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Will of Sir Francis Bickley Bt, of Attleborough, Norfolk 1670

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This is a transcription of the register version of the will of Frauncis (Byckley) Bickley[1]
The will was written on 28 June 1670 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 7 December 1670.

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Words omitted and entered in the margin, are entered as superscripts in the place indicated in the text. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned:

  • my Sonne and Heir Frauncis Bickley (bef.1622-bef.1681) Esqr, himselffe wife and children
  • Francis my Grandchild
  • my daughter Ann (Bickley) Edisbury (bef.1617-aft.1670), herselfe children and Grandchildren
  • my Sonne Eyton
  • my sonne Beale
  • my Grandsonne Sr Jonathan Kete
  • the foure Sonnes of my Brother Richard Bickley (1582-1667) deceased
  • my said Brothers (Richard) widdowe and her foure Daughters
  • Mr George Clapp
  • Mr Josias Rocke the elder
  • Thomas Harthill
  • Mary Keate and John Potter my servants
  • the two Daughters of my brother Thomas Byckley (bef.1588-) deceased
  • my kinswoman Margaret Cleeter
  • Mris Lowe
  • Valentine Peters servant to my kinsman Robert Bickley
  • three daughters Anne Edisbury, Mary Eyton, Elizabeth Beale'
  • my Grand-daughter Dame Susanna Keate
  • Sr Jonathan Keate
  • Edmund Page Esqr
  • Israel Amys (being the Ladie Kilmurreys...)
  • Kenerick Eyton William Beale and John Edisbury esqrs
  • Mary Bickley wife of my said Sonne Francis
  • William Adams (1632-1687) Sr William Adams of Sprowston in the said Countie of Norfolk Baronet
  • Grandsonne Francis Bickley
  • my Grandsonne John Bickley
  • Francis Bickley deceased brother to Mary Martin my kinswoman
  • his Sister Mayes children and his sister Langhornes children
  • Mr George Clapp draper
  • William Savage plummer
  • Thomas Richard and Nathaniel Bickley three younger Sonnes of my said Sonne Francis
  • Elizabeth Bickley my grand-daughter
  • Mary Bickley my Grand-daughter
  • Jane Amy and Charles Bickley my Grandchildren
  • Grandchild Thomas Bickley
  • my Grandsonn Richard Bickley
  • my sonne in Lawe William Childers deceased who hath left onely one Sonne by my Daughter named Francis
  • Francis Childers my Grandchild
  • Mr Josias Rocke and my old and faithfull Servant Thomas Hartill
  • John Bickley my Grandsonne be presented unto the first and next Avoydance
  • my great Grandchildren Francis Charles and Anne Bickley
  • Witnesses: Hen: Eyton junr; Gilbert Fownes:. Samuel Harding:. Tho: Mason:. Fra: Gouldstone:. Tho: Hartill:

In the Name of God Amen: I Sr Francis
Bickley of Attleborough in the Countie of Norfolke Baronet of sound
and perfect memorie, praysed bee god, herby revoking and making void
all former Wills by mee made, Doe this present eight and twentieth Day
of June Anno Domini One thousand six hundred and seaventie, declare
and publish my last Will and Testament in manner following first I
commit my Soule to Almightie God, trusting to bee saved by [blank space] the
alone Merits and Mediation of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, My
Bodie I commit to the Earth to be decently interred without pompe or

[page 2]
vanitie in the Parish Church or Chancill of Attleborough aforesaid expect=
=ing a Resurrection when my Bodie and Soule shall bee reunited to remaine
in eternall Bliss and happiness with my Redeemer Jesus Christ, And for
my personall Estate which God hath blessed mee, withall I dispose of it as

Item I doe will and bequeath to my Sonne and Heir Francis
Bickley Esqr the Summe of fortie Pounds of lawfull english money to buy
mourning for himselffe wife and children, excepting his Sonne Francis; Item
I give and bequeath to the said Francis my Grandchild twentie pounds of
like money to buy mourning for himselfe and children.

