White 2144
Orson Kendell Male 29 1821 New York White 2144
Charles Soule Male 23 1827 New York White 2144
Benjamin Mells Male 80 1770 New York White 2144
Benjamin Hughs Male 66 1784 England White 2144
Robert Bemana Male 32 1818 England White 2144
Gordon Horton Male 59 1791 Massachusetts White 2144
Thomas Beale Male 43 1807 England White 2144
Rudolph Frieson Male 42 1808 Germany White 2144
Daniel Young Male 50 1800 New York White 2144
Charles Prealer Male 39 1811 Germany White 2144
William Penchback Male 57 1793 England White 2144
Henry Penchback Male 13 1837 England White 2144
James Ostrander Male 63 1787 Pennsylvania White 2144
Orrin Bates Male 51 1799 New York White 2144
John A Layesdel Male 42 1808 Massachusetts White 2144
Augustus Jacobi Male 42 1808 Poland White 2144
Daora Elles Male 9 1841 New York White 2144
Joseph Young Male 14 1836 New York White 2144
Williard Young Male 8 1842 New York White 2144
Munson Kersey Male 2 1848 Ohio White 2144
William Butler Male 25 1825 Massachusetts White 2144
Edward Bosse Male 22 1828 Germany White 2144
Paulina Bates Female 43 1807 New York White 2144
Mary Ann Ayers Female 30 1820 England White 2144
Lena Bates Female 25 1825 New York White 2144
Clarissa Shoefelt Female 25 1825 New York White 2144
Ann Potter Female 60 1790 England White 2144
Eliza Groot Female 11 1839 New York White 2144
Martha Bates Female 46 1804 New York White 2144
Page 276 Image 398 of 403 Lucy Bates Female 12 1838 New York White 2144
Lydia Bates Female 14 1836 New York White 2144
Aurella Snow Female 50 1800 Connecticut White 2144
Jane Beales Female 36 1814 England White 2144
Emily Wheeler Female 32 1818 New York White 2144
Sarah Beales Female 17 1833 England White 2144
Mary Ellis Female 13 1837 New York White 2144
Elizabeth Ellis Female 13 1837 New York White 2144
Ann Ellis Female 11 1839 New York White 2144
Claresa Female 11 1839 New York White 2144
Elizabeth Ostrander Female 89 1761 New York White 2144
Abigal White Female 64 1786 Massachusetts White 2144
Mary Stebbins Female 42 1808 Massachusetts White 2144
Polly Ostander Female 61 1789 Massachusetts White 2144
Harriet Mgham Female 48 1802 New York White 2144
Martha Lonli Female 25 1825 New York White 2144
Rebecca Jackson Female 55 1795 Pennsylvania Black 2144
Rebecca Perot Female 33 1817 Pennsylvania Black 2144
Harriet Hutchison Female 42 1808 New York White 2144
Abia Peavy Female 32 1818 White 2144
Permelia Kearsey Female 33 1817 Ohio White 2144
Annett Hutchison Female 9 1841 New York White 2144
Sally Bigalow Female 43 1807 New York White 2144
Mary Ann Newman Female 29 1821 Vermont White 2144
Lucy Horton Female 55 1795 Massachusetts White 2144
Lucy Pierce Female 64 1786 New York White 2144
End Shaker Commune[18]

1850 New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

Page Name Sex Age Birth Year (Estimated) Birthplace Race House Number Value of Real Estate
25 dwelling 350 family 372 Elisabeth Tayler Female 79 1771 England White 350
Wm Tayler Male 36 1814 England White 350
Timithy Day Male 25 1825 New York White 350
Michael Day Male 30 1820 Ireland White 350
Thomas Pamody Male 32 1818 Ireland White 350
Adaline Sears Female 18 1832 New York White 351
Ellen Bates Female 17 1833 New York White 351
Julia Sears Female 14 1836 New York White 351
Lucy A Hawkins Female 13 1837 New York White 351
Elisabeth Sears Female 12 1838 New York White 351
Mary Lyall Female 12 1838 New York White 351
Elisa A Basus Female 12 1838 Pennsylvania White 351
Lucinda Mason Female 11 1839 New York White 351
Mary J Lyall Female 11 1839 Massachusetts White 351
Jane Lyall Female 9 1841 New York White 351
Alcenith Bartree Female 4 1846 New York White 351
Squire Reed Male 16 1834 New York White 351
Edwin Victrars Male 13 1837 New York White 351
James Meeks Male 11 1839 New York White 351
352 376 Richard Bushnell Male 58 1792 Connecticut White 352 36000
Fred W Evans Male 42 1808 England White 352
Clausin Middleton Male 46 1804 Connecticut White 352
353 375 Charles Bushnell Male 65 1785 Connecticut White 353
Levi Shaw Male 31 1819 Pennsylvania White 353
354 376 Daniel Mosely Male 90 1760 Connecticut White 354
355 377 Jethro Turner Male 85 1765 Connecticut White 355
Samuel Johnson Male 74 1776 New York White 355
Benj Lyon Male 69 1781 Massachusetts White 355
Hiram Reed Male 47 1803 Pennsylvania White 355
George Curtis Male 43 1807 Connecticut White 355
356 378 Giles B Avery Male 34 1816 Connecticut White 356
James Long Male 32 1818 Pennsylvania White 356
357 379 James P Vail Male 31 1819 New York White 357
Joseph Babe Male 28 1822 New York White 357
David Rea Male 27 1823 New York White 357
Calvin Reed Male 29 1821 Massachusetts White 357
George Long Male 24 1826 New York White 357
Horace Hawkins Male 37 1813 Massachusetts White 357
Robert Valentine Male 28 1822 New York White 357
Robert Chase Male 22 1828 New York White 357
Richard B Noodron Male 22 1828 Pennsylvania White 357
Alonzo Hollister Male 20 1830 Massachusetts White 357
Charles Weed Male 18 1832 Massachusetts White 357
Ovando Hollister Male 15 1835 Massachusetts White 357
Joseph Holden Male 13 1837 Massachusetts White 357
Thomas Meeks Male 13 1837 Massachusetts White 357
Henry Hollister Male 12 1838 Vermont White 357
Samuel Hancock Male 11 1839 England White 357
Levi Pursin Male 10 1840 Pennsylvania White 357
David Meeks Male 9 1841 New York White 357
David Lyall Male 7 1843 New York White 357
358 380 Jerusha Smith Female 50 1800 Connecticut White 358
Patience Bushnell Female 50 1800 New York White 358
Lucy Darrow Female 81 1769 New York White 358
Abigail Munson Female 82 1768 Connecticut White 358
Lydia Obrien Female 77 1773 Nova Scotia White 358
Sarah Hawkins Female 75 1775 Rhode Island White 358
Permilla Deckinson Female 71 1779 New York White 358
Ruth Johnson Female 71 1779 Massachusetts White 358
Sophia Avery Female 69 1781 Connecticut White 358
Hannah Train Female 66 1784 Massachusetts White 358
Mary Stewart Female 53 1797 New Hampshire White 358
Betsey Copley Female 53 1797 Vermont White 358
Roby Bennet Female 52 1798 Massachusetts White 358
359 381 Shakers or Quakers Jonathan Wood Male 58 1792 Massachusetts White 359
Stephen Munson Male 83 1767 Connecticut White 359
Gideon Turner Male 82 1768 Connecticut White 359
John Meacham Male 80 1770 New York White 359
Proctor Sampson Male 77 1773 Massachusetts White 359
Joel Turner Male 77 1773 Massachusetts White 359
Nicholas Bennett Male 76 1774 Massachusetts White 359
Johnson Shapley Male 76 1774 Massachusetts White 359
Solomon King Male 74 1776 New York White 359
Henry Bennett Male 71 1779 Massachusetts White 359
David Rowley Male 70 1780 Connecticut White 359
Calvin Green Male 69 1781 Massachusetts White 359
Nathan Williams Male 69 1781 White 359
Henry Youngs Male 56 1794 White 359
Isaac M Youngs Male 56 1794 White 359
John H Dean Male 52 1798 White 359
360 382 Shakers or Quakers Edward Fowler Male 50 1800 White 360
Luther Copley Male 49 1801 White 360
Rufus Bishop Male 75 1775 White 360
Philemon Stewart Male 46 1804 White 360
John Guildersleeve Male 46 1804 White 360
Dwight Hinckley Male 44 1806 White 360
Henry De Witt Male 44 1806 White 360
Frederic Si?er Male 43 1807 White 360
Barnabas Hinckley Male 42 1808 White 360
Charles Si?er Male 39 1811 White 360
Orvin Hawkins Male 34 1816 White 360
Peter H Long Male 34 1816 White 360
Elisha D Blakeman Male 31 1819 White 360
Benjamin Gates Male 33 1817 White 360
Samuel White Male 26 1824 White 360
James Goodwin Male 24 1826 White 360
Charles M Lears Male 20 1830 White 360
Edward Chambers Male 20 1830 White 360
Thomas Rayson Male 18 1832 White 360
Peter Hull Male 18 1832 White 360
Thomas Cregg Male 17 1833 White 360
Chauncey Lears Male 17 1833 White 360
John Thompson Male 16 1834 White 360
Alexander Young Male 16 1834 White 360
Shak Quakers Gabriel Thompson Male 15 1835 New York, Scotland White 360
Wellington Lovegrove Male 14 1836 Maine, United States White 360
William Greaves Male 14 1836 Massachusetts, United States White 360
George Parker Male 14 1836 New York, United States White 360
James Thompson Male 12 1838 New York, Scotland White 360
Peter Greaves Male 11 1839 New York, United States White 360
Augustus Stone Male 11 1839 Vermont, United States White 360
Gilbert Barker Male 10 1840 New York, United States White 360
Horatio Stone Male 10 1840 Vermont, United States White 360
Henry Canhelt Male 9 1841 Massachusetts, United States White 360
David O Barber Male 9 1841 New York, United States White 360
George W Payson Male 8 1842 Pennsylvania, United States White 360
George Thompson Male 8 1842 Pennsylvania, United States White 360
Edwin Johnson Male 5 1845 Massachusetts, United States White 360
Huam Wilds Male 9 1841 New York, United States White 360
361 383 Image 52 of 59 Shak Quakers Amos Stewart Male 48 1802 New Hampshire, United States White 361
Anna Mathewsen Female 87 1763 Rhode Island, United States White 361
Abegail Cook Female 86 1764 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Rachel Spencer Female 86 1764 New York, United States White 361
Lucy Smith Female 84 1766 New York, United States White 361
Love Macham Female 80 1770 Connecticut, United States White 361
Thankful Goodrich Female 78 1772 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Cynthia Hamblin Female 76 1774 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Betsey Darrow Female 72 1778 New York, United States White 361
Molly Smith Female 70 1780 Pennsylvania, United States White 361
Aceneth Clarke Female 70 1780 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Jane Smith Female 68 1782 New York, United States White 361
Molly Bennet Female 63 1787 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Sarah Bates Female 57 1793 New York, United States White 361
Prudence Morell Female 55 1795 Ohio, United States White 361
Angela Veader Female 54 1796 New York, United States White 361
Joanna Ketchel Female 53 1797 Ohio, United States White 361
Elisa Sharpe Female 52 1798 Kentucky, United States White 361
Olive Wheeler Female 47 1803 New York, United States White 361
Rachel Sampson Female 47 1803 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Maria De Witt Female 46 1804 New York, Canada White 361
Betsey Cropman Female 46 1804 Vermont, United States White 361
Samantha Fairbanks Female 46 1804 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Olive Brown Female 43 1807 Massachusetts, United States White 361
Leah Taylor Female 42 1808 England White 361
Image 53 of 59 S Quakers Adah L Potter Female 41 1809 Massachusetts White 361
Hannah A Treadway Female 40 1810 New York White 361
Mary Hazzard Female 39 1811 Massachusetts White 361
Eleanor Potter Female 38 1812 New Hampshire White 361
Jane Blainchard Female 37 1813 Massachusetts White 361
Sarah A Lewis Female 37 1813 Massachusetts White 361
Hortense Lockwood Female 35 1815 New York White 361
Elisabeth Bates Female 34 1816 New York White 361
Matilda Reed Female 33 1817 New York White 361
Tabitha Lapsey Female 32 1818 Pennsylvania White 361
Polly Reed Female 32 1818 New York White 361
Anna Dodgson Female 32 1818 England White 361
Amy Reed Female 31 1819 Massachusetts White 361
Miranda Barker Female 30 1820 Connecticut White 361
Sarah Smith Female 31 1819 New York White 361
Abigail Hathaway Female 29 1821 Massachusetts White 361
Maria Lapsey Female 29 1821 Pennsylvania White 361
Harriet Goodwin Female 27 1823 New York White 361
Elisabeth Lidle Female 25 1825 Pennsylvania White 361
Florinda Sears Female 25 1825 Vermont White 361
Julia Ann Scott Female 21 1829 Vermont White 361
Jane Latham Female 20 1830 Vermont White 361
Louisa Young Female 20 1830 Canada White 361
Margaret Reamer Female 19 1831 Ohio White 361
Antoinette Belknap Female 17 1833 Connecticut White 361
Emily Nelbrinson Female 18 1832 New York White 361
Elisabeth Cantrell Female 17 1833 Massachusetts White 361
Ann M Greaves Female 17 1833 New Jersey White 361
Martha Parker Female 16 1834 New York White 361
