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Sir Edward Awbrey's Will

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This page is a resource page for the profile of Sir Edward Awbrey.

Edward died in Wales in 1620 intestate. Consequently, his estate was handled by a Letters of Administration.

An image of the original can be found under Images on the Sir Edward’s profile. Below is a copy obtained from the National Library of Wales. The Letter of Administration is copyrighted. A license allowing its display on WikiTree has been obtained.

A genealogist was paid to make the following “translation” whose personal information is below. The original will has been divided into paragraphs for ease of reading.

Translator’s Explanation: Such bonds as this are in two parts, the first in Latin the second in English. The Latin section has been torn away in this particular document at the top right hand corner.

Translation of Letters of Administration for Sir Edward Awbrey, 1620

NOTE: The numbered footnotes and text within parenthesis were added by the translator.

Page 1:

Know all men by these presents that we…
Brecon in the county of Brecon widow……
Gent and Richard Awbrey….
are held and firmly obliged to the most reverend…
Richard1.....by the grace of God Bishop….
money of England to be paid to the Reverend in…
……..executors or his successors…..
well and truly to be made we oblige ourselves and…
totally and our heirs executors and administrators firmly
by these presents Sealed with our seal dated the 28th day of October in the year
of the reign of our lord James by the grace of God king of England Scotland
France and Ireland defender of the faith etc of England France and Ireland the
18th year and of Scotland the 54th2

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above-bounden Dame Johan Awbrey widow the relict of Edward Awbrey of Tredomen knight late intestate deceased do well and truly administer all and singular the goods cattles and credits of the said deceased and faithfully dispose thereof that is to say do pay and discharge all the debts and legacies of the said intestate as far forth as the said goods cattles and credits shall thereunto extend3 and also do make or cause to be made a true and perfect account of in and upon her administration whensoever she shall be thereunto lawfully required. And finally if the said Dame Johan Awbrey her executors and administrators and every of them so save harmless and indemnified keep the above named revered father in God Richard by God’s permission Lord Bishop of St. David’s and all other his officers officials and ministers whomsoever of and from all manner of suits actions troubles and molestations of any person or persons whatsoever touching and granting…the letters of administration of the said intestate his goods unto the said Dame Johan Awbrey That then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else the same to be and remain in full force power and virtue. 4

Sealed and delivered in presence of Rees Lloyd. Robert Yate?, [one illegible name] Tho: Awbrey

Ric Farby?? Signed I.A.5 [Johan Awbrey]

1 Richard Milbourne, Bishop of St. David’s from 1615 to 1621
2 When James VI of Scotland became James I of England he was in the 36th year of his reign in Scotland. The regnal years of both England and Scotland are used in subsequent dating.
3 Some words interlined here
4 This final sentence is the key to the whole document: if the administrator [in this case Johane] performs her tasks properly and makes no trouble then the “obligation” [i.e. to pay a sum of money to the Bishop] is void. I have never come across any example where the money has been claimed: sometimes it is quite a large sum, in this case the relevant wording is missing.
5 In Absentia

Page 2:

Probate Inventory:

A true and perfect…..
goods cattles and…
unto Sir Edward…..
Tredomen in the…..
Knight intestate…..
John Madockes gent….[this and the following names will the appraisers who valued the property]
gent and John Tho….
Day of July an[n]o d[o]m[ini]….

In primis 7 kine ......................................................£9

Item 4 yearlings.................................................................26s 8d

Item 2 oxen................................................................£3

Item 3 calves.......................................................................6s

Item 6 pigs..........................................................................7s

Item 5 horses or gelding......................................... £9

Item 16 acres of wheat and rye..............................£6 6s 8d

Item 22 acres of oats and barley............................£7

Item in household stuff and other implements...£34

Item 5 wethers priced at 5s 6d apiece, in total............27s 6d

Item the poultry about the house...................................3s

...........................................................................Sum £71..[rest not clear. Total should be £71..16..10d]

11th September 1620 there was a commission to Administer to Dame Johane Awbrey widow relict of the deceased etc sworn before the reverend master William Awbrey doctor of law vicar-general6 in spiritual matters…etc saving7

6 This will be a court official and is probably William Awbrey the vicar-general of the Bishop of St. David’s.
7 I regret that so many words are omitted from the Latin sentence here that I cannot follow the sense..it is, however “common form” and not particularly relevant to the Awbrey family.

Page 3:

Grant of Administration:

Let there be administration of the goods of Edward Awbrey knight to Dame Johan Awbrey widow the relict of the said deceased, prestita prius cautione pro indeterminate7

…by said Johane Awbrey Francis Awbrey and Richard Awbrey gentlemen etc

[signed:] G. Awbrey8

8 This text is written in Latin and the Latin form of William commences with the letter G.

Transcription and translation for Stuart Awbrey by Margaret McGregor, AGRA Member, 10th May 2016.

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