And to my daughter
Anne Edisbury thirtie Pounds for mourning for herselfe children and
Grandchildren; And I doe hereby freely release unto her that Summe
of twentie pounds which I formerly lent unto her;

Item I bequeathe my
Grandchild Francis Childers five pounds, To my Sonne Eyton thirtie pounds
To my sonne Beale thirtie pounds for Mourning for themselves their
respective wives and children, And to my Grandsonne Sr Jonathan Kete
thirtie Pounds for Mourning for himselfe Ladie and children:

Item I give
to everie of the foure Sonnes of my Brother Richard Bickley deceased and
to my said Brothers widdowe and her foure Daughters twentie shillings
apeece to buy them rings.

Item I give to Mr George Clapp five Pounds
To Mr Josias Rocke the elder three Pounds. To Thomas Harthill three
Pounds; Mary Keate three Pounds, And I doe give more to the said
Mary Keate, and alsoe to John Potter my servants fortie Shillings
apeece to buy them mourning, if they shall bee living with mee at the
Tyme of my death, and not otherwise;

Item I give to the two Daughters
of my brother Thomas Bickley deceased, and to my kinswoman Margaret
Cleeter and to Mris Lowe twentie Shillings apeece for rings, And to Valentine
Peters servant to my kinsman Robert Bickley tenn Pounds to bee payd to
him at the End and Expiration of his apprenticeshipp if hee shall bee
then living.

Item I give to my three daughters Anne Edisbury, Mary
Eyton Elizabeth Beale and to my Grand-daughter Dame Susanna Keate
the Summe of five pounds apeece to bee layd-out in a peece of silver-Plate,
or otherwise, as they shall severally please; Item I will that my Executor
shall give gold-Rings of tenn Shillings apeece to and amongst such of my
Kindred and Freinds as I shall nominate in writing or otherwise. Item I
give to all my Grandchildren and great-Grandchildren fortie shillings
apeece Except my sonne Bickleys children and grandchildren, And I doe
declare that change my mynd and will is That my Executor doe pay the Severall Legacies
and Bequests aforesaid and discharge my funerall Expences which my
desire is should bee soe Ordered and managed, that they together with
my Legacies and bequests which I will and appoint to bee payd by my
Executor doe not exceed five hundred Pounds, for it is my Will that
the same should be payd and payd out of that Part of my personall estate
I leave to my Executor and not out of the Moneys or debt secured to bee
raised and payd out of certaine Mannors lands Tenements and hereditam[en]ts:
herein after-mentioned lying in Nottingham-shire settled upon the said
Sr Jonathan Keate and Edmund Page Esqr in Trust for mee;

Item I
give and bequeath to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore
of the Towne of Attleborough aforesaid and to their Successors for the
Terme of One thousand years without Impeachment of Wast One close-
of pasture-Ground lying in the Attleborough aforesaid called or known
by the name of the Collidge-Close by Estimation foure Acres abutting
upon Bulls-Lane towards the North, and upon the Lands now or late