Mary A Smith Female 16 1834 New York White 361
Eunice Cantrell Female 15 1835 Massachusetts White 361
Lavina Belknap Female 14 1836 New York White 361
Augusta Stone Female 13 1837 Vermont White 361
Adaline Cantrell Female 12 1838 Massachusetts White 361
Julia Barber Female 12 1838 New York White 361
Maria Manning Female 11 1839 Massachusetts White 361
Nealltry Manning Female 10 1840 Massachusetts White 361
Ellen Rayson Female 10 1840 Pennsylvania White 361
Julia Ann Reynolds Female 10 1840 New York White 361
Cornelia French Female 10 1840 New York White 361
362 384 image 54 of 59 Shaker Quakers Daniel Hawkins Male 69 1781 New York, United States White 362 50000
Amos Steves Male 85 1765 Massachusetts, United States White 362
David Jennings Male 79 1771 New York, United States Black 362
Jethro Williams Male 79 1771 Massachusetts, United States White 362
Eli Porter Male 74 1776 Massachusetts, United States White 362
John Bishop Male 74 1776 Massachusetts, United States White 362
Charles Chapman Male 73 1777 New York, United States White 362
James Bishop Male 72 1778 Massachusetts, United States White 362
Jeremiah Talcott Male 72 1778 Massachusetts, United States White 362
363 385 Quakers John Mantle Male 70 1780 England White 363
Amos Bishop Male 70 1780 New York, United States White 363
Caleb Shapley Male 70 1780 Massachusetts, United States White 363
Rufus Wheaton Male 70 1780 Massachusetts, United States White 363
John Remington Male 69 1781 Massachusetts, United States White 363
Samuel Spooner Male 68 1782 Massachusetts, United States White 363
James Farnham Male 67 1783 New York, United States White 363
Luther Rice Male 60 1790 Massachusetts, United States White 363
Nathan Haskins Male 60 1790 Massachusetts, United States White 363
364 386 Quker Daniel Copley Male 58 1792 Vermont, United States White 364
John McLain Male 62 1788 Massachusetts, United States White 364
Joseph Adams Male 56 1794 England White 364
John Hedrick Male 53 1797 Massachusetts, United States White 364
Ransom Smith Male 55 1795 New York, United States White 364
365 387 Quakers Rufus Crossman Male 51 1799 Vermont, United States White 365
Nelson Banks Male 58 1792 Connecticut, United States White 365
James Taylor Male 50 1800 England White 365
Albert Green Male 49 1801 New Jersey, United States White 365
Wm Justice Male 48 1802 New York, United States White 365
Albert Owen Male 45 1805 New York, United States White 365
Horace Hulbert Male 45 1805 New York, United States White 365
Jesse Street Male 47 1803 Massachusetts, United States White 365
366 388 Shakers James Smith Male 44 1806 New York, United States White 366
Henry Mantle Male 41 1809 Connecticut, United States White 366
James Harris Male 30 1820 New York, United States White 366
Geo O Donnell Male 27 1823 New York, United States White 366
John Wightman Male 26 1824 New York, United States White 366
367 389 Shakers Benj Billings Male 25 1825 New York, United States White 367
Charles Bradway Male 23 1827 New York, United States White 367
Clinton Brainard Male 22 1828 New York, United States White 367
Benj Brewer Male 22 1828 New York White 367
John Charles Male 20 1830 New York White 367
Robert Wagan Male 17 1833 New York White 367
Benson Sevils Male 15 1835 New York White 367
Mark Patterson Male 15 1835 England White 367
Virgil Hervey Male 14 1836 New York White 367
Charles Patterson Male 14 1836 New York White 367
Alonso King Male 13 1837 New York White 367
Egbert Jervam Male 13 1837 New York White 367
William Roberts Male 13 1837 England White 367
Robert Nalch Male 13 1837 England White 367
James J Jervam Male 11 1839 New York White 367
James D Loveless Male 10 1840 New York White 367
Joseph Ostram Male 9 1841 New York White 367
William Rule Male 9 1841 New York White 367
Lorenso Green Male 4 1846 Massachusetts White 367
368 390 Shaker Quakers Samantha Reynolds Female 8 1842 New York White 368
Jerusha Munson Female 86 1764 Connecticut White 368
Susannah Walbur Female 84 1766 Massachusetts White 368
Sarah Smith Female 84 1766 Massachusetts White 368
Jane Bishop Female 81 1769 Massachusetts White 368
Mercy Peckett Female 79 1771 Massachusetts White 368
Deborah Wheaton Female 79 1771 Massachusetts White 368
Martha Mantle Female 78 1772 Massachusetts White 368
Lamason Palmer Female 78 1772 Massachusetts White 368
Elisabeth Munson Female 77 1773 Massachusetts White 368
Mary Cole Female 76 1774 Massachusetts White 368
Achsah Kibby Female 75 1775 New York White 368
Cynthia Wheaton Female 75 1775 Massachusetts White 368
Sylvia Talcott Female 74 1776 Massachusetts White 368
Anna Deming Female 72 1778 New York White 368
Hannah Brachett Female 72 1778 Connecticut White 368
Lucy Chapman Female 71 1779 New York White 368
Lucy Bacon Female 71 1779 Massachusetts White 368
Molly Williams Female 71 1779 Massachusetts White 368
Rachel Bishop Female 69 1781 New York White 368
Hopewell Curtis Female 69 1781 New York White 368
Ann Busby Female 69 1781 New Jersey White 368
Anna Williams Female 67 1783 Massachusetts White 368
Anna Davis Female 68 1782 Massachusetts White 368
Sarah Spencer Female 64 1786 Connecticut White 368
image 56 of 59 Anna Gates Female 59 1791 New York White 368
Abegail R* Female 56 1794 Massachusetts White 368
Susannah Shepherd Female 56 1794 New York White 368
Hepes* Smith Female 56 1794 New York White 368
Margaret Nilson Female 53 1797 Ireland White 368
Polly Smith Female 55 1795 New York White 368
Olive Salisbury Female 55 1795 Rhode Island White 368
Clarissa Chamberlin Female 52 1798 Rhode Island White 368
Mehitable Salisbury Female 52 1798 New York White 368
Elisabeth Fowler Female 50 1800 New York White 368
Betsey Taylor Female 48 1802 England White 368
Elisabeth Justin Female 46 1804 Pennsylvania White 368
Lydia Lewis Female 46 1804 Massachusetts White 368
Chloe Nilson Female 44 1806 New York White 368
Jane Brain* Female 44 1806 New York White 368
Elisabeth Fairbanks Female 44 1806 Massachusetts White 368
Louisa Chamberlin Female 44 1806 New York White 368
Tanry Taylor Female 44 1806 England White 368
Maria Stewart Female 43 1807 New York White 368
Emily Owens Female 43 1807 New York White 368
Hannah Smith Female 42 1808 New York White 368
Sylvia Russell Female 40 1810 Massachusetts White 368
Jane Morris Female 46 1804 England White 368
Catharine Quimby Female 39 1811 New York White 368
Timerah Gates Female 39 1811 New York White 368
Matha Belington Female 38 1812 Vermont White 368
Louisa Rice Female 38 1812 Massachusetts White 368
Mary Dixon Female 37 1813 New York White 368
Phebe A Reynols Female 37 1813 New York White 368
Arn F Busby Female 34 1816 New York White 368
Polly Lewis Female 35 1815 Massachusetts White 368
Sarah A Spencer Female 33 1817 Connecticut White 368
Lurenda McDowell Female 27 1823 Vermont White 368
Ann E Caburn Female 29 1821 New York White 368
Elisa Davis Female 27 1823 Pennsylvania White 368
Maria Hedrich Female 25 1825 New York White 368
Ann E Charles Female 24 1826 New York White 368
Martha J Brainard Female 24 1826 New York White 368
Polly A Tayler Female 34 1816 New York White 368
Emily Smith Female 26 1824 New York White 368
image 57 of 59 Josephine Dow Female 17 1833 New York White 368
Dorcas Sweet Female 17 1833 Massachusetts White 368
Clarissa Jacobs Female 17 1833 New York White 368
Elisabeth Hedrick Female 16 1834 New York White 368
Hannah Bogerts Female 15 1835 New York White 368
Caroline Sharpe Female 17 1833 New York White 368
Caroline Barrett Female 16 1834 New York White 368
Rhoda Tiffany Female 15 1835 Connecticut White 368
Adeline Dunn Female 13 1837 New York White 368
Charlotte Sharpe Female 13 1837 New York White 368
Amanda Tiffany Female 9 1841 Connecticut White 368
Emma J Ostram Female 8 1842 New York White 368
Alma O Hare Female 6 1844 England White 368
Martha Ramsay Female 6 1844 New York White 368
Mary J Hughes Female 7 1843 New York White 368
Jane O Hare Female 4 1846 England White 368
John C O Brien Male 16 1834 New York White 368
George Gregg Male 15 1835 New York White 368
Mary A Mantle Female 42 1808 Connecticut White 368
Sarah Standish Female 41 1809 Massachusetts White 368
Mary Payson Female 5 1845 Massachusetts White 368
Sarah Jacobs Female 20 1830 New York White 368
Mary Renne Female 19 1831 New York White 368
Joseph Patterson Male 21 1829 England White 368
Henry Smith Male 21 1829 New York White 368
Mary Taylor Female 60 1790 Massachusetts Black 368
Lucy Hemans Female 59 1791 New York White 368
Joanna Vin*y Female 48 1802 Massachusetts White 368
Abigail Cropman Female 43 1807 Vermont White 368
Rhoda Blake Female 41 1809 Massachusetts White 368
Phebe Smith Female 39 1811 New York White 368
Hannah Blake Female 39 1811 Massachusetts White 368
Eliza Avery Female 36 1814 Connecticut White 368
Jane Rice Female 31 1819 New York White 368
Hannah Agnew Female 30 1820 Ohio White 368
Terence Lawrence Female 28 1822 New York White 368
Augusta Lennier Female 26 1824 New York White 368
Francis Crocker Female 22 1828 Connecticut White 368
Louisa Sears Female 23 1827 Vermont White 368
Nancy Dow Female 21 1829 New York White 368
369 391 image 58 of 59 Quaker Henry Cantrell Male 43 1807 Massachusetts White 369
John Groves Male 57 1793 England White 369
Luther Dunnel Male 26 1824 Massachusetts White 369
Samuel Sweet Male 57 1793 Maine White 369
370 392 Shakers or Daniel Graves Male 46 1804 Scotland White 370
Wm Offord Male 46 1804 England White 370
Henry Evarts Male 26 1824 New York White 370
Charles Bent Male 14 1836 New York White 370
John Robe Male 39 1811 West Indies White 370
John Brown Male 26 1824 Ireland White 370
Charles Graves Male 22 1828 New Jersey White 370
John Graves Male 19 1831 New Jersey White 370
John Shaw Male 58 1792 Ireland White 370
Geo Wickersham Male 39 1811 Pennsylvania White 370
371 393 Shak Quakers Edward Chase Male 24 1826 New York White 371
Edward Ledith Male 38 1812 Pennsylvania White 371
Robert B Church Male 24 1826 Pennsylvania White 371
Lennthy Rayson Male 21 1829 England White 371
Moses Clement Male 26 1824 Massachusetts White 371
Andrew Linchley Male 26 1824 Canada White 371
Avery Allen Male 33 1817 New York White 371
372 394 Shaker Quakers James Calvin Male 42 1808 England White 372
Wm Calvin Male 14 1836 England White 372
James Calvin Male 10 1840 England White 372
Henry Calvin Male 4 1846 England White 372
Thomas Calvin Male 8 1842 England White 372
Susan Calvin Female 39 1811 England White 372
Marion Calvin Female 12 1838 England White 372
Amelia Calvin Female 6 1844 England White 372
Alice Calvin Female 3 1847 England White 372
James Calvin Male 1 1849 New York White 372
Elisabeth Calvin Female 1 1849 New York White 372
Antoinette Doolittle Female 39 1811 New York White 372
Harriet Bullard Female 25 1825 Connecticut White 372
Mary Bushnell Female 68 1782 Connecticut White 372
Ann Crossman Female 58 1792 Vermont White 372
Nancy Lockwood Female 59 1791 Connecticut White 372
Sally Bushnell Female 53 1797 Connecticut White 372
Amy Bennett Female 49 1801 Massachusetts White 372
Charlotte Bowne Female 49 1801 Massachusetts White 372
image 59 of 59 Shaker Quakers Catherine Houton Female 32 1818 New York White 372
Phoebe V Houton Female 32 1818 New York White 372
Jane Wright Female 41 1809 Pennsylvania White 372
Phebe A Wright Female 38 1812 New York White 372
Sarah Woodsaw Female 43 1807 New Jersey White 372
Emily Sears Female 46 1804 Vermont White 372
Elisabeth Fulton Female 29 1821 New York White 372
Rhoda Hollister Female 31 1819 Vermont White 372
Betsey Scott Female 61 1789 Vermont White 372
Ann Graves Female 52 1798 England White 372
Betsey Stone Female 36 1814 Vermont White 372
Elisa Barker Female 38 1812 New York White 372
Elisa Payson Female 16 1834 England White 372
Marice Blow Female 28 1822 New York White 372
Eunice Contsell Female 38 1812 Massachusetts White 372
Nancy Logarty Female 30 1820 New York White 372
Anna White Female 19 1831 New York White 372
Rachel Turner Female 3 1847 New York White 372


