Augmented version of Category: Dödsorsaker.
Main purpose of the page is to provide English translations. For Swedish readers seeking explanations of the old terms, there are already many excellent aids, some of them listed below, under Resources.
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Swedish words used in death records
Causes of death recorded by the olden day vicars were classified by symptoms and thus often grouped illnesses with different underlying causes together. The following list is a mixture of these old words for causes of death and more modern diagnoses appearing in later records. It is also a mix of Swedish and Latin.
The list
Links in Swedish words in the list go back to categories in Category: Dödsorsaker. Italics indicate a link to a synonymous category. A link in the English word indicates that there is a corresponding category in English. For most entries there is also a corresponding page in Wikipedia.
- Akut luftrörsinflammation = Bronchitis - Acute bronchitis in Wikipedia
- Anasarcha = Anasarca in Wikipedia (a form of Edema]
- Andtäppa = Shortness of breath, Dyspnoea in Wikipedia
- Anemi = Anemia in Wikipedia
- Avmattande sjukdom = Wasting sickness in Wikipedia - this was often due to tuberculosis
- Barnsbörd = Childbirth - one cause of Maternal mortality
- Barnsnöd = Childbirth - one cause of Maternal mortality (child unborn?)
- Barnsäng = Childbed fever in Wikipedia - one cause of Maternal mortality
- Benröta = (bone-rot) Osteomyelitis in Wikipedia
- Bleksot = Anemia in Wikipedia
- Blodbrist = Anemia in Wikipedia
- Blodförgiftning = Septicemia in Wikipedia
- Blodgång = Heavy bleeding from the uterus - Menorrhagia in Wikipedia
- Blodstörtning (blodspottning, blodhostning) = Hemoptysis in Wikipedia
- Bronchitis acuta = Acute bronchitis in Wikipedia
- Bråck (bråket) = Hernia in Wikipedia
- Brådöd = could be any form of sudden death without externally visible cause
- Bröstböld (bröstenflammat) = Mastitis in Wikipedia
- Bröstfeber = Chest fever - Pneumonia in Wikipedia
- Bröstplågor (bröstvärk) = Chest pains, possibly heart disease
- Bröstsjuka (bröstsjukdom) = Chest sickness, most often illnesses of the respiratory system Wikipedia
- Bukrev - Colic in Wikipedia - any severe abdominal pains
- Bävelsrev (bälsrev, bälgarev) - Bowel pain - Colic in Wikipedia - severe abdominal pains
- Diarré = Diarrhea in Wikipedia
- Difteri = Diphtheria in Wikipedia
- Dragsjuka = Illness with involuntary movements as a symtom.
- Drunkning (drunknad) = Drowning in Wikipedia
- Durklopp = Diarrhea in Wikipedia
- Encefalit = Encephalitis in Wikipedia
- Dysenterie = Bloody Flux - Dysentery in Wikipedia
- Fallandesot (fallandesjuka) = Epilepsy in Wikipedia
- Feber = Fever in Wikipedia
- Fläckfeber (fläcktyfus) = Epidemic typhus in Wikipedia
- Frossa (fråssan) = Malaria in Wikipedia or other fevers
- Fältsjuka = Epidemic typhus in Wikipedia - or other similar diseases in military camps
- Födslopina = Pangs of childbirth - one cause of Maternal mortality (child unborn or stillborn)
- Förkylning = Common cold in Wikipedia
- Förkvävd av modren = Sudden Infant Death in Wikipedia
- Förstoppning = Constipation in Wikipedia
- Gangrän = Gangrene in Wikipedia
- Gastritis = Gastritis in Wikipedia
- Gikt = Gout in Wikipedia - could also be Rheumatism affecting the joints.
- Grippen (gripen) = Influenza in Wikipedia
- Gulsjuka = Jaundice in Wikipedia
- Gulsot = Jaundice in Wikipedia or Hepatitis Wikipedia
- Halsfluss = Tonsillitis in Wikipedia
- Hektik (heqtique) = Pulmonary Consumption in Wikipedia
- Hepatit = Hepatitis Wikipedia
- Hemoptys = Hemoptysis in Wikipedia
- Hetsig feber (hetsfeber) = sudden, intensive fever. Presumably often Typhoid Fever in Wikipedia
- Hjärnblödning = Cerebral Hemorrhage in Wikipedia
- Hjärnhinneinflammation = Meningitis in Wikipedia
- Hjärninflammation = Encephalitis in Wikipedia
- Hjärtförlamning = Cardiac arrest in Wikipedia
- Hjärtslag = Cardiac arrest in Wikipedia
- Hjärtsprång = Convulsions (see Wikipedia). Mostly used for seizures in young children (Neonatal seizures in Wikipedia) but occasionally for Eclampsia (see Wikipedia) or other convulsive events.