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in the Occupation of Israel Amys (being the Ladie Kilmurreys towards the
West to be by them and their Successors from tyme to tyme let and disposed of
the and for the best benefit and Advantage and the yearely Rents and profits
therof (all Charges and Taxes being first discompted) shall be by them and
their Successors yearly payd and distributed upon the Feast Day of the Birth
of Our blessed Saviour called Christ-masse Day to and amongst the poore
People of the said Towne of Attleborough where most need shall bee, by and w[i]th
the direction of my heire for the tume being if hee shall be then present at
such Distribution and I doe revoke and make void soe much of any use or
estate heretofore declared which doth cross or disagree with the Bequest
aforesaid: And where as I by Indenture bearing Date the tenth Day of March
in the Sixteenth yeare of the Reigne of Our Soveraigne Lord King Charles
that now is Annoq: Domini One Thousand six hundred sixtie and three made
betweene mee the said Sr Francis Bickley and my Sonne Francis Bickley of
the one part Kenerick Eyton William Beale and John Edisbury esqrs of the
other part for the settling of the Mannor of Attleborough and other the
Mannors lands tenements and hereditaments with their Appurtenances in
the said Indenture mentioned to Such Uses and upon such Provisoes and
Trusts as are therein mentioned: And whereas by virtue of a Provisoe
therein conteyned I have full power given or reserved to mee to this effect, That
it shall and may bee lawfull to and for mee at all tymes during my naturall
life by my Deed or Writing under my proper hand and Seale Subscribed and
Sealed in the Presence of two or more credible Witnesses or by my last Will and
Testament in Writing signed as aforesaid to revoke and make-voyd all or any
of the Uses Clauses or Trusts therein lymited or expressed: And whereas in and
by the same Indenture it is declared to this effect that the aforesaid Kenericke
Eyton William Beale and John Edisbury and their heires shall have and take
the Summe of One hundred Pounds yearely out of the issues and yearely
profits of the Premisses in the same Indenture mentioned And to pay the said
yearely Summe of One hundred Pounds into the proper hands of Mary
Bickley wife of my said Sonne Francis for such Ends and purposes as are
therein fully declared Now I the said Sr Francis Bickley out of my true Love
and Affection to my Sonne and Daughter (in regard it hath pleased God to
bless them with a numerous Issue of hopefull young Children whome God long
preserve to his Glory and the Comfort of all their relations) Doe by this my
Will give large Legacies and portions to them all, as herein after is expressed
Therefore I doe by this my last Will and Testament revoke and make-void All
that Clause Declaration and Agreement aforesaid and in the said
Indenture more fully expressed with doth Order and appoint the Payment
of One hundred Pounds per Annum into the proper hands of the said Mary
Bickley And doe declare that the said Trustees or any of them shall not
intermeddle to receave or take any part of the Profiles of the Premisses by or
by colour of the said Provisoe Declaration or Agreement: And whereas
I have full Power and Authoritie in and by the aforesaid Indenture given
and reserved unto mee to grant A Rent-charge of the yearely Summe of
foure Hundred Pounds out of the Premisses unto such person or persons for
and during such Terme of yeares as I shall think-fit with Clause of distress
for non Payment as in and by the same Indenture is more fully expressed
In pursuance of which Power I doe hereby grant will and devise the Summe
of foure hundred Pounds [illegible] to be issueing and payd-out of the Mannors Lands
Tenements and hereditaments in the said Indenture mentioned and comprised
charged with the Payment thereof unto Sr William Adams of Sprowston

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in the said Countie of Norfolk Baronet his Executors administrators & assignes
(upon and under the Trusts hereafter expressed touching the same but not any
wayes to or for his owne Use or benefit) for and during the Terme of One hundred
yeares the said yearely Summe of foure hundred pounds to bee payd to the said
Sr William Adams his executors adminstrators or assignes by equall Parts and
Portions at the Feast of Our Ladie the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael
the Archangell in everie yeare during the said Terme or within fifty Dayes
next after either of the said Feasts at or in the Church-Porch of Attleborough
aforessaid, The first Payemtn thereof to begin at such of the said Feast Days
as shall next happen after my Death; And if any Default of Payment shall
bee made of the said yearely Summe of foure hundred Pounds of lawfull
English money or any Part thereof by the Space of fiftie Dayes next after
either of the said Feast Dayes having beene lawfully demanded at the place
of Payment, Then it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Sr William
Adams his executors administrators assignee or assignees from time to tyme after
any default of Payment made as aforesaid, to enter into the said Mannors lands
Tenements and Premisses charged with the Payment of the said yearely rent
or at any part thereof and to distraine for the same and the arrearages thereof And the Distress and
Distresses taken to drive carry-away impound and deteyne according to Law untill
the said foure hundred Pounds and arrerages thereofbee fullie satisfyed and
payd together with the Charges expended in distreyning. Provided always as
touching the said yearely Rent of foure hundred Pounds per Ann[um] devised as
aforesaid, the same is upon Trust following, That if my sonne Francis Bickley
and such other person and persons who after his death shall have and
enjoy the Mannors lands Tenements and Premisses out of which the said
Rent is devised to bee issuing, shall and doe well truely pay or cause to
bee payd at the Place of Payment and upon such Feast Dayes as aforesaid
or within fourtie dayes after the severall Summes of money hereafter
mentioned yearelie and every yeare by equall parts and portions w[i]thout
any deductions or abatements whatsoever that is to say