1855 State Census Watervliet, New York

Dwelling No. Construction Material Value Family Number Name Sex Age Relationship to Head of Household Birth Year
494 image 33 of 57 Bricks 6000 549 Freegift Wells Male 70 Head 1785
Framed 10000 David A Buckingham Male 52 Other 1803
Framed 7500 Channey Copley Male 51 Other 1804
C Miller Male 41 Other 1814
Stanton Buckingham Male 54 Other 1801
Clarrissa Vedder Female 51 Other 1804
Marriah Gillet Female 56 Other 1799
Lydia Annas Female 39 Other 1816
Jennet Angus Female 45 Other 1810
Morril Baker Male 80 Other 1775
David A Buckingham Male 52 Other 1803
Wm Brackett Male 48 Other 1807
Pheba Buckingham Female 51 Other 1804
Samantha Boyce Female 16 Other 1839
Emily Conklin Female 38 Other 1817
John L Decker Male 42 Other 1813
Caroline Downs Female 52 Other 1803
Lucy Fuller Female 42 Other 1813
Cath Forguson Female 19 Other 1836
Maria Finch Female 19 Other 1836
Ruth Green Female 40 Other 1815
J J Harwood Male 55 Other 1800
Mercy Harwood Female 63 Other 1792
Abe Hendrickson Male 78 Other 1777
Betsy A Hawkins Female 64 Other 1791
E B Harrison Female 43 Other 1812
Adalaid Ingham Female 22 Other 1833
Jame Langridge Male 36 Other 1819
Abagail Lemon Female 79 Other 1776
Eunice Johnson Female 75 Other 1780
Abagail Messenger Female 43 Other 1812
Ephraim Prentiss Male 53 Other 1802
Geo S Price Male 37 Other 1818
Sylvester Prentiss Male 49 Other 1806
Daniel Sherman Male 42 Other 1813
John P Smith Male 20 Other 1835
Zeriah Spier Female 75 Other 1780
Elizabeth Seely Female 44 Other 1811
Cath A Slater Female 17 Other 1838
Lucretia Smith Female 17 Other 1838
Ann E Schrivner Female 21 Other 1834
Martha J Rice Female 74 Other 1781
Dewitt M Treayway Male 36 Other 1819
Chs E Van Tarrence Male 19 Other 1836
Elizabeth A Train Female 62 Other 1793
Abagail A Train Female 59 Other 1796
Orange M Treadway Female 45 Other 1810
Hannah A Treadway Female 42 Other 1813
Fred S Wicker Male 60 Other 1795
N T White Male 32 Other 1823
Matilda Wells Female 43 Other 1812
Aurella White Female 37 Other 1818
S A Wood Male 20 Other 1835
Francis Goodrich Male 81 Other 1774
Wm Edwards Male 15 Other 1840
Eliza Ash Female 45 Other 1810
Pheba Electa Thomas Female 54 Other 1801
Pheba A Smith Female 38 Other 1817
Albert Twiss Male 59 Other 1796
Eliza Wells Female 58 Other 1797
John Hughes Male 15 Other 1840
David S E Mercy Male 14 Other 1841
Orin Bates Male 14 Other 1841
Isaac Markwell Male 14 Other 1841
Ambrose Peacock Male 13 Other 1842
Oscar Merchant Male 12 Other 1843
Edward A Shock Male 12 Other 1843
Jerome Fletcher Male 10 Other 1845
James Shock Male 11 Other 1844
Lawrence Shock Male 8 Other 1847
Noah Hughes Male 7 Other 1848
A Hallenbake Male 6 Other 1849
Flora Maxwell Female 13 Other 1842
Faney Markwell Female 9 Other 1846
J A Warren Female 12 Other 1843
Sarah M Buck Female 8 Other 1847
Pheba C Freeman Female 11 Other 1844
Mary Hollenback Female 7 Other 1848
S A Pemberton Female 6 Other 1849
Ella J Benedict Female 5 Other 1850
Eliza N Hanes Female 3 Other 1852
Fred Griffenham Male 29 Other 1826
Judah Bishop Female 84 Other 1771
Chauncey Prentiss Male 50 Other 1805
Jane Cass Male 30 Servant 1825
Dennis Cary Male 22 Other 1833
Daniel Mccartney Male 40 Other 1815
John Dunn Male 22 Other 1833
Chas Stoker Male 19 Other 1836
Edward Herley Male 22 Other 1833
image 34 of 57 David Stokes Male 22 Other 1833
James Stokes Male 24 Other 1831
49(1 crossed out) Brick 5000 550 Issachar Bates Male 64 Head 1791
Framed 1000 Rich Dean Male 57 Other 1798
Framed 500 James Fearney Male 63 Other 1792
Asa Seaton Male 62 Other 1793
Geo W Peavy Male 39 Other 1816
David Cole Male 77 Other 1778
Josep Goodnough Male 68 Other 1787
James Ostrander Male 68 Other 1787
Albert Peavy Male 9 Other 1846
Chas J Preater Male 44 Other 1811
Thos Beal Male 47 Other 1808
Benj Hughs Male 67 Other 1788
Rob Bernard Male 37 Other 1818
Daniel Young Male 53 Other 1802
Josep Young Male 19 Other 1836
Willard Young Male 13 Other 1842
Hosea Fuller Male 81 Other 1774
Geo Furbush Male 10 Other 1845
Sam Clark Male 27 Other 1828
Artemus Young Male 2 Other 1853
Jos Bedell Male 42 Other 1813
Chas Seaton Male 4 Other 1851
Alex Melon Male 45 Other 1810
Wm Smith Male 15 Other 1840
Step Caulkings Male 16 Other 1839
Wm Hunter Male 45 Other 1810
John Copson Male 16 Other 1839
Chas Cotsenberger Male 19 Other 1836
Joseph Wilson Male 16 Other 1839
John Melon Male 12 Other 1843
L Green Male 8 Other 1847
B Green Male 5 Other 1850
F Green Male 0 Other 1855
Josep Fairbanks Male 10 Other 1845
Milfor Davies Male 13 Other 1842
P Bates Female 48 Other 1807
Irene Bates Female 31 Other 1824
Elisabeth Youngs Female 72 Other 1783
Mary A Ayres Female 36 Other 1819
Abagail White Female 68 Other 1787
Clarrissa Shopelt Female 29 Other 1826
Harriett Hutchenson Female 47 Other 1808
Polly Ostrander Female 65 Other 1790
Mary A Newman Female 34 Other 1821
Sarah Beal Female 22 Other 1833
Lucy Horton Female 50 Other 1805
Cath Young Female 53 Other 1802
Perniel Kersey Female 40 Other 1815
Lucy Pierce Female 59 Other 1796
Deborah Knight Female 14 Other 1841
Annette Hutchenson Female 14 Other 1841
Emma York Female 18 Other 1837
Desire Butler Female 11 Other 1844
Lydia Prouty Female 51 Other 1804
Ann Wright Female 25 Other 1830
Ann Turbush Female 15 Other 1840
Susannah Young Female 29 Other 1826
Emily Yourk Female 12 Other 1843
Lucy Bates Female 23 Other 1832
Margaret Reed Female 15 Other 1840
Eliza Groot Female 16 Other 1839
Jane Wright Female 15 Other 1840
Loresa Wright Female 8 Other 1847
Helen Caulkins Female 12 Other 1843
Paulina Wright Female 2 Other 1853
Eliza A Derabrow Female 13 Other 1842
Elizabeth Dean Female 32 Other 1823
Caroline Buck Female 8 Other 1847
Mary A Atkinson Female 8 Other 1847
Susan J Seaton Female 27 Other 1828
Fanny Green Female 31 Other 1824
Abial Crary Female 70 Other 1785
David Hawkins Male 67 Head 1788
Ezekiel Coply Male 75 Other 1780
Gordon Horton Male 64 Other 1791
Samuel Rose Male 35 Other 1820
Nathaniel Fry Male 51 Other 1804
Daniel Brainard Male 62 Other 1793
Joseph Lafume Male 64 Other 1791
Chauncy Dibble Male 34 Other 1821
Cyrus Bates Male 32 Other 1823
Henry White Male 26 Other 1829
Geo A Loomis Male 15 Other 1840
David Barker Male 14 Other 1841
John Barker Male 14 Other 1841
Sam S Butler Male 13 Other 1842
Wm Bates Male 12 Other 1843
Geo G Van Dewater Male 12 Other 1843
image 35 of 57 Geo Carl Male 13 Other 1842
Arthur T Van Dewater Male 10 Other 1845
Joseph Carl Male 7 Other 1848
Josiah Barker Male 8 Other 1847
James Piquet Male 12 Other 1843
Sally Taylor Female 85 Other 1770
Pheba Lane Female 68 Other 1787
Jane G Hodgson Female 67 Other 1788
Loisa Fairchild Female 68 Other 1787
Cyntha Sherman Female 66 Other 1789
Cath Vedder Female 56 Other 1799
Harret Ingham Female 53 Other 1802
Martha Bates Female 51 Other 1804
Desire Harwood Female 58 Other 1797
Lucy Fairchild Female 48 Other 1807
Laura Prentiss Female 45 Other 1810
Sarah Taylor Female 45 Other 1810
Hester Gustin Female 43 Other 1812
Elen M Smith Female 33 Other 1822
Angeline Lafance Female 30 Other 1825
Sara I Baker Female 22 Other 1833
Philena Horton Female 17 Other 1838
Clarissa Glass Female 16 Other 1839
Loisa Cole Female 14 Other 1841
Emily Curtiss Female 12 Other 1843
Catharine Barker Female 11 Other 1844
Josephine Turbush Female 8 Other 1847
Mary A Van Dewater Female 6 Other 1849
496 Brick 8000 532 Stephe Wells Male 80 Head 1775 Trustee
frame 1000 Justice Harwood Male 65 Other 1790 Trustee
frame 500 Jesse Wells Male 77 Other 1778
Luther Wells Male 81 Other 1774
Joel Smith Male 65 Other 1790
Wm Seely Male 64 Other 1791
James Watkins Male 73 Other 1782
David Train Male 78 Other 1777
Chapman Buck* Male 57 Other 1798
Edward Powers Male 54 Other 1801
Simon Smith Male 56 Other 1799
Shebal Prentiss Male 57 Other 1798
James Lowe Male 57 Other 1798
Agustus Blaize Male 41 Other 1814
Alexader Young Male 39 Other 1816
Joseph Swince Male 27 Other 1828
Cornelius Faley Male 40 Other 1815
Shakers Andrew Harp Male 44 Other 1811
Augustus Stroble Male 43 Other 1812
Abe Deyermant Male 17 Other 1838
Chas Weyern Male 17 Other 1838
Abram Newman Male 39 Other 1816
Joseph Newman Male 19 Other 1836
Melvin Newman Male 14 Other 1841
Calvin Reynolds Male 24 Other 1831
James Hilten Male 17 Other 1838
Ed Filkins Male 14 Other 1841
Geo Newman Male 11 Other 1844
E Huntington Male 11 Other 1844
James Deyeiman Male 13 Other 1842
Isaac Anton Male 10 Other 1845
John Hunter Male 9 Other 1846
John Crandell Male 8 Other 1847
Nelson Bond Male 8 Other 1847
James Rosa Male 11 Other 1844
Conrad Payne Male 9 Other 1846
Henry Young Male 9 Other 1846
Wm Poucher Male 7 Other 1848
Emeline Clark Female 61 Other 1794
Hannah Wells Female 78 Other 1777
Mary Wicks Female 48 Other 1807
Betsy Wells Female 79 Other 1776
Eliza Bowser Female 90 Other 1765
Ann Bowser Female 69 Other 1786
Polly Beacon Female 66 Other 1789
Cath Damp Female 55 Other 1800
Pernelia Earl Female 53 Other 1802
Patience Earl Female 78 Other 1777
Eunice Copley Female 74 Other 1781
Maria Reynolds Female 49 Other 1806
Phebe Taylor Female 39 Other 1816
Hester Crandell Female 33 Other 1822
Rebeca Cortez Female 57 Other 1798
Re?Eca Reynolds Female 28 Other 1827
Mary A Whitacu? Female 55 Other 1800
H Young Female 78 Other 1777
Chelott Young Female 59 Other 1796
A Conklin Female 29 Other 1826
Cornelia Royers Female 22 Other 1833
Jannett Condon Female 26 Other 1829
Elsea Reyner Female 52 Other 1803
Elen Ward Female 43 Other 1812
image 36 of 57 Elmira Watkins Female 50 Other 1805
Eleanor Vedder Female 66 Other 1789
Elmira Fechout Female 36 Other 1819
Sally Bigelow Female 48 Other 1807
Polly Wicks Female 59 Other 1796
Ann Clement Female 55 Other 1800
Ann Lowe Female 45 Other 1810
Lucinda Harwood Female 59 Other 1796
Emeline Barnard Female 14 Other 1841
Georgeann Carrold Female 12 Other 1843
Maria Carrold Female 10 Other 1845
Louisa Crounse Female 6 Other 1849
Eliz Hiere Female 10 Other 1845
R Mcdonald Female 9 Other 1846
Louisa M Goff Female 8 Other 1847
Cath Dorance Female 8 Other 1847
Image 50 of 57 Name of the Owner, Agent of Manager of Farm Acres Cash Value
Shakers Improved Unimproved Of Farm Of Stock Of Tools & Implements
Copley & Miller 720 319 62450 3400 1161
Harwood & Wells 420 180 38000 2150 800
 ?ton & Pevy 300 200 30000 1600 765
Cyrus Bates 200 100 24000 1180 700