- Hosta = Cough in Wikipedia
- Huvudvärk (hufvudverk) = Headache in Wikipedia
- Håll och Styng (Håll) = Pneumonia in Wikipedia
- Influensa = Influenza in Wikipedia
- Invärtes Slag = could be any form of sudden death without externally visible cause - perhaps Stroke in Wikipedia
- Inflammationsfeber = inflammatory fever
- Kallbrand = Gangrene in Wikipedia
- Kikhosta = whooping cough - Pertussis in Wikipedia
- Kloros = Anemia in Wikipedia
- Kolera = Cholera in Wikipedia
- Kolik - Colic in Wikipedia
- Koppor (kopporna) = Smallpox in Wikipedia (variola)
- Krampandtäppa = Cramped shortness of breath, Dyspnoea in Wikipedia. Very likely Asthma
- Kräfta (kräftan) = Cancer in Wikipedia
- Lamhet = Paralysis
- Ledvärk = Rheumatism in Wikipedia
- Lunginflammation = Pneumonia in Wikipedia
- Lungsot (lungtuberkulos) = Pulmonary Consumption in Wikipedia
- Lungsäcksinflammation = Pleurisy in [Wikipedia]
- Magkräfta = Stomach cancer or Stomach Cancer in Wikipedia
- Magplågor - Colic in Wikipedia
- Magsjuka = Stomach sickness - could be many different things
- Magsveda = Smarting stomach - could be Peptic ulcer (in Wikipedia)
- Magsår = Peptic ulcer in Wikipedia
- Marasmus Senilis - Frailty Syndrome in Wikipedia
- Mask (maskar, maskfeber) = Worms (Pinworm?) in Wikipedia
- Mastit = Mastitis in Wikipedia
- Meningit = Meningitis in Wikipedia
- Miserere (misere) (=tarmvred) = Ileus in Wikipedia i.e. Intestinal Obstruction
- Mjältsjuka = Spleen (melancholy) in Wikipedia
- Moderpassion, modersjuka, moderplåga = sufferings of the Female reproductive system Wikipedia
- Mässling = Measles (morbilli) in Wikipedia
- Nervsvaghet = Weak nerves - could include states of anxiety (in Wikipedia) as well as neurological disorders (in Wikipedia)
- Nervfeber = Typhoid Fever in Wikipedia
- Njurlidande = Kidney Disease in Wikipedia
- Obstruction (förstoppning) = Constipation in Wikipedia
- Pleurisie = Pleurisy in [Wikipedia]
- Peripneumonie = Pneumonia in Wikipedia - possibly with Pleurisy in [Wikipedia]
- Pneumonia acuta = Pneumonia in Wikipedia
- Rakitis = Rickets in Wikipedia
- Riset = Rickets in Wikipedia
- Rosfeber (ros, rosen) = Erysipelas in Wikipedia
- Rödsot = Bloody Flux - Dysentery in Wikipedia
- Rötfeber - "rotting fever" most likely severe cases of Typhoid Fever in Wikipedia
- Scharlakansfeber (skarlakansfeber) = Scarlet fever in Wikipedia
- Skälvan = Malaria in Wikipedia or other fevers
- Slag (slaget, rörd av slag) = Stroke in Wikipedia or Apoplexy in Wikipedia
- Smittkoppor (koppor) = Smallpox in Wikipedia (variola)
- Sten (stenpassion) = Gallstone in Wikipedia or Kidney stone Wikipedia
- Stera (torrvärk) = Dry aches - Rheumatism in Wikipedia
- Svullnad = Swelling in Wikipedia
- Styng (håll och styng) = Pneumonia in Wikipedia
- Tandvärk = Toothache Wikipedia
- Tarmvred = Ileus in Wikipedia i.e. Intestinal Obstruction
- Torrvärk = Dry aches - Rheumatism in Wikipedia
- Torsk (tråsk, trösk) = Candidiasis in Wikipedia could be lethal in children
- Trånsjuka = Tuberculosis in Wikipedia
- Tuberkulos = Tuberculosis in Wikipedia
- Tvinsot = Wasting sickness in Wikipedia - this was often due to tuberculosis, but could possibly also be polio
- Tärande sjukdom = Wasting sickness in Wikipedia - this was often due to tuberculosis
- Vattusot (vattensot, vattusiktighet, vattensjuka) = Dropsy - Edema in Wikipedia (sv. ödem)
- Våda = Misadventure - Accidental death
- Ålderdomsbräcklighet (Ålderdom, ålderdomsavtyning) = Old Age - Frailty Syndrome in Wikipedia
- Älta (ältan) = Category: Rickets in Wikipedia
There is a category for Dödsorsaker, which was the origin of this list. Since the purpose of that category was mostly to serve as a dictionary, there are very few profiles in most of the subcategories. There is probably no good reason to continue adding subcategories.
The list above is being augmented with more of the older words.
Due to the nature of the topic, resources explaining the old, obsolete, names for illnesses and causes of death in Swedish records are more or less exclusively in Swedish:
- Svenska Akademins Ordbok SAOB kan man kolla
- Svenska Wikipedia: Föråldrade sjukdomsdiagnoser
- Anbytarforums avdelning Sjukdomar och dödsorsaker är en stor tillgång.
- Hans Högman har en bra lista på Gamla sjukdomsnamn och deras betydelse
- Sjukdomar och sjukvård förr
- Dödsorsaker
- MSFF (Malmö Släktforskarförening) Guide dödsorsaker
Böcker: (det finns fler att lägga till):
- Nils Uddenberg Lidande och läkedom ISBN 9789186061579
- Bergmark, Matts, Från pest till polio: hur farsoterna ingripit i människornas öden, 2., aktualiserade och utökade uppl., Natur och kultur, Stockholm, 1965
- Lagerkranz, Gunnar, Svenska sjukdomsnamn i gångna tider, Södermanlands släktforskarefören., Eskilstuna, 1981
In English
- Intermediate list of 150 causes for tabulation of morbidity and mortality
- FamilySearch: Swedish Genealogy Word List includes some illnesses and causes of death
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