To my
Grandsonne Francis Bickley the yearely Summe of two hundred and
fiftie Pounds during the joynt lives of my said Sonne and Grandsonne
the first Payment to beginne at such of the said feast-Days or w[i]thin
fortie Dayes afrer as shall next happen after my Death; And alsoe
to my Grandsonne John Bickley the Summe of fiftie Pounds per ann[um]
during his naturall life by equall Portions the first Payments thereof
to bee made at such of the said feast Dayes or within fortie Days after as
shall first and next happen after my Death : And my will is and
I doe devise, That if Payment bee made of the said yearely Summes
of money according as is in this my Will before and herein after-lymited
and declared Then the said yearley Rent-charge of foure hundred
Poundsper Annum or any part thereof shall not bee raised levyed
or payd to or by the said Sr William Adams his Executors administrators
or Assignes But if otherwise then the said Sr William Adams his
Executors administrators and Assignes shall raise levie and pay out of
the said Rent-charge of foure hundred Pounds per Annum to him
devised as aforesaid such Annuities Summe and Summes of money to
such person and persons as aforesaid, and as is herein after appointed
as shall not bee payd their respective yearely payments and Summes
of money in such manner and sort as is before and herein after declared
And from and after this Deathes of the severall Persons to whome
the said yearely payments are appointed to bee made and Payment as

[page 5]
made of their respective Summes of money before or herein after
bequeathed, Then my Will is, that the said Rent-charge of foure
hundred Pounds per Annum devised as aforesaid to the said Sr
William Adams his executors administrators and assignees for the
Terme of One hundred yeares shall cease and bee utterly void;

whereas the Executors of Francis Bickley deceased brother to
Mary Martin my kinswoman have put into my hands the Summe of
one hundred Pounds to take care for the Payment of six Pounds per
Annum to her quarterly during her life, And after her death, Then
the said One hundred Pounds is Ordered to bee equally divided and
payd betweene soe many of his Sister Mayes children and his sister
Langhornes children as should bee living at the Death of the said
Mary Martin; In pursuance of which Trust I have formerly
put-out fiftie Pounds into the hands of Mr George Clapp draper
and fiftie Pounds more into the hands of William Savage plummer
and have taken each of their Bonds for the Securing the Repaym[en]t
of the said principall Money and for the Payment to the said
Mary Martin for her life fifteen Shillings quarterly by each of
them of which said One hundred Pounds I doe appoint my Executor
to take care-of and that the Trust reposed in mee may bee fullie
performed , and the said interest and principall money payd as before is

And whereas by several Indentures made or mentioned to bee made
betweene mee and my Sonne Francis Bickley on the one Part and the said
Sr Jonathan Keate Baronet and Edmund Page esqr. on the other Part, The
One bearing Date the one and twentieth Day of January, the other the
six and twentieth Day of the same Month of January in the fifteenth
yeare of the the Reigne of Our Soveraigne Lord the King that now is, the
Mannors of North-Wheatley and other Mannors Prebends Tythes tenements
and hereditaments in the Countie of Nottingham, are settled and assured
upon the said Sr Jonathan Keate and Edmund Page under the provisoes
Trusts and Agreements and in such sort as are therein severally expressed
and declared for mee and at my Disposall , as by the same Indentures it doe
more fully appeare To the End therefore that the said Sr Jonathan Keate
and Francis Bickley my Grandsonnes may the better performe the
Trust herein after declared by mee in them reposed I doe hereby declare
and appoint That the said Sr Jonathan Keate and the said Francis
Bickley my Grandsonnes and the Survivour of the them his heires executors
and administrators respectively, shall by such wayes and meanes as
in the said Indentures are severally apppointed to the said Sr Jonathan
Keate and Edmund Page raise such summes of money with interest and
dammages as by the said Indentures and either of them is appoynted or
declared to bee raised and payable to mee my Executors administrators or
assignees And I doe appoint That as the said money or any part
thereof shall arise or bee raised out of the Rents and profits of the
premisses or otherwise the same shall bee from time to tyme during hte
Contynuance of the said Trust bee payd onely to the said Sr Jonathan Keate
and my Grandsonne Francis Bickley or to the Survivour of them his
Executors administrators or Assignees upon Trust , that by and out of
the monyes raised and as the same shall bee by them or one of them
their Executors administrators or assignees receaved they and the Survivor
of them his Executors administrators and Assignees shall pay the
severall Summes of money to the Persons herein after-mentioned, that
is to say, To Thomas Richard and Nathaniel Bickley three younger

