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Sid Harris Deed 63-425 Transcription

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 7 Mar 1908 [unknown]
Location: Union, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Harris, Berry, McElroy
This page has been accessed 45 times.


1908 W.M. Berry to Sid Harris. Kentucky, Union County, Deed Book 63, pp. 425-426, County Court. 7 March 1908, Digital images 585-586 of 689, FamilySearch.org, ([1]: accessed 19 May 2021)

Deed Transcription

This indenture made this 7 day of March 1908 between W.M. Berry as Sheriff of Union County, Kentucky, of the first part and Sid Harris of the second part, Whereas Joe McElroy est, was indebted for tax due state & County for the year 1905 amounting to $6.48 and listed in the name of Joe McElroy est, and said amount not having been paid by the 5 day of February 1906 the Sheriff of Union county, could not find personal property to sell to make said amount, he therefore after having demanded payment of amount of the tax as stated in the tax receipt, levied upon the real estate hereinafter described as the property of said Joe McElroy est and said Sheriff having duly advertised the time, place and terms of the sale thereof by written notice set up at the Court House door and t here other public places in the vicinity of the land for fifteen days next proceeding the sale and having notified the delinquent of the lsby made as required by law he did on Feb the 5 day of 1906 it being the first day of the Union County Court expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door of said County for cash in hand the property hereinafter described when tand where Sid Harris being the highest bidder became the purchaser thereof at the price of Three & 12/100 dollars cost and com. ____# 336 recording 2.00 & 1.50 for this deed total $9.98 which sum of money has been fully paid to satisfy the amount due for tax Sheriffs commission costs etc and no one offering to take a less quantity of the property offered for sale and pay said tax and costs. And neither Joe McElroy or his heirs the former owners of said real estate nor any lega l representative having redeemed said property by paying the purchase money with legal interest thereon and costs etc within two years from the day of the sale as required by law. Now in consideration of the facts stated the payment of said purchase money by said party of the second part and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the Sheriff in such cases and the party of the second part having demanded of the party of the first part a deed, therefore said Wm.M.Berry as Sheriff of said County in theCounty in the state aforesaid does hereby convey and transfer to the said Sid Harris his heirs and assigns forever the following described property, towit-

Beginning at a stake corner to Harvey Gilchrist of color, in the Shawneetown Road thence a south east course with said road 51 feet to a stake thence at a right angle and parallel with said Vilchirst line to a stake 12 feet from the line of Sidney Harris thence at right angle and parallel with Harris line 51 feet to Gilchrist line thence at a right angle and with said Gilchrist line to the beginning, see deed book 43 at page 40 union County Court clerks office.

Together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging and he will as Sheriff aforesaid so far as he ought or is legally bound to do forever warrant and defend the title to the property hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever for and on the part f of the said Joe McElroy here the former owner thereof but no further.
Witness my hand the day and year first above written.
Sheriff Union County

Stateof Kentucky, County of Union, Sct;-
I, Liston Talbot Clerk of the County Court for the County and state aforesaid certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from W.M.Berry Sheriff of said County to Sid Harris was on the 7 day of March 1908 produced to me in said Court and acknowledged before me by Wm.m.Berry a s Sheriff as aforesaid to be his act and deed for the purposes therein names.. Given under my hand this the 7 day of March 1908
Liston Talbott, Clerk

State of KentuckyCounty for Union, SCT:-
I, Liston Tabott Clerk of the County Court for the County and state aforesaid certify that the foregoing deed was this day lodged for record whereupon the same with the foregoing and this certificate have beel duly recorded in my office.
Given under my hand this the 9 day of Mch. 1908.
Liston Talbott, Clerk.
By Del H.Cannon, D.C.

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