1855 State Census New Lebanon, New York

Dwelling No. Construction Material Value Family Number Name Sex Age Relationship to Head of Household Birth Year
341 Framed 8000 Shaker Family Jonathan Wood Male 63 Trustee 1792
“ “ Edward Fowler Male 55 Trustee 1800
342 Brick 4000 “ “ Amos Stewart Male 53 Other 1802
343 Framed 2000 “ “ Daniel Bowles Male 51 Other 1804
“ “ Daniel Crossman Male 45 Other 1810
“ “ Benjamin Gates Male 38 Other 1817
“ “ Joel Turner Male 83 Other 1772
“ “ Nicholas Bennet Male 82 Other 1773
“ “ Johnson Shafaley Male 81 Other 1774
“ “ Solomon King Male 79 Other 1776
“ “ David Rowley Male 75 Other 1780
“ “ Calvin Green Male 74 Other 1781
“ “ Nathan Williams Male 74 Other 1781
“ “ Henry Youngs Male 67 Other 1788
“ “ John H Dean Male 58 Other 1797
“ “ Isaac N Youngs Male 61 Other 1794
“ “ John Guildersleve Male 51 Other 1804
“ “ Fredrick Sizer Male 48 Other 1807
“ “ Barnabas Hinkley Male 47 Other 1808
“ “ George Meherstan Male 43 Other 1812
“ “ Orvin Haskin Male 39 Other 1816
“ “ Elisha Blakeman Male 36 Other 1819
“ “ Andrew Fortier Male 31 Other 1824
“ “ Samuel White Male 30 Other 1825
“ “ James Goodwin Male 29 Other 1826
“ “ Chainey Sears Male 22 Other 1833
“ “ Alexander Young Male 21 Other 1834
“ “ Gabriel Thompson Male 20 Other 1835
“ “ Williams Greaves Male 19 Other 1836
“ “ William Calver Male 18 Other 1837
“ “ James Thompson Male 17 Other 1838
“ “ Peter Greaves Male 16 Other 1839
“ “ Augustus Stone Male 16 Other 1839
“ “ George Rice Male 15 Other 1840
“ “ James Calver Male 15 Other 1840
“ “ Horatio Stone Male 15 Other 1840
“ “ Henry Kentsel Male 14 Other 1841
“ “ Otis Barker Male 14 Other 1841
“ “ Washington Rayson Male 13 Other 1842
“ “ Thomas Calder Male 13 Other 1842
“ “ George Thompson Male 13 Other 1842
“ “ Grove Wright Male 13 Other 1842
“ “ Stewart Brown Male 13 Other 1842
“ “ Joseph Slingerlon Male 10 Other 1845
“ “ Samuel Pierce Male 10 Other 1845
“ “ Robert K Lagat Male 9 Other 1846
“ “ Henry Calver Male 9 Other 1846
“ “ Wiliam M Wright Male 9 Other 1846
“ “ Aaron Slingerlon Male 8 Other 1847
“ “ Thomas C Wright Male 7 Other 1848
“ “ William Laget Male 14 Other 1841
“ “ William H Holt Male 8 Other 1847
“ “ Dwight Hinkley Male 49 Other 1806
“ “ Peter H Long Male 39 Other 1816
“ “ Charles Sizer Male 44 Other 1811
“ “ Acenith Clark Female 75 Other 1780
“ “ Betsey Bates Female 57 Other 1798
“ “ Eliza Ann Taylor Female 43 Other 1812
“ “ Hannah Ann Treadway Female 45 Other 1810
“ “ Thankful Goodrich Female 83 Other 1772
“ “ Cynthia Hamlin Female 81 Other 1774
“ “ Betsey Darrow Female 77 Other 1778
“ “ Molly Smith Female 75 Other 1780
“ “ Jane Smith Female 73 Other 1782
“ “ Molly Bennet Female 68 Other 1787
“ “ Sarah Bates Female 62 Other 1793
“ “ Prudence Morrill Female 61 Other 1794
Image 24 of 40 Angelic Vedder Female 58 Other 1797
Joannah Ketchel Female 58 Other 1797
Salley Bushnole Female 58 Other 1797
Eliza Thorpe Female 57 Other 1798
Rachel Sampson Female 32 Other 1823
Maria De Wite Female 51 Other 1804
Olin Brown Female 48 Other 1807
Leah Taylor Female 47 Other 1808
Mary A Mantle Female 47 Other 1808
Adazilla Potter Female 45 Other 1810
Ellena Potter Female 43 Other 1812
Elizaeth Bates Female 39 Other 1816
Polly Reed Female 37 Other 1818
Anna Dodson Female 36 Other 1819
Anny Reed Female 36 Other 1819
Maranda Barber Female 35 Other 1820
Abigail Hathaway Female 34 Other 1821
Maria Lassley Female 34 Other 1821
Horriet Goodwin Female 31 Other 1824
Elizabeth Sidle Female 30 Other 1825
Florinda Sears Female 36 Other 1819
Julia Scott Female 26 Other 1829
Louisa Young Female 25 Other 1830
Margaret Reamer Female 24 Other 1831
Emily Wilkinson Female 23 Other 1832
Antonette Belnapp Female 22 Other 1833
Elizabeth Cantrell Female 22 Other 1833
Ann M Greaves Female 22 Other 1833
Eunice Cantrell Female 20 Other 1835
Larina Belnapp Female 19 Other 1836
Augusta Stone Female 18 Other 1837
Adeline Cantrell Female 17 Other 1838
Julia Barker Female 17 Other 1838
Maria Maning Female 16 Other 1839
Weathly Maning Female 15 Other 1840
Ann Reynolds Female 15 Other 1840
Cornelia French Female 15 Other 1840
Ellen Rayson Female 15 Other 1840
Cecelia Conklin Female 14 Other 1841
Robena Gothrie Female 13 Other 1842
Dorotha Wright Female 12 Other 1843
Amelia Calver Unknown 11 Other 1844
Mary Rayson Female 12 Other 1843
Josephine Martin Female 8 Other 1847
Ellen Calver Female 8 Other 1847
Ellen Hart Female 7 Other 1848
Lizzie Rixtren Female 7 Other 1848
Mary Hart Female 4 Other 1851
Betsey Crossman Female 51 Other 1804
Jane Blanchard Female 42 Other 1813
Matilda Reed Female 38 Other 1817
Sarah A Lewis Female 42 Other 1813
Mary Hazzard Female 43 Other 1812
Tabitha Lapsley Female 36 Other 1819
Mary E Rae Female 4 Other 1851
John Rian Male Workman
Thomas Darmody Male 43 Workman 1812
Giles B Avery Male 39 Other 1816
Calvin G Reed Male 34 Other 1821
Samuel Johnson Male 79 Other 1776
Benjamin Lyon Male 74 Other 1781
Jesse Lewis Male 56 Other 1799
Hiram Rude Male 52 Other 1803
George Curtis Male 48 Other 1807
James Long Male 37 Other 1818
James P Vail Male 36 Other 1819
David Rea Male 32 Other 1823
George Long Male 29 Other 1826
Alonzo Hollister Male 25 Other 1830
Charles Reed Male 23 Other 1832
Osando Hollister Male 19 Other 1836
Joseph Holden Male 18 Other 1837
Andrew Barret Male 18 Other 1837
Henry Hollister Male 17 Other 1838
Levi Rierson Male 15 Other 1840
Jacob Hawkhurst Male 14 Other 1841
James Gray Male 14 Other 1841
William Gasting Male 14 Other 1841
Fredrich F Couse Male 14 Other 1841
Dudly Barret Male 13 Other 1842
Mathew Gray Male 13 Other 1842
David Lyle Male 12 Other 1843
Edward Gray Male 10 Other 1845
Thomas Shields Male 10 Other 1845
George Jones Male 9 Other 1846
William Carpenter Male 8 Other 1847
Samuel Shield Male 8 Other 1847
Thomas Carpenter Male 6 Other 1849
William Kew Male 4 Other 1851
Horace Haskins Male 49 Other 1806
Image 25 of 40 Robert Valentine Male 33 Other 1822
Hannah Blake Female 44 Other 1811
Augusta Launnier Female 41 Other 1814
Abigail Munson Female 87 Other 1768
Lucy Darrow Female 86 Other 1769
Lydia O'Brien Female 82 Other 1773
Sarah Hakins Female 80 Other 1775
Permilla Dickerson Female 76 Other 1779
Ruth Johnson Female 76 Other 1779
Sophia Avery Female 74 Other 1781
Hannah Train Female 71 Other 1784
Mary Stewart Female 58 Other 1797
Betsey Copley Female 58 Other 1797
Rhoby Bennet Female 57 Other 1798
Joannah Vinning Female 59 Other 1796
Sarah Smith Female 51 Other 1804
Rhoda Blake Female 46 Other 1809
Phebe Smith Female 44 Other 1811
Eliza Avery Female 41 Other 1814
Jane Rea Female 36 Other 1819
Hannah A Agnew Female 35 Other 1820
Nancy Dow Female 26 Other 1829
Adeline Sears Female 29 Other 1826
Margaret Lyon Female 20 Other 1835
Julia L Sears Female 20 Other 1835
Lucy A Haskins Female 18 Other 1837
Elizabeth A Sears Female 17 Other 1838
Mary Lyle Female 17 Other 1838
Mary J Turrell Female 16 Other 1839
Mary A Carpenter Female 19 Other 1836
Elizabeth S Lahuonby Female 12 Other 1843
Sarah A Carpenter Female 11 Other 1844
Lyrina Clyne Female 10 Other 1845
Margaret Mcgoflin Female Other
Emma E Cox Female 6 Other 1849
Dane Clyne Female 4 Other 1851
Mary Kew Female 5 Other 1850
Sarah A Spencer Female 38 Other 1817
John Sweeney Male 22 Workman 1833
Thomas Tobin Male 21 Workman 1834
344 Framed 60000 570 Daniel Hawkins Male 73 Trustee 1782
345 5000 Jethro Williams Male 84 Other 1771
346 1500 Eli Porter Male 78 Other 1777
John Bishop Male 78 Other 1777
James Bishop Male 76 Other 1779
Jeremiah Talcot Male 76 Other 1779
Amos Bishop Male 76 Other 1779
John Mantle Male 76 Other 1779
Caleb Shopley Male 75 Other 1780
Rufus Wheaton Male 75 Other 1780
John Remington Male 74 Other 1781
Samuel Spooner Male 73 Other 1782
James Farmhan Male 72 Other 1783
Nathan Haskins Male 65 Other 1790
Daniel Copley Male 63 Other 1792
John Mclain Male 67 Other 1788
Joseph Adams Male 61 Other 1794
John Hendrick Male 60 Other 1795
Ransom Smith Male 60 Other 1795
Rufus Crossman Male 56 Other 1799
Nelson Banks Male 55 Other 1800
Albert Green Male 54 Other 1801
William Justice Male 53 Other 1802
Albert Owen Male 50 Other 1805
Hrras Hurlburt Male 50 Other 1805
Jesse Street Male 52 Other 1803
James Smith Male 49 Other 1806
Henry Mantle Male 46 Other 1809
John Whiteman Male 32 Other 1823
Philemon Stewart Male 51 Other 1804
James Harris Male 35 Other 1820
De Witt C Brainard Male 27 Other 1828
Benjamin Blowers Male 27 Other 1828
Joseph Patterson Male 27 Other 1828
Robert Wagen Male 22 Other 1833
Mark Patterson Male 21 Other 1834
Alonzo Wing Male 18 Other 1837
William Roberts Male 17 Other 1838
Robert Walsh Male 16 Other 1839
Joseph Ostrom Male 15 Other 1840
Lorenzo Green Male 10 Other 1845
Thomas O'Hare Male 10 Other 1845
Nathaniel Berman Male 10 Other 1845
Joseph Butterfield Male 9 Other 1846
William Smith Male 12 Other 1843
Henry Ackerman Male 15 Other 1840
Franklin Brown Male 19 Other 1836
William Robertson Male 19 Other 1836
Thomas Conklin Male 12 Other 1843
John White Male 12 Other 1843
Image 26 of 40 Charles Old Male 7 Other 1848
Alexander Ames Male 12 Other 1843
Isaac Sacket Male 8 Other 1847
Francis Dubere Male 6 Other 1849
James Donnells Male 10 Other 1845
Stephen Belden Male 12 Other 1843
Francis Flinn Male 11 Other 1844
Orlando Chapman Male 12 Other 1843
Luanna Walder Female 89 Other 1766
Sarah Smith Female 89 Other 1766
Jane Bishop Female 86 Other 1769
Deborah Wheaton Female 84 Other 1771
Thomim Parmer Female 83 Other 1772
Elizabeth Munson Female 83 Other 1772
Cynthia Wheaton Female 80 Other 1775
Anna Denning Female 77 Other 1778
Sylvia Talcot Female 79 Other 1776
Hannah Bracket Female 77 Other 1778
Lucy Bacon Female 76 Other 1779
Lucy Chapmin Female 76 Other 1779
Molly Wilkins Female 76 Other 1779
Rachel Bishop Female 74 Other 1781
Hopweh Curtis Female 74 Other 1781
Ann Busby Female 74 Other 1781
Anna Williams Female 73 Other 1782
Anna David Female 73 Other 1782
Sarah Spencer Female 69 Other 1786
Mary Taylor Female 66 Other 1789
Lucy Hammond Female 64 Other 1791
Anna Gates Female 64 Other 1791
Abigail Rice Female 61 Other 1794
Susanna Shepheard Female 61 Other 1794
Hope Stile Smith Female 61 Other 1794
Margaret Wilson Female 62 Other 1793
Olive Salsbury Female 60 Other 1795
Polly Smith Female 58 Other 1797
Clarriss Chamberlin Female 57 Other 1798
Eliza Fowler Female 55 Other 1800
Bety Taylor Female 59 Other 1796
Elizabeth Justice Female 51 Other 1804
Elizabeth Fairbanks Female 49 Other 1806
Lydia Lewis Female 37 Other 1818
Louisa Chamberlin Female 49 Other 1806
Fanny Taylor Female 49 Other 1806
Chloe Wilson Female 50 Other 1805
Olive Wheeler Female 50 Other 1805
Julia Brooks Female 51 Other 1804
Sathen Donalds Female 33 Other 1822
Mary Bapet Female 13 Other 1842
Ellen Ream Female 4 Other 1851
Jenneta Sacket Female 6 Other 1849
347 Framed 25 371 Elizabeth Taylor Female 84 Head 1771
May not be part of the Shaker families William Taylor Male 40 Other 1815
Patrick Gibereway Male 20 Workman 1835
348 Framed 300 372 Joseph Lumbert Male 45 Head 1810
May not be part of the Shaker families Maria Lumbert Female 41 Wife 1814
Ambrose Lumbert Male 15 Child 1840
Mary E Lumbert Female 12 Child 1843
Emeline Lumbert Female 9 Child 1846
Emeline Going (Young) Female 32 Boarder 1823
James Barton Male 43 Boarder 1812
373 George Goodsell Male 25 Head 1830
Harriet Goodsell Female 26 Wife 1829
349 Framed 4000 374 Richard Bushnell Male 63 1st Elder 1792
Frederick W Evans Male 47 2nd Elder 1808
Seur Shaw Male 37 Other 1818
Henry Cantrell Male 49 Other 1806
John Shaw Male 63 Other 1792
Edward Chase Male 31 Other 1824
Moses Clemente Male 31 Other 1824
Timothy Rayson Male 26 Other 1829
John Greaves Male 28 Other 1827
Charles Greaves Male 27 Other 1828
John Boom Male 32 Other 1823
John Role Male 37 Other 1818
Edward Liddler Male 39 Other 1816
Asey Allen Male 46 Other 1809
William Offord Male 51 Other 1804
Isaac Brickett Male 37 Other 1818
James Glass Male 26 Other 1829
Saml Carpenter Male 22 Other 1833
Robt Allison Male 40 Other 1815
Edwin Pickers Male 19 Other 1836
Jacob Young Male 25 Other 1830
Thomas Taylor Male 32 Other 1823
George Walton Male 52 Other 1803
George Gary Male 52 Other 1803
Thomas Walton Male 14 Other 1841
Nancy Lockwood Female 64 Other 1791
Anna Cropman Female 61 Other 1794
Image 27 of 40 Maria Stewart Female 49 Other 1806
Jane Brainard Female 50 Other 1805
Emily Owen Female 48 Other 1807
Hannah Smith 47 Other 1808
Sylvia Russel 45 Other 1810
Jane Morris 45 Other 1810
Ximera Gates 44 Other 1811
Martha Billington 43 Other 1812
Louisa Rice 43 Other 1812
Mary Dickson 42 Other 1813
Phebe A Reynolds 42 Other 1813
Polly Lewis 40 Other 1815
Phebe A Jones 42 Other 1813
Ann Bushley 39 Other 1816
Polly E Taylor 39 Other 1816
Sun E Casburn 35 Other 1820
Lucenia Mcdonalds 34 Other 1821
Eliza Davis 33 Other 1822
Emily Smith 31 Other 1824
Maria Hardwick 30 Other 1825
Ann E Charles 28 Other 1827
Martha J Brainard 29 Other 1826
Josaphine Dow 22 Other 1833
Dorcas Sweet 22 Other 1833
Clarissa Jacobs 22 Other 1833
Elizabeth Hardwick 21 Other 1834
Hannah Ragarte 20 Other 1835
Caroline Sharp 22 Other 1833
Caroline Basset 21 Other 1834
Adeline Dunn 18 Other 1837
Charlotte Sharp 18 Other 1837
Amanda Tiffaney 14 Other 1841
Anna J Ostram 13 Other 1842
Olie O'Hore 11 Other 1844
Jane O'Hore 9 Other 1846
Sally O Bailey 11 Other 1844
Anna Ludlum 10 Other 1845
Mary Ludlum 8 Other 1847
Abrilla Riche 7 Other 1848
Ellen Old 10 Other 1845
Amelia Old 5 Other 1850
Catharine Hulet 12 Other 1843
Susan Hulet 10 Other 1845
Eliza Ludlum 6 Other 1849
Ellen Greene 13 Other 1842
Savina Salsbury Female 57 Other 1798
Charlotte Brown Female 54 Other 1801
Emily Sears Female 51 Other 1804
Jane Knight Female 49 Other 1806
Elizabeth Gardey Female 46 Other 1809
Antoinette Doolittle Female 44 Other 1811
Eunice Cantrell Female 44 Other 1811
Minerva Reynolds Female 37 Other 1818
Rhode Hollister Female 38 Other 1817
Elizabeth Sutton Female 37 Other 1818
Maria Blaw Female 35 Other 1820
Harriet Bullard Female 34 Other 1821
Ann Carpenter Female 30 Other 1825
Sarah Greaves Female 37 Other 1818
Mary Hart Female 30 Other 1825
Eliza Rayson Female 40 Other 1815
Anna White Female 22 Other 1833
Fany Tyson Female 24 Other 1831
Eliza Hallet Female 19 Other 1836
Laura Sanborn Female 48 Other 1807
Phebe A Gillmore Female 36 Other 1819
Rhode Offord Female 15 Other 1840
Ann Offord Female 14 Other 1841
Image 36 of 40 Name of the Owner, Agent of Manager of Farm Acres Cash Value
Improved Unimproved Of Farm Of Stock Of Tools & Implements
Jonathan Wood 567 119 45000 6545 127 Trustee
Edward Fowler Trustee
David J Hawkins Trustee
Rufus Crossman 445 115 50000 5560 3000 Trustee
Richard Bushnell Trustee
Fredrick Witemans 300 37 30000 4800 1026 Trustee
Image 38 of 40 Industry other than Agruicultural
Name of person or company owning the shop, factory, mine, quarry, or other object of industry Name of Business or Manufacture
Jonathan Wood Tannery
Edward Fowler Blacksmith Shop
Grist Mill
Seed Establishment
Herb Factory
Daniel Hawkins Chair Broom Factory
Rufus Crossman Woolen Factory
Herb Factory
Seed Establishment
Richard Busnell Saw Mill