[page 6]
Sonnes of my said Sonne Francis the Summe of One thousand Pounds apeece
as they shall and doe severally attayne their respective Ages of one and twentie
yeares, And also to Elizabeth Bickley my grand-daughter the Summe of One
thousand Pounds to bee payd to her at her Age of one and twentie yeares or
Day of Marriage if shee happie to marry after her Age of eighteen yeares and
before her Age of one and twentie. And I doe give and appoint to bee payd to
Mary Bickley my Grand-daughter six hundred Pounds at her Age of one and
twentie, And to Jane Amy and Charles Bickley my Grandchildren at their respective
Ages of one and twentie yeares five hundred Pounds appece; And if any of my said
Grandchildren dye before hee shee or they attaine to such Age or time for paym[en]t
of their respective legacies before appointed to bee payd, Then the legacie of him
or any of them soe dying shall bee equally divided and payd to and amongst the
Survivours and Survivour of them at his or their respective Ages of One and
twentie yeares or other tyme appointed for the Payment of the same And to
such of them as shall have receaved their legacies, the Shares and parts of
the Legacies of the Person or Persons so dying as aforesaid to be payd within
six Monethes after the Death of such Person dying before such Age as
aforesaid; And I doe farther will and appoynt that all such Summes of money
shall be payed as shall bee necessarily expended in the Education of my said
Two Grandchildren Richard and Nathaniel Bickley by and with the advise
and consent of my said Sonne Francis their Father his Executors or
Administrators until such time as by him or them they shall bee thought
fit for such severall Callings as shall bee most sutable to their Capacities
And I will and desire , that my said two Grandchildren bee placed out
Apprentices either with Merchants or Shopkeepers such as may best sute
with their naturall Capacities And that one hundred Pounds apeece bee
payd by the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said Grandchild Francis
Bickley for the placing them out Apprentices and tenn Pounds apeece per
Annum to bee payd for fynding them Clothes during them respective
Apprentiseshipps, Or the Summe of Fiftie Pounds apeece in Lieu thereof at
the Election of their Masters; And I doe farther will to bee payd to my
Grandchild Thomas Bickley the yearely Summe of tenn Pounds by equall
Portions at the End of everie six monethes during the Apprentiseship for
the fynding of him apparell and other Necessaries and the Summe of the two
hundred Pounds at the End of his Apprentiseship, And to my Grandsonn
Richard Bickley one hundred more at the End of his Apprentiseshipp;

And to my
Sonne Francis Bickley his executors or administrators the yearely Summe of
thirtie Pounds by equall parts and portions at the End of every six monethes
towards the mainteynance and better Education of my said Grand-daughter
Elizabeth Bickley at the Schoole at Hackney where shee now is or in any other
Schoole at Hackney that my Sonne Francis and his wife or either of them shall
approve of during her Contynuance at Schoole, And I will and appoint that
my said Grandchild Mary bee put to Mistris Samons-Schoole in Hachney
or such other Schoole there, as my said Sonne Francis or her Mother shall
approve of And that shee bee put to Schoole there the Summer after my death
if not placed there before And that there bee payd to her Schoole-Mistris during
her Abode there for her Boarding and Schooling twentie Pounds per Ann[um]
by equall parts and portions at the End of every six Monethes to begin from her
Goeing to or contynuing at Schoole by the other severall yearely Payments to
beginn and made at the end of six monethes next after my Decease, the like
Summe of twentie Pounds a yeare apeece shall bee payd for the Schooling of my
two Grandchildren Jane and Amy by equall Parts and portions halfe-yearely

[page 7]
for long as they doe respectively contynue at Hackney-Schoole; All which said
last-mentioned Legacies and yearely Payements I give to my said Grandchildre
to bee payd as aforesaid, or as soone as the same can afterwards bee raised by
and out of the Rents and profirs or be Sale of the Mannors Lands tenements and
Premisses in Nottingham-shire, or by any other wayes or meanes howsoever;
And that the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said Grand-sonne Francis Bickley
may bee the better enabled to pay the said Moneys and performe the said Trust
I doe hereby declare and appoint, That all and every of the Tenants Bayliffs
Receavers and Agents for the time being imployed in gathering the Rents
and profits of the Premisses shall from tyme to time pay the Rents and profits
thereof to the said Sr Jonathan Keate or my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley
or to the survivour of them his Executors administrators or assignees; And my
Will is, that the said Edmund Page his heires executors or assignees shall not
obstruct or hinder the Payment of the said Rents and profits or any part
therof to the said Sr Jonathan Keate or my said Grand-sonne Francis Bickley
or to the Survivour of them his Executors Administrators or assignees contrarie
to my Appoyntment, but shall during the Contynuance of the said Trust permit
and suffer him the said Sr Jonathand Keate and my said Grand-sonne Francis
Bickley and the Survivour of them his Executors administrators or assignees
wholie to receave the same and for what shall bee so receaved the said
Edmund Page his heires executors and administrators and every of them are
hereby aquited and discharged thereof and from any Breach of Trust touching
the Same:.

