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Shannon/Crawford Family Mysteries

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Location: Western Pennsylvaniamap
Surnames/tags: Shannon Crawford
This page has been accessed 79 times.

I am at a loss as to who my gggg-grandparents were. I know Charles Dutton Shannon married Jeanette (Jane?) Crawford in 1833. I know they had Rebecca, George, Mary, Stephen, Irene, Vaneman, and John. I believe Dutton's (Charles went by his middle name in his later years.) parents came from Cumberland County to Westmoreland County then to Butler County where Dutton was born in 1802. I am speculating that Dutton's father died in Butler County around the War of 1812. His mother and remaining siblings moved back to Westmoreland County, which then could have changed boundaries by 1840. Dutton appears on an 1840 Census in Washington County as a farmer.

Jeannette's parents are Rebecca Morton and William Crawford. I pretty much have a good foundation of this family. William was married twice, and his marriage to Rebecca wasn't really considered proper because he never divorced his first wife. He had two children from his first wife and I believe 8 from Rebecca.

Does anyone know of this Shannon family? Where did Dutton and Jeannette marry? By any chance, is Jeannette, Dutton's second wife? (I found a reference to a marriage of a Charles Shannon and a Harriet F Henry.)



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