1860 Census

1860 Watervliet, Albany County, New York

There are clusters of buildings in the Historic Shaker District which include, The Church Family (where the most devout and experienced Shakers lived), North Family (manufacturers of goods to sell on the Erie Canal), West Family ( the gardeners) and South Family (housing children and new converts) buildings. The east boundary runs through the existing Ann Lee County Home and includes the Church Family buildings near the airport (which was built where the community herb garden once stood. The 2nd meetinghouse build in 1848 is among this group of buildings.

Name Sex Age Birth Year Place of Birth Color Page Number
House 2502 Family 3060 Chauncey Miller Male 45 1815 New York White 405 Farmer
Stanton Buckinghan Male 58 1802 New York White 405 “ “
David Buckinghan Male 57 1803 New York White 405 “ “
Chauncey Copiley Male 56 1804 Connecticut White 405 “ “
Chas Bracket Male 53 1807 Maine White 405 “ “
John S Duker Male 47 1813 New York White 405 “ “
Abram Hendrickson Male 81 1779 New York White 405 Herbist
James Langrize Male 41 1819 England White 405 “ “
Ephraim Prentice Male 58 1802 New York White 405 Dentist
Geo B Price Male 42 1818 New York White 405 Blacksmith
Sylvester Prentice Male 54 1806 New York White 405 Farmer
Daniel Spearman Male 47 1813 Massachusetts White 405 Seamster or Teamster
John P Smith Male 25 1835 Massachusetts White 405 Farmer
Fragift Wells Male 75 1785 New York White 405 Carpenter
Nehemiah White Male 37 1823 New York White 405 Farmer
Albert Triess Male 64 1796 Connecticut White 405 Shoe Maker
Oscar Merchant Male 18 1842 New York White 405 Tailor
2503 3061 South Family Cornelius Young Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Winfield Smith Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Chas Lee Male 14 1846 England White 405
Henry Scranton Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Thos Garrigan Male 16 1844 New York White 405 Farm Labour
James Gibson Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Clarence Tuthill Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Loren Shook Male 14 1846 New York White 405
Francis Thayer Male 13 1847 New York White 405
Thos Almond Male 13 1847 New York White 405
Ezra Scranton Male 12 1848 New York White 405
Abram Hallenbeck Male 11 1849 New York White 405
Chas Tinkham Male 11 1849 New York White 405
Emil Hufemes Male 10 1850 Germany White 405
Chas Otis Male 10 1850 New York White 405
Lewis Thayer Male 9 1851 New York White 405
Benjamin Dewett Male 9 1851 New York White 405
Artley Young Male 8 1852 New York White 405
2504 3062 Anna Cober Female 91 1769 Rhode Island White 405
Lydia Annis Female 44 1816 New York White 405 Or Lydia Annas, born September 12, 1816, Lydia was brought to the Shakers when she was seven years old. She spent many years living in the Office. In 1842 she became a Trustee. There is strong possibility that she authored the “Ann Buckingham journals” from 1837-1858 while Ann was occupied elsewhere. Lydia spent a lot of time making baskets, splint fans, and bottoming chairs. During this time she also served as First Deaconess until 1875. Lydia died in 1897. see image far left front row https://home.shakerheritage.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Shaker-group.jpg
Jeannette Angus Female 50 1810 New York White 405
Phoebe A Buckingham Female 56 1804 New York White 405
Camantha Boyd Female 21 1839 New York White 405
Pg 406 Caroline Dennis Female 57 1803 New York White 406 Housework
Lucy Fuller Female 47 1813 Massachusetts White 406 “ “
Catharine Ferguson Female 44 1816 Scotland White 406 “ “
Maria Finch Female 41 1819 New York White 406 “ “
Ruth Green Female 45 1815 New York White 406 “ “
Betsey A Hawkins Female 69 1791 Connecticut White 406 “ “
Mary Harwood Female 68 1792 Massachusetts White 406 “ “
Elizabeth B Harrison Female 48 1812 England White 406 “ “
Adelade Ingham Female 27 1833 New York White 406 “ “
Eunis Johnson Female 80 1780 New York White 406 “ “
Abigal Messenger Female 48 1812 New York White 406 “ “
Zeviah Spicer Female 80 1780 New York White 406 “ “
Elizabeth Suley Female 49 1811 Connecticut White 406 “ “
Elizabeth Train Female 67 1793 Massachusetts White 406 “ “
Orange M Treadway Female 50 1810 New York White 406 “ “
Hannah A Treadway Female 48 1812 New York White 406 “ “
Catharine Vedder Female 61 1799 New York White 406 “ “
Matilda Wills Female 43 1817 New York White 406 “ “
Ornilla White Female 44 1816 Vermont White 406 “ “
Sarah N Wood Female 25 1835 Vermont White 406 “ “
Eliza Ask Female 50 1810 New York White 406 “ “
2505 3063 Eliza Wells Female 63 1797 New York White 406 “ “
Phoebe A Smith Female 43 1817 New York White 406 “ “
Elen Russell Female 18 1842 Massachusetts White 406 “ “
Mary Nelson Female 18 1842 New York White 406 “ “
Josephine Nelson Female 15 1845 New York White 406 “ “
Margaret Matthews Female 16 1844 New York White 406 “ “
Elizabeth Mc Cord Female 17 1843 New York White 406 “ “
Margret Hallenbeck Female 14 1846 New York White 406
Barbara Hooper Female 14 1846 Germany White 406
Adelaid Woods Female 14 1846 New York White 406
Julia Mc Nally Female 14 1846 New York White 406 or Julie McNallen, born September 13, 1846, died 1931. No record of her arrival date has come to light. In 1862 she is a “school girl” and by May of 1873 is in charge of the dairy. Julia left the Shakers for three weeks in August of 1878. In 1926, she was one of the four members refusing to move to the South Family when the Church Family land was sold. Three other members moved in 1923 to the South Family. By 1928 Julia had left the Shakers. Her whereabouts from this date until her death in 1931 is unknown. The last South Family journal was kept by Lucy Bowers only from 1919 until 1931. See image front row 4th from left
Emma Dewitt Female 14 1846 New York White 406
Laura Dewitt Female 14 1846 New York White 406
Okkelia Brown Female 11 1849 New York White 406
Mary J Price Female 11 1849 England White 406
Sarah C Pennington Female 11 1849 England White 406
Hariet Leigh Female 11 1849 England White 406
Catharine Hallenbeck Female 9 1851 England White 406
Josephine Orcutt Female 11 1849 England White 406
Page 407 Catharine M Nelson Female 11 1849 New York White 407
Isabella Russell Female 10 1850 Massachusetts White 407
Ellen Benedict Female 10 1850 New York White 407
Eliza A Haynes Female 9 1851 New York White 407
Harriet Vaughn Female 8 1852 New York White 407
Emiley Leigh Female 7 1853 New York White 407
Clarissa Brown Female 9 1851 New York White 407
Sarah Dean Female 61 1799 Connecticut White 407 House Keeper
2506 3064 Joel Smith Male 70 1790 Massachusetts White 407 Shoemaker
James Low Male 62 1798 England White 407 Gardner
Jessie Wells Male 82 1778 New York White 407 Joiner
Luther Wells Male 86 1774 New York White 407 Tailor
Stephen Wells Male 85 1775 New York White 407 Farmer
Justus Harwood Male 70 1790 Mississippi White 407 “ “
Wm Suley Male 69 1791 Connecticut White 407 “ “
James Watkyns Male 78 1782 New Jersey White 407 Wagon Maker
Jc Burkingham Male 62 1798 New York White 407 School Teacher
Edward Powers Male 59 1801 Canada White 407 Blacksmith
Simon Smith Male 61 1799 Maine White 407 “ “
Shulal Prentice Male 56 1804 New York White 407 Harness Maker
Augustus Blaze Male 46 1814 Germany White 407 Farmer
Alexander Young Male 44 1816 New York White 407 Miller
Andrew Hiass Male 44 1816 Germany White 407 Farmer
Calvin Reynolds Male 29 1831 New York White 407 “ “
Simon Bower Male 61 1799 Germany White 407 “ “
Chas Peck Male 35 1825 Germany White 407 “ “
James Malone Male 23 1837 New York White 407 “ “
Daniel Grons Male 18 1842 New York White 407 “ “
Stephen Defendorf Male 17 1843 New York White 407 “ “
Nelson Nichols Male 18 1842 New York White 407 Tailor
J H Millett Male 18 1842 New York White 407 Carpenter
Augustus Sanborgh Male 18 1842 Germany White 407 Farmer
Henry C Smith Male 16 1844 Germany White 407 “ “
Isaac Anstall Male 15 1845 Germany White 407 “ “
James Rosa Male 15 1845 Germany White 407 “ “
Daniel Benjamin Male 17 1843 New York White 407 “ “
George Turbush Male 16 1844 New York White 407 “ “
Henry Benjamin Male 15 1845 New York White 407 “ “
2507 3065 Conrad Payne Male 14 1846 New York White 407
Nelson Bond Male 11 1849 New York White 407
Pg 408 J W Briandmore Male 11 1849 New York White 408
James Landus Male 8 1852 New York White 408
Jeremiah Landus Male 6 1854 New York White 408
2508 3066 Elizabeth Stephens Female 12 1848 New York White 408
Margaret Harvey Female 11 1849 New York White 408
Emma Simps Female 8 1852 New York White 408
Melissa Landus Female 5 1855 New York White 408
Eliza Megill Female 2 1858 New York White 408
Elenor Vedder Female 71 1789 New York White 408 House Keeper
Nancy Wicks Female 53 1807 New York White 408 “ “
Emeline Clark Female 66 1794 New York White 408 “ “
Hannah Wells Female 84 1776 New York White 408 “ “
Betsy Wells Female 84 1776 New York White 408 “ “
Polly Bacon Female 71 1789 Massachusetts White 408 “ “
Permelia Earles Female 58 1802 New York White 408 “ “
Patience Earles Female 83 1777 Massachusetts White 408 “ “
A M Reynolds Female 54 1806 New York White 408 “ “
Phoebe Taylor Female 44 1816 Connecticut White 408 “ “
Hester Crandall Female 38 1822 New York White 408 “ “
Rebecca Carter Female 72 1788 New York White 408 “ “
Hannah Young Female 83 1777 New York White 408 “ “
Charlotte Young Female 74 1786 New York White 408 “ “
Angeline Conklin Female 34 1826 New York White 408 School Teacher
Elea Reamer Female 57 1803 Canada White 408 House Keeper
Ellen Ward Female 50 1810 Ireland White 408 “ “
Elmira Watkyns Female 55 1805 New York White 408 “ “
Elmira Tickout Female 41 1819 New York White 408 “ “
Anna Clement Female 60 1800 New York White 408 “ “
Polly Wicks Female 74 1786 Massachusetts White 408 “ “
Anna Megill Female 32 1828 Ireland White 408 “ “
Mary Stewart Female 63 1797 Vermont White 408 “ “
Jerusha Smith Female 60 1800 New York White 408 “ “
Orpha Degroot Female 51 1809 Canada White 408 “ “
Sarah Devlin Female 23 1837 New York White 408 “ “
Margaret Devlin Female 21 1839 New York White 408 “ “
Lucy O Neil Female 63 1797 Ireland White 408 “ “
Jerusha Truan Female 46 1814 New York White 408 “ “
Maria Carrol Female 15 1845 New York White 408 “ “
Louisa Carrol Female 11 1849 New York White 408
Anata Young Female 11 1849 Ireland White 408
Pg 409 Image 146 of 157 Mary Tansy Female 10 1850 Ireland White 409
Margret Prator Female 16 1844 New York White 409
Frances Hardy Female 15 1845 New York White 409
Rachel Mc Donald Female 13 1847 New York White 409
Catharine Mc Graw Female 13 1847 New York White 409
Lucy Hardy Female 13 1847 New York White 409
Celestia Rose Female 12 1848 New York White 409
2509 3067 Isaak Bates Male 69 1791 New York White 409 Carpenter
Burkard Dean Male 62 1798 England White 409 Shoe Maker
Asah Seaton Male 67 1793 New York White 409 Farmer
Joseph Goodman Male 73 1787 New York White 409 “ “
David Cole Male 81 1779 Vermont White 409 “ “
Jas Ostrander Male 73 1787 New York White 409 “ “
Chas Prater Male 50 1810 Germany White 409 Carpenter
Wm Hunter Male 55 1805 Ireland White 409 Farmer
Thomas Nevoit Male 48 1812 England White 409 “ “
Wm Warnndiff Male 25 1835 England White 409 “ “
Wm Brestell Male 50 1810 Maine White 409 “ “
Daniel Youngs Male 60 1800 New York White 409 “ “
Joseph Youngs Male 24 1836 New York White 409 “ “
Gordon Horton Male 69 1791 Connecticut White 409 “ “
George Hossany Male 53 1807 Germany White 409 “ “
Alazander Mellen Male 50 1810 Scotland White 409 “ “
Benjamin Brown Male 23 1837 Massachusetts White 409 “ “
James Finch Male 22 1838 New York White 409 “ “
Benjamin Hughes Male 73 1787 England White 409 “ “
Thomas Edwards Male 71 1789 England White 409 “ “
George Dewitt Male 45 1815 New York White 409 “ “
Ernest C Lafrentz Male 45 1815 Denmark White 409 “ “
John Hughes Male 23 1837 Ireland White 409 “ “
Jacob Bower Male 37 1823 Germany White 409 “ “
Robert Bernard Male 42 1818 England White 409 “ “
2510 3068 Maria Gillott Female 61 1799 New York White 409 House Keeper
Pauline Bates Female 55 1805 New York White 409 “ “
Elizabeth Young Female 77 1783 New York White 409 “ “
Lucy Pierce Female 74 1786 New York White 409 “ “
Lucy Horton Female 65 1795 Massachusetts White 409 “ “
Polly Ostrander Female 71 1789 Massachusetts White 409 “ “
Donich Butler Female 64 1796 New York White 409 “ “
Electa Talemadge Female 64 1796 Connecticut White 409 “ “
Pg 410 Image 147 of 157 Molly Osborn Female 60 1800 Connecticut White 410 “ “
Lydia Prouty Female 56 1804 Vermont White 410 “ “
Mary A Hitgus Female 40 1820 England White 410 “ “
Sarah Ball Female 27 1833 England White 410 “ “
Charlotte Yale Female 40 1820 New York White 410 “ “
Clarissa Shoefelt Female 35 1825 New York White 410 “ “
Irena Bates Female 36 1824 New York White 410 “ “
Sarah Nevoit Female 49 1811 Ireland White 410 “ “
Ann Lyons Female 29 1831 England White 410 “ “
Emily York Female 17 1843 England White 410 “ “
Jane Wright Female 19 1841 England White 410 “ “
Elizabeth Leonard Female 18 1842 England White 410 “ “
Emma York Female 23 1837 England White 410 “ “
Susan Grun Female 42 1818 Ohio Black 410 “ “
Clara Dewitt Female 37 1823 New York White 410 “ “
Margaret Marks Female 31 1829 Germany White 410 “ “
Deborah Knight Female 18 1842 New York Mulatto 410 “ “
Amelia Button Female 16 1844 Connecticut White 410 “ “
Prudence Delphine Female 15 1845 New York White 410 “ “
2511 3069 Lorenzo Mc Quillan Male 15 1845 New York White 410 Farmer
James H Mc Quillan Male 17 1843 New York White 410 “ “
Owen Mc Quillan Male 15 1845 New York White 410 “ “
George Wayer Male 15 1845 New York White 410 “ “
John Hunter Male 14 1846 New York White 410
Alamanda Tagart Male 14 1846 New York White 410
Benjamin De Witt Male 9 1851 New York White 410
Chas De Witt Male 4 1856 New York White 410
Frank De Witt Male 1 1859 New York White 410
2512 3070 Hamnah De Witt Female 13 1847 New York White 410
Laura De Witt Female 12 1848 New York White 410
Sarah De Witt Female 10 1850 New York White 410
Clara De Witt Female 10 1850 New York White 410
Mary A Atkins Female 13 1847 New York White 410
Susan Wright Female 13 1847 New York White 410
Margaret Hossany Female 10 1850 New York White 410
Pauline Lyons Female 7 1853 New York White 410 [22]