And whereas I have A great Debt owing to mee by my sonne
in Lawe William Childers deceased who hath left onely one Sonne by my
Daughter named Francis who is yet under the Age of One and twentie
yeares, which Debt is secured to bee raised and payd out of the said
Mannors lands Tenements and premisses in Nottingham-shire settled by
the said Indentures upon the said Sr Jonathan Keate and Edmund Page
as aforesaid as in and by the said Indentures is more fully expressed
Nowe my Will and mynd is, That if the said Francis Childers my Grandchild
shall live untill hee attayne his Age of one and twentie yeares and shall
within one yeare afterwards make-even all Accompts with the said Sr
Jonathan Keate and my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley or the
Survivour of them his heires executors administrators or assignees and
make full Payment of Satisfaction to the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my
said Grandsonne or the Survivour of them his Executors administrators or
Assignees of all such Debts Summe and Summes of money as are or shall bee
due unto mee at the Tyme of my Death from his Father or accrewing due
since his Father's death, And shall alsoe pay and satisfie all interest=
=money dammages and Charges and other Disbursements according to
severall Agreements in Writing made by his Father with mee, Or in
default of Payment of all such monyes shall joyne with my Trustees and
the Survivoour of them in Sale of mortgaging the Premissess, Soe as the
Same may bee all satisfyed if possible with a yeare after my said
Grandchild shall have attauned his Age of one and twentie yeares
And of my said Grandchild shall not obstruct or hinder any Sale or
Mortagage, Then I will (but not otherwise) that my said Grandchild
Francis Childers shall have allowed unto him upon the making of
such Accompt and Payment of such monyes due upon such Accompt the
Summe of five hundred Pounds which I doe give unto him, if hee live
and perfect the Accompt and pay off the monyes thereupon within the
tyme aforesaid towards what losses may accrew or grow by Tenants in

[page 8]
these hard tymes; And I will that after Payment and Satisfaction made as
afoesaid my said Trustees and the Survivour of them shall convey and yeild up
their eestate in the said Mannors and premisses and all the Evidences that I or
any of them have concerning the Title of the Premisses to the said Francis
Childers his heires or assignees or to such other person & persons their heires
executors & assignees as shall satisfie and pay my Debt interest and charges
to the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley or
to the Survivour of the them his executors admninstrators or assignees; And I doe
father will and appoint that out of the Rents and profits of the Premisses
in Nottingham-shire, there shall bee yearely allowed and payd to the sum[m]e
of threescore Pounds to the said Francis Childers (that is to say) thirtie
Pounds at the end of every six monethes for his mainteynance from and
after my death untill my principall debt interest Costs and Charges upon
that Estate bee fully raised or payd; Which said sixtie Pounds per Annum
and all other Monyes payd for him or to bee payd by my Trustees or either of
them or my Executor for him, are all to bee allowed mee upon the Accompt
of the profits I have receaved & am to receave or dispose of out of the
Premisses in the same manner as was allowed mee upon Accompt in the
life time of his Father; And I doe father will and it is my Desire, that in
regard it is very uncertaine when the Mannors and Premisses in Nottingham=
=shire will bee Sould, that therefore in the meane tyme what Summe or
Summes of money shall bee raysed out of that Estate by the rents and
profits of the premisses (the aforesaid yearely Payments and all other
Charges being discompted) shall from tyme to tyme bee put-out by the said
Sr Jonathan Keate and my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley or the
Survivour of them his Executors administrators or assignees at interest or
otherwise imporved for and towards the raysing of the Severall Legacies
annuall Payments and other Summes of money bequeathed as aforesaid to
be payd out of the premisses by the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said
Grandsonne Francis Bickley and the Survivour of them his Executors
Administrators or assignees as aforesaod; And my desire is That all Care
bee taken by my Trustees or the Survivour of them, That so soone as my
said Grandchild Francis Childers shall have attayned his Age of two and
twentie yeares or before the said Mannors and premisses in Nottinghamshire
bee sould at the best price that can bee gotten for them; And I doe will and
appoynt my Trustees and the Survivour of them his heires executors adminstrators
and Assignees to make sale thereof accordingly and my just Debts interests
Damages Costs and Charges as aforesaid due being payd and satisfyed to the
said Sr Jonathan Keate and my Grandsonne Francis Bickley or to the
Survivour of them his Executors administrators or Assignees the
over-plus Money which remaynes shall bee payd to my said Grandchild
Francis Childers; And I doe will and appoint that what Monyes of myne
shall be remayning in the hands of the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said
Grandsonne Francis Bickleyor the Survivour of them his executors administrators
or assignees raysed by and out the Rents and profits before Sale (all yearely
Payments and Charges being discounted as aforesaid together with the
monyes doe and payable unto mee upon Sale of the Premisses) shall, as is before
declared bee put-out at interest or otherwise imporved as aforesaid, untill
there shall bee sufficient raised for the paying of the aforesaid annuall
Payments and legacies to my said Grandchildren; And I doe will that
after monyes sufficient bee raised for the paying of the said legacies and
and annuall Payements as aforesaid, if there shall bee any overplus money

