Location: Belgium
Surname/tag: Belgium
Location: Belgium
Surname/tag: Belgium
This page has been accessed 268 times.
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What will you find here?
The table below provides shortcuts to the decennial tables of births in The State Archives in Belgium. There is no guarantee that the table is complete or completely correct, but it should be enough so to be helpful. Any comments, corrections or suggestions are welcome! For more information on Belgian genealogy and sources, have a look at the Belgium Project.
How is the table organized?
- The rows in the table correspond to the (sub-)communities in Belgium. You can sort them alphabetically by (sub-)community and/or by province (Brussels-Capital Region is counted as a province).
- The columns in the table correspond to the decade in which the starting year of the index falls. Some indices span more than 10 years, so make sure to also check earlier columns.
- The shortcuts in the table represent the starting and ending year of the index. The centuries are not shown, but should be clear from the column. If a cell contains more than one shortcut, it usually means that more than one filming of the same document exists, or (for larger communities) the index is split over multiple documents.
How to use this information?
- To follow the shortcuts you need to be logged in at the state archives in Belgium. Registration is free and easy.
- The shortcuts will take you to a page with a tab called "Archiefbeschrijving" (=description of the archive).
- You can access the actual images of the document by going to the second tab "Gedigitaliseerde archiefdocumenten" (=digitized archive documents). There, one thumbnail will have a pink background. Click on that thumbnail to go to the first page of the index.
- Not all indices are sorted in the same way: they can be sorted alphabetically, chronologically, or a combination of both.
- By clicking on the buttons below the image, you can navigate through the index to find (hopefully) the entry that you are looking for.