1860 New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

Name Sex Age Birth Year Place of Birth Color Page Number
Dwelling 240 Family 244 Jethro Williams Male 89 1771 New Hampshire White 30
James Bishop Male 81 1779 Massachusetts White 30
Jeremiah Talcott Male 81 1779 Massachusetts White 30
John Mantle Male 80 1780 England White 30
Pg 31 image 31 of 56 Daniel Copley Male 68 1792 Vermont White 31
Joseph Adams Male 66 1794 England White 31
John Hedrick Male 65 1795 Massachusetts White 31
Ransom Smith Male 65 1795 New York White 31
Nelson Banks Male 60 1800 Connecticut White 31
William Whiting Male 60 1800 Connecticut White 31
William Justice Male 68 1792 New York White 31
Thomas Taylor Male 69 1791 England White 31
Amos Stuart Male 58 1802 Massachusetts White 31
Isaac Bricket Male 41 1819 England White 31
Barney Slyter Male 34 1826 Switzerland White 31
Dewit C Brainard Male 32 1828 New York White 31
Joseph Pattison Male 32 1828 England White 31
Robert Wagan Male 27 1833 New York White 31
Mark Pattison Male 26 1834 England White 31
Gilbert Ward Male 15 1845 Vermont White 31
Joseph Ostram Male 20 1840 New York White 31
Thomas Carthlin Male 16 1844 New York White 31
Joseph Butterfield Male 16 1844 New York White 31
Nathaniel Burvine Male 16 1844 New York White 31
Theander Norton Male 15 1845 New York White 31
Gilbert Ward Male 10 1850 Vermont White 31
William A Allen Male 51 1809 New York White 31
Jesse Lewis Male 62 1798 New York White 31
Samuel Smith Male 59 1801 England White 31
Jane Bishop Female 91 1769 Massachusetts White 31
Deborah Wheaton Female 89 1771 Massachusetts White 31
Cyntha Wheaton Female 87 1773 Massachusetts White 31
Anma Demming Female 82 1778 New York White 31
Lucy Chapman Female 81 1779 New York White 31
Lucy Bacon Female 81 1779 Massachusetts White 31
Rachel Bishop Female 79 1781 New York White 31
Ann Buzbee Female 79 1781 New Jersey White 31
Ann Gates Female 79 1781 Massachusetts White 31
Abigail Rice Female 76 1784 Massachusetts White 31
Susanna Shepherd Female 76 1784 New York White 31
Polly Smith Female 63 1797 New York White 31
Betty Taylor Female 58 1802 England White 31
Elisabeth Justice Female 56 1804 New Jersey White 31
Lydia Lewis Female 56 1804 Massachusetts White 31
Page 32 Image 32 of 56 Julia Brooks Female 55 1805 Connecticut White 32
Jane Brainard Female 55 1805 Massachusetts White 32
Fanny Taylor Female 54 1806 England White 32
Merrilla Fairbanks Female 54 1806 Massachusetts White 32
Louisa Chamberlain Female 54 1806 New York White 32
Maria Stuart Female 53 1807 New York White 32
Hannah Smith Female 52 1808 New York White 32
Jane Morris Female 50 1810 England White 32
Hymenier Gates Female 49 1811 New York White 32
Phebe A Jones Female 49 1811 New York White 32
Mary Dixion Female 46 1814 New York White 32
Martha Billington Female 44 1816 Vermont White 32
Ann F Buzby Female 43 1817 New Jersey White 32
Alice O Hare Female 16 1844 England White 32
Ann E Coburn Female 38 1822 New York White 32
Lucina Mc Donald Female 37 1823 Vermont White 32
Eliza Davis Female 37 1823 Pennsylvania White 32
Emily Smith Female 36 1824 New York White 32
Maria Hedrick Female 36 1824 New York White 32
Ann E Charles Female 34 1826 New York White 32
Josephine Dow Female 27 1833 New York White 32
Caroline Sharp Female 27 1833 New York White 32
Clarrissa Jacob Female 27 1833 New York White 32
Elisabeth Hedrick Female 26 1834 New York White 32
Adaline Dunn Female 23 1837 New York White 32
Charlotte Sharp Female 23 1837 New York White 32
Amanda Tiffany Female 19 1841 Connecticut White 32
Catherine Hewit Female 18 1842 New York White 32
Emma J Ostrain Female 17 1843 New York White 32
Susan Hewit Female 17 1843 New York White 32
Sally A Baily Female 16 1844 Massachusetts White 32
Ellen Olds Female 15 1845 New York White 32
Anna M Gendlun Female 18 1842 New York White 32
249 245 William C Roberts Male 21 1839 New York White 32
Charles W Olds Male 12 1848 New York White 32
John L Crane Male 11 1849 Massachusetts White 32
Charles Taylor Male 12 1848 New York White 32
George Taylor Male 9 1851 New York White 32
William Tilton Male 11 1849 New York White 32
James Sleeper Male 15 1845 New York White 32
Pg 33 John Sleeper Male 17 1843 New York White 33
George Parker Male 14 1846 Rhode Island White 33
Alex Parker Male 12 1848 Rhode Island White 33
Charles Parker Male 10 1850 Rhode Island White 33
William Parker Male 7 1853 Rhode Island White 33
Isaac Eticher Male 12 1848 Rhode Island White 33
Edward Costar Male 11 1849 Rhode Island White 33
Polly Ann Taylor Female 43 1817 New York White 33
Eliza T Ludlum Female 10 1850 New York White 33
Alwilda Ritchie Female 10 1850 New York White 33
Amelia J Olds Female 10 1850 New York White 33
Jane O Hare Female 14 1846 England White 33
A Emmelia Ostran Female 41 1819 New York White 33
Mary E Hill Female 12 1848 New York White 33
Harriet Pasho Female 12 1848 Massachusetts White 33
Julia Pasho Female 8 1852 Massachusetts White 33
Dems Pasho Female 10 1850 Massachusetts White 33
Jennie Wade Female 10 1850 Virginia White 33
Ida Wade Female 6 1854 Virginia White 33
Elenor A Parker Female 6 1854 Rhode Island White 33
Rufus Wheaten Male 80 1780 Massachusetts White 33
Daniel Hawkins Male 79 1781 New York White 33
John Mc Lane Male 72 1788 Massachusetts White 33
Albert Green Male 59 1801 New York White 33
Albert Owen Male 53 1807 New York White 33
Horace Hurlburt Male 54 1806 New York White 33
James Harris Male 40 1820 New York White 33
Henry Manth Male 59 1801 England White 33
Lonzo Wing Male 22 1838 New York White 33
Thomas Burke Male 18 1842 Ireland White 33
Lorenzo Green Male 18 1842 New York White 33
Edward Sherburn Male 14 1846 New York White 33
Isaac Sacket Male 12 1848 Massachusetts White 33
Lafayette Daley Male 17 1843 Massachusetts White 33
John Lockwood Male 68 1792 New York White 33
Anna Davis Female 78 1782 Massachusetts White 33
Anna Williams Female 79 1781 New Hampshire White 33
Lucy Hanmond Female 59 1801 New York White 33
Margaret Wilson Female 65 1795 Ireland White 33
Hopestete Smith Female 65 1795 New York White 33
Pg 34 Olive Salsbury Female 64 1796 Rhode Island White 34
Clara Chamberlain Female 62 1798 New York White 34
Elisabeth Fowler Female 60 1800 New York White 34
Emily Owens Female 53 1807 New York White 34
Sylvia Russel Female 50 1810 Massachusetts White 34
Louisa Rice Female 48 1812 Massachusetts White 34
Phebe Reynolds Female 47 1813 New York White 34
Betsy Stone Female 47 1813 Vermont White 34
Dorcas Sweet Female 26 1834 Massachusetts White 34
Eliza Smith Female 61 1799 Connecticut White 34
Charlotte Butterfield Female 18 1842 New York White 34
Lovinia Clynn Female 16 1844 Massachusetts White 34
245 249 Susannah Walker Female 44 1816 Massachusetts White 34
Polly Lewis Female 45 1815 Massachusetts White 34
Lizzie Rexstrew Female 12 1848 New York White 34
Jane Brodwell Female 10 1850 New York White 34
Janet Sacket Female 9 1851 Massachusetts White 34
Ellen Ryan Female 9 1851 New York White 34
Sarah J Winter Female 13 1847 New York White 34
Anna E Angers Female 12 1848 New York White 34
Augusta Barras Female 13 1847 New York White 34
246 250 Patience Vining Female 58 1802 Massachusetts White 34 These households may not be part of the Shaker community.
Sarah M Mesenger Female 12 1848 Massachusetts White 34
Amos Lewis Male 63 1797 Massachusetts White 34
George Taylor Male 53 1807 England White 34
Lucy Taylor Female 41 1819 New York White 34
Elizabeth Taylor Female 17 1843 New York White 34
Jared N Haye Male 29 1831 Connecticut White 34
Lucinda A Haye Female 23 1837 Massachusetts White 34
Saml S Williams Male 38 1822 Massachusetts White 34
Mary Williams Female 28 1832 Massachusetts White 34
Anson M Williams Male 11 1849 Massachusetts White 34
Amanda M Williams Female 8 1852 Massachusetts White 34
249 254 Frederick W Evans Male 51 1809 England White 34 Horticulturist $43,000 Real Estate 10,860 personal property Elder Frederick William Evans b 9 June 1808 England, died 6 March 1893 New Lebanon, NY. see https://www.shakermuseum.us/people/?id=11 for bio and image
Timothy Razen Male 34 1826 England White 34
Richard Bushnel Male 68 1792 Massachusetts White 34
John Shaw Male 67 1793 Ireland White 34
Louis Shaw Male 41 1819 Pennsylvania White 34
Daniel Fraser Male 58 1802 Scotland White 34
Henry Cantrell Male 48 1812 Massachusetts White 34
John Brown Male 34 1826 Ireland White 35
Moses Clament Male 33 1827 Massachusetts White 35
James Glass Male 30 1830 New York White 35
Clark Hayden Male 40 1820 Pennsylvania White 35
John Graves Male 30 1830 New York White 35
Charles Graves Male 31 1829 New York White 35
William Offord Male 58 1802 England White 35
Francis Ray Male 27 1833 Vermont White 35
Charles Larken Male 41 1819 Ireland White 35
Augustus Blaflen Male 50 1810 England White 35
Richard Duedale Male 49 1811 England White 35
John Robe Male 41 1819 St Croix W I White 35
Kael Roing Male 30 1830 Mecklenburgh White 35
William Andeson Male 18 1842 New York White 35
Daniel Offord Male 16 1844 England White 35
George Clough Male 11 1849 Massachusetts White 35
James Boardman Male 42 1818 Vermont White 35
Watson Goodwin Male 16 1844 Connecticut White 35
Antinett Dolitle Female 40 1820 New York White 35
Harriet Ballard Female 30 1830 Vermont White 35
Olive Holden Female 47 1813 Massachusetts White 35
250 255 Eliza H Sutton Female 36 1824 New York White 35
Anna Crossman Female 50 1810 Vermont White 35
Nancy Lockwood Female 65 1795 Connecticut White 35
Jane Knight Female 47 1813 Pennsylvania White 35
Phebe Banhouton Female 42 1818 New York White 35
Lovina Salsbury Female 59 1801 Connecticut White 35
Maria Blow Female 38 1822 New York White 35
Mineva Reynolds Female 40 1820 New York White 35
Eliza Rayson Female 26 1834 England White 35
Anna White Female 28 1832 New Jersey White 35
Fanny Tyson Female 24 1836 Pennsylvania White 35
Phoda Offord Female 20 1840 England White 35
Ann Offord Female 18 1842 England White 35
Martha Anderson Female 17 1843 New York White 35
Margaret Patterson Female 28 1832 New York White 35
Rachel Webb Female 36 1824 New York White 35
Mary Watson Female 13 1847 New Jersey White 35
Elizabeth Moore Female 13 1847 New York White 35
Corrina Bishop Female 17 1843 Connecticut White 35
Pg 36 image 36 of 56 Cecilia Devere Female 25 1835 Ireland White 36
Mary Stevens Female 14 1846 New York White 36
Emma Fitzgerald Female 16 1844 New York White 36
Rhoda Hollister Female 40 1820 Vermont White 36
Jane Butler Female 32 1828 New York White 36
Sarah Butler Female 13 1847 New York White 36
251 256 Daniel Boler Male 56 1804 Kentucky White 36 Clergyman Shaker Ch
Giles B Avery Male 44 1816 Connecticut White 36 Do
Betsy Bates Female 62 1798 New York White 36 Seamstress
Eliza Taylor Female 48 1812 England White 36 Do
252 257 Daniel Crossman Male 49 1811 Vermont White 36
Peter H Long Male 44 1816 New York White 36
Johnson Shaply Male 86 1774 Massachusetts White 36
Calvin Green Male 79 1781 Massachusetts White 36
Nathan Williams Male 79 1781 New Hampshire White 36
Henry Young Male 72 1788 New York White 36
Jonathan Wood Male 63 1797 Massachusetts White 36
Isaac N Young Male 66 1794 New York White 36
John Guilderslave Male 56 1804 New York White 36
Dwight Hinkly Male 54 1806 Massachusetts White 36
Frederick Lizer Male 53 1807 Connecticut White 36
Barnabas Hinkly Male 52 1808 Massachusetts White 36
Andrew Fortier Male 36 1824 Canada E White 36
Samuel White Male 35 1825 England White 36
Chancey Lewis Male 27 1833 New York White 36
Gabriel Thompson Male 24 1836 Scotland White 36
William Calver Male 23 1837 England White 36
James Thompson Male 22 1838 England White 36
Peter Greaves Male 21 1839 New York White 36
Augustus Stone Male 21 1839 Vermont White 36
Geo Rice Male 20 1840 Massachusetts White 36
James Calver Male 20 1840 England White 36
Horatio Stone Male 20 1840 Vermont White 36
Henry Cantiel Male 19 1841 Massachusetts White 36
Washington Rayson Male 18 1842 Pennsylvania White 36
George Thompson Male 18 1842 Scotland White 36
Grove Wright Male 18 1842 New York White 36
William Drake Male 18 1842 New York White 36
Stewart Brown Male 18 1842 New York White 36
Joseph Slingerland Male 16 1844 New York White 36
Samuel Pierce Male 16 1844 New York White 37
James Smith Male 54 1806 New York White 37
Gerge Wickersham Male 48 1812 Pennsylvania White 37
Elisha D Blackman Male 41 1819 New York White 37
James Goodwin Male 34 1826 New York White 37
Polly Reed Female 42 1818 New York White 37
Harriet Goodwin Female 36 1824 New York White 37
Molly Smith Female 80 1780 Pennsylvania White 37
Molly Bennet Female 73 1787 Massachusetts White 37
Sarah Bates Female 67 1793 New York White 37
Angelic Vedder Female 63 1797 New York White 37
Eliza Sharp Female 62 1798 Ohio White 37
Maria Dewit Female 56 1804 New York White 37
Olive Brown Female 53 1807 Massachusetts White 37
Sarah Taylor Female 52 1808 England White 37
Mary A Mantle Female 52 1808 Connecticut White 37
Sarah A Standish Female 51 1809 Massachusetts White 37
Adazella Potter Female 50 1810 New York White 37
Elenor Potter Female 48 1812 New York White 37
Jane Blanchard Female 47 1813 Massachusetts White 37
Eliza Bates Female 44 1816 New York White 37
Sarah A Spencer Female 43 1817 New York White 37
Amy Reed Female 41 1819 Massachusetts White 37
Miranda Barber Female 40 1820 Connecticut White 37
Abigail Mathews Female 39 1821 Massachusetts White 37
Maria Lapsley Female 38 1822 Pennsylvania White 37
Elizabeth Sider Female 35 1825 Pennsylvania White 37
Florenda Sears Female 35 1825 New York White 37
Julia A Scott Female 31 1829 Vermont White 37
Louisa Young Female 30 1830 Canada E White 37
Margaret Reason Female 29 1831 New York White 37
Emily Wilkenson Female 28 1832 New York White 37
Antoinett Belknap Female 27 1833 New York White 37
Elizabeth Cantrel Female 27 1833 Massachusetts White 37
Anna M Graves Female 27 1833 New York White 37
Ann C Scriven Female 25 1835 New York White 37
Eunice Cantrell Female 25 1835 Massachusetts White 37
Augusta Stone Female 23 1837 Vermont White 37
Adaline Cantrel Female 22 1838 Massachusetts White 37
Julia Barker Female 22 1838 New York White 37
Pt 38 Image 38 of 56 Wethy Manning Female 20 1840 Massachusetts White 38
Cornelia French Female 20 1840 New York White 38
Fanny Evans Female 19 1841 New Jersey White 38
Lobena Gothrick Female 18 1842 New York White 38
Dorotty Wright Female 17 1843 New York White 38
Amelie Colver Female 16 1844 England White 38
Maria E Darake Female 16 1844 New York White 38
Maria Rayson Female 15 1845 Pennsylvania White 38
Joanna Ketchum Female 63 1797 Ohio White 38
Betsy Crossman Female 56 1804 Vermont White 38
Matilda Reed Female 43 1817 New York White 38
253 258 *Edward Fowler Male 60 1800 Connecticut White 38 Superintendent
*Charles Sizer Male 49 1811 Massachusetts White 38 “ “ 75,000 Real Estate 26,000 personal property
*Benjamin Gates Male 43 1817 New York White 38 “ “
* Trustees *Rachel Sampson Female 57 1803 Massachusetts White 38 Overseer
*Mary Hazard Female 49 1811 Massachusetts White 38 “ “
*Sarah A Lewis Female 46 1814 Massachusetts White 38 “ “
*Tabitha Lapsley Female 42 1818 Pennsylvania White 38 “ “
254 259 Orrin Haskins Male 44 1816 Massachusetts White 38
Simeon D Clinton Male 15 1845 New York White 38
Robert Legget Male 14 1846 Scotland White 38
Henry Calver Male 14 1846 England White 38
Michel Wright Male 14 1846 New York White 38
William Bishop Male 14 1846 Connecticut White 38
John Saimer Male 14 1846 Massachusetts White 38
Charles Gainbin Male 13 1847 New York White 38
Thomas Drake Male 13 1847 New York White 38
Joseph Thompson Male 13 1847 New York White 38
Carson Winters Male 12 1848 New York White 38
Peter Roe Male 12 1848 New York White 38
Caleb Wright Male 12 1848 New York White 38
Andrew Barker Male 11 1849 New York White 38
Charles L Serriner Male 11 1849 Massachusetts White 38
Charles Webb Male 10 1850 New York White 38
Henry Drake Male 9 1851 New York White 38
Thomas Rayson Male 9 1851 Pennsylvania White 38
255 260 Sally Bushnell Female 63 1797 Connecticut White 38 Caretaker for girls
Anna Dobson Female 41 1819 England White 38 Teacher
Helen Winters Female 14 1846 New York White 38
Emma Evans Female 14 1846 New Jersey White 38
Pg 39 Image 39 of 56 Catherine Figsby Female 13 1847 New York White 39
Josephine Martin Female 13 1847 New York White 39
Mariann Baker Female 13 1847 New York White 39
Ellen Calver Female 13 1847 England White 39
Emma Bishop Female 12 1848 Connecticut White 39
Ellen Hart Female 12 1848 New York White 39
Alice L Webb Female 11 1849 New York White 39
Mary Figsby Female 10 1850 New York White 39
Mary Hart Female 9 1851 New York White 39
Mary Roe Female 9 1851 New York White 39
Latitia Brown Female 9 1851 New York White 39
Matilda Figsby Female 7 1853 New York White 39
Sally M Rayson Female 5 1855 Pennsylvania White 39
Susan Mason Female 9 1851 New York White 39
256 261 Calvin Reed Male 39 1821 Massachusetts White 39
James Prail Male 41 1819 New York White 39
Benjamin Lyon Male 79 1781 Massachusetts White 39
Hiram Reude Male 57 1803 Ohio White 39
Jesse Street Male 56 1804 Connecticut White 39
Horace Haskin Male 47 1813 Massachusetts White 39
Lewis Long Male 42 1818 New York White 39
David Rea Male 37 1823 New York White 39
George Long Male 34 1826 New York White 39
Charles Weed Male 28 1832 Massachusetts White 39
Andrew Barret Male 22 1838 New Jersey White 39
William Gaslin Male 18 1842 New York White 39
Frederick Couse Male 18 1842 New York White 39
David Lyall Male 17 1843 New York White 39
Emanuel Jones Male 17 1843 New York White 39
William Treat Male 16 1844 New York White 39
Peter Dubois Male 16 1844 New York White 39
Edward Gray Male 15 1845 New York White 39
Thomas Shield Male 15 1845 New York White 39
Robert Volentine Male 38 1822 New York White 39 Overseer
Joseph Holden Male 23 1837 Massachusetts White 39
Abigail Crossman Female 52 1808 Vermont White 39
Hamah Agnew Female 40 1820 Ohio White 39
Abigail Morrison Female 89 1771 Connecticut White 39
Lydia O Brien Female 89 1771 Nova Scotia White 39
Lucy Darrow Female 81 1779 New York White 39
Pamelia Dickson Female 81 1779 New York White 40
Ruth Johnson Female 81 1779 Massachusetts White 40
Sophie Avery Female 79 1781 Connecticut White 40
Hannah Train Female 76 1784 New York White 40
Betsy Coply Female 63 1797 New York White 40
Roby Bennet Female 62 1798 Massachusetts White 40
Joanna Vining Female 58 1802 Massachusetts White 40
Sarah Smith Female 56 1804 New York White 40
Sarah Woodron Female 53 1807 Pennsylvania White 40
Elizabeth Garvey Female 51 1809 New York White 40
Phebe Smith Female 49 1811 New York White 40 Doctress
Adaline Lars Female 28 1832 New York White 40 Overseer
Eliza Avery Female 46 1814 Connecticut White 40 Doctress
Sarah J Rea Female 41 1819 New York White 40 Bottler of Extracts
Augusta Lawrence Female 36 1824 New York White 40
Nancy Dow Female 31 1829 Massachusetts White 40
Margaret Layl Female 25 1835 New York White 40
Julia L Sias Female 24 1836 Massachusetts White 40
Lucy A Haskins Female 23 1837 New York White 40
Elizabeth Seas Female 22 1838 New York White 40
Mary Lyall Female 22 1838 New York White 40
Susan J Morrow Female 18 1842 New York White 40
Mary E Baker Female 18 1842 New York White 40
Susanah Lamonby Female 17 1843 England White 40
Charlotte Morrow Female 16 1844 New York White 40
Sarah A Carpenter Female 16 1844 England White 40
Rhoda Blake Female 51 1809 Massachusetts White 40
257 262 George Curtis Male 53 1807 Connecticut White 40
Alonzo Hollister Male 30 1830 Massachusetts White 40
Charles Trent Male 14 1846 England White 40
Washington Jones Male 14 1846 Massachusetts White 40
Samuel Shield Male 13 1847 New York White 40
William Page Male 12 1848 England White 40
George Jones Male 12 1848 New Jersey White 40
Augustus Watson Male 11 1849 New York White 40
George Morrow Male 10 1850 New York White 40
Jacob Roe Male 10 1850 New York White 40
William Kew Male 9 1851 New Jersey White 40
Edward Jones Male 9 1851 Massachusetts White 40
Franklin Marow Male 7 1853 New York White 40
Daniel Renington Male 8 1852 Massachusetts White 41
258 263 Hannah Blake Female 49 1811 Massachusetts White 41 Care Taker House of children and new members
Merriam E Watson Female 14 1846 New York White 41
Mary E Oliphant Female 14 1846 Ohio White 41
Harriet Morrow Female 14 1846 New York White 41
Mary S Dubois Female 12 1848 New York White 41
Mary L Roe Female 12 1848 New York White 41
Emma E Cox Female 11 1849 New York White 41
Mary Rew Female 10 1850 New Jersey White 41
Harriet L Page Female 10 1850 England White 41
Catherine Bricket Female 9 1851 England White 41
Mary Ann Remington Female 7 1853 Massachusetts White 41
Henry Hollester Male 22 1838 Vermont White 41
Maria Manning Female 21 1839 Massachusetts White 41
259 264 Rufus Crossman Male 61 1799 Vermont White 41 6000 5,00
Thomas Estes Male 79 1781 Massachusetts White 41 Broom Maker He was Deacon, at least in the year 1833 see page 195 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/38901026.pdf
Charlotte Brown Female 51 1809 Connecticut White 41
Nancy Wilson Female 42 1818 Pennsylvania White 41
260 265 John Mc Nott Male 63 1797 Holland White 41
Mary Mc Nott Female 60 1800 New York White 41
266 Thomas Fitzpatrick Male 34 1826 Ireland White 41
Julia Fitzpatrick Female 33 1827 Ireland White 41
261 267 George Fesch Male 30 1830 Prussia White 41
Nancy Fesch Female 33 1827 Baden White 41
Mary Fesch Female 12 1848 Baden White 41
Charles H Fesch Male 3 1857 New York White 41
Edward Fesch Male 1 1859 New York White 41 5000 1200
262 268 Milo Bull Male 55 1805 New York White 41
Rachel Bull Female 53 1807 New York White 41
Charles H Bull Male 22 1838 New York White 41 1000
263 269 Benjamin Taviner Male 39 1821 New York White 41 900
Ann E Taviner Female 29 1831 Connecticut White 41
Ida L Taviner Female 2 1858 New York White 41
Albert C Taviner Male 0 1860 New York White 41
264 270 Harrison Mills Male 24 1836 New York White 41 100
Lucina Mills Female 22 1838 New York White 41
265 271 Hiram Jones Male 37 1823 Massachusetts White 41 450 100
Jane Jones Female 36 1824 New York White 41
Charles Jones Male 10 1850 Massachusetts White 41
George Jones Male 8 1852 New York White 41
Martha Jones Female 6 1854 New York White 42
Emily S Jones Female 3 1857 New York White 42 [23]