[page 9]
due or belonging unto mee to bee disposed-of, Then such Overplus-money (All
Charges being first allowed and deducted) shall bee layd-out by the said Sr
Jonathan Keate and my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley or the Survivour
of them his executors administrators or assignees to & for the purchasing of
messuages lands tenements and hereditaments in or neare the Towne of
Attleborough aforesaid which shall bee Settled, so as the Same may goe to
and bee held and enjoyed by my heire-male for the tyme being and Settled upon
my heire-male as my Mannors and Lands in Attlebrough are Settled; And I
doe farther will and appoint, that all Charges and expences about the Receipt
of the Rents in Nottingham-shire and keeping of the Accompts thereof and what
else concerne my Affaires there, shall bee all borne and payd out the that Estate
And I doe principally relye upon the Intergritie of the said Sr Jonathan Keate
and my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley and the Survivour of them his
executors administrators and assignees, That my estate bee soe Ordered that
my Will before-declared touching the same may bee fully and truely p[er]formed
in every part therof; And for the better stating and making-upp yearely
perfect Accompts of all monyes receaved payd or disbursed concerning that estate
in Nottingham-shire, my will and mynd is there shall bee two Bookes of
Accompts kept thereof betweene the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said
Grandsonne Francis Bickley and the Survivour of them and either of their
executors administrators or assignees, And I desire that Mr Josias Rocke and
my old and faithfull Servant Thomas Hartill may bee imployed in the
gathering-upp of the said Rents and keeping of the Accompts thereof soe
long as they discharge their Dutyes faithfully to the Content of my Trustees
Sr Jonathan Keate and Grandsonne Francis Bickley And that they bee
allowed after the same manner as they were in my life-tyme for keeping of
the said Accompts; And I will that there bee two Copies of the said Accompts
fairly written and attested under the hands of the said Mr Rocke and Thomas
Hartill and the Survivour of them every yeare, One Copie thereof so attested
to remaine with Sr Jonathan Keate his executors Administrators or assignes
and the other with my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley his Executors and
administrators and that Care bee taken that the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my
said Grandsonne that the Accompts bee made-upp yearely in the latter End
of the Moneth of May touching the premisses And I doe appoint that my said
Grandsonne Francis Bickley and the Bayliffs or undercollector of the Rents
and Profits of the Premisses for the time being shall yearely in the Moneth
of May for that end and purpose attend upon Sr Jonathan Keate at his dwelling=
=house or where else hee shall appoynt And my Will is, that ye saidSr Jonathan Keate and
my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley shall bee charged onely with such
Summes of money as they doe respectively receave, and the one shall not bee
charged with or for the Receipts of the other:.

