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Sheffield History

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Date: 23 May 2020 [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: Sheffield Name_Studies
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The name Sheffield is of Anglo-Saxon origin. The name was first used in Rutland, where the Sheffields held a family seat. Spelling variations of the name include Sheffield, Shefield, Sheffeild, Shiffield, and many more. Please see the links below for information about Sheffield, UK.

History of Sheffield
Timeline of Sheffield History
Wheat Sheaf A sheaf is a large bundle in which cereal plants are bound after reaping so they are convenient for threshing out the grain. In heraldry, a wheat sheaf is called a 'garb'. The garb (or wheat-sheaf), signifies plenty and commendable hospitality in the bearer. It may also mean that the harvest of the bearer’s hopes is secured. One of the earliest appearances of garbs in heraldry was on the seal of Ranulph, Earl of Chester who died in 1232. Garbs became identified thereafter with the Earldom of Chester, though they also appear in the arms of other families, some with a distant connection to the Earls and some without, as well as in armories of other countries.
Wheat Sheaf The chevron represents the foot of a house, derived from the French work ‘chevron’ meaning rafter. It signifies protection. The chevron was granted to those who had participated in some notable enterprise, had built churches or fortresses, or had accomplished some work requiring faithful service. The color RED signifies Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity. WHITE signifies Peace and sincerity.
Sheffield Cross
Sheffield Cross
A 9th century Anglian cross-shaft, now in the British Museum, has been hollowed out and was found in use as a trough in a cutler's shop in the Park, Sheffield. It may be part of the churchyard cross removed in 1570. It is thought that it may have originated from the churchyard at the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul, formerly the parish church. It includes ambiguous imagery of an archer: in Christian iconography of the period the archer could be a negative figure representing the evils and dangers of the world from which God protects believers. Equally some authorities have interpreted the archer as one of the horsemen of the apocalpse who was traditionally depicted with a bow, or a positive allegory of the "arrows" of the psalms or of God's teaching striking home.[1]
Sheffield Cathedral
Sheffield Cathedral ca 1819
The site of the cathedral has a long history of Christian use. The shaft of the 9th-century Sheffield Cross, believed to have formerly been sited here, is now held by the British Museum.[1] It is probable that Sheffield's parish church, a satellite of Worksop Priory, was constructed here in the 12th century by William de Lovetot at the opposite end of the town to Sheffield Castle. This established the area of the parish of Sheffield, unchanged until the 19th century. This church was burnt down in 1266 during the Second Barons' War against King Henry III


  1. Pastscape MONUMENT NO. 314520

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