1870 Census

1870 Census Watervliet, Albany County, New York

Name Sex Age Birth Year Birth Place Race Page No
Jesse Wells Male 92 1778 New York White 44
Joel Smith Male 80 1790 Massachusetts White 44
J C Buckingham Male 72 1798 Pennsylvania White 44
Jeremiah Sowe Male 72 1798 England White 44
Edward Powers Male 70 1800 New Foundland White 44
Shuble Prentiss Male 66 1804 New York White 44
Alexd Milne Male 60 1810 Scotland White 44
John S Decker Male 57 1813 New York White 44
Alevd Young Male 54 1816 New York White 44
Phillip Neuly Male 50 1820 Prussia White 44
Chas Pre?ch Male 54 1816 Prussia White 44
Agust Blaze Male 57 1813 Hanover White 44
Aaron Sonbury Male 26 1844 Prussia White 44
Isaac Sustall Male 26 1844 Württemberg White 44
Sigler Gottlob Male 18 1852 Württemberg White 44
Thos Remington Male 18 1852 Connecticut White 44
Remington Male 15 1855 Connecticut White 44
Theod Ba??er Male 13 1857 New York White 44
Geo Arents Male 12 1858 New York White 44
Adam Both Male 12 1858 Hesse Cassel White 44
David Craper Male 12 1858 New York White 44
Edward Clark Male 11 1859 New York White 44
Stephen Morrell Male 10 1860 Canada White 44
Geo Grisman Male 10 1860 New York White 44
Patience Earl Female 95 1775 New York White 44
Elenor Teddor Female 82 1788 New York White 44
Anna Clement Female 71 1799 New York White 44
Ema G Clark Female 77 1793 New York White 44
Alice Ramer Female 69 1801 Ohio White 44
Permilla Carl Female 68 1802 New York White 44
A M Reynolds Female 64 1806 New York White 44
Lucy Horton Female 75 1795 Massachusetts White 45
Levina Salsburry Female 71 1799 New York White 45
Mary Hathway Female 69 1801 Massachusetts White 45
Mary French Female 55 1815 New York White 45
Polly Turner Female 57 1813 New York White 45
Mary H Ayres Female 50 1820 England White 45
Adaline Bivak Female 49 1821 Switzerland White 45
Irene Bates Female 45 1825 New York White 45
Harriet Bullard Female 45 1825 New York White 45
Clars Shoefelt Female 45 1825 New York White 45
E Ann Barker Female 27 1843 New York White 45
Rose Hendrikeson Female 25 1845 New York White 45
Susan Hanes Female 25 1845 Maryland White 45
Caroline Ulict Female 19 1851 New York White 45
Henrietta Conroy Female 15 1855 New York White 45
Rose Wilson Female 15 1855 White 45
Ann Case Female 15 1855 Switzerland White 45
C Raymond Female 14 1856 New York White 45
Grace Decker Female 10 1860 New York White 46
Isseaker Bates Male 79 1791 New York White 46
G A Lomas Male 31 1839 New York White 46
Richd Dean Male 72 1798 England White 46
John Holt Male 60 1810 England White 46
J Chapman Male 62 1808 Massachusetts White 46
Conrad Smith Male 42 1828 Germany White 46
Geo Holgasang Male 63 1807 Germany White 46
Jacob Bower Male 46 1824 Germany White 46
Richd Herbert Male 26 1844 Ireland White 46
Alia Hathaway Male 67 1803 Vermont White 46
Wm Johnson Male 31 1839 England White 46
Wm Hunter Male 70 1800 Ireland White 46
Josh Goodnow Male 83 1787 Massachusetts White 46
Gordan Horton Male 79 1791 Connecticut White 46
David Albright Male 13 1857 New York White 46
Wm Losee Male 12 1858 New York White 46
G Richmond Male 67 1803 New York White 46
James Burk Male 35 1835 New York White 46
Patrick Burk Male 25 1845 New York White 46
Wm Smith Male 28 1842 England White 46
Fedk Smith Male 20 1850 Germany White 46
Geo Smith Male 40 1830 Germany White 46
Fredk Smith Male 10 1860 Germany White 46
Nancy Wicks Female 63 1807 New York White 45
Pauline Bates Female 65 1805 New York White 45
Almira Watkins Female 65 1805 New York White 45
Permilla Hersy Female 55 1815 Ohio White 45
Almira Teachout Female 53 1817 New York White 45
Hester Crandall Female 49 1821 New York White 45
Alvina Conklin Female 49 1821 New York White 45
Deborah Knight Female 28 1842 New York White 45
Franco Hurdy Female 26 1844 Connecticut White 45
Rachel McDonald Female 24 1846 Canada White 45
Emma Simps Female 20 1850 New York White 45
Helena Arents Female 18 1852 New York White 45
S Garlock Female 17 1853 New York White 45
Elisabeth Stevens Female 16 1854 New York White 45
E Ann Magill Female 12 1858 New York White 45
Mary Mathews Female 11 1859 New York White 45
Agnes Potter Female 10 1860 New York White 45
Chas Hooper Male 23 1847 England White 45
Ed Barr Male 24 1846 Scotland White 45
Chas Allen Male 27 1843 Connecticut White 45
James Linsey Male 18 1852 Ireland White 45
Chas Desavere Male 24 1846 New York White 45
Betsey Hawkins Female 79 1791 Connecticut White 46
Mercy Harwood Female 78 1792 Massachusetts White 46
Eliza Wells Female 73 1797 New York White 46
Cathr Vedder Female 71 1799 New York White 46
Mariah Gilbert Female 71 1799 New York White 46
Caroline Downs Female 67 1803 New York White 46
Ann Buckingham Female 67 1803 New York White 46
Lucy Fairchild Female 63 1807 New York White 46
Laura Prentiss Female 61 1809 New York White 46
Jennet Angus Female 60 1810 Connecticut White 46
Sarah Taylor Female 60 1810 New York White 46
Matilda Wells Female 58 1812 New York White 46
Elisb Harrison Female 58 1812 England White 46
Abby Messinger Female 58 1812 New York White 46
Almira Treadway Female 57 1813 New York White 46
Lucy Fuller Female 57 1813 New York White 46
Ruth Green Female 55 1815 New York White 47
Lydia Annas Female 54 1816 New York White 47
Adalaid Ingham Female 37 1833 New York White 47
Cathr Ferguson Female 34 1836 Scotland White 47
Samantha Bowie Female 31 1839 New Jersey White 47
Mary Nelson Female 28 1842 New York White 47
Barbra Huber Female 24 1846 Germany White 47
C M Nelson Female 21 1849 New York White 47
Julia McNelly Female 24 1846 New York White 47
Ella Benedict Female 19 1851 New York White 47
Cath Hallenbeck Female 19 1851 New York White 47
Mary Call Female 15 1855 New York White 47
Elisb Trinch Female 14 1856 New York White 47
Fanny Wright Female 13 1857 New York White 47
Algrid Sheppeman Female 13 1857 New York White 47
Elisb Bennett Female 10 1860 New York White 47
Rachel Turck Female 8 1862 New York White 47
Amelia Hall Female 8 1862 New York White 47
Fregift Wells Male 85 1785 New York White 47
David Hawkins Male 82 1788 Connecticut White 47
Jesse Harwood Male 70 1800 Massachusetts White 47
Stan Buckingham Male 69 1801 New York White 47
Ephif Prentiss Male 67 1803 New York White 47
Chauncy Miller Male 56 1814 New York White 47
Chas Bavcket Male 62 1808 Minnesota White 47
Albert Taviss Male 72 1798 Connecticut White 47
D A Buckingham Male 67 1803 New York White 47
Davd Sherman Male 57 1813 Massachusetts White 47
Geo B Price Male 51 1819 New York White 47
N T White Male 46 1824 New York White 47
Math Ridaker Male 35 1835 Germany White 47
Geo P Smith Male 34 1836 New York White 47
John Palmer Male 15 1855 New York White 47
Chas Rockwell Male 15 1855 New York White 47
Jacob Myell Male 45 1825 England White 47
John Envyhem Male 21 1849 England White 47
Fredk Bisyroo Male 30 1840 England White 47
James Duck Male 21 1849 England White 47
Geo Dead Male 24 1846 England White 47
Michl Mayell Male 27 1843 England White 47
Sylvester Prentiss Male 69 1801 New York White 48
Danl Brainard Male 77 1793 New York White 48
Chaune Copply Male 66 1804 Connecticut White 48
Thos Beal Male 61 1809 England White 48
Chaune ?ibble Male 47 1823 Massachusetts White 48
Thos Canrigde Male 57 1813 England White 48
Josiah Barker Male 22 1848 New York White 48
John Wood Male 17 1853 New York White 48
Chas Cartwright Male 14 1856 New York White 48
John Doil Male 14 1856 New York White 48
Frans Walker Male 9 1861 New York White 48
Geo Askins Male 9 1861 New York White 48
Orren Beaver Male 29 1841 New York White 48
S Ann Van Wyck Female 49 1821 New York White 48
Amelia White Female 51 1819 Vermont White 48
Phoeba Lane Female 82 1788 New York Black 48
Margt Lannwer Female 68 1802 New York White 48
Electa Thomas Female 69 1801 New York White 48
Polly Ostrander Female 79 1791 Vermont White 48
Martha Bates Female 67 1803 New York White 48
H Hutchinson Female 64 1806 New York White 48
Harriet Ingham Female 68 1802 New York White 48
W A Vanderwater Female 22 1848 New York White 48
Sarah Neal Female 20 1850 Massachusetts White 48
Anna Neal Female 19 1851 Massachusetts White 48
J Bridgehouse Female 20 1850 New York White 48
Lucy Cox Female 20 1850 New York White 48
Mary Campbell Female 18 1852 Michigan White 48
Angeline Cox Female 18 1852 New York White 48
Electa Hadley Female 18 1852 New York White 48
S E Dearman Female 17 1853 New York White 48
Flora Coleman 16 1854 Pennsylvania 48
Danl McCarty Male 45 1825 Ireland White 48
John Burk Male 32 1838 Ireland White 48
Henry Girsham Male 12 1858 New York White 48
Walter Steveson Male 12 1858 New York White 48
Fredk Toley Male 12 1858 New York White 48
James Hall Male 10 1860 New York White 48
Thos Girsham Male 10 1860 New York White 48
Amsdell Steveson Male 9 1861 New York White 48
Magt McEwen Female 15 1855 Canada White 49
Charlotte Neal Female 14 1856 Massachusetts White 49
Mary Holiday Female 12 1858 New York White 49
Emma Goebul Female 11 1859 New York White 49
Constine Gade Female 10 1860 New York White 49
Florance Gade Female 8 1862 New York White 49
Isabella Loomis Female 9 1861 New York White 49
S Hoffman Male 41 1829 New York White 49
Ben Alfred Male 21 1849 England White 49[24]

1870 Census New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York

Name Sex Age Birth Year Birth Place Race Page No
D Clinton Braman Male 42 1828 New York White 19
Joseph Adams Male 76 1794 England White 19
John Hedrick Male 75 1795 Massachusetts White 19
Smith Ransom Male 75 1795 New York White 19
Nelson Banks Male 70 1800 Connecticut White 19
Ninas Stewart Male 68 1802 New Hampshire White 19
Justice Williams Male 68 1802 Pennsylvania White 19
Gelman Ransom Male 50 1820 Maine White 19
Samuel Hurlburt Male 31 1839 New York White 19
Allen Avery Male 60 1810 New York White 20
William Whiting Male 70 1800 Connecticut White 20
Charles M McCarty Male 19 1851 Rhode Island White 20
Charles Marchant Male 17 1853 Rhode Island White 20
Henry Macauly Male 16 1854 England White 20
Dena Harrington Male 16 1854 Ireland White 20
Eduard Tich Male 15 1855 New York White 20
Maurice Oconnell Male 27 1843 New York White 20
Daniel Oconnell Male 20 1850 New York White 20
Thomas Sampson Male 23 1847 Ireland White 20
Michael Crow Male 20 1850 Ireland White 20
Frederick Hull Male 24 1846 New York White 20
Anna Gates Female 79 1791 New York White 20
Abigail Rice Female 76 1794 New York White 20
Susannah Stephens Female 76 1794 New York White 20
Michael Callahan Male 35 1835 Ireland White 20
Betty Taylor Female 68 1802 England White 20
Elizabeth Justice Female 66 1804 Pennsylvania White 20
Fanny Taylor Female 64 1806 England White 20
Marilla Fairbanks Female 64 1806 Massachusetts White 20
Jane Morris Female 60 1810 New York White 20
Maria Stuart Female 64 1806 England White 20
Hynceria Gates Female 59 1811 New York White 20
Mary Dixon Female 56 1814 New York White 20
Martha Billington Female 55 1815 Vermont White 20
Ann F Buzby Female 54 1816 Pennsylvania White 20
Polly N Taylor Female 53 1817 New York White 20
Ann E Colburn Female 49 1821 New York White 20
Eliza Davis Female 48 1822 New York White 20
Emily Smith Female 45 1825 New York White 20
Maria Hedrick Female 44 1826 New York White 20
Ann E Charles Female 44 1826 New York White 20
Josephine Don Female 25 1845 New York White 20
Caroline Sharpe Female 24 1846 New York White 20
Clarissa Jacobs Female 25 1845 New York White 20
Adeline Dunn Female 23 1847 New York White 20
Charlotte Sharpe Female 23 1847 New York White 20
Emeline Ostram Female 23 1847 New York White 20
Amanda Tiffany Female 29 1841 Connecticut White 20
Susan Hunt Female 25 1845 New York White 20
Alice O'Hare Female 26 1844 England White 21
Alwilda Richie Female 21 1849 Massachusetts White 21
Eliza P Ludlum Female 20 1850 New York White 21
Demo Pasko Female 17 1853 Massachusetts White 21
Amelia J Ould Female 18 1852 New York White 21
Jane O'Hare Female 24 1846 England White 21
Julia Pask Female 17 1853 Massachusetts White 21
Susan Parker Female 11 1859 Rhode Island White 21
Anna Chesser Female 9 1861 Massachusetts White 21
Fredrick W Evans Male 61 1809 England White 21
Timothy Parson Male 41 1829 England White 21
Levi Shaw Male 51 1819 Pennsylvania White 21
Henry Cantrell Male 65 1805 Massachusetts White 21
Richard Bushnell Male 78 1792 Connecticut White 21
John Shaw Male 78 1792 Ireland White 21
Daniel Frazer Male 68 1802 Scotland White 21
John Robe Male 51 1819 West Indies Mulatto 21
William Orfford Male 67 1803 England White 21
Charles Greaves Male 42 1828 England White 21
John Greaves Male 38 1832 England White 21
James Glass Male 41 1829 New York White 21
Oliver Prentice Male 70 1800 New York White 21
Augustus Balfour Male 68 1802 England White 21
Daniel Orfford Male 25 1845 England White 21
Carls King Male 43 1827 Baden White 21
John Lewis Male 19 1851 Michigan White 21
Wilbur Schultz Male 18 1852 New York White 21
Henry Walpole Male 17 1853 England White 21
Nathan A Miller Male 16 1854 New York White 21
William Townsend Male 20 1850 Scotland White 21
Ephraim Daniels Male 55 1815 England White 21
Antoinnette Doolittle Female 59 1811 New York White North Family
Anna White Female 39 1831 New York White “ “
Olive Olden Female 58 1812 Massachusetts White “ “
Elizatte Sutton Female 49 1821 New York White “ “
Anna Crossman Female 76 1794 Vermont White “ “
Nancy Lockwood Female 79 1791 New York White “ “
Phebe Vanhouten Female 53 1817 New York White “ “
Jane Wright Female 64 1806 Pennsylvania White “ “
Rhoda Hollister Female 49 1821 Vermont White “ “
Eliza Raisin Female 36 1834 New York White “ “
Rhoda Oxfford Female 30 1840 Pennsylvania White “ “
Martha Anderson Female 26 1844 England White “ “
Rachael Webb Female 46 1824 New York White “ “
Celia Deverre Female 37 1833 Ireland White “ “
Fanny Tyson Female 34 1836 New York White “ “
Margaret Patterson Female 36 1834 New York White “ “
Jane Cutler Female 41 1829 New York Mulatto “ “
Charlotte Burdsell Female 24 1846 New York White “ “
Mary J Moffitt Female 34 1836 New York White “ “
Catherine Allen Female 19 1851 Rhode Island White “ “
Sarah Cutler Female 22 1848 New York Mulatto “ “
Margaret Cleaveland Female 22 1848 New York White “ “
Ann Osfford Female 28 1842 England White “ “
Elva Leavenworth Female 17 1853 New York White “ “
Elizabeth Moore Female 20 1850 New York White “ “
Melissa Soule Female 25 1845 New York White “ “
Martha A Barger Female 17 1853 New York White “ “
Sarah J Barger Female 14 1856 New York White “ “
Ida Barger Female 11 1859 New York White “ “
Lucy Bowers Female 11 1859 Massachusetts White “ “
Grace Bowers Female 7 1863 Massachusetts White “ “
Louisa Shuman Female 19 1851 Connecticut White “ “
Emma Syllick Female 24 1846 New York White “ “
George Mullet Male 23 1847 Massachusetts White 22
Emil Bretzner Male 20 1850 Sweden White 22
Frederick Knap Male 51 1819 Germany White 22
Daniel Bolar Male 66 1804 Kentucky White Church family
Silas B Avery Male 55 1815 Connecticut White “ “
Daniel Crossman Male 60 1810 Vermont White “ “
James V Calver Male 31 1839 England White “ “
Edward Fowler Real Estate 250,000 Personal property 45,000 70 1800 Connecticut White Trustee of Society
Benjamin Gates Male 53 1817 New York White Trustee of Society
James Goodwin Male 44 1826 New York White “ “
George Wickersham Male 59 1811 Pennsylvania White “ “
Peter Greaves Male 32 1838 New York White “ “
Henry Youngs Male 82 1788 New York White “ “
John H Dean Male 73 1797 Massachusetts White “ “
John Guildersleave Male 66 1804 New York White “ “
Dwight Hinkly Male 65 1805 Massachusetts White “ “
James Smith Male 64 1806 New York White 23
Frederick Sizer Male 64 1806 Connecticut White 23
Charles Sizer Male 60 1810 Connecticut White 23
Orin Haskins Male 55 1815 Massachusetts White 23
Elijah D Blakeman Male 51 1819 New York White 23
Andrew Fortier Male 47 1823 Canada White 23
John M Brown Male 46 1824 Ireland White 23
William Calver Male 34 1836 England White 23
Joseph Slingerland Male 27 1843 New York White 23
Frederick Gamilin Male 24 1846 New York White 23
Thomas Drake Male 23 1847 New York White 23
Carson Winters Male 20 1850 New York White 23
Charles Webb Male 23 1847 New York White 23
Thomas Rayson Male 19 1851 Pennsylvania White 23
Joseph Creamon Male 16 1854 New York White 23
Franklin Thomas Male 15 1855 New York White 23
George Figsher Male 14 1856 New York White 23
Peter Mills Male 15 1855 New York White 23
Isaac Langbridge Male 13 1857 West Indies White 23
Frederick Langhide Male 10 1860 West Indies White 23
James Winter Male 13 1857 Canada White 23
Samuel Boreland Male 12 1858 New York White 23
Augustus Nelson Male 11 1859 New York White 23
Herman Smith Male 11 1859 Michigan White 23
Joseph Mills Male 9 1861 New York White 23
Eliza A Taylor Female 59 1811 England White 23
Polly Rud Female 52 1818 New York White 23
Sarah A Lewis Female 57 1813 Massachusetts White 23
Harriet Goodwin Female 47 1823 New York White 23
Abigail Cropman Female 63 1807 Vermont White 23
Mary Hazzard Female 59 1811 Massachusetts White 23
Tabitha Lapsley Female 52 1818 Pennsylvania White 23
Betsey Cropman Female 66 1804 Vermont White 23
Matilda Reed Female 53 1817 New York White 23
Julia Scott Female 40 1830 Vermont White 23
Sarah Bates Female 78 1792 New York White 23
Angelica Vedder Female 74 1796 New York White 23
Joanna Ketchel Female 74 1796 Kentucky White 23
Eliza Sharpe Female 73 1797 Kentucky White 23
Sarah Dean Female 71 1799 Connecticut White 23
James Smith Male 64 New York White 23
Frederick Sizer Male 64 Connecticut White 23
Charles Sizer Male 60 do do White 23
Orin Haskins Male 55 Mass White 23
Elijah D Blakeman Male 51 NY White 23
Andrew Fortier Male 47 Canada White 23
John M Brown Male 46 Ireland White 23
William Calver Male 34 England White 23
Joseph Slingerland Male 27 NY White 23
Frederick Gamebin Male 24 NY White 23
Thomas Drake Male 23 NY White 23
Carson Winters Male 20 NY White 23
Charles Webb Male 23 NY White 23
Thomas Rayson Male 19 Penn White 23
Joseph Creamon Male 16 NY White 23
Franklin Thomas Male 15 NY White 23
George Figsher Male 14 NY White 23
Peter Mills Male 15 NY White 23
Isaac Langbridge Male 13 West Indies White 23
Frederick Langbridge Male 12 West Indies White 23
James Winter Male 13 Canada White 23
Samuel Boreland Male 12 NY White 23
Augustus Nelson Male 11 NY White 23
Herman Smith Male 11 Michigan White 23
Joseph Mills Male 9 NY White 23
Eliza A Taylor Female 59 England White 23
Polly Reed Female 52 NY White 23
Sarah A Lewis Female 57 Mass White 23
Harriet Goodwiin Female 47 NY White 23
Abigail Crossman Female 63` Vermont White 23
Mary Hazzard Female 59 Mass White 23
Tabitha Lapsley Female 52 PA White 23
Betsey Crossman Female 66 Vermont White 23
Matilda Reed Female 53 NY White 23
Julie Scott Female 41 Vermont White 23
Sarah Bates Female 78 NY White 23
Angelica Vedder Female 74 NY White 23
Joanna Ketchel Female 74 Kentucky White 23
Eliza Shashe Female 73 do do White 23
Sarah Dean Female 71 Connecticut White 23
Rachael Sampson Female 67 1803 Massachusetts White 24
Maria De Witt Female 66 1804 Canada White 24
Olive Brown Female 64 1806 Massachusetts White 24
Leah Taylor Female 62 1808 England White 24
Mary Mantle Female 62 1808 Connecticut White 24
Standish Female 61 1809 Massachusetts White 24
Elenor Potter Female 58 1812 Massachusetts White 24
Adah Potter Female 61 1809 New Jersey White 24
Jane Blanchard Female 58 1812 Massachusetts White 24
Elizabette Bates Female 55 1815 New York White 24
Sarah Spencer Female 53 1817 Connecticut White 24
Anna Dodson Female 52 1818 England White 24
Amy Reed Female 51 1819 Massachusetts White 24
Miranda Barlow Female 51 1819 Connecticut White 24
Abigial Hathaway Female 49 1821 Massachusetts White 24
Maria Lapsley Female 49 1821 Pennsylvania White 24
Elizabeth Sidle Female 45 1825 Pennsylvania White 24
Flourida Sears Female 45 1825 New York White 24
Louisa Young Female 39 1831 Canada White 24
Antonette Belknap Female 38 1832 New York White 24
Elizabeth Cantrell Female 38 1832 Massachusetts White 24
Ann Greaves Female 37 1833 New York White 24
Eunice Cantrell Female 35 1835 Massachusetts White 24
Augusta Stone Female 34 1836 Vermont White 24
Maria Manning Female 32 1838 Massachusetts White 24
Adeline Cantrell Female 33 1837 Massachusetts White 24
Cornelia Finch Female 30 1840 New York White 24
Fanny Evans Female 30 1840 New Jersey White 24
Doretha Guthrie Female 27 1843 Scotland White 24
Robina Wright Female 29 1841 England White 24
Amelia Calver Female 27 1843 England White 24
Helen Winters Female 25 1845 New York White 24
Emma Evans Female 25 1845 New Jersey White 24
Emma Neal Female 23 1847 New Hampshire White 24
Ella Hart Female 22 1848 New York White 24
Michael Callahan Male 35 1835 Ireland White 25
Polly Lewis Female 54 1816 Massachusetts White 25
Lydia Lewis Female 65 1805 Rhode Island White 25
Lucinda McDonald Female 49 1821 Vermont White 25
Olive Salsbury Female 74 1796 Rhode Island White 25
Lucy Hasmond Female 79 1791 New York White 25
Patience Kenney Female 70 1800 Massachusetts White 25
Eliza Fowler Female 70 1800 New York White 25
Julia Brooks Female 66 1804 Connecticut White 25
Emily Owen Female 63 1807 New York White 25
Margaretta Wilson Female 75 1795 Ireland White 25
Jane Brainard Female 64 1806 New York White 25
Phebe Reynolds Female 56 1814 Massachusetts White 25
Laura Lewis Female 73 1797 New York White 25
Anna Williams Female 87 1783 New Hampshire White 25
Dorcas Sweet Female 37 1833 Massachusetts White 25
Charlotte Butterfield Female 26 1844 New York White 25
Margaret Lepnie Female 17 1853 New York White 25
Catherine Boyle Female 16 1854 Canada White 25
Rosina Kelly Female 15 1855 Massachusetts White 25
Sarah Collins Female 15 1855 Connecticut White 25
Louisa Rice Female 47 1823 Massachusetts White 25
Olive Wheeler Female 67 1803 New York White 25
Robert Wagan Male 37 1833 New York White 25
Thomas Burke Male 28 1842 Ireland White 25
Henry Mantle Male 60 1810 Connecticut White 25
Albert Owen Male 65 1805 New York White 25
Daniel Hawkins Male 89 1781 New York White 25
William Thrasher Male 74 1796 Massachusetts White 25
James Harris Male 50 1820 New York White 25
Moses Clement Male 46 1824 Massachusetts White 25
McKerne Male 40 1830 Ireland White 25
John Lockwood Male 79 1791 Connecticut White 25
Adam Johnson Male 40 1830 Ireland White 25
John Obrien Male 45 1825 Ireland White 25[25]


Shaker Hannah Cohoon, Tree of Life or Blazing Tree, 1845


  1. Shakers Chapter XI, #27.
  2. Thompson, Edward Palmer (1963). The Making of the English Working Class A Vintage giant Pelican books Volume 322 of Vintage books. IICA, 1963. p. 48. >
  3. Jane Wardley Wikipedia contributors, "Jane Wardley," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jane_Wardley&oldid=1019813364 (accessed June 29, 2021).
  4. Shakers Chapter IX, 2.
  5. History of the Shakers Shaker Heritage Society of Albany, NY. 25 Meeting House Road, Albany, NY 12211.
  6. Norton, Mary Beth Eunice hawley Chapman At War With the Shakers. September 17, 2010. The Society of the Hawley Family, founded 1923, Incorporated 1927.
  7. BLAKE, NELSON M. "EUNICE AGAINST THE SHAKERS." New York History 41, no. 4 (1960): 359-78. Accessed June 30, 2021.
  8. De Wolfe, Elizabeth,The Mob at Enfield. American Communal Societies Quarterly Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 80-86. April 2010.
  9. Elizabeth De Wolfe, Shaking the Faith: Women, Family, and Mary Marshall Dyer’s Anti-Shaker Campaign, 1815-1867 (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2002). For a discussion of Mary and Joseph Dyer’s continuing battle and a reprint of their first publications about their dispute, see Elizabeth De Wolfe, Domestic Broils: Shakers, Antebellum Marriage, and the Narratives of Mary and Joseph Dyer (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2010).
  10. "United States Census, 1810," Watervliet, NY database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YYN-9FHL?cc=1803765&wc=QZZZ-M8M%3A1588180303%2C1588180615%2C1588180614 : 1 December 2015), New York > Albany > Watervliet > image 7 of 10; citing NARA microfilm publication M252, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  11. [ "United States Census, 1810," Canaan, Columbia, New York] database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYYY-1BX?cc=1803765&wc=QZZC-1FK%3A1588180303%2C1588181202%2C1588182354 : 1 December 2015), New York > Columbia > Canaan > image 6 of 20; citing NARA microfilm publication M252, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.)
  12. Lebanon, NY 1820 census"United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch: 16 July 2015, New York > Columbia > Lebanon > image 7 of 15; citing NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). 15.: 16 July 2015), New York > Columbia > Lebanon > image 7 of 15
  13. Lebanon, NY 1820 census"United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch: 16 July 2015, New York > Columbia > Lebanon > image 7 of 15; citing NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  14. "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYYK-CC6?cc=1803958&wc=35YH-HZ7%3A1588472203%2C1588473002%2C1588473010 : 14 August 2015), New York > Albany > Watervliet > image 52 of 63; citing NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  15. "United States Census, 1830," Lebanon, Columbia, NY. database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YBQ-34F?cc=1803958&wc=35YC-L2J%3A1588472203%2C1588470710%2C1588471302 : 14 August 2015), New York > Columbia > Lebanon > image 9 of 14; citing NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  16. "United States Census, 1840," Watervliet, NY database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YBW-962X?cc=1786457&wc=31S2-J4F%3A1588666984%2C1588667605%2C1588667822 : 24 August 2015), New York > Albany > Watervliet > image 39 of 52; citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  17. "United States Census, 1840,"New Lebanon, New York database with images, FamilySearch (24 August 2015), New York > Columbia > New Lebanon > image 25 of 26; citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  18. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-656N-HB?i=391&cc=1401638&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AMCTF-P5N "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-656N-HB?cc=1401638&wc=95RC-N38%3A1031313801%2C1033012601%2C1033120101 : 9 April 2016), New York > Albany > Watervliet > image 392 of 403; citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  19. [ https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DTHS-B5G?i=48&cc=1401638 "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DTHS-B5G?cc=1401638&wc=95RD-9LM%3A1031313801%2C1031394001%2C1033662501 : 9 April 2016), New York > Columbia > New Lebanon > image 49 of 59; citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  20. "New York State Census, 1855,Watervliet, NY" database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GBP2-CSC?cc=1937366&wc=M6GQ-JWL%3A237408701%2C237581801 : 22 May 2014), Albany > Watervliet, E.D. 6 > image 33 of 57; county clerk offices, New York.
  21. Image 23 of 40 "New York State Census, 1855," New Lebanon, NY database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-8BPY-9SJ9?cc=1937366&wc=M6GQ-7NL%3A237408401%2C237522501 : 22 May 2014), Columbia > New Lebanon > image 23 of 40; county clerk offices, New York.
  22. "United States Census, 1860," Watervliet, NY database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GBS6-942T?cc=1473181&wc=7QPF-B1V%3A1589422212%2C1589431268%2C1589431473 : 24 March 2017), New York > Albany > Town of Watervliet > image 142 of 157; from "1860 U.S. Federal Census - Population," database, Fold3.com (http://www.fold3.com : n.d.); citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). Pg 405 Image 142 of 157.
  23. Pg No 30 [ https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BSH-933K?i=29&cc=1473181 "United States Census, 1860," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BSH-933K?cc=1473181&wc=7QPF-1HH%3A1589422212%2C1589422277%2C1589431825 : 24 March 2017), New York > Columbia > New Lebanon > image 30 of 56; from "1860 U.S. Federal Census - Population," database, Fold3.com (http://www.fold3.com : n.d.); citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  24. "United States Census, 1870," Watervliet, NY database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-63K3-LCD?cc=1438024&wc=KGQL-PTL%3A518819101%2C518652002%2C518976401 : 14 June 2019), New York > Albany > Watervliet > image 44 of 220; citing NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  25. [https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2S-W95?i=18&cc=1438024 "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2S-W95?cc=1438024&wc=KL5Y-4WL%3A518819101%2C518733901%2C519975201 : 13 June 2019), New York > Columbia > New Lebanon > image 19 of 56; citing NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).

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