Item my Will and desire is
that the aforesaid John Bickley my Grandsonne be presented unto the first
and next Avoydance[2] of the Rectory of the said Church of Attleborough which
shall happen after the Death or Resignation of the present Incumbent thereof
if my said Grandsonne shall be capable by the Ecclesiasticall Lawes of this
Realme to accept of a Presentation thereunto; And if it shall happen that
hee shall not bee capable to accept of the said Presentation, or to bee
admitted to the said Church when the same shall become voyd as aforesaid
That then and from thereforth my said Sonne Francis Bickley and such other
person and persons who after my death shall have enjoy the said Mannors
lands and premisses out of which the aforesaid Rent-charge of foure hundred
pounds per Annum is devised to bee issuing shall well and truely pay over and

[page 10]
above the fiftie Pounds per Annum before-lymited and appointed to bee payd
to him the farther annuall or yearely Summe of fiftie pounds during his naturall life
to be payd by equall parts and portions and at such dayes and tymes of payment
as the first fiftie Pounds per Annum is appointed to be payd to him; And if
default shall bee made of payment thereof the the said Sr William Adams his
executors administrators and assignees shall pay the same of the said rent-charge
of foure hundred pounds per Annum before-devised unto him as aforesaid;

Item I
doe give and bequeath to my said Grandsonne Francis Bickley all my Goods
and housholdstuff in the Romthes [3] which my Sonne Francis and his wife have
lately demised to him;

Item I doe give and bequeath to my great Grandchildren
Francis Charles and Anne Bickley the Summe of five hundred Pounds
which is now owing unto mee by Sr Jonathan Keate upon Bond and
that my Executor shall not bee concerned therein or intermeddle therew[i]th
but that the same shall after my Decease bee conteyned or put out at
interest for the Benefit of my said great Grandchildren by and with
the Consent of Sr Jonathan Keate and my Grandsonne Francis Bickley
and the Survivour of them to bee payd my said great Grandchildren share and
share like as they shall severally attayne their respective Ages of one
and twentie yeares; But if the said Anne Byckley shall marry before
her Age of one and twentie with the consent of her Father, then her
Share and part of the said five hundred Pounds and interest to bee
payd her on her Day of Marriage; And in case any of them my said
great Grandchildren shall dye before the time lymited and appointed
for the Payment of their respective Legacies and shares of the said
five hundred Pounds unto them, Then the part and Share of her
of them dying to be payd to the Survivours and Survivour of
them at such times as their respective legacies is given to bee payd.

Item all my Goods Cattle chattells and personall estate whatsoever
not herein otherwise disposed of and except such as by any Note
or Notes in writing by mee subscribed I shall dispose of or make
mention to have disposed-of, which my Will is, shall bee accordingly
enjoyed by the person or persons to whome the same are given unto or
mention thereof made as aforesaid, I give and leave to the said
Francis Bickley my Sonne who I make and appoint sole executor
of this my last Will and Testament, And I doe nominate and
constitute the said Sr Jonathan Keate and my said Grandsonne
Francis Bickley Supervisors of this my Will, Desiring my said
Executor and Supervisors to take speciall Care to the due Execution
and performance of this my Will; And I doe farther give unto my
said Supervisors in Confidence of their Care to see my Will p[er]formed
the Summe of tenn Pounds apeece, which I appoint my Executor
to pay as tokens of my Love unto them:./

In witness whereof I have
to this my last Will conteyned in eleaven Sheets of Paper with this
sheet subscribed my Name, and to this Sheet of Paper set my
hand and Seale, and have likewise Set my Seale on the top of
the first Sheet thereof the Day and yeare above-written:. / Fra:
Bickley :. Signed sealed and published by Sir Francis Bickely as his
last Will and Testament in the presence of Hen: Eyton junr; Gilbert
Fownes:. Samuel Harding:. Tho: Mason:. Fra: Gouldstone:. Tho:
Hartill:. /

[page 11]
Probate [in Latin] granted at the "aedes Exoniesnses" situated in the Strand in the County of Middlesex [4] on the 7th day of December AD 1670 ... to "Domini Francisci Bickley son and Executor named in this Testament.


  1. Will of Sir Francis Bickley of Attleborough, Norfolk Reference: PROB 11/334/479 Description: Will of Sir Francis Bickley of Attleborough, Norfolk Date: 07 December 1670 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description The National Archives online. Accessed 20 August 2021.
  2. John Bickely to become the Rector of Attleborough when the next position becomes vacant or is "avoyded"
  3. An archaic spelling of Rooms?
  4. All the surrounding wills in this register are proved at this location rather than "apud London" as is the usual notation for the PCC wills

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