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Location: Kentucky, United States
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U.S., American Civil War Regiments, 1861-1866: "U.S., American Civil War Regiments, 1861-1866"
Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA from the following list of worksAncestry Record 3866 #3486 (accessed 12 February 2023)
Regiment: 13th Infantry Regiment Kentucky;
Date of Organization: 30 Dec 1861; Muster Date: 12 Jan 1865; Regiment State: Kentucky; Regiment Type: Infantry; Regiment Number: 13th;
Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 8; Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 6; Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 50; Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 181;
Regiment History:
Thirteenth Infantry KENTUCKY (3-YEARS) Thirteenth Infantry. -- Cols., Edward H. Hobson, William E. Hobson; Lieut.-Cols., John B. Carlisle, Benjamin P. Estes, Maj., John P. Duncan.
This regiment was raised in the fall of 1861, by Col. E. H Hobson, assisted by W. E. Hobson, who became its colonel when the former was promoted to brigadier-general, and it was known as Hobson's regiment. The men came principally from the counties along Green River, Green, Metcalfe, Barren, Warren and others adjoining.The regiment was mustered into service Dec. 10, 1861, at Camp Hobson, near Greensburg, by Capt. S. M. Kellogg.
From Kentucky it marched to Nashville after the fall of Donelson, and thence proceeded with Buell's army to Pittsburg landing. In the battle of Shiloh the regiment was in Boyle's brigade, Crittenden's division, and its casualties were 8 killed and 41 wounded.
Shiloh after battle report:
Report of Col. Edward H. Hobson, Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry.HDQRS. THIRTEENTH REGT. KENTUCKY VOLUNTEERS,On Battle-field, April 10, 1862.GEN.:
I have the honor to report that the Thirteenth Regt. Kentucky Volunteers, under my command, were landed from the steamer Planet on the night of the 6th instant near Pittsburg, Tenn. I was ordered by you to take position in line of battle on the left of Col. Beatty, Nineteenth Ohio, and to remain in position until furthe rordered. Your order was promptly complied with, the men resting ontheir arms throughout the night in a drenching rain. At or about daylight on the 7th you ordered me to move my regiment by the right flank andtake position on the right of Capt. Mendenhall's battery. We were in that position but a short time when the enemy opened a heavy fire with shot and shell, which ranged over the battery and my regiment, a heavy fire commencing on the left of the battery, in which the Fourteenth Brigade were engaged. You ordered me to throw out my two flanking companies as skirmishers, to notice the movements of the enemy. Soon after receiving this order Gen. Crittenden ordered me to move my regiment in double-quick time to the support of Col. Hawkins, Eleventh Kentucky. Marching my regiment, left in front, through a thick chaparral, we found the enemy in considerable force, behind logs and trees, but a short distance in front, when I ordered my me to open fire,which was done in gallant style. We were engaged about twenty-five minutes, when a portion of my line was broken by stragglers from the Fourteenth Wisconsin Regt., which caused a slight recoil on the part of a few of my rear rank men. They were soon rallied, and poured in a heavy fire on the enemy's lines, thinning their ranks and driving them from the field. During the engagement of my regiment in the chaparral the enemy's battery were throwing in shot and shell, endeavoring by that means to drive me from my position, but, the range being too high, caused but few casualties.
Capt. Mendenhall with his battery was ordered into position, and my regiment was ordered to take position immediately on his right, to afford him necessary support.A heavy firing commencing on our left, Gen. Crittenden ordered meto hold my regiment in readiness to charge the enemy's battery, whichI did, in connection with Col. Hawkins' Eleventh Kentucky, both regiments advancing in order and occasionally meeting the enemy,driving them before us until we arrived at a section of battery in our front, which had been abandoned by the enemy, they falling back in confusion. A section of battery on our left was captured about the same time by Col. Fyffe's Fifty-ninth Ohio and Col. B. C. Grider's Ninth Kentucky, they moving on the left, and my regiment and Eleventh Kentucky, Col. Hawkins, on the right, supporting Capt. Bartlett's battery. During the whole day's engagement the men under my command, with but a few exceptions, acted with the utmost coolness and gallantry, andif affords me great pleasure to state that my officers and non-commissioned officers deserve credit for their gallant conduct on the field. Maj. W. E. Hobson deserves the highest praise for his noblebearing and conduct throughout the day. His horse having been shot under him put him to but little inconvenience, as he soon supplied himself with another, urging the men to do their duty as Kentuckians. Capt. D. T. Towles, acting major, deserves special mention for his assistance; also Surg. C. D. Moore, for his prompt attention to the wounded, he being in the thickest of the fight. Asst. Surg. Isaac G.Ingram rendered prompt and efficient service to the wounded in the hospital. Act. Adjt. William Stewart is entitled to praise for his service and conduct during the entire engagement.
The casualties in my regiment are in killed, 8; wounded, 37, and missing, 20.
Respectfully submitted.E. H. HOBSON,Col., Comdg. Thirteenth Regt. Kentucky Volunteers.Brig.-Gen. BOYLE, Cmdg. Eleventh Brigade.Source: Official Records: Series I. Vol. 10. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 10; Find Soldiers in this Regiment